Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The details and changes in 3.0 are explained below and organized by the user roles the changes pertain to. 

Contents are further broken down by the type of change introduced. 


New Feature
Bug fix

If helpful, the C-ID site index and access levels here.

Release Contents


Table of Contents

Articulation Officers

Comments Entered by AO when resubmitting a Course for Review Disable Appeals Link
All AO's in a MCD can see  and modify submissions associated with the MCD
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DetailsComments entered in the "AO Response to Final Determination" field were saving to the course upon resubmitting but the comment was not being displayed to the Primary Reviewer. A fix corrected this issue and comments entered are now flowing through the the PR Course Review screens. 
  • When a MCD submission is made, it is visible on the submitted courses page for each of the colleges that were selected

  • AO's in MCD's are able to disassociate their college from the submission

  • AO's in MCD's are able to see all the submissions for all colleges in the same MCD and can add their college to an existing submission, even if that submission originated with another college in the district.

Ticket(s): CNG-10141383

Updated and added headings to results table on Articulation Officer landing page  


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DetailsUsers wishing to appeal a final determination will need to contact the ASCCC directly to complete the appeals process offline. The appeals link has been intentionally disabled due to numerous issues with the workflow and notifications needed to support appeals. 
Ticket(s): CNG-1158 
Field changes now captured and displayed in history
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DetailsDatabase flags have been added to fields on the Submit New Course page allowing users to see the field changes that are made over time. With this feature, modifications to existing courses will be shown on the Course History page. SnapshotImage Removed
  • Updates were made to the main results table to provide users with more information about an articulation without the user having to click into the Articulation Details page
  • The following columns were added to the table: Descriptor, Articulation Create Date, Local Course Title(s), Submitter and Submitted Date. 
  • Permissions for page access were not modified as a part of this change; users will only see results for the colleges associated to the user account with the exception of the Site Admin Role which by default can see all. 
  • Logic supporting inputs in the Search field updated to return results when dates are entered in the search field. Date searches need to be entered as MM/DD/YYYY.

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Ticket(s): CNG-1432, CNG-1437

Removed columns and updated headings on .csv export from View Submitted Courses page
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The following changes need to be made to the column headings on the exported results .csv:

  • removed Begin Term Date from report
  • updated COR Approval Date to Date Approved in C-ID
  • changed COR Effective Date to COR Effective Term Start Date
  • changed Course Department to Department Name and Course number to Department Number
  • added Institution column
  • Changed Course Name to Course Title

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Ticket(s): CNG-1512

Updated validation for Unit field to change minimum unit threshold 


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  • Based on feedback received from colleges via support, the validation on the Units field was updated to allow users to submit courses with fewer than 3.0 units
  • The validation for this field now checks the unit value of the selected Descriptor
  • For example if the unit value of the selected Descriptor is 0.5, the AO will be able to enter 0.5 in the Units field and successfully save the proposed articulation
Ticket(s): CNG-1357 

General improvements to Submit/Edit New Course form


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  • Validation added to COR File field that now requires user to either have a file attached or a link noted before being able to save a new articulation or saving edits to an existing articulation
  • Workflow rules modified to allow AO's to add additional courses to an articulation in "Conditional" status
Ticket(s): CNG-
1364, CNG-
990l CNG-991

CSU Submitters

- Bug Fixes

Navigation on submit and update page


  • warning message removed when user clicks on the "Return to Course List" navigation button on the upper right side of the screen; user is now redirected to View Submitted Courses page as expected. 
  • Green success message now displays when user saves or updates an articulation. 

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Submission Date now showing in history
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  • CSU submitters were not seeing the submission date recorded on the articulation history page
  • CSU submissions are "approved" automatically at the time they are saved to C-ID
  • Users will now see the submission date on the articulation history page; it is reflected as the "Approval Date"

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Ticket(s): CNG-1274, CNG-1305

Course Reviewers / Primary Reviewers

Comment box changed to required when final determination is other than ApprovedReviewers were able to by-pass adding a comment to a review even if the final determination was other than approved. A fix has been applied that will now require the reviewer to provide a comment if the course is not Approved. 
Fixes applied to Primary Reviewer workflow on resubmits
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  • PR is now able to complete the review on a resubmit  without assigning to course reviewers first
    • PR is only presented sections that had a "No" for Requirements Met in the initial review.
    • All sections that received a "Yes" in Requirements Met  on the initial review are greyed out and not editable.
    • PR is able to assign course reviewers who are available for review whether the original reviewers or new.
    • When the PR completes the Course Recommendation section and saves the review, the course evaluation screen shows the green Requirements Met status for every section of the evaluation.
  • Navigation updates made when PR or CR selects "Save" to no longer redirect user back to C-ID homepage
Ticket(s): CNG-1301, CNG-1362, CNG-1398

PR can edit comments entered until the review is finalized
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  • Primary Reviewer can now edit comments made up to the point when the Submit Review checkbox is clicked
Ticket(s): CNG-8561391

Site Admin/Webmaster

Courses Page - Public Site

Courses Page on public site - Discipline and Compare by College reports combined into single new search page

Improved SA controls over Reviewer workflow 
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  • The SA can now update the Primary Reviewer assigned from the Articulation Details page
    • The Primary Reviewer Assigned field will display all PR's who are active and who have the selected descriptor associated with their user profile. 
  • SA can now edit comments made by the CR or the PR regardless of review status
    • SA can also add comments as the SA
    • SA is able to see all changes in history
Ticket(s): CNG-977, CNG-1425

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Alerts and Notifications functionality added to SA controls
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The public reports available on the Courses page have been collapsed from being multiple pages with filters pre-applied by type a single more dynamic search page.
  • Emails navigation link retired and replaced with new "Alerts and Notifications" link
  • SA is directed to System Alerts and Notifications page where new notifications can be created and existing notifications can be managed
  • SA can create email notifications for specific roles in C-ID and customize the content to the recipient based on pre-set tags
    • this initial release includes customizable content for AO's, CR's and PR's. Additional tags for these roles and tags for other roles will be added in upcoming releases based on feedback received. 
  • Notifications can be configured to go out daily or weekly and can be previewed, tested before activating and paused once activated
  • SA can "opt out" users from receiving specific notifications, if desired.

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Ticket(s): CNG-

New Consolidated Approved Courses Report Page 
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The consolidated course report now has the page header: Courses with a C-ID Designation 
Users can search and filter on teh following criteria: 

  • School Type
  • School Name
  • Department Name 
  • Department Number 
  • Discipline 
  • Descriptor
  • C-ID #
  • Course Title
  • Dates Active

Please note: The fields "Department Name" and "Department Number" have replace the fields "Course Prefix" and "Course Number". Other pages in in C-ID still use the Course Prefix and Course Number labels, and these will be updated over time to bring all fields consistent with the field titles now displayed on the public course report page.

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1284, CNG-1285, CNG-1286, CNG-1287,

CNG-1288, CNG-1403, CNG-1404, CNG-1405,

CNG-1457, CNG-1495. CNG-1496, CNG-1497

Courses Page - Public Site

Report structure on public Courses pages 


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The .csv file generated on and has been updated based on feedback received by users via support. The report is now structured as follows:

  • C-ID name has been replaced with the header  C-ID Descriptor

  • School has been replaced with the header Institution

  • Institution Type was added to the report with either "California Community College" or "California State University" displayed

  • Course(s) was updated to the header Local Course Title(s)

  • Course name with updated to Local Dept. Name & Number

  • Approval Date added as a new column with the date approved in C-ID (same as the date submitted for CSU's) displayed

  • COR effective term remains the same

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Ticket(s): CNG-998

Updates to "Search Criteria" display 
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  • Standard two column format applied to "Search Criteria" section of the "Courses with a C-ID Designation" page. 
  • Definitions added to Dept Name and Dept Number fields tp help users crosswalk the old field titles to the new. 
  • 1 way articulation language re-added to the bottom of the search criteria. 

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Ticket(s): CNG-1302, CNG-1303, CNG-1406, CNG-1304

Date approved for descriptors on public site is pulling from field history not date approved fields


Image RemovedDetailsThe "Date Approved" shown on the public site was previously showing the date the Descriptor was last modified in anyway. A fix was applied to pull the actual approval date as set by the C-ID Site Admin when the Descriptor was finalized. Snapshot

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Ticket(s): CNG-976


.csv export on Courses pages on public site 
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Ticket(s): CNG-
1413, CNG-
1474, CNG-

Descriptors - Public Site



Field validations added to Descriptor form to improve performance
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  • validations added to Review Start Date and Review End Date fields to prevent users from entering a start date after the selected end date
  • validations added to Review Period that prevent the user from saving the form unless there is an integer entered in the field
  • exceptions errors associated with other fields on the page have been resolved
  • general improvements were made to history tracking to improve traceability for changes
Ticket(s): CNG-1260, CNG-1262, CNG-1263, CNG-1264


Creating and editing users and/or passwords
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  • an issue preventing password reset emails to be sent to the user has been resolved
  • new users will automatically receive a system generated email with the link to set a password after the initial account has been created
  • existing users that need the password changed or updated can go to to generate the password reset email 
Ticket(s): CNG-1441, CNG-1307

User account settings updated to support multiple institutions assigned
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  • added functionality to support assigning multiple colleges to individual users
  • Colleges associated to the user account will drive the articulations displayed when the Articulation Officer logs in to the C-ID application
  • This functionality is intended to support AO's who are the C-ID point of contact for multiple colleges, thus removing the need for multiple C-ID logins.

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Ticket(s): CNG-1388


Website layout and design updates


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  • Users will see much more space utilized on the C-ID website, on the public website and once logged in. 
  • Content constraints were changed from "fixed width" to "fluid" allowing the displayed content to scale to the size of the users monitor. 
  • This change meets all accessibility standards and also allows for more content and information to be displayed in all of the results tables users interact with once logged in. 
Ticket(s): CNG-1446

Infrastructure updates included in 3.0
DetailsThe list of tickets below shows the additional changes made with the 3.0 release. These changes are apply to the underlying infrastructure / code base for the C-ID application and should be invisible to the user base. 

CNG-1275 : bug fix applied to session timeouts for logged in users

CNG-1162: bug fix to session timeouts for report generation on public C-ID website

CNG-1389: refinements to history modals 

CNG-1387: copyright updated 

CNG-1290, CNG-1323: refinement of underlying query on admin/discipline page to improve page performance

CNG-1272: major infrastructure upgrade of Laravel framework to version 5.7; PHP upgrade to version 7.2

CNG-1414, CNG-1418, CNG-1421, CNG-1469, CNG-1522: bug fixes to address exception errors detected via system monitoring