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AB928 - Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021 |
Proposed Release Dates
Pilot: TBD - Spring 2024
Production: TBD - Spring 2024
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Business Need Information
The 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education promised an accessible, affordable, and high quality higher education for all California students who qualify;
A transfer pathway from community college to four-year institution is an integral component of the master plan’s commitment to access and affordability;
a large gap exists between the number of students who hope to transfer and those who do:
There is a clear need to further streamline and make the transfer process easier for students to navigate, especially during these challenging and unprecedented times.
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There is a clear need to further streamline the application and enrollment process to make transferring easier for students. Changes to CCCApply can help guide students on this path. |
User Flow
Proposed Requirements
Create a new Educational Goal filter in the Majors Configuration area of the CCCApply Administrator.
This new filter must be disabled by default.
When enabled, this Educational Goal filter will allow the filtering of Major Categories and Majors by their assigned Award Type.
For Phase 1, the only filter implemented will be for Educational Goal #1: “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution.”
When a student selects Educational Goal #1 and the Educational Goal filter is enabled, the Major Categories drop-down list will only display major categories associated with one or more majors with the following Award Type:
A major category with no majors associated with an Award Type of AA-T, AS-T, AA, or AS should not be displayed in the major categories drop-down box.
When a student selects Educational Goal #1 and the Educational Goal filter is enabled, the majors displayed in the majors list should be displayed in the following order
AA-T majors first, in alphabetical order within that award type
AS-T majors second, in alphabetical order within that award type
AA majors third, in alphabetical order within that award type
AS majors fourth, AS-T majors second, in alphabetical order within that award type
No majors should be displayed other than those associated with the Award Types AA-T, AS-T, AA or AS
When any Educational Goal other than Educational Goal #1 is selected, major categories and majors will display alphabetically without any Award Type filter (continue current business logic).
AB928 FAQs
What does AB 928 do?
The Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021 streamlines the process by which California community college students may transfer to a 4-year university or institution.
What is the general education pathway promised by AB928 called?
This common core curriculum is called the Intersegmental General Education Transfer curriculum (IGETC). Any student who completes the IGETC course pattern is deemed to have completed the lower division coursework required for transfer to the UC or the CSU (Education Code (EC) Section 66720).
Change Requirements FAQs
Do colleges have to implement the new Ed Goal Alignment filter?
Yes. The initial phase of the new Ed Goal filter will require colleges to turn on/enable the new feature in CCCApply Administrator.
Colleges must also ensure that the majors defined in CCCApply Administrator are associated with the specified Award Types supported by the filter, and described in a way that can guide students to the correct major program selection.
Is the Ed Goal Alignment filter being implemented in the Noncredit Application in Phase 1?
No. The Ed Goal Alignment filter is being implemented in the CCCApply Standard Application only.
What changes are being made to the student workflow in Phase 1?
In Phase 1, the primary change to the user flow pertains to the Majors and Major Categories fields that display IF the student selects Ed Goal #1 from the Education Goal field = “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution.” No other changes to the application are being introduced at this time.
What is required by the college to implement the new Ed Goal Alignment filter in Phase 1?
In order to best guide students on a path to transfer, colleges will need to ensure that their local degree and transfer degree majors have the proper Award Type value set for each program configured in the CCCApply Administrator. The CCCTC Enabling Services teams will drafting documentation with tips and recommendations, and will be offering implementation trainings during an extended Pilot testing period.
Are changes being made to data delivery to the college in Phase 1?
No. There are no data field changes anticipated as part of this implementation. All existing fields, values and response options will remain unchanged in the application.
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AB928 - Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021 |
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Terms & Abbreviations
AA-T = Associate of Arts Degree for Transfer
AS-T = Associate of Science Degree for Transfer
AA = Associate of Arts Degree
AS = Associate of Science Degree
Transfer Degree = Certification/degree that matriculates for transfer to CSU or UC?
Ed Goal = Abbreviation for Education Goal
Education Goal = [In this context]. An onscreen multiple choice menu question collecting the applicant’s Education Goal on the Enrollment page of the Standard application associated with Education Goal (SB - <edu_goal>
Ed Goal #1 = [In this context] Ed Goal #1 is the first response option displayed to the applicant in the Education Goal dropdown menu = A = Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution.
Field = [In this context] Is a single unit of data that is unique within the database. In the application, a data “field” is related to one or more questions.
Question = [In this context] An onscreen expression used to elicit information or data from a student on the application. A question can be associated with one or more data fields.
Response Option = [In this context]. A response option is one or more potential answers to a multiple choice questionthataligns to an associated data field value.
Value = [In this context]. A field value is the unit of data associated with is the server-side equivalent to unit of n option associated to a data field.
Education Goal Field
(Existing Values & Response Options in the Standard Application) <edu_goal>
A = Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution
B = Transfer to a 4-year institution without an associate degree
C = Obtain a 2-year associate degree without transfer
E= Earn a career technical certificate without transfer
F = Discover/formulate career interests, plans, goals
G = Prepare for a new career (acquire job skills)
H = Advance in current job/career (update job skills)
I = Maintain certificate or license
J = Educational development
K = Improve basic skills
L = Complete credits for high school diploma or GED
M = Undecided on goal
N = Move from noncredit coursework to credit coursework
O = Currently enrolled 4-year college student taking community college courses to meet 4-year college requirements
Award Type Field
(Optionally assigned to each Major by the college in the Administrator)
1 | = AA_degree | Associate of Arts degree |
2 | = AS_degree | Associate of Science degree |
3 | = Certificate | Certificate of Study |
4 | = Other | None / Other Award Type |
5 | = AA-T_degree | Associate of Arts degree for Transfer |
6 | = AS-T_degree | Associate of Science degree for Transfer |
Y | = BA_degree | Baccalaureate of Arts (BA) degree |
Z | = BS_degree | Baccalaureate of Science (BS) degree |
Enrollment Status Field
(Existing Values & Response Options in the Standard Application) <enroll_status>
1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)
2 = Transfer student from another college
3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term
Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
Z = Adult school student in a high school diploma or equivalency program