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Request No.2019-37
Date of Request5-31-19
RequesterEmily Gerofsky - CCC Foundation for Immigrants Rising
Section / Page


Steering Hearing Date8.13.19 (sub-committee meeting coming)
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD

Table of Contents

Problem / Issue

Suggestions for Increasing Access for Undocumented Students  in the CCCApply Applications

5/31:  Emily says that the group is not available to meet yet  - mid-June at the earliest. The advocacy organization is "Immigrants Rising" - which is working closely with the Foundation on Dreamers, undocumented students, etc. etc.  Emily says they have a website.  Check it out.

Emily at the Foundation is setting up a meeting - acting as liaison with this org

Dear Omid:
I hope my email finds you well! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with Leah and I last week regarding accessibility of the CCCApply application for undocumented students.
Per your request, I have captured the screenshots from the CCCApply and/or individual school applications to create a document that highlights some of the concerns undocumented students face and provides suggestions. As promised, I
shared these screenshots with various undocumented students and CCC educators in order to be able to identify concerns and agree upon proposed language/suggestions.   Here is a link to document on google docs, if you use that. I
also have attached it as a PDF document, if you prefer that.
I really appreciate you taking the time to look this over because these issues are very likely reducing the enrollment of a growing population in California’s  Community Colleges. I know you have an upcoming meeting this Friday with your
committee, so I'm glad to speak with you on Thursday or Friday to answer any questions you might have prior to presenting it to them.

Proposed Solution

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Would colleges be affected by this change? 

Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple Measur
Other dependencies?

Other implementation considerations?

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes