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OpenCCC 2.4.0 deployment schedule:

  • To pilot environment: December 2023

  • To production environment: January, 2024 target date


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Table of Contents

Release Scope

  • Integration of OpenCCC Administrator tool

    • New OpenCCC User Account tool

    • Multi Account Creation tool

  • Bug Fixes


By the direction of the Chancellor’s Office, a new third-party identity verification service is being introduced into the current admission application workflow to reliably verify and confirm the identity of students and prospective applicants before they enter the CCC system. Systemwide use of the California Community Colleges Student Identifier (CCCID) is fundamental to maximizing the state and local investments that benefit students. Recently the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office has mandated that every student currently enrolled in a California Community College have a CCCID for tracking and reporting purposes. Without the universal implementation of CCCID, key information about students can be obscured, which in turn undermines the system’s ability to serve their need.


Although approximately 80% of CCC students currently have a CCCID, students who enroll outside of the online systemwide application (i.e., CCCApply) are more likely to not have a CCCID in their local college’s Student Information System (SIS). The objective for the new account creation tool is to provide our colleges and institutions with a simple and efficient process that will ensure every student has a lifelong CCC systemwide account and student identifier.

New OpenCCC Administrator Tool

The initial phase of this project includes integrating an opt-in/opt-out “ID verification” step for all applicants age 18 years or older. The ID verification step is positioned between the OpenCCC student account system and the CCCApply admission applications, allowing colleges to capture provable personal information to confirm the student’s legal identity.

By adding digital, direct, and self-service identity-proofing software into our existing workflows allows our local A&R and financial aid staff to focus their time on the students who need extra support and the individuals who cannot easily prove their identities, such as:

  • Undocumented

  • Minors

  • Special Needs

  • Fraudulent/bad actors trying to enter the system.

This release features the first phase of development of the primary user flows, UI screens, and data tracking of students’ opt-in/opt-out ID verification status.


Used widely across California state agencies, over 8 million Californians already have an account making it easier to complete the new verification process.

Benefits to System

  • Reduces fraud across the system

  • Supports Admissions & Financial Aid Processing time

  • Focus more A&R staff time on student support vs fraud evaluations

  • Large government agencies using


Per CCC privacy laws new and existing students will have an option to opt-out of ID verification.

How It Works

All new and existing adult students will be encouraged to verify their identity during the admissions process, and when submitting a California College Promise Grant (CCPG) online application. To facilitate this, several new workflows have been incorporated into the OpenCCC account creation and sign-in processes designed to guide the student to the application according to their ID verification status (verified or unverified) as they encounter a new Verify your Identity page  - the first step in the verification process.  Below are summaries of the new workflows and primary use cases and how these changes will impact the colleges. 

Use Cases

Unverified Students

The majority of unverified students are new and existing domestic and international students age 18 years or older who still need to complete the ID verification process. These students will first encounter the Verify Your Identity page when they create their new OpenCCC account or Sign In to their existing account to submit or resume a CCCApply application. Unverified students may choose to opt-in to verify their identity as part of the application process or opt-out of verification and be routed directly to their intended application.

Verified Students

Verified students will have completed the verification process during the application submission process and will maintain this status for 12 months. If a verified student submits another application within 12 months, they will bypass the verification process entirely and will be directed to their intended application or service upon sign in. 

Change of Status from Verified to Unverified

A student’s “verified” status may expire or become unverified if it has been over 12 months since their last verification or if they update or change certain information in their account profile, namely their first, middle, or last name, or their date of birth. The student must repeat the verification process to restore their status to verified.

InfoFor information on the ID verification status field and the different status values, see the Verification Workflow Status

To support this systemwide need an OpenCCC Account Creation admin tool has been implemented that will allow colleges to generate user accounts and CCCIDs for those students who are either unable to access computer devices and email or existing students who have bypassed the current online systemwide application process for various reasons.

Two options:

  • Single Account Creation -allows authorized staff to create a single OpenCCC account and generate a CCCID on behalf of a student who may be unable to complete the CCCApply application process.

