Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



For detailed information on the approved change request and tech specifications, see 2018-18R: New Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018.
For detailed information on the background information and research behind this proposal, see Ethnicity-Ancestry Expansion Proposal
For all release notes, see Release 6.3.0 Summary Notes


The new values are collected in one new data field ('race_ethnic_full') added to the database to capture all the new race group and ethnicity values; however, we have purposely designed this addition to be seamlessly backwards compatible, which means the field is optional and colleges do not need to make any adjustments to their downloads unless they opt to add the new data field when they are ready

The objectives for college user testing are:  


Colleges that want to collect the new data should add the new Race Ethnicity Full data field to their download files and run (replace) the new transfer-client.jar (v.6.3.0.

Participating Colleges

College user acceptance testing will be supported across the three main SIS systems. Support is also available for colleges with custom SIS systems.  Colleges outreach will begin on Monday, November 19, to solicit volunteer IT and Admissions staff members to conduct testing. Reminder, no changes were made to the existing data fields; therefore colleges are not required to take any action relative to the new implementation.


  • Colleges can continue to download the legacy data fields and formats without taking any action or making any changes to their files for the following fields:
    • hispanic
    • race_group
    • race_ethnic    (CCCApply Standard)
    • race_ethnicity (International) 
  • Colleges are able to add the new data field to their Format XML files, update the transfer-client.jar file (v.6.3.0), and download the new field with the expanded data:
    • race_ethnic_full
  • Colleges are able to get the legacy data fields and formats AND the new field/data 
  • Colleges can still comply with MIS data requirements successfully with the new Race & Ethnicity implementation in place.


All Changes Are Backwards Compatible - No Actions Required: All the front-end changes (user interface upgrades, race/ethnicity layout) and all back-end changes (194 new race/ethnicity response options and new optional "Full" data field) being implemented in this release are designed to be seamlessly backwards compatible.  Admissions, Financial Aid, and IT staff can rest assured there is no action required by the colleges in this release.



Follow the steps below for successful user acceptance testing:  add the new Race & Ethnicity Full data field to your CCCApply Format Definitions XML file for both Pilot and Production environments.


  • Feedback should be categorized as bugs and enhancements. Only Severity 1 issues (issues that prevent critical business functions from being accomplished) will be considered as release blockers.
  • Reporting: User feedback should be noted in the result section. The following criteria should be followed and documented:
    • Any identified bugs with severity and priority 
    • Enhancement requests with priority identified


Data Field Information  

See recommended changes for updating your SuperGlue files with the new Race & Ethnicity data fields (2018)For detailed data specifications, please refer to the corresponding application Data Dictionary, as well as the breakdown of change specs in: 2018-18R: New Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018.  

Data Field NameTypeData ElementFormat / LengthDownloadableReport Center / Admin RulesApplication
Hispanic / LatinoExisting, unchangedhispanicboolean Yes / No / XYesComing SoonCCCApply Standard & International

Race Group

Existing, unchanged


CSV string

YesComing SoonCCCApply Standard & International

Race Ethnicity

Existing, unchanged


bpchar, 22 

Yes Coming SoonCCCApply Standard Only

Race Ethnicity

Existing, unchanged


bpchar, 22 

Yes Coming SoonCCCApply International Only

Race Ethnicity Full



CSV string, no spaces

Yes  (Must be added)Coming SoonCCCApply Standard & International

Race Ethnicity Full

NEW - SuperGlue


CSV string

Yes (Must be added)Coming SoonCCCApply Standard & International


Race Ethnicity Full Data in Glue for Apply 

The new Race & Ethnicity values included in this release will be passed directly to colleges using the Glue for Apply feature. However, the new  full Race & Ethnicity field is not yet available through Glue for Apply at this time. An upcoming release of the SuperGlue College Adaptor will include this new data.


Data Field:  hispanic
Data Element:


College Adaptor (SuperGlue) Data Element

For SuperGlue colleges, the new race_ethnic_full data element is called "raceEthnicFull"




Update the Production Download Client Jar File

To update your Download Client Transfer file for the Production environment, the process is the same as the Pilot environment update. The same jar file is used for both environment. 

In your installed Production Download Client directory, replace the following files:
