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The image below is an example of the kind of report you can run in the CCC Report Center. This report shows the results of looking up student applications submitted in a specific date range.


Terms of Use and Support

The OpenCCCApply Pilot environment is meant to be a carbon copy of the Production environment to allow colleges to stage changes in their configurations and test implementations prior to an update or product roll-out. While the Pilot environment is a clone of Production, it is not actively monitored for errors and issues in the same way that the Production environment is. Thus, there is no support team in place to respond to Pilot environment issues. For those colleges currently implementing OpenCCCApply, reporting issues to your project team may not be effective.


  1. Navigate to the URL provided by your IT staff for either the Pilot or Production environment.

  2. At the login screen, enter your college credentials for the username and password.

  3. Click the Sign In button.


User Setup

A designated person (or persons) at your school will have been configured by the CCCTC as a user with "add authority," and will be able to add other CCC Report Center users. The person with "add authority" for your school will use the following steps to add CCC Report Center users (these steps are also documented in the Administrator guide):


Note: It is expected that most CCC Report Center users will use the Ad Hoc Views, Reports, and Dashboards resources.



When you log in to the CCC Report Center, the title bar across the page includes your user ID, a Help link, a Log Out link, and a search bar.


  • Click the Help link to open the Introduction page for the JasperReports Server help web site in a new browser window.

  • Click the Log Out link to log out of the CCC Report Center.

  • Enter search text in the search bar and press the Enter key or click the Lookup icon to display search results.



Tip: Wherever you are located in the CCC Report Center, you can always click the Home icon to return to the Home page.

The Library


The View Menu

The Repository


Public & College Folders


Reports: Running, Customizing & Scheduling


Access Point


The Library Link

The Library link displays a list of all available reports and their corresponding Views. By default, the list is sorted ascending by Name. To sort the list by the date each report was last modified, click the Modified Date link (which toggles to display Name as the active link).

The View > Repository Link

Clicking the View link displays drop-down list options of Search Results, Repository, and Messages. When you select Repository, the available reports display in two categories: your college(Los Rios in the example image below), and Public.

The Search bar

Entering a search value in the Search bar returns reports in the Repository view that match the search criteria.



Success: Clicking the linked report name for a report opens the report.

Working with Reports and Their Views in the Public and College Report Folders

For the purposes of this "Quick Start" guide, it is assumed you are accessing reports by clicking View -> Repository to view the Public and college reports.




Understanding Reports and Views


  1. Click the Public folder to expand it and display the sub-folders that contain standard reports.


  1. Image Added

  2. Click the subfolder name to display the report options for that report type in the Repository list.

  3. Click the report Name link in the Repository list to run the report.

  4. If the report you selected prompts you for input (such as the Lookup reports), then you will need to click the OK button to close the Input Controls dialog box that displays prior to running the report.


  1. You can then save the report or export the report into a variety of file formats.

Note: When you run a report that prompts you to enter a date and time, even if you do not need to use time as a measure for your results, you must enter at least 1 second in the time field in order for the report to return results properly.

  1. You can then save the report or export the report into a variety of file formats.


The following types of reports are available in the Public folder:


Note: For districts, when you copy a View and/or a report into your College folder, you need to copy it into the specific college directory. You cannot save View and/or reports in the root district directory.


Customizing Reports

Customizing a Public Report

Some Public reports provide the option to customize the results displayed. You can change the displayed results by removing data, but you cannot add data. For example, in the New Applicant Detail Report, the report includes options to alter the Columns and Group displayed, as well as Filter controls to the right of the report.


You can quickly alter the details displayed by clicking the "x" icon for each of the columns to remove that particular column from the report results. For example, after removing some of the columns, the report might look like the example image below.


If you want to alter a Public report by adding data to it, you must copy the Public report's corresponding View into your college folder where you can modify it and then create a report from it.


  1. In the Public folder, navigate to the "View Folder" that contains the View you want to change.

  2. Copy the View in one of two ways: using the Copy button or the Save As drop-down list option. To Copy the View:

    1. Select the View by clicking the square to the left of the view name. This will make the Copy button on the top of the list active.


    1. Image Added

    2. Click Copy.

    3. Navigate to the folder where you store the views for your college and click the Paste button.




You now have a copy of the view View which you can modify and save as an "Ad Hoc" report.


  1. When the Save As dialog box opens, navigate to the college folder (or, as in the example below, navigate to the college folder in your district), enter a revised name in the Data View Name (required): field, enter any revised text in the Data view View Description field, and click Save.


Important note: Any change you want to make to a report must be first made to its associated View, either by editing the View, or copying the View and then editing it.

To create an Ad Hoc viewView, use the follow steps:

  1. Select Create -> Ad Hoc View from the CCC Report Center menu bar, or, from the Home page, click the Create link from the Ad Hoc Views resource option to open the Data Chooser dialog box.
