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This page provides a step-by-step guide for creating a new student account using OpenCCC 2.0. |
Students must have an OpenCCC account before they can apply to a California Community College using CCCApply, therefore most students create their account the first time they apply for admission. All current and prospective students, including high school and lower grade students exploring careers with Career Coach, or submitting a financial aid application, will encounter the Create an Account link on the OpenCCC Sign In page as they begin their CCCApply application for college.
The simple, mobile-friendly account creation process redesign focuses on the student experience first. Using a clean interface style and clear instructions, users can create & validate a new account, and complete their Profile, in under 7 minutes.
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The new account creation process has been greatly streamlined; nevertheless, time-to-creation will vary depending on the user. |
Start on the Sign In page.
Select the Create An Account link below the Sign In input field.
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By default, the system will prompt the user to use a unique email address for their preferred method of validation. |
3. Alternately, Enter a unique mobile phone number could be used. 3. Enter a unique email address in the Email input field.
4. Click the Email My Verification Codebuttonto begin the process of validating your identity.
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Success! Attribute is Unique: If your email address is unique, a verification code will be sent to the user’s email account. The Verify Your Accountpage is displayed. |
Warning |
Attribute is Not Unique: If your email address is not unique, you can try again or switch to the other method by selecting Use mobile phone instead link. The page will refresh with the Mobile Phone input fieldcontact Support at for assistance. |
Note |
Retry Attempts: If you’re certain that your email address (or mobile number) email address is unique to you, try to enter it again. The system will allow 3 retry attempts before displaying an error message. |
Note |
For security purposes, two-factor validation is used to verify your identity. A time-sensitive security code is sent to the user’s email account (or mobile device). The code must be retrieved and used within 10 minutes of requesting the code. Below is an example of the verification code message received by email. |
7. Click the Verify Email button to validate the code.tip
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Validation Success: If your security code is valid, the create & verify process is complete. The Create Profile section will display next. |
Warning |
Didn’t receive your code? Click the Resend Code link to receive a new security code. If you want to switch to the other method of contact, click the Back to Sign In link to start over. |
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Next: The Create Profile section should be displayed and you are almost done. |
Next: The Create Profile section is displayed
The user’s preferred and validated sign in credential (email or mobile number) email address will be pre-filled in the Profile with the Preferred Method of Contact indicator set to that method. You’re almost done!
Step 2: Create Your Profile
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Required fields are identified with an asterisk ( * ). If an asterisk not appear at the end of each field label, you are not required to provide that information. |
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Note: Once validated, the email address (or mobile number) used to validate your identity during account creation will be pre-populated in the Contact Information section to save you time. This data cannot be changed until your account is created and confirmed, at which time you can sign in and access the Edit Account system. |
Note |
Mobile Phone Number Duplicates: If the system detects that the user’s mobile number is a duplicate in the system, the credential cannot be used for validation. |
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Designed for Student Success: To further simplify the account creation process, the system will autofill any information we collect from you in a previous section, such as your email address or mobile phone number (which is collected in the Create & Verify process). |
Next: The Personal Information section is displayed.
Personal Information Section
be at least 8 characters in length
contain at least one uppercase letter
contain at least one lowercase letter
contain at least one number
contain at least one of the following special characters ( !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, or *)
must NOT contain your name
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Password Security: When your password meets the requirements criteria, the “Password must:” box will appear solid green, as shown in the screenshot below. |
Note |
Your password is required if you forget your Sign in credentials (email or mobile phone numberaddress), or if you need to edit your account. |