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This approved feature enhancement was renamed to more accurately reflect the functionality: "Ability for colleges to filter the display of their Majors list in the CCCApply Standard & International applications by education goal."  Filtering Majors by education goal, and/or the new Major Category field, are optional features currently being implemented into the new CCC Administrator for CCCApply.

Request No.2014-4001
Date of Request5.04.16
RequesterCACCRAO Memo & Session
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page

Education Goal / Majors

Steering ApprovalApproved - New CCC Administrator - May 2018
Steering Hearing Date10.15.15
Proposed Change to Download FileNo
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/ANo

Table of Contents

Problem / Issue

For the past several years, the CCCApply Steering Committee has explored ideas around aligning the Majors list in CCCApply to the Education Goals. Ideas have ranged from importing the Chancellor's Office curriculum inventory list (approved programs of study) to other data in the application CID or Curriculum Inventory 

The suggestion that is being reviewed now is adding functionality in the Administrator that would allow a college to align individual Majors (which could be a Program, Course, etc. since they are entered manually in the Administrator) to a specific education goal (similar to the way a Major can be aligned to a Term - only appearing in the Major drop down list when the corresponding Term is selected). This would allow the college to customize what Majors appear based on the Ed Goal selected. This will be confirmed, approved, and requirements will be 

This issue goes back to October 2012.  

Gerald Sequeira suggested a functional change to the way Majors appear to the student in the Enrollment page. Instead of an alphabetical list of majors, he'd like to be able to group them by Type first, then when a student selects the Group Type, the available degrees for that major will drop down or appear below that group heading. Such as: If the student selects the Group: Administrative Justice - three options appear: AJ-AA, AJ-Certificate, AJ-Transfer.
To be reviewed by Steering at next meeting.


Proposed Solution


User Stories

User Story #1 - Student
As a student completing the Enrollment page in the standard application (or the international application, I need to choose my Ed Goal first before I choose my Major* (Programs of Study, Courses, Certificates) so that only the Approved Majors* that align to that specific Ed Goal will appear in the Majors drop down menu when I select my Major. Based on the Ed Goal selected (before submitting the application) the list of available and corresponding approved Majors* will display in the Majors drop down menu.

This to manually aligning the education goals to each major in the Administrator.

The implementation of this request has been controversial. Not all colleges want the CCCCO POS list imported to the Majors table. 

Proposed Solution

A Steering sub-committee was formed to review this issue and determined that the implementation of alignment between education goals and majors must be optional. Not all colleges want the CCCCO POS list imported to the Majors table. Therefore, the proposed solution is to develop the ability for colleges to align each major to one or more Education Goals <edu_goals> through added functionality in the Administrator.  The application UI (user interface) changes would include swapping the position of the Majors drop down menu and the Education Goal menu on the Enrollment page. This would require the student to choose their Ed Goal first, then choose a Major.  The back-end changes would include adding the functionality for the college to manually associate each major to one or more education goal, which would display as a branching of majors based on the ed goal chosen.


Student chooses Term.
Student chooses Education Goal.
Student chooses a Major that has been aligned to that Education Goal by the college in the Administrator.

 NOTE: A major can be aligned to multiple education goals. Branching logic will display only the majors that align to each Education Goal. 

User Stories

User Story #1 - Student
As a student applying to a specific California Community College, I want to see the majors (or programs of study, certificates) that align to my particular education goal.

As a student applying to a specific California Community College, I only want to see the majors or programs that are offered at that college.

As a student applying to a specific California Commiunity College, I want the education goal I choose to display only the majors or programs that are offered by that college.

User Story #2 - Admissions Staff

As a College Admissions or Research staff, I want to be able to align each major offered at our college to the specific education goal it is associated with.

As a college transfer counselor, I want to ensure that students are presented with the majors, programs, and certificates that are available if they intend to transfer to a 4 year college or university.

Requirements Summary

1UI Changes:
Switch the layout positions of the Majors drop-down menu (data field) and the Education Goal drop-down menu (data field) on the Enrollment page of the standard application (International application to be determined) allowing the student to select their Education Goal first, then their Major.

2Administrator Changes:
Develop the ability for college staff to manually align/associate each individual Major to one or more Education Goals.
Alignment of individual Majors to the Education Goals will be configured on the "Add/Edit Major" screen.
Colleges will also have the ability to batch import the Ed Goal-aligned Majors in the Majors tab..

3Report Center Changes:
Colleges can run report to view to alignment of ed goals to major in the Report Center.

