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Issue TypeCOCI ComponentDescriptionTicket Number

BugWorkflowSave Exception Error with Substantial Changes on Review page for Programs CC-1900

ReportsCDCP report needed to support funding reports sent to MIS for NC certificates and coursesCC-1615

Page DesignDisplay College Name on Program Details ScreenCC-1101

Data DisplayTOP Codes in Reviewer Program Review and Course Review should show numbers and titleCC-1178

Page DesignDashboard Tab for Reviewers - Move queues to 2 new pages, content/layout of dashboard tab to match other rolesCC-1474

Page DesignCourses and Programs Tabs - Update tab label to All Courses and All ProgramsCC-1475

WorkflowCourse and Program Proposal Status --> workflow when reviewer selects save and denyCC-1505

WorkflowCourse and Program Proposal Status --> submitter workflow when reviewer selects save and deny on a proposal w no CN assignedCC-1513

WorkflowReviewer Screen - Change Save and Deny button to Send to RevisionCC-1570

WorkflowRemove Edit Link from Action Column on Courses Page when Status is InactiveCC-1573

BugPage Design"Return to Queue" button returns to Dashboard and not the respective queue.CC-1577

Page DesignUpdate CB01 data for mission college with spreadsheet attachedCC-1648

UsersAttributes to add to main users tableCC-1656

BugPage Designcollege submitter name never updatesCC-1706

BugData DisplayJustification Field not appearing when its required CC-1707

Data DisplayReviewer field doesnt populate for credit courses on main courses pageCC-1711

WorkflowRemove Sub Change flag from TOP code changes in programs CC-1715

BugDocumentsapproval letter template for courses and programs CC-1733

BugReportsCourses Export via Public Courses page not exporting all coursesCC-1734

BugData DisplayJAC Sponsor Phone not accepting any value over 255CC-1735

Page DesignIn 'Users' Tab, "Return to User List" or "Save Changes" should bring you back to filtered and sorted resultsCC-1157

Data DisplayAward Column in Reviewer Queue should appear with detailed Award instead of codeCC-1177

Data DisplayAdd Control Number into the Course / Program HistoryCC-1338

ReportsRequest for TOPCode search in public courses report (outside login)CC-1356

Page DesignReviewer Queue - Color Code Proposals in Review that were previously in Revision StatusCC-1504

Page DesignReview Queues - Add additional column for Review StartCC-1506

Data DisplayResults table heading of Status Date on Main Courses and Programs PagesCC-1712

BugData DisplayOn the New or Edit Course page, there are two Supporting Document headers.CC-1719

Page DesignCredit Status in Courses Tab> would like to be able to add filter for "all credit courses" or "noncredit= 0"CC-1167
