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User Groups / Advisory Committees

Sub-committees of the CCCApply User Group may be formed at the discretion of the CCCApply Steering Committee and must adhere to the constitution of CCCApply and its bylaws. Sub-committees support the product manager and development team by:User Group and the CCC Chancellor's Office as needed.

CCCApply User Group members are requested to volunteer to serve on one or more committees in areas that best suit his/her experience or subject matter expertise (SME). 

CCCApply User Group sub-committees shall assist in the research, design, development, and maintenance of the CCCApply suite of applications and admin systems by providing support and guidance in areas of special focus and general business requirements. 

Sub-committees will provide focused support and guidance in the following ways:

  • Support the CCCApply product manager and development team with gathering requirements, providing user feedback, and testing support

  • Conduct research and interpret state and federal guidelines and legislation


  • Ensure residency algorithm in CCCApply is compliant to state residency rules and regulations


  • Provide support as subject matter experts on issues such as military, homeless youth, foster youth, U.S. citizenship, California residency, etc.

  • Support the product manager in gathering functional requirements for change requests and new features
  • Gather requirements for new features and new versions of CCCApply applications.




Themes for the sub-committees are being formed to focus on hot topics for 2016-2017:

Table of Contents

Stay Informed!

Progress updates for the 2016-2017 CCCApply Steering sub-committees will be posted regularly via the new CCCApply college support site and the bi-monthly CCCApply Steering Newsletters. T

o ensure you are receiving updates, newsletters, and system alerts from CCCApply, please register on committee are approved by the CCCApply User Group based on priorities, projects, and research needs.

Each sub-committee should consist of:  

  • Volunteers from the CCCApply User Group

  • A committee leader (or pair that alternate), responsible for scheduling & running meetings, compiling agendas, tracking progress, and running (Chair, Team Captain, etc.),

  • meeting schedule (recurring, dates, or as-needed),

  • A set of objective(s) that align to the business requirements in the CCCTC Grant Work plan for 2017-2019. 

  • A designated wiki page for meeting notes should be identified and published in public documentation space.

titleClick here to view January 2018 action items...

Action items for January 2018 Meeting

  • Committee chair or team leader

  • Nominate and vote on recurring meeting schedule for 2018

  • Nominate and vote on objective(s) for 2018 (align with CCCTC Grant Workplan 2017-2018 and 2018-2019)

  • Nominate and vote on research areas, user experience design and development, and/or specific projects requiring subject matter experts (such as the Residency Algorithm committee).


Stay Informed!

Sub-committee progress updates will be posted regularly on the new 24/7 online, on-demand, communication and support


site for CCCApply colleges users.


Residency Review Sub-Committee

The purpose of this sub-committee is to review the current CCCApply residency algorithm, and corresponding documentation, for clarity and accuracy and to ensure compliance with local, state and federal residency rules and regulations.


  • Convene a meeting before July 31, 2016 to review the residency logic as currently documented in Appendix A of the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary (V.2016.1) for clarity and accuracy.
  • Review specific residency-related issues reported by colleges to determine if we have bugs in the calculation service, or if the logic (or documentation) needs to be updated.
  • Determine if any portion of the algorithm is out of compliance with the rules and regulations of the State of California Education Code, the CCCCO MIS reporting requirements, and mandated residency regulations.
  • Document required changes for Steering Committee approval. 

Administrator 2.0 Requirements


  • Convene a meeting before July 31, 2016 to review the overall vision and basic framework for a new cross-functional CCC Administrator Tool. More information on the overlapping needs and functionality shared by all projects will be distributed prior to the first meeting.



Alignment of Terms, Majors, and Education Goals in CCCApply

Background History


  • Convene a meeting before July 31, 2016 to review the history of the past sub-committee's goals and objectives and discuss outline for alignment requirements. 

CCCApply 3.0 - Requirements


  • Convene a meeting before July 31, 2016 to review the overall vision and functional requirements and roadmap.


CCCApply International Application Advisory Committee


  • Convene a meeting between June 1 - July 31, 2016 to review the application and ensure that all technical and functional bugs are identified and documented.  

Admission Application for Non-Credit Programs


  • Convene a meeting (TBD) to discuss the issues and concerns raised across multiple CCC colleges and organizations (CACCRAO) regarding the need for a user-friendly admission process for non-credit students and programs.
  • Document required changes for Steering Committee approval. 

OpenCCCApply CACCRAO Memo Concerns


  • Add agenda item to the June 2016 Steering meeting to review suggestions from CCCCO.
  • Document required changes for Steering Committee approval. 


BOG Fee Waiver Application - 2017 Requirements


  • Add agenda item to the June 2016 Steering meeting to review suggestions from CCCCO.
  • Invite Tim Bonnel and Rhonda Mohr to participate in committee.
  • Document required changes for Steering Committee approval. 

SB850 Baccalaureate Degrees in CCCApply


  • Convene a meeting (TBD) to discuss the issues and concerns raised across multiple CCC colleges and organizations regarding the need to incorporate BA degrees into CCCApply.  Should this be determined in the Administrator 2.0 committee?
  • Document required changes for Steering Committee approval. 