NOTE: This Story requires work from the Apply team and the CCC Administrator 2.0 team . SeeImage Removed CTRLCENTER-176 CLONE - 2014-01: Ed Goal Alignment to Majors, Courses, Programs of Study OPEN

Requirements are in-progress as of 4/18/16

User Story #2 - Admissions Staff
As a College Admissions Officer, I need to align/correlate each Major* offered at our college to it's corresponding Ed Goal(s) in the Administrator Tool, so that when a student selects an Ed Goal on the standard or International application, the Majors that will display in the Majors drop down menu align to the selected Ed Goal. The new setting in the Administrator Tool should allow individual Majors to be aligned to more than one Ed Goal, as required.

 and the Apply development team. See  

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (
 and Image Added CTRLCENTER-203  OPEN 

Change Request Specifications

Apply Team UI Changes

  1. Change the layout on the Enrollment page so that the position of the Education Goal question (drop down menu) appears second, below the Term menu, and before the Major menu.
    1. No change to the download file, or download client.
    2. This is a layout change only. 
  2. Other database changes may be required but undetermined at this time.

Administrator Team Change

  1. Add each of the 13 education goals as individual checkboxes in the Add Majors, Edit Majors, and View Majors screens in the Administrator 2.0.
  2. Ensure each major can be aligned to up to 7 different education goals.
  3. Ensure the alignment to 7 education goals can be added to the Major batch import file (csv or Excel files).

Supporting Documentation

SB 1456 - Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012
TITLE : An act to amend Sections 76300, 78210, 78211, 78211.5,
78212, 78213, 78214, 78215, 78216, and 78218 of, and to
repeal Section 78212.5 of, the Education Code, relating
to community colleges.
See documentation attached.

View file
nameSB 1456 - Revised Mandate (1).doc

Background: Approved CCCApply Steering Change Request
This change request/project is approved by the CCCApply Steering committee. A sub-committee is defining the functional requirements for this project, which has morphed a few times from its original objective to the current draft requirements, as the user stories outline above. (Originally, Steering wanted to integrate the CCCCO's list of Approved Programs of Study (POS) into the Majors field, requiring colleges to use that POS list as the primary Majors* listing. Recently, the majority of Steering members have declined this change and instead voted to expand the functionality available in the Administrator so that colleges can custom as needed.) 

Approximately 10-12 Steering members are meeting to further define the spec for look & feel, and the technical specs for the CCCCO data file. This is a Major development project that has been escalated to High Priority (but more work is pending). Colleges want to improve the Enrollment page of standard app and (TBD) International application.

Requirements (In-Progress)
1. Switch the order in which the Education Goal field question and Major field question display on the Enrollment page of the standard and international applications, in this order: 1) Term first, 2) Ed Goal second, the 3) Major list (Text to be changed to Course/Program of Study). The final question/field on the International Application will continue to display "Intended 4 Year Major."

2. Depending upon the Ed Goal selected by the student, Courses/Programs would branch depending on the approved programs/courses per the CCCCO approved courses/programs. 
3. Colleges would have the option to import the CCCCO Approved Courses data or not. 
4. File would be refreshed on a regular basis (TBD).
5. Colleges would be able to customize or modify the data file to add other programs.


More info on SB1456 from the CCCCO:
Sen. Alan Lowenthal has introduced legislation that would implement important elements of the Student Success Task Force recommendations. The bill, SB 1456, would amend the current matriculation program to frame the Task Force's vision of student success and support services. The amendments would provide the statutory authority for the board of governors to require that:

1) Students participate in orientation, assessment and education planning;
2) Colleges or districts receiving student success and support program funds implement the system common assessment and accountability scorecard;
3) Students meet academic progress to be eligible for the BOG Fee Waiver as determined by the board of governors.



10.09.15: Per meeting with David Hammond, this project will require significant development work in both the Standard & IA applications and the Administrator (Majors). The OPENAPPLY main JIRA ticket was split into two; a second ticket was created in the CTRLCENTER project (see Apps links). 

9/22/15: Update: Per Steering Committee meeting discussion 9/22/15 - this project has taken a major turn. Many of the steering committee members do not want to use the Chancellor's Office POS list and have voted to decline this request as initially proposed. What they've tentatively agreed upon is having more functionality available so that colleges can better align Programs, Majors, courses, etc. to specific Ed Goals.

The suggestion that is being reviewed now is adding functionality in the Administrator that would allow a college to align individual Majors (which could be a Program, Course, etc. since they are entered manually in the Administrator) to a specific education goal (similar to the way a Major can be aligned to a Term - only appearing in the Major drop down list when the corresponding Term is selected). This would allow the college to customize what Majors appear based on the Ed Goal selected. This will be confirmed, approved, and requirements will be developed by November 22, 2015.

10/28: Future development being escalated to High priority; however, much work is still being defined by the Steering Committee. More information is coming.

10.28.14: Request #18931 "2014-51 Enable Colleges to Group..." was closed and merged into this request. Last comment in request #18931:

Gerald Sequeira suggested a functional change to the way Majors appear to the student in the Enrollment page. Instead of an alphabetical list of majors, he'd like to be able to group them by Type first, then when a student selects the Group Type, the available degrees for that major will drop down or appear below that group heading. Such as: If the student selects the Group: Administrative Justice - three options appear: AJ-AA, AJ-Certificate, AJ-Transfer.
To be reviewed by Steering at next meeting.


9/30: Steering approved this development effort. Second meeting with sub-group and next actions will be determined.

9/19/14: Renamed this CR from (SB1456 Add Career Goals to CCCApply Application to College) to Ed Goal Alignment with Course/Programs of Study. 
This is a sub-group review - currently in-progress. Update to be presented at 9/30/14 Steering meeting.

9.19.14: Request #5041 "2014-30: Add Pop-Up Help to Defi..." was closed and merged into this request. Last comment in request #5041:

Discussion at October 2013 Steering meeting - There is a need to define the different degree and award types being offered (by college and/or by all colleges). This would be added as pop-up Help. Defining AA, AS, Certificates, etc.

9.17.14:  MERGED with this Ticket. 2013-07 is now closed. These notes will be absorbed into this ticket: 2014-01:

2013-07. Modify Ed Goal, Major for SB 1440 Transfer Degrees
Kevin Flash, Sac City, 6/21/12: At Los Rios I’ve been working through the SB 1440 degrees, and noticed that our admissions application (which is a one off by XAP since we needed extra data collected but very similar to CCCApply), does not do a good job of guiding students to the SB 1440 degrees. We collect an Ed Goal, and then a Major. It really does not help guide a student into one of the SB 1440 degrees...
First it asks for an Ed Goal. A transfer student has two options:
● Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution
● Transfer to a 4-year institution without an associate degree
Which one would a transfer student select? How do they know if they want to transfer without an associate degree? Or how would they now know that they would really want an associate degree, IF it was an SB 1440. 
Then, in selecting a major, I found nothing that would indicate which degree a transfer student would select to take advantage of the benefits of SB 1440. 
I have the following questions regarding CCCApply:

  1. I was wondering if there has been any discussion on how the new SB 1440 degrees are represented in CCCApply, and how students might be guided into them instead of a similar AA/AS degree which would not have the same benefits.
  2. In the new Los Rios integrated Student Ed Plan (iSEP), counselors are collecting more granular data than appears on the Admissions App in order to better advise students who plan to transfer. We ask if they know the preferred college system they want to transfer to (UC, CSU, both, In State Private, Out of State, etc). If they indicate a UC or CSU, we also ask them to select the program in which they plan to major at the transfer institution. Have you heard discussions that CCCApply would ever provide those options?

Ed Goal options defined by MIS. 
Role of CCCApply in educating applicants about sb1440 degrees need to be carefully considered.

10.15.13:  Draft a spec presenting two ways to search: 1) a progressive search when they start typing and 2) "browsing for careers" Need a spec for handling that - with a sample screen shot. Grabbed info on the SOC codes. Job families. Three levels: Major Groups; Minor groups; broad occupations.
SOC Taxonomy codes used in O'Net:

4.16.13: Steering committee reviewed this topic at length. Sonia X from the CCCCO came in and did a presentation on the SSTF and reasons behind the case for adding career Goals to the CCCApply application. This change will remain pending until further notice.

12.17.12: Draft Change Specification - presented to the Steering Committee, April 2013 meeting.

12.11.12: Put together a spec that includes O'Net data allowing students to either choose a career cluster or specific career. And indicate their affinity towards that area. 
Possibly a two-tier investigative question

12.07.12: Suggest we use the federal O*Net data. Have an option for "Unknown at this time" If they do select a Career Goal, ask them to rate how strongly they feel about it.

Supporting Documentation

SB 1456 - Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012
TITLE : An act to amend Sections 76300, 78210, 78211, 78211.5,
78212, 78213, 78214, 78215, 78216, and 78218 of, and to
repeal Section 78212.5 of, the Education Code, relating
to community colleges.
See documentation attached.

View filenameSB 1456 - Revised Mandate (1).docheight250