Request No. | 2016-39 |
Date of Request | 7-21-16 |
Requester | |
Application(s) | Standard |
Section / Page | Submission |
Steering Hearing Date | September 2016 |
Proposed Change to Download File | Phase I: No |
Proposed Change to Residency Logic | No |
CCGI currently works with twenty five school districts across the state which collectively serve upwards of 400,000 6th-12th grade students. Those districts upload student’s academic transcript data into individual student accounts on, and all CCGI legal documentation allows for that data to be shared with institutions of higher education at the point of application.
CCCCO is moving towards the use of multiple measures placement. CCGI would like to push student data through to OpenCCCApply in order to support multiple measures placement, and create additional efficiencies for Admissions and Records staff.
For Phase I: CCC will not auto-populate any data from CCGI, but will facilitate the call service with CCGI using the Campaign ID field(s). We may ask for <data> back from CCGI, but mostly we are notifying CCGI when their student submits an application to a specific college. We will also pass them the CCCID.
K12 Needs
By articulating with OpenCCCApply, students would be able to launch their application from within their accounts on (as they currently do with the CSU Mentor applications) and the system would automatically migrate over the key demographic and course information to populate OpenCCCApply (current and potential future data fields).
a. Creates an efficiency for students while increasing the accuracy of information received
b. Enables K12 educators to track which students have applied to which campuses both for:
i. Reporting Purposes and
ii. To support “warm handoffs” to the colleges by coordinating with outreach and counseling staff.
CCC Needs:
In future phases (not Phase I) - Through such an articulation, OpenCCCApply could take in the following information from
1) Student Name
2) Student Address
3) Student Statewide Identifier
4) Foster youth status
5) Completion of three years of high school in California (relevant for AB 540 verification).
6) Courses completed and grades received during all four years of high school
Scope of Data Sharing
l. Summary of Data Sharing
This exchange of data will (1) provide K12 school districts that partner with CCGl way of tracking confirmed submissions of applications to community Colleges utilizing CCCApply, and (2) provide CCCCO and all Colleges currently utilizing CCCApply, the ability to: a) match SSID to CCCID to ensure a "hard match" of any associated student data and b) receive high School course data from CCGl that can be used to support multiple measures placement or other student-success focused interventions. While the actual data elements to be shared for now are only those data elements set forth in Section ill, it is contemplated that the parties will amend this Scope of Data Sharing in the future to allow the CCGI and the CCCCO to share additional data elements between the agencies.
ll. Justification for Data Sharing
Currently there is no universal data Source where CCCs can access high School transcripts. CCGI current has 400,000 student records in its system and has been growing rapidly during the past few years, making it a significant data Source for multiple measures placement. Additionally, as the primary college planning tool for K12 students, families and educators in California, there is value in enabling K12 educators to track student applications so that they can follow up on the appropriate support for successful matriculation (including but not limited to ensuring students fulfill the requirements for priority registration, and awareness of defined pathway programs
III. Data Elements to be Shared
At the point at which a student launches their CCCApply application from within their account on, CCGI will provide the following information to CCCCO Via an API:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Address High School CDS Code of Attendance SSD
- Foster Youth Status Course Data (Phase 1.5)
The CCCCO will then share the following information with the CCGl,
- MIS Code
- Date of application submission
IV. Technical Specifications Of Data Sharing
Data will be shared using an API to be provided by Butte Technology Center and the CCCApply Vendor.
Proposed Workflow
Beginning in Fall 2017 students will be able to launch their CCCApply applications from within their accounts on, the State of California’s college and career planning platform, which is managed by the California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI). For students within CCGI’s partner districts, students’ K12 unique Identifier (SSID or CalPADS ID) will be linked with their CCCID, thereby enabling a reliable match of records with the correct student. For tens of thousands of students within their partner districts, CCGI has demographic data and four years of transcript data. For all students across the state, the launch of a CCCApply application from within a account will allow application status visibility to High School educators at that student’s school.