  • Multi Account Creation - will allow the processing of multiple students simultaneously in order to 1) generate new accounts/CCCIDs if needed; and/or 2) identify if a duplicate account already exists in the system. Staff can then update their SIS systems as needed for MIS and other reporting purposes.


To gain access to the new OpenCCC Account Creation tool, please reach out to your College Experience Manager @ Individual requests for access must be approved by a college administrator.

Use Case


Who benefits from this…

Single Account Creation

Create an account and/or submit application(s) on behalf of a student who may enroll outside of the systemwide online application process (CCCApply).

  • These include:

    • Incarcerated, nursing home, and other similar student populations who do not have access to computer devices or the internet

    • Noncredit students who may enroll outside of the online CCCApply Noncredit Application (i.e., noncredit paper application)

    • Instructional Service Agreement (ISA) students who enroll directly into an SIS

Multi Account Creation

Backfill accounts or missing CCCIDs for existing and/or inactive students.

  • Legacy or existing CCC students who enrolled prior to the college’s implementation of the systemwide online application (missing CCCIDs)

Security Considerations

How It Works

OpenCCC student accounts are typically created by the student using their unique, personal email address and verified through a two-factor authentication process (2FA) in order to validate and secure their identity information. 

However, in the special cases where the student is unable to complete this process on their own, an authorized staff may now create and validate an account with temporary credentials on their behalf that can be reclaimed by the student at a later date.  This process, although seemingly simple, may require the college to implement new practices and security processes for storing and handling student data.


See details on different use cases.

  • Single Account Creation allows authorized staff to create a single OpenCCC account and generate a CCCID on behalf of a student who may be unable to complete the CCCApply application process.

  • Multi Account Creation (Coming January 2024) will allow the upload of a multiple student information in order to 1) generate new accounts/CCCIDs if needed; and/or 2) identify if a duplicate account already exists in the system. Staff can then update their SIS systems as needed for MIS and other reporting purposes.

Multi Account Creation


How it Works: Reclaiming Ownership of An Account

Once an account is created on behalf of a student, the student will be able to take ownership of that account at any time. Using the temporary credentials used by the Institution to create the account, the student will sign in, update their email address in their OpenCCC Account Profile, and then complete the password reset/verification process again using their now accurate information. For details on reclaiming ownership of their account, see the User Flows section below.

Primary Workflows

To facilitate the ID verification process a series of new screens will guide the student appropriately, following OpenCCC account creation, the sign-in process, and/or a change to their Profile details, as needed, depending on the different use cases. 


Note: For students proceeding to CCCApply, all future applications submitted within 12 months after identity verification will pass through the spam filter without being marked as fraudulent.

Security Considerations

Changes Data Fields & Data Delivery

InfoReminder: Once a student completes the initial process they will have an account with To re-verify, all they need to do is proceed to and sign in to their account

For best practices and some suggestions for creating multiple accounts from one verified account, see Using the Master “plus 1” Option in the Best Practices & Considerations section below.

College Preparation & Use

The new OpenCCC account creation admin tool has been implemented in the CCC Administrator, the same system that houses the CCCApply Administrator. The tool allows authorized staff to manually create student accounts as. needed using the same type of role-based authorized access in place for the CCCApply Administrator.  


To gain access to the new OpenCCC Account Creation tool, please reach out to your College Experience Manager @ Individual requests for access must be approved by a college administrator.


Using the Account Creation Tools

Pilot Testing



Pilot Testing: Request to Participate

Pilot testing will be announced on

See the pilot testing instructions below. Communicate your pilot test feedback or log any bugs with our Staff Support team:

General Pilot Testing Instructions for OpenCCC Administrator Tool

  1. Go to your college’s CCCApply pilot site or the “Unicollege” generic pilot site listed below.

  2. Sign in with an existing pilot testing account, or create a new account for pilot testing

  3. Don’t forget to tell us of any issues you encountered during your testing. Send feedback or log any bugs with our Staff Support team:


Staff Support

The OpenCCC Helpdesk will continue to provide student support, and as usual, the College Support Services team will respond to staff support requests.


FAQs and support materials are currently being created to support this new integration. In addition, data dictionaries and crosswalks will be updated to coincide with this release.