2017 CCCApply Annual Workshop Committee


  • Convene first meeting by August 30, 2016 to delegate tasks and outline communication calendar;
  • Meet one more time before October 2016, then as frequently as needed, determined by the committee



Gender & AB620 in CCCApply


 To get auto-notifications by email, be sure to "Follow" the "CCCApply" and "CCCApply System Alerts" category pages. 



CCCApply User Group Goals

2018-2019 Goals and Timeline

The CCCApply User Group provides guidance and support to the CCCApply product development team, in partnership with the CCC Chancellor's Office and college users. to develop and maintain a quality admissions application for the CCC systemwide audience.

4.01.19 NOTE: The following goals are currently under review by the CCCCO and the CCC Technology Center.  

Goals and Objectives

Actions / Tasks


GOAL 1: Operations

Convene & Approve Committee Members, Leader, Objectives, and Operational Guidelines by January 12

Operations Objective #1

Meet online, review and approve proposed objectives for 2018-2020, select Chair/Secretary for committee, approve meeting schedule and guidelines for operations (feedback, report, communication, action items, etc.). All guidelines for committee operations must adhere to CCCApply Steering bylaws & constitution and must comply with  TCI grant, roadmap, and funding for 2018/19.

Operations Objective #2

Committee evaluates approved Objectives and provides feedback and support to Steering Committee and schedules meetings to review committee functions

Operations Objective #3

Review corresponding calendar/timelines and ensure operations follow 

January 31 Regular Meeting


Ongoing communication of advisory committee outcomes & information to the Steering Committee (to share with colleges).

Obj #1

Assist committees with Zoom and other collaborative tools for sharing info and completing objectives

Provide needed committee meeting support tools, and introduce WIKI tool, and how to create and use.

Obj #2

Provide project site/ web site system for steering & advisory committee communications and reporting.


Recurring reviews and evaluation of the performance of the advisory committees.

Obj #1

Evaluate future needs for supporting advisory committees.

Obj #2

Assess progress on achieving goals & objectives

Obj #3

Set new goals and objectives

Obj #4

Prepare year end report for the Steering Committee & colleges


Previous Years Sub-Committees



Sub-Committee Lead

Objective or Issue


Gender & AB620 Issues

Bill Mulrooney

Currently reviewing the 2013 implementation of AB620 questions in CCCApply Standard Application. Sub-committee last met in October 2015 with members of the Academic Senate, CCC LGBT community, and CCCApply Steering Committee, to discuss issues and change requests that have been submitted for review.

Proposal has been drafted and presented to the state legislature for additional guidance interpreting the bill and better understanding of how CCCApply can and should be updated to meet the changing needs of the LGBT student population.

CCCApply Residency Algorithm Review

Bill Mulrooney

Suggestions have been made to review the CCCApply residency logic to ensure it is up-to-date, accurate, and meeting the Ed Code and CACCRAO standards for residency in the CCC system. A request was made to have an outside expert review the algorithm; however, due to budget constraints, Steering voted to do an internal sub-committee review first. Based on the findings of the internal review, a second request for external will be presented for approval.

NEW. This committee was just approved to begin during the March 3, 2016 steering meeting. Members have not yet been finalized; however a preliminary list of names was taken during the meeting. The issue will be placed on the agenda for the May meeting where the sub-committee members will be confirmed.

Ed Goal Alignment to Programs of Study Projet

KC Greaney

This project has been discussed many times over the last few years; however it continues to be deferred due to differences of opinions on how it should be approached across the colleges and the Steering Committee. Within the sub-committee itself, several votes for incorporating the CCCCO POS list into the Majors field in the Standard Application versus opposing votes for not incorporating the Chancellor's Office feed and allowing colleges to have more functionality within the Administrator.

Stalled. This project has been stalled for several months due to differing opinions and needs across the Steering Committee and the colleges in general.

MIS Code / Data Field Alignment Matrix

Mitch Leahy

This project would produce a matrix aligning each question and data field on the CCCApply Standard Application to corresponding MIS codes and reporting requirements. The purpose of this alignment is to ensure that the questions and data fields being presented in the Standard Application are accurate and compliant with MIS reporting requirements, including response values aligning to MIS reporting values.

In-Progress. This is a labor intensive project that requires extensive research and ongoing updates. According to the last update from the sub-committee, it is slowly reaching completion but currently only being worked on as time permits.

Develop Non-Credit Application

Alicia Terry

This project included a review of the technical and legal requirements for developing a separate "non-credit" version of the Standard Application that is shorter and less time-consuming for non-credit students, seniors, and students who are not computer literate. The objective was to create a "short form" type electronic application to better serve this student demographic.

DECLINED. Per the CCCCO residency expert, Elias Regalado, and CCCCO Legal opinion, a non-credit application would not be functionally or fiscally recommended because non-credit students still have to be classified for residency when applying to a California Community College. According to Elias, every question on the Standard Application, save for the Needs & Interests, and some other supplemental questions, are required for ALL applicants, regardless of their education goal or non-credit status. Colleges should be classifying all students based on the CCCApply residency algorithm or equivalent before admission to their college.

Document Gathering Tool (Workflow Engine)

Bill Mulrooney

The purpose of this committee is to gather requirements to add a document gathering tool to the CCCApply Administrator.

This committee deferred this enhancement to the new Student Services Portal (MyPath).