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Page Properties
Request No.2014-53
RequesterCCCApply Steering Committee
Target release5.4.0 - March 31, 2016 Update
Application(s)Standard Application Only
EnvironmentsPilot / Production
DocumentationCCCApply Standard Data Dictionary
Change to Download FileNo
Change to Residency LogicNo





Table of Contents

Business Need/Objective

To streamline the user experience for CCC students, and in support of the Online Education Initiative, auto-population / auto-fill of select fields should be implemented in the CCCApply Standard application only. Auto-population should be restricted in the following ways: 1) Only auto-populate data from previously submitted applications from the same CCCID within the past two years; 2) Only auto-populate data fields that are not directly related to residency algorithm or the Residency Determination Date (RDD); and 3) Only auto-populate if the user provides consent through an Opt-in Y/N radio button question. Technical implementation of auto-population must comply with accessibility standards. 

Proposed Solution Summary

Auto-populate student data from the most recent, previously submitted application within two years from the current date with the student's opt-in consent via Y/N question on the My Applications page. Only data fields that are NOT related to residency, including any data field directly used in the CCCApply Standard Application Residency Algorithm, or fields that calculate a status based on the Residency Determination Date (RDD). Each data field will be evaluated for inclusion and approved by the CCCApply Steering Committee. Auto-population will adhere to accessibility standards and approved by the CCCTC Accessibility Officer. 

Requirements Summary

Opt-In Requirements

  • The auto-population opt-in/opt-out option should display on the My Applications page in the Apply application.
  • Auto-population opt-in validation should happen only once at the application/system level, not on each page.
  • Once the user opts-in and starts a new Apply application, that setting should persist and the system should not prompt a confirmation/opt-in again, even if they stop, save and resume the app later. 
  • If the user fails to opt-in, they will not be able to change it for that application. If the user wants to have the data auto-populated, they would have to start a new Apply application. 
  • Opt-in/opt-out confirmation is required for every new Apply application, even if the user has opted in on a previous Apply application(s). The user must be presented with the opt-in/opt-out option every time they start a new Apply application.
  • Once the user opts-in to auto-populate, they can not opt-out of it in that specific application.
  • There should be no system functionality allowing students to toggle on or off once an application has been started. The user can easily change/revise populated data within each data field with new/updated responses.
  • Students do not have to take action for the UI presenting them with the date and name of the college. It is for informational purposes only.

Opt-in Message - Text: 

Your last application was submitted to <College Name> on
1General Requirements
2Opt-In Requirements
3System-Logic Rules
4Auto-Populated Data and Highlighting Requirements
5UI Design Requirements
6Final UI Text Requirements
7Technical Requirements

System Logic Rules

  • When the user selects "Start New Application" on the My Applications page, the system rule should be: 
    • Is there a previously submitted Apply application for this user (CCCID) within the last two years? (current date minus last submit date is less than or equal to 2 years.)
      • If Yes, (if there is a submitted app within the past two years) then display the Opt-in dialog box message
      • If No, (if there is not a submitted Apply application within the past two years) then do not display the opt-in box and do not auto-populate data fields in the new application.
  • Pull in the last Apply application submitted, even if the data was submitted to a different college than the student is applying to now.
Auto-population of data should be restricted to the same CCCID and must be from the last submitted application within two years of the current application date.
2The user must opt-In in order for the application to be auto-populated with the user's last submitted application within two years of the current app date.
3Auto-population must adhere to accessibility guidelines and standards for screenreaders and keyboard users.
4Only fields that are not related to the CCCApply Standard Application Residency Algorithm should be auto-populated. Any field that relates to the Residency Determination Date (RDD) should NOT be auto-populated.

System Rules

When the user selects "Start New Application" on the My Applications page, the system rule should be: 

  • Is there a previously submitted Apply application for this user (CCCID) within the last two years? (current date minus last submit date is less than or equal to 2 years.)
    • If Yes, (if there is a submitted app within the past two years) then display the Opt-in dialog box message
    • If No, (if there is not a submitted Apply application within the past two years) then do not display the opt-in box and do not auto-populate data fields in the new application.

Pull in the last Apply application submitted, even if the data was submitted to a different college than the student is applying to now.

Screenshot - My Applications Opt-In


Image Added

Opt-In Requirements

  • The auto-population opt-in/opt-out option should display on the My Applications page in the Apply application.
  • Auto-population opt-in validation should happen only once at the application/system level, not on each page.
  • Once the user opts-in and starts a new Apply application, that setting should persist and the system should not prompt a confirmation/opt-in again, even if they stop, save and resume the app later. 
  • If the user fails to opt-in, they will not be able to change it for that application. If the user wants to have the data auto-populated, they would have to start a new Apply application. 
  • Opt-in/opt-out confirmation is required for every new Apply application, even if the user has opted in on a previous Apply application(s). The user must be presented with the opt-in/opt-out option every time they start a new Apply application.
  • Once the user opts-in to auto-populate, they can not opt-out of it in that specific application.
  • There should be no system functionality allowing students to toggle on or off once an application has been started. The user can easily change/revise populated data within each data field with new/updated responses.
  • Students do not have to take action for the UI presenting them with the date and name of the college. It is for informational purposes only.

Opt-in Message - Text: 

Your last application was submitted to <College Name> on <Submission Date>

YES  NO   To save time, would you like to copy this information into your new application?   {default to yes}
Note: Fields left blank are to be filled in by you to determine your Residency status.


Business Rules:

    • Include the college that the last Apply application was submitted to 
    • Include the date of the previously submitted Apply application
    • Provide buttons or links for Yes and No opt-in/opt-out

Auto-populated Data

Accessibility and Highlighting Requirements

  • Auto-popultated color indicator should be blue but should not go any darker than #6da5ef.
  • Auto-populated data fields should be clearly identifiable by the user based on accessibility requirements CCC establishes. (i.e., light blue filled fields with auto-filled text).
  • Once the student "verifies and continues" (whether they touch the data or not) at the field or page level, the data fields should then appear normal to the user again. 
    • Example 1: The student will see the applicable auto-filled data highlighted blue. Once they tab over it or verify and continue, the blue highlighted background goes away and appears like normal.  
    • Example 2: Once a student moves through a page with auto-populate enabled and verifies and continues to the next page, and then goes back to that page later, they should not see the auto-filled data highlighted in blue anymore. It's been verified and confirmed. It now becomes the official data response. 
    • Example 3: Once a student validates a data field, saves the page, and/or verify and continue an entire page, the auto-population visual indicators should no longer be present (i.e., there will no longer be blue highlighted fields, etc. Once the field/page is verified, the field appears as if the data was just added by the user.
  • Do not auto-populate any fields that relate to RDD or state residency fields.
  • Colleges will continue to determine residency for each submitted Apply application.
  • We will not police applicants or data that is inconsistent across multiple applications.
  • No supplemental questions fields will be auto-populated.
  • No AB620 data will be auto-populated.
  • Auto-populated data should only be pulled from the most recent submitted Apply application if the user's last previously submitted application is within 2 years of the date the user starts a new application. Legally, we do not have permission to use/see a student's unsubmitted/in-progress data until they grant permission by way of the Consent page/Submit page. 
  • text).
  • Once the student "verifies and continues" (whether they touch the data or not) at the field or page level, the data fields should then appear normal to the user again. 
    • Example 1: The student will see the applicable auto-filled data highlighted blue. Once they tab over it or verify and continue, the blue highlighted background goes away and appears like normal.  
    • Example 2: Once a student moves through a page with auto-populate enabled and verifies and continues to the next page, and then goes back to that page later, they should not see the auto-filled data highlighted in blue anymore. It's been verified and confirmed. It now becomes the official data response. 
    • Example 3: Once a student validates a data field, saves the page, and/or verify and continue an entire page, the auto-population visual indicators should no longer be present (i.e., there will no longer be blue highlighted fields, etc. Once the field/page is verified, the field appears as if the data was just added by the user.


User Stories for UI Design Requirements

User Stories for UI Component/UI




  • As a student who has never submitted an Apply application, I should not see the option for opt-in/opt-out auto-population because the auto-population functionality does not apply to me.
  • As a student who is submitting a new Apply application and who has submitted an Apply application within the past 2 years, I need the ability to opt-in of the auto-population functionality so that I can navigate more effeciently through the application.
  • As a student who is submitting a new Apply application and who has submitted an Apply application within the past 2 years, I need the ability to opt-out of using the auto-populate functionality if I don't want the system to populate certain data on my behalf.
  • As a student who is submitting a new Apply application and who has submitted an Apply application within the past 2 years, I need to see the submitted "date" and "college name" that my last Apply application was submitted to so that I clearly understand where the data is coming from.
  • As a student who has submitted an Apply application within the past 2 years and who has started a new Apply application and opted to leave auto-populate enabled, if I choose to save my application at any point, I need the ability to resume at a later time and auto-population still be enabled at the system level regardless of where I last left off.

  • As a student who has submitted an Apply application within the past 2 years and who has started a new Apply application and opted to leave auto-populate enabled, if I click the 'Save' or 'Continue' button on the current page, the system should recognize that 'Save' and 'Continue' equals 'verified data' so that I no longer see the auto-populated fields on that page highlighted anymore.

  • As a student who has submitted an Apply application within the past 2 years and who has started a new Apply application and opted to leave auto-populate enabled, if I choose to use tab navigation and move away from my current page, the system should recognize that tab navigation does NOT equal 'verified data' and I should still see the auto-populated fields on that page highlighted when I return.

  • As a student who has submitted an Apply application within the past 2 years and who has started a new
Apply application and opted to leave auto-populate enabled, if I click the 'Save' or 'Continue' button on a particular page where auto-population is applicable, the system should apply the verification logic only to that page level so that when I get to other pages in the application that have auto-population enabled, it forces me to still verify that page level auto-population data.

Technical Specifications

Each page, section, and data field, in the Standard Application is evaluated for existing logic specifications to determine if they are included in Auto-population or not. Sections highlighted in RED are NOT auto-populated.
  • Apply application and opted to leave auto-populate enabled, if I click the 'Save' or 'Continue' button on a particular page where auto-population is applicable, the system should apply the verification logic only to that page level so that when I get to other pages in the application that have auto-population enabled, it forces me to still verify that page level auto-population data.

Residency Requirements & Technical Specifications

Each page, section, and data field, in the Standard Application is evaluated for existing logic specifications to determine if they are included in Auto-population or not. Sections highlighted in RED are NOT auto-populated.

  • Do not auto-populate any fields that relate to RDD or state residency fields.
  • Colleges will continue to determine residency for each submitted Apply application.
  • We will not police applicants or data that is inconsistent across multiple applications.
  • No supplemental questions fields will be auto-populated.
  • No AB620 data will be auto-populated.
  • Auto-populated data should only be pulled from the most recent submitted Apply application if the user's last previously submitted application is within 2 years of the date the user starts a new application. Legally, we do not have permission to use/see a student's unsubmitted/in-progress data until they grant permission by way of the Consent page/Submit page. 


Field Name/Label

Field Name/Label Functionality Requirements

Special Business Rules
Account/Mailing Information Page

All fields in Current Mailing Address Section

  • Street1
  • Street2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code

My current mailing address is outside the United States = Yes radio button


  • Street1
  • Street2
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Postal code
  • Country

Auto-populate = YES

Auto-populate functionality should be in place for all fields in the Current Mailing Address Section.

Current Mailing Address Section

  • If checkbox for "My current mailing address is outside the United States" = Yes radio button, then auto-populate should still be be applicable.
  • If checkbox for "My current mailing address is outside the United States" = No radio button, then auto-populate should still be applicable.
  • Auto-population functionality is not applicable if student clicks on checkbox for “My current mailing address is the same as my permanent address in my OpenCCC account.” 

Citizenship/Military PageMilitary Status - All questions
  • Citizenship Status - Auto-populate Functionality = NO
  • Military Status  Auto-populate Functionality = NO


Consent PageAll Questions

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.

Edit Account - ApplyN/A

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.

Education Page
  • College Enrollment Status Section
  • High School Education Level Section
  • College Enrollment Status - Auto-Populate Functionality = NO

  • High School Education Level Section and all Fields Associated - Auto-Populate Functionality = NO


Education Page
  • Last High School Attended Section
  • College Education Section
  • College/Universities Attended Section
  • Last High School Attended, 4 Applicable Radio Butto Selections -Auto-populate Functionality = YES 
      • "I attended high school."
      • "I was homeschooled in a registered homeschool organization."
      • "I was independently homeschooled."
      • "I did not attend high school and was not homeschooled."

Auto-population applicable to the following fields in Last High School Attended section:

      • Country
      • State
      • Name of High School
      • School or Organization
      • City

Last High School Attended Section

  • For the "I attended high school" and "I was homeschooled in a registered homeschool organization" option, the system should auto-populate the Country, State and name of high school, School or Organization and City fields. 
  • If a user opts to click on the Change hyperlink, all auto-filled data should be cleared so the user can type in accurate information.
  • Implementation Deatil - we will need to add the high school's metadata (such as MIS code, etc).


Education PageCollege Education Section:
Degree Type
College Education Section - Auto-populate Functionality = No
  • No degree
  • Received an associate Degree 
  • Received a bachelor's degree or higher  

    Auto-Populate Functionality = NO

    Auto-populate logic is not applicable to this section or any of the fields.


  College/Universities Attended Section Auto-populate Functionality = YES 
    • Radio buttons None and 1-5
    • College/University { } Fields
      • Country
      • State
      • College Finder Table (includes College or University and CIty fields)
      • Attendance Began Month
      • Attendance Began Year
      • Attendance Ended Month
      • Attendance Ended Year
      • Checkbox for - "Check here if you were expelled or are in the process of expulsion procedures."
      • Degree (if any)
      • Degree Date Month
      • Degree Date Year

College/Universities Attended Section

  • For Colleges/Universities Attended section, the code should ensure that the “attendance ended” date from previously submitted school information was at least 2 years prior to the current date. 

Enrollment Information Page

  • Term Apply For
  • Intended Major or Program of Study
  • Educational Goal

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.

Introduction PageN/A

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.

Needs & Interests PageAll Questions
  • Main Language Section: Auto-populate Functionality = YES for the following fields:
    • Are you comfortable reading and writing English? (Yes/No radio button)

  • Financial Assistance Section: Auto-populate Functionality = YES for the following fields:
    • Are you interested in receiving information about money for college? (Yes/No radio button)
    • Are you receiving TANF/CalWORKs, SSI, or General Assistance? (Yes/No radio button)

  • Athletic Interest Section: Auto-populate Functionality = YES for the following fields:
    • Yes, I am interested in one or more sports, including the possibility of playing on an intercollegiate team. (Yes/No radio button)
    • Yes, I am interested in intramural or club sports, but not in playing on an intercollegiate team. (Yes/No radio button)

Academic counseling/advising
Basic skills (reading, writing, math)
Career planning
Child care
Counseling - personal
DSPS - Disabled Student Programs and Services
EOPS - Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
ESL - English as a Second Language
Health services
Housing information
Employment assistance
Online classes
Re-entry program (after 5 years out)
Scholarship information
Student government
Testing, assessment, orientation
Transfer information
Tutoring services
Veterans services

Personal Information PageAB620 Section
  • Sexual Orientation/Transgender-Auto-Populate Functionality = NO

  • Do you consider yourself transgender? Auto-Populate Functionality = NO
Personal Information Page
  • Gender Field
  • Parent/Guardian Name & Relationship


  • Parent or Guardian 1
  • Parent or Guardian 2
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • What is your race? Check one or more:


  • Gender Field - Auto-Populate Functionality = YES for the following fields:
      • Female
      • Male
      • Decline to state

  • Parent/Guardian Informtion Section- Auto-populate Functionality = YES for the following fields:
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Relationship

  • Parent/Guardian Education Levels Section - Auto-Populate Functionality = YES for the following fields:
      • Parent or Guardian 1
      • Parent or Guardian 2

  • Race/Ethnicity - 
    • Auto-populate Functionality = YES for the following field:
      • Yes/No Radio Button Are you Hispanic or Latino?

  •  What is your race? Check one or more: 

Auto-populate Functionality = YES for the following field:

    • What is your race? Check one or more:

      Asian: Indian
      Asian: Chinese
      Asian: Japanese
      Asian: Korean
      Asian: Laotian
      Asian: Cambodian
      Asian: Vietnamese
      Asian: Filipino
      Asian: Other
      A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent.
      Black or African American
      A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
      American Indian / Alaskan Native
      A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.
      Pacific Islander: Guamanian
      Pacific Islander: Hawaiian
      Pacific Islander: Samoan
      Pacific Islander: Other
      A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
      A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Parent/Guardian Information Section

  • If student chooses the radio button, "None of the statements above is true about me.", the system should apply auto-population to the Parent/Guardian Name & Relationship section the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Relationship

NOTE: If they were a minor on a preiously submitted application and they applied for a new apply application when they are an adult, then the the First Name, Last Name and Relationship won't even appear, so no autopoulation will be applicable.


Residency PageAll Questions

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.

Review PageAll Questions

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.

Submission PageAll Questions

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.

Supplemental Questions PageAll Questions

Auto-Populate = NO

Auto-populate logic is not applicable to any questions/fields on this page.




Change to Download File

There are no changes to the data download file as a result of Auto-population functionality.


Change to Logic

There are no logic changes as a result of Auto-population functionality.

Supporting Documentation 

Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) to be referenced in support of this change request. 

DescriptionFile or LinkType
Data DictionaryCCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2016.1Click the hyperlink to download the PDF