CCGI’s data is already accepted as pre-verified for the purposes of admission within the 23 campuses of the California State University system. To inquire about partnership with CCGI contact:
A student (or HS educator) using a CaliforniaColleges account will be able to track and display the status of all CCC applications for that student.
High Level Process Flow:
- Student clicks Community College Application link in account →
- Student checks off consent agreement ->
- Student redirected to that college’s OpenCCCApply application (along with uniquely generated non-personally identifiable encrypted key) ->
- Student fills out application ->
- Student submits application to college ->
- Web service at OpenCCCApply securely notifies that the student has completed an application from a specific MIS code
Proposed Timeline
Phase 1: Track Student Applications Originating at CCGI to the California Community Colleges
Development for phase I includes web service articulation between CCGI and the OpenCCCApply Student Profile service in order to track submitted applications and share data about the K12 applicant. Development, testing, communication and implementation will adhere to the guidelines of the CCCApply annual release cycle.
Goal is to have development on both sides completed by end of March July (in order to be in-place for CCGI's launch in May August 2017 for Fall 2017 application season). CCC's release plan is to develop as priority work now and have in test environment by beginning of March end of July.
Fall 2016 / Spring 2017
- CCC will define requirements for retrieving, tracking, and storing incoming applications from students originating on CCGI ( website. Development requirements are listed below.
- CCGI will develop API, the secure tokens (keys), student-facing webpages including links to CCC colleges, security auth specifications, and endpoints .
Future Implementation Phases
Initially the full implementation called for several phases of development and integration with CCC student data. Per meeting 10/27/16, CCGI will work with CCCTC on Phase I only. Future phases of development will be determined as needed.
Requirements Summary
Below is a high level summary of requirements for both CCGI and CCCApply. All development work is tracked in JIRA for developers, DevOps, and product management. JIRA ticket numbers are listed below.
CCGI Workflow & Requirements | Action Items |
CCGI authenticated student applies to a California Community College from the website | CCGI will set up page or functionality for student to choose the college and click on the link to apply; |
CCGI API: Passes one or more unique identifier token with each session: CCGI will pass some unique identifier(s) (hash or key/token) that identifies an individual student session with an initial timestamp; Student creates OpenCCC Account (creates CCCID) and starts and submits application to college. | Define token and security; provide to CCC |
Via CCGI-developed API, CCGI will listen for submitted applications via the Student Profile Service broadcasting Unique identifier(s) when an application is submitted via AWS Web Service | Initial request should also have timestamp, We need rest endpoint, security (OAuth or something) from them (CCGI) |
CCGI retrieves: CCGI's API will retrieve 1) Unique ID (token); 2) College MIS code; 3) CCCID 4) Submit Date Unique identifier - allows us to track where the session comes from and will be passed | Define retrieval and storage requirements for data fields on their end |
CCGI Passes back to CCC: Student ID | Once notified of a submitted application |
Setup test environment | |
CCCApply Workflow & Requirements | Apply Dev Action Items |
Develop process to identify and receive incoming student applications/account sessions from CCGI via secure, unique identifier code (unique per student session) and track that session/token through Account creation (CCCID) and application submission to a specific CCC college. College MIS code is passed back to CCGI Identifier Key/Code is passed back to CCGI Submit Date of application is passed back to CCGI |
By March or early April, we need the endpoint from CCGI. We need to manage and keep the token session active for a while. |
OpenCCC will broadcast via AWS unique ID(s) or tokens, student's CCCID, College MIS Code and Submit Date fields to CCGI, | broadcast fields through AWS |
CCC will retrieve and store unique CCGI identifier (or defined token) | Apply will retrieve and store unique Identifier |
Set up test environment by March | Test environment set up |
Supporting Documentation
Notes from 7 21 16 CCGI - Butte call.docx (Internal Use Only)
Data Sharing Agreement - CCCCO/CCGI (Restricted. Internal Use Only)
FCCC/CCGI & CCCCO Data Sharing MOU (Internal Use Only)