Versions Compared


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Objective: Discuss a revision to the layout, the language, or both - to provide better clarity for the student and to ensure the college gets correct information with minimal follow-up outreach.


According to the data from 2018-2019, the number of applications across all colleges who minor students (under 19) who were exceptions (i.e., indicated that they were “independent” for purposes of determining residency was x number of total incoming applications under age 19.


  • Under 19 - Dependent = 677,901 (.92771%)

  • Under 19 - Independent - 52,815 (.07228%)

  • Over 19 - Independent - 1,916,899 = 72.41%

Total Minors: 730,716 = 27.59%

Total Apps: 2,647,615*

Less than 8% of students self-identified as “independent minors” in fiscal year 2019. Meaning based on their DOB, they were presented with the Parent-Guardian Information (Dependency) (*Filtered all apps submitted between July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 by college name, excluding the test colleges, CO test college).

Colleges want to capture

Discussion Notes:

  1. Immigrants Rising has suggested including some clarifying language to the Parent/Guardian Information question to help undocumented students:

    1. Students are worried to put in their parents’ information in without knowing that it is protected under federal and state law.

    2. Information about residency could cause confusion about eligibility for AB540 and SB68.

    3. Revise the language in the Parent/Guardian Info question text

  2. During the December 12 meeting, it was discussed that the entire questions should be reviewed and a new layout should be considered.

    1. Many proposals from colleges, students, parents and other stakeholders regarding the Parent/Guardian Information section in CCCApply. The complaints/concerns include:

      1. Students don’t understand that they are still considered a “minor” until they are 19 years old for residency purposes

      2. Students aren’t reading the question and selecting the “This statement is true about me” because they believe they are not a minor and are emancipated

      3. There’s ambiguous language - students aren’t sure how to answer,

        1. There’s no option for Foster Youth in the Relationship dropdown (we had to add a bullet option in 2019)

        2. Students are misreading “I do not have a parent or guardian living” and believe it asks if they do have a living parent/guardian
