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Request No.2019-35
Date of Request03-01-19
RequesterRedesign Workgroup
Application(s)All CCCApply Applications
Section / Page

Consent Section
Terms of Use / Privacy Policy
Enrollment Page or My Applications

Steering Hearing DateTBD 
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNo

Table of Contents

Problem / Issue

The amount of onscreen text in the Consent to Release Information section in Apply (including the Full Statement of Consent) - is mandated by the CO Legal Council:

"The Consent Question is required by the Legal Counsel of the CCC Chancellor’s Office. The text, prompt, data value, access, and handling are defined by Legal Counsel and any changes require approval by Legal Counsel. This data is expected to be propagated throughout student information systems over time and circulate to the Chancellor’s Office through MIS reporting. Accommodating this data item is likely to be mandated in the future."

Currently, this is the language that appears on screen:

The community colleges you attend and the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges request your help. We ask that you agree to allow us to release necessary personal information about you to various agencies and organizations so we can do research, plan programs and offer special services to you (such as transfer opportunity information or state financial aid). If you do agree to give your consent, your information will not be sold, used for commercial purposes, released to the public, or given to other government agencies for purposes of determining benefits (other than financial aid), except where specifically required by law. In addition, if you do consent to release of your information, those organizations and agencies to which your information is given are prohibited by law from using it for any unauthorized purpose or releasing it to anyone else. If you do not give your consent, personal information about you will not be shared with other organizations or agencies except where allowed by law. You should also know that, answering “no” to this question will not prevent release of certain “directory information” about you. To learn more about directory information or how to block its release, see the Privacy Policy.

I authorize the Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges, and the community colleges I am attending to release necessary personal information contained in my education records, including my Social Security number, for the purposes described in the Full Statement of Consent:

[radio button] Yes, I consent
[radio button] No, I do not consent

As part of the effort to expand and enhance our current CCCApply data collection and sharing policies, it was determined that a comprehensive review (complete overhaul) is needed of all CCCApply legal information, privacy policies, consent to release information, mandated disclosures and terms of use policies - to ensure we are compliant with all state, federal and CCCCO laws and regulations. 

obtain student consent to share information about themselves once they commit their intent (click the link to a college Application URL) - directory information and additional data will help the college reach out and provide support to the student during the process.

This is one piece of the feature story:  Allow Access to In-Progress CCCApply Data. 

See also:

  • Implement a new Consent to Release checkbox question, or pop-up modal on the Enrollment page to capture the student's permission to share their in-progress application data with the college
  • Craft short disclaimer called Consent to Release In-progress Application Information and/or other legal language as needed - possible to link to Full Statement of Consent
  • Explore and estimate effort to move the Enroll Status question to the Enrollment page from the Education page
  • Integrate Glue to deliver in-progress data to college

Proposed Solution

SUGGESTIONS for Revisions

Below is language to help inform revision to Consent to Release policies:

<< below is from Common App >>

What information can schools see about my application before I submit it?

Colleges do not have any access to your information until you add them to your My Colleges list. At that point, they can see only the information you have filled out for their school. They cannot see other schools to which you are applying.

Any College listed under My Colleges will have access to the following information from your application:

  • Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, (Legal Name)
  • Preferred Name, (Preferred Name)
  • City, State, ZIP, Country, (Current Address)
  • Ethnicity, (Race & Ethnicity)
  • Sex, (Gender)
  • Applicant ID, (CCCID)
  • Citizenship Status, (Citizenship Status)
  • DOB, (Birthdate)
  • Entry Term, (Term Applying For)
  • Decision Type, (Education Goal)
  • Applicant Type (First Year or Transfer), (Enrollment Status)
  • Academic Interest, (Major/Program of Study)
  • Paid Status,
  • Recommenders,
  • School CEEB and School Name  (High School Name, CDS code, CEEB code)

If you permit schools to communicate with you prior to submitting an application, they will also have access to:

  • Permanent Home Address,
  • Alternate Phone, Cell Phone,
  • Email,
  • SSN

Once you submit an application to a school, that school will have access to all the information on the specific application.

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Would colleges be affected by this change? 

Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple Measur
Other dependencies?

Other implementation considerations?

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes