Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Page PropertiesRequest No.2018-38 - AB3101Target releaseNovember 2018Application(s)Standard Environment(s)All environments Documentation

Standard DED 

Change to Download FileYES Change to Residency LogicYES 

Table of Contents

AnchorTopTop Note1.

Page Properties

Request No.2018-38 - AB3101
Target releaseNovember 2018
Environment(s)All environments 

Standard DED 

Change to Download FileYES 
Change to Residency LogicYES 

Table of Contents



1.01.19:  The issues tracked in this request were reviewed by the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup. Issues that passed initial review moved to 2018-37B: CCCApply Redesign - Low-Hanging Fruit #2.  This change request is no longer open or pending.

Problem Statement or Business Need

The recently passed Assembly Bill 3101 (AB3101would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given, from community college residency classification requirements.

AB3101 calls to revise the [CCCApply] process so that only data that is required by the federal gov, state law, or that is otherwise collected during the process. the extent that data can be collected from the student at a later time, to delay the collection of that data until after the student has applied to a community college.

[AB3101] would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given...from community college residency classification requirements.

The application therefore needs to be updated to streamline the application process to exempt non-credit students from the residency determination, and only collect data that is required by the federal gov, state law, or that is otherwise necessary at the time of application.

CCCApply Proposed Solution

Questions to be Removed

DescriptionPage/SectionQuestion / Data Field(s)Remove or ReviseChange RequirementsLegal ImplicationsProposed Solution & Release Timeline

College Education Level


College education level as of <RDD>



Remove the question for users based on their Enrollment Status.

Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status <enroll_status> question which will hide this question (and all other conditionally displayed college questions) for all First Time in College users.  

Remove (hide) question if user's enrollment status is: 
"1 = First time in college after leaving high school"


This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Colleges/Universities Attended


Number of Colleges/Universities Attended



Remove the question for users based on their Enrollment Status.

Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status <enroll_status> question which will hide this question (and all other conditionally displayed college questions) for all First Time in College users.  

Remove (hide) question if user's enrollment status is: 
"1 = First time in college after leaving high school"

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)
Comfortable with EnglishNeeds & Interests

"Are you comfortable reading and writing English"



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page. 

SG20 Student-Literacy-Status

This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Financial Assistance sectionNeeds & Interests

"Are you interested in receiving information about money for college?"



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.


This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Financial Assistance sectionNeeds & Interests

"Are you receiving TANF/CalWorks, SSI, or General Assistance?"



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.



This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Athletic InterestNeeds & Interests

"Are you interested in participating in a sport while attending college?"





Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.

Title IX 

80% of our colleges are using this question to facilitate their Title IX survey

This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Programs & ServicesNeeds & Interests

Summary of values stored in the system ni_id table



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.

Needed for colleges using MyPath

This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Out-of-State Activities Residency Questions


Revise the format of the four "Out-Of-State" questions from four separate Yes/No radio button questions with conditional "Year" field to one question and change the radio buttons to checkboxes and set the default to "No".

In effect, this removes three questions from the application.
"As of <RDD minus 2 years>, have you engaged in any of the following activities? Check each activity that applies." 
  •  I paid taxes outside of California
  •  I registered to vote outside of California
  •  I attended a college or university outside of California
  •  I filed for a lawsuit or divorce outside of California

This set of questions is required to determine residency.

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Special Residency SectionResidencyLayout changeREVISE

Move the Special Residency section down below the "Out of State Activities" section and implement skip logic to hide unless...

  • IF applicant answers YES to the new OOS Activity question, THEN, display the three Special Residency questions shown below, otherwise do not display those questions and implement "Null" value
    • Seasonal Agricultural Worker
    • F/T Public School Employee
    • F/T State University Employee

NOTE: No change to the Homeless Youth or Foster Youth questions. These would ALWAYS display on screen as currently implemented.

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)
Special Residency:
Seasonal WorkerResidency

Have you been employed as a seasonal agricultural worker for at least a total of two months in each of the past two years?



Remove this question from the application unless user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Special Residency:
Public School EmployeeResidency

Are you a full-time credentialed employee of a California public school enrolling in college for purposes of fulfilling credential-related requirements?



Remove this question from the application user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Special Residency:
State University EmployeeResidency

Are you or your spouse a full-time employee of any of the following colleges/universities?



Remove this question from the application user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Enrollment Status

(Hide College Education & Colleges Attended if first time in College)

Education page<enroll_status>REVISE

Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status question to HIDE the College Education & Colleges/Universities Attended sections IF user selects:

  • 1  = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)
Colleges/Universities AttendedAttendance Dates<attendance_from>
<attendance_to>REMOVERemove the attendance dates in the Colleges/Universities Attended section when user is reporting prior college attendanceTBDTBDSSN Encouragement Pop-upEdit Account & Account Mailing<ssn_encouragement>REMOVERemove the SSN Encouragement pop-up box which natters (reminds) students who have not provided their SSN to complete the SSN question. COMPLETED
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Introduction PageIntroduction PageREMOVE

Remove the Introduction page from the application for all users.  

This eliminates three clicks for every student in the application workflow.

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Review Application PageReview Application PageREMOVERemove the Review Application page from being a required page and set of clicks in the application workflow for all users. Move to the Submission page as an optional, collapsed function hidden behind a button.COMPLETED
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Consent to Release Information PageConsent to Release InformationREMOVERemove the Consent to Release Information page from being a separate page (and set of clicks) in the application workflow for all users. Move to the Submission page.COMPLETED
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Personal Information pageDemographic Information pageRENAME & MOVERename the Personal Information page to the Demographic Information page and move to the end of the application workflow.  This will decrease the number of students abandoning the application because they will be more invested in completing the process.COMPLETED
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)

Questions to be REVISED (Not Approved for FY18/19)

DescriptionPage/SectionData Field(s)Remove or ChangeChange RequirementsLegal ImplicationsNo Permanent Address Currently Homeless 


Permanent Address Info


Remove barrier for Homeless Youth in CCCApply

California residents (born and raised in CA, went to school/high school in CA, etc.) are getting classified as "possible residents" in the Residency logic because they are checking the box saying they are currently homeless.

Revise the line item in the Area B residency logic to bypass the B2 classification for "Is permanent address NOT California?" IF the homeless checkbox is checked.  

This would be a simple logic amendment and would still continue to set classification correctly for all other circumstances other than this homeless indicator.
IF <perm_address_state> != California AND <no_perm_address_homeless> = Yes/True

Risk - touching the residency algorithm always comes with risk - ensure this does not negatively affect the original logic statement No Current Mailing Address Currently Homeless 


Current Mailing Info


Address Homeless Youth problem in CCCApply

To remove the problems we are hearing from colleges around the homeless youths getting tagged as "R2" for residency purposes, add logic to the Area B residency algorithm to ignore the homeless checkbox if the current mailing address is out of California

Tyler says this would work - just need to flesh this out.  

Risk - same as aboveHomeless Youth QuestionsResidencyREVISE
  1. Update flag and logic to remove from Area B logic
  2. Add to "Special Residency" section 
Citizenship Citizenship Status pageREVISE

Revise the "Citizenship" section label to: "Citizenship/Immigration Status"

Update section label & select question labels

Lower Priority Changes

Page/SectionDescriptionData Field(s)Remove or ReviseChange RequirementsLegal ImplicationsAccount Info/MailingReview OpenCCC AccountSummary of Account details with edit buttons that allows the user to update their accountREVISE

Should we implement logic that asks Users to confirm that their OpenCCC Account information is still up-to-date and accurate if the current date is more than a year since Account creation?

If yes or after they update their Account info, zip up the "Review OpenCCC Account" section and hide behind a button to "Review & Update OpenCCC Account" 

UnknownHelp PageHyperlinkREVISEUpdate the Help page to include information removed from the old Introduction page and other supporting instructions for completing the application.CitizenshipDACA response<citizenship_status>REVISE

Add value to the Citizenship status field for "DACA status" 

If DACA is selected, display the same fields that appear for the other non-resident values:
DACA Issue Date:
DACA Expiration Date:

OUT-OF-SCOPE for FY18-19

Social Security Number

Account /

Edit Account






Revise the Social Security Number question to the proposed format - removing the need for the SSN Type field, the SSN Exceptions, and the "I plan to apply for financial aid" checkbox. 

Streamline the Social Security Number question in the Account creation to new proposed format.  This format would:

  • Removes "I plan to apply for financial aid" checkbox from onscreen 
  • Removes "SSN Type" question from onscreen (data field would still be populated)
  • Remove "SSN Exceptions" question from onscreen (data field would be deprecated)
  • Change layout of question - streamline onscreen prompt text significantly
  • Change layout of question - Put all legal disclosure language behind hyperlink / PopUp text box

Keep the following elements in the question:

  • Label:  Social Security Number
  • SSN Field:
  • Confirm SSN Field:
  • No SSN checkbox:
RISK - the financial aid checkbox triggers the "Financial Aid Flag" and algorithm - if we remove this and the financial aid section in the N&I section, we would need to remove the financial aid algorithm and turn off the fla. 

HS Education Level

Education<hs_edu_level>UNDER REVIEW
  1. Change the label for this question to: Highest Education Level
  2. Combine the HS Ed Level response options with the College Education responses into one field (This would require No back-end changes - it would all be front-end changes) All values would continue to map to their current data fields
    1. There are three fields currently that are populated from two current onscreen questions (HS Education Level & College Education Level):
  • <hs_edu_level>
    • <higher_edu_level>
    • <highest_edu_level>

Revise the conditions and logic to only display the response options that align to the college enrollment responses, such as:

  • If the <enroll_status> = 1 or = Y, THEN only display these options:
  • If the <enroll_status> = 2 or = 3, THEN display all the response options:

    Move the logic from College Education to this question -

    IF user selects:

    Associates Degree, THEN display the Colleges Attended (college_count) and all the corresponding logic (i.e., display Col1-4 fields depending on number selected in college count. 

    None because there will be no change to the data output to the colleges - we are just combining two fields into one (removing College Education Level dropdown from the application)

    Add the values from Higher Education Level field to the High School Education Level  dropdown menu / response options,

    X = No degree

    7 = Received an associate degree

    8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

    Revise the conditions and logic to only display the response options that align to the college enrollment responses, such as:

    If the <enroll_status> = 1, THEN only display these options:
    3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
    4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
    5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
    6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
    1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
    2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
    0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school
    If the <enroll_status> = 2 or = 3 or = Y, THEN display all the response options:

    X = Attended college but received no degree
    7 = Received an associate degree
    8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

    3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
    4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
    5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
    6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
    1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
    2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
    0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high schoolMainphone
    Second PhoneAccount /
    Edit Account<mainphone>

    ON HOLD 

    Moved to Account?
    If not, this would be moved into Account Info page in Apply

    Enhance the Mainphone / Second phone fields to add additional options to identify:

    • Home
    • Mobile
    • Work


    Remove this page from the workflow - The information can be moved to the Help page.

    Make the homepage/landing page for "" to the Sign-In page. 

    DECLINED - moved to OpenCCC Account projectCreate Your Account pageOpenCCC.netREMOVE

    Remove this page from the workflow - The information can be moved to the Help page

    This page contains out-dated information that was pertinent in the first couple of years after launching OpenCCC and moving away from the Xap application, which issued email addresses as part of the account creation process. The options to be reviewed are:

    1. Remove this page from the workflow; can move the information to an About page link accessible from the header. 
    2. The landing page for would be an enhanced version of the Sign-In page.
    DECLINED - moved to OpenCCC Account projectMainphone Ext
    Second Phone ExtAccount /
    Edit Account<mainphone_ext>
    REMOVERemove the Main phone and Second Phone extension fields from the phone section of Account Creation, Edit Account per Workgroup


    (because it's in Account, Edit Account in all three apps)

    Account Creation Page 1

    Previous NameCHANGEREVISETo save dev time on this story, in our current uPortal application - instead of changing the format to checkbox - just default the answer to No/False. 
    Since we will be redesigning the UI in a future release, it makes sense to simplify these types of changes in this version, right?
    In the future, let's re-think the use of radio buttons unless they are absolutely needed. 
    Amanda - can you please update this ticket and the Previous Name format change ticket to just "default response to No/False" and make sure the user can easily click on Yes to change their answer.



    Proposed Changes to Logic

    titleClick here to expand the Table B. Outline of Area B (Stay and Intent)...

    Table B. Outline of Area B (Stay and Intent)


    Evaluation Statement

    Data Elements & Logic

    If Yes

    If No


    Do out-of-state indicators support intent?

    ca_outside_tax = 0 AND

    ca_outside_voted = 0 AND

    ca_outside_college= 0 AND

    ca_outside_lawsuit = 0

    Go to step 2

    Class B2

    (flag 30)
    Go to step 2


    Has the applicant lived in California for two years prior to RDD?

    ca_res_2_years = 1

    Go to step 5

    Go to step 3


    Has the applicant been resident in CA for over a year prior to RDD?

    ca_date_current ! = null AND ca_date_current < RDD minus 1 year

    Class B2 
    (flag 59) 
    go to step 5

    Go to step 4


    Is the applicant a current or former foster youth, under age 20, and now residing in California?

    foster_youth_status is != 0 
    AND RDD minus Birthdate < 20 years

    Class B2

    go to step 5

    (flag 70)

    Class B0 
    Go to step 12


    Has the applicant completed HS outside CA in last 2 years?

    education: hs_state ! = CA AND education: hs_comp_date RDD minus 2 years

    Class B2 
    (flag 61) 
    go to step 6

    Go to step 6


    Is the applicant in military with non CA home of record?

    military_status = 2 AND

    ( military_home_state != CA OR

    military_legal_residence!= CA)

    Class B2 
    (flag 62) 
    go to step 7

    Go to step 7


    Is the applicant under the care and control of a guardian, under 19 and unmarried?

    ‘over19OrMarried’= 0 AND

    ‘guardianOrParentRelation’ = G

    Class B2 
    (flag 58) 
    go to step 8

    Go to step 8


    Is the applicant’s current address outside of California AND the student is not homeless?

    ‘Mailing address – state’ != CA AND 

    Class B2 
    (flag 01) 
    go to step 9

    Go to step 9


    Is the applicant’s permanent address outside of California?

    ‘Permanent address – state’ != CA

    Class B2 
    (flag 02) 
    go to step 10

    Go to step 10


    Is the applicant under 19 as of RDD with last high school out-of-state?

    RDD minus19 years > personal_info: birthdate AND education: hs_state != CA

    Class B2 
    (flag 03) 
    go to step 11

    Go to step 11


    Was the applicant enrolled in an out-of-state college with a ‘To Date’ within the year previous to the term start date?

    In any row of colleges_attended table: If state != CA AND to_date is greater than the term start date minus 1 year.

    Class B2 
    (flag 04) 
    go to step 12

    Go to step 12


    Has Class B0 been set?

    Class B0 has been set

    Class B0 
    end logic

    Go to step 13


    Has Class B2 been set?

     Class B2 has been set

     Class B2

    Class B1


    DED: Education fields

    The tables in this section show the fields that are populated from the Education tab of the CCCApply standard application.


    Enrollment Status

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to College Enrollment Status question

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 1


    1  = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

    2  = Transfer student from another college

    3  = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

    Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

    Allows Null:





    Correlates to MIS SB15


    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    As of <RDD>, I will have the following college enrollment status:  [menu]



    Additional Text: If a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the College Enrollment Status and the High School Education labels have "as of 7/1/<RDD year>" listed.

    Response Options:

    1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

    2 = First time at this college; have attended another college

    3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

    Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Required selection; else error message, “You must select your College Enrollment Status.”

    If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the response option “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

    Cannot be “First-time student in college” if college degree is indicated in “Higher education level” field; else error message, “You cannot have a College Enrollment Status of ‘First-time student in college’ if you have received an associate or bachelor’s degree.”

    If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then High School Education Level must be “Enrolled in college and high school (or lower grades) at the same time”; else error message, “Answers to College Enrollment Status and High School Education Level do not agree: please fix one or the other.”

    If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” or “First-time student in college (after leaving high school)”, and data is present in Colleges Attended section, applicant is prompted to confirm or correct the responses: “Your College

    Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.”

    “I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.”


    Correlates to MIS SB15.

    Note: Per SB11, If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

    Data Element:

    education: enroll_status

    High School Education Level

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to High School Education Level question

    Change label of this question to "Highest Education Level"

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 1


    3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
    4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
    5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
    6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
    1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
    2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
    0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school

    Allows Null:






    SB11, SB15

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    High School Education Level as of <RDD, or ‘July 1, RDDyear’ if RDDmonth is May or June> [menu]



    Additional Text: If a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the College Enrollment Status and the High School Education labels have "as of 7/1/<RDD year>" listed.

    Response Options:

    3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
    4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
    5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
    6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
    1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
    2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
    0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school

    X = Attended some college but did not obtain a degree

    7 = Received an associate degree

    8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

    Pop-Up Help:

    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Required selection; else error message, “You must select your High School Education Level.”

    If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the option “1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

    If High School Education Level is ‘Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’, then College Enrollment Status must be ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’; else error message, “Your responses to the Enrollment Status and High School Education Level questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”

    If High School Education Level is “Enrolled in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then Higher Education Level cannot be “Received an associate degree” or “Received a bachelor’s degree or higher”; else error message, “Your responses to the High School Education Level and College Education Level questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”


    Relates to SB11.

    Note: If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

    education table

    Data Element:

    education: hs_edu_level

    High School Completion Date

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to High School Completion Date question

    Format, Length:

    date, 10 (download format is yyyy-mm-dd)


    Valid date

    Allows Null:






    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    High School Completion Date Month        Day        Year

    [menu]        [menu]        [textbox] yyyy


    Appears only if High School Education Level is one of the following: 3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school

    4 = Passed the GED, or received a High School Certificate of Equivalency 5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency

    6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school

    Additional Text:

    “If unsure of the exact day, please estimate.”

    Response Options:

    Valid date

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:

    Date must be before "July 1, RDDYear” if RDDmonth is May or June; else error message "Your High School Completion Date cannot be after 06/30/<year of RDD>. Please correct the completion date and/or your High School Education Level.”

    Year must be after 1900; else error message, “You must enter a 4-digit year after 1900.”

    Day must be valid for month; else error message, “The day you selected is not valid for the month you selected.”

    If mm/dd is February 29, year must be a leap year; else error message, “The day you selected is not valid for the year you entered.”

    Page Error Check:

    Required selection; else error message, “You must specify your High School Completion Date. If unsure of the exact day, please estimate.”

    Date must be after Date of Birth; else error message, “Your High School Completion Date cannot be before your date of birth; please correct.”

    Date must be on or before RDD; else error message, “Your High School Completion Date cannot be after <RDD >. Please correct the date and/or your High School Education Level.”

    If term applied for starts in either May or June in the same year as the applicant’s

    hs_comp_date, then the hs_comp_date must be before RDD or before July 1, ‘RDDYear'; else error message: "Your High School Completion Date cannot be after <RDD >. Please correct the completion date and/or your High School Education Level.”


    The HS Completion date can be after the <current date>, but should be before the Residency Determination Date <RDD>, which is the day before the Term start date <term:start_date>.

    Each term has a unique <RDD>. The <RDD> is based on the term:start_date which is configured by the college in the Terms tab in the Administrator. The <RDD> appears in the question prompt text for all fields that are used in the Residency algorithm. High School students

    Applying to a term that begins after they graduate (or equivalent) should be advised to read and understand the <RDD> carefully and answer questions according to that date and not the current date, which is a common oversight.

    Data Element:

    education: hs_comp_date

    Higher Education Level (College)

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to Higher Education Level question

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 1


    X = No degree

    7 = Received an associate degree

    8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

    Null = No response

    Allows Null:






    Xap Field:


    Question Text:

    College Education Level as of <RDD> [menu]


    Displayed unless Enrollment Status is ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’.

    Additional Text:


    Response Options:

    X = No degree

    7 = Received an associate degree

    8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

    <null> No response

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Optional response.

    May not specify a lower education level than any Degree Type indicated in the ‘Colleges Attended’ section; else error message, “The Higher Education Level you selected is not consistent with the Degree(s) you specified for Colleges Attended; please fix one or the other.”


    Higher Ed Level can specify a higher degree than the highest “Degree” type at a College Attended because the degree might be from a college not listed.

    education table

    Data Element:

    education:  higher_edu_level

    Higher Education Completion Date

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to Higher Ed Degree Date question

    Format, Length:

    date, 10 (yyyy-mm-dd format in download)


    Valid date

    Allows Null:






    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    College Degree Date

    Month        Day        Year

    [menu]  [menu]  [textbox] yyyy


    Appears only if Higher Education Level is one of the following: Received an associate degree

    Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

    Additional Text:

    “If unsure of the exact day, please estimate.”

    Response Options:

    Valid date

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:

    Year must be after 1900; else error message, “You must enter a 4-digit year after 1900.”

    Day must be valid for month; else error message, “The day you selected is not valid for the month you selected.”

    If mm/dd is February 29, year must be a leap year; else error message, “The day you selected is not valid for the year you entered.”

    Page Error Check:

    Required selection; else error message, “You must specify your College Degree Date. If unsure of the exact day, please estimate.”

    Date must be after Date of Birth; else error message, “Your College Degree Date cannot be before your date of birth; please correct.”

    Date must be before RDD; else error message, “Your College Degree Date cannot be after <RDD >. Please correct the date and/or your Higher Education Level.”

    Cannot be before High School Completion Date; else error message, “Your High School Completion Date cannot be after your College Degree Date.

    Please fix the incorrect date.”



    Data Element:

    education:  higher_comp_date

    Highest Education Level

    Data Element:



    Applicant highest education level, system-generated from Higher Education or High School Education responses.

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 5


    If higher_edu_level = 7 or = 8, then first character = higher_edu_level; else first character = hs_edu_level.

    If higher_edu_level = 7 or = 8, then final four characters = yyyy from higher_comp_date; else final four characters = yyyy from hs_comp_date (0000 if null)

    Allows Null:





    Correlates to MIS SB11


    education table
    System-generated field (derived) between the High School Education Level and Higher Education Level (College) – whichever is highest.

    Xap Field:



    Revision Log:


    Graduated From California High School

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to Graduated from California High School question

    Format, Length:

    boolean, 1


    1 = True/Yes

    0 = False/No

    Allows Null:





    A factor in AB540 Waiver eligibility


    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    Did you receive your diploma, GED, or certificate in California?

    Yes [radio button]        No [radio button]


    Appears only if High School Education Level is one of the following: Received high school diploma from U.S. school

    Passed the GED, or received a High School Certificate of Equivalency

    Additional Text:


    Response Options:

    As shown in Question Text.

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Required user response; else error message, “You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you have received a diploma or certificate of completion from a California high school, or a California High School Certificate of Equivalency (GED).”


    Defaults to ‘No’ when question is not asked.

    Automatically set this to ‘Yes’ when High School Ed level = 5.

    Data Element:

    education: cahs_graduated

    Attended California High School for Three Years

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to Attended California High School for Three Years question

    Format, Length:

    boolean, 1


    1 = True/Yes

    0 = False/No

    Allows Null:





    A factor in AB540 Waiver eligibility


    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    Have you attended high school in California for three or more years?

    Yes [radio button]        No [radio button]



    Additional Text:


    Response Options:

    As shown in Question Text.

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Required user response; else error message, “You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you attended high school in California for three or more years.”


    Used in AB540 Waiver algorithm.

    Home schooled students are not eligible for the AB540 exemption if instruction was provided by a tutor or other person (including the student’s parents) who did not have a valid California teaching credential, or was not affiliated with a state approved home-schooling program.

    From CCCCO Legal Advisory 07-01: “Home schooling is instruction by a tutor or other person (including the student’s parent) who does not have a valid California teaching credential.

    Local high schools are charged with determining whether to accept home schooling as valid attendance. Therefore, community college districts that are asked to consider home schooling as high school attendance for purposes of granting the exemption should confer with the public high school the student would have attended if not home schooled. If that high school accepts or would accept home schooling as valid high school attendance, the community college should also accept it for purposes of assessing whether the student can demonstrate three years of high school attendance.”

    Data Element:

    education: cahs_3year

    High School Attendance

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to High School Attendance question

    Format, Length:

    smallint, 1


    1  = Attended high school.

    2  = Was homeschooled in a registered homeschool organization?

    3  = Was independently homeschooled.

    4  = Did not attend high school and was not homeschooled.

    Allows Null:






    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    [radio button] I attended high school.

    [radio button] I was homeschooled in a registered homeschool organization.

    [radio button]  I was independently homeschooled.

    [radio button] I did not attend high school and was not homeschooled.

    [radio button] I attended a lower grade than high school. (Proposed to be added per change request above)



    Additional Text:


    Response Options:

    As shown in Question Text.

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Required selection; else error message, “You must select one of the options under Last High School Attended.”

    Must not be ‘I did not attend high school’ or ‘I was homeschooled in a registered homeschool organization’ or ‘I was independently homeschooled’ if High School Education Level is ‘Received high school diploma from U.S. school’ or ‘Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school’; else error message, “Your responses to the High School Education Level and High School Attendance questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”

    Must be ‘I attended high school’ or ‘I was homeschooled in a registered homeschool

    organization’ if Attended California High School for Three Years is ‘Yes’; else error message, “One of your answers states that you attended a California high school for three years, but another states that you did not attend high school. Please fix these conflicting answers.”


    Note: The data elements home_schooled and hs_not_attended are no longer used. They were replaced with hs_attendance.

    Data Element:

    education:  hs_attendance

    High School Not Listed

    Data Element:



    Indicates if the applicant clicked that their high school was not listed when searching for the high school.  When this is true, it means the high school was entered manually.

    Format, Length:



    True = The high school not listed link was clicked

    False = The high school not listed link was not clicked.

    Allows Null:






    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    [Link in the school list] My school is not in the list.


    Appears if Country is United States.

    Additional Text:

    Response Options:

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:



    Clicking this link will cause the high school name and city fields to open for manual entry.

    Data Element:

    education:  hs_not_listed

    Last High School Attended: Country

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to question for Last High School Attended: Country

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 2


    ISO country code

    Allows Null:





    Disables High School Finder if not US


    Defaults to US on application

    education table

    Xap Field:

    High sch 1 enrolled - country

    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    Country [menu]


    Appears if radio button for “I attended high school or a homeschool organization” is selected.

    Additional Text:


    Response Options:

    Menu of countries per ISO, United States at top. Defaults to United States.

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    If High School Education Level is “3 - Received high school diploma from U.S. school”, then Country must be U.S.; else error message, “The country of your Last High School Attended does not match your response to High School education level. Please fix one or the other.”

    [Spanish: “El país de la última escuela secundaria a la que asististe no coincide con la respuesta que diste en relación con tu nivel de estudios secundarios. Favor de corregir una o la otra respuesta.”]

    If High School Education Level is “6 - Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school”, then Country must not be U.S.; else error message, “The Country of your Last High School Attended does not match your response to High School education level. Please fix one or the other.”

    [Spanish: “El país de la última escuela secundaria a la que asististe no coincide con la respuesta que diste en relación con tu nivel de estudios secundarios. Favor de corregir una o la otra respuesta.”]


    This is a rare menu field that has a default selection.

    Data Element:

    education:  hs_country

    Last High School Attended: State

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to question for Last High School Attended: State

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 2


    USPS state code

    Allows Null:

    Yes, only if Country is not US





    Defaults to US on application

    education table

    Xap Field:

    High sch 1 enrolled - state

    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    State [menu]


    Appears if Country is United States.

    Additional Text:


    Response Options:

    Menu of U.S. states, territories, etc., with California at top. Defaults to “Select a State”.

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Required. Error message is “Please select a state”.



    Data Element:

    education: hs_state

    Last High School Attended: City

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to question for Last High School Attended: City

    Format, Length:

    varchar, 20


    Text string up to 20 characters

    Allows Null:






    Can come from High School Finder or from applicant entry

    education table

    Xap Field:

    High sch 1 enrolled - city

    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    User is prompted to enter their high school and/or city in the school search box.

    "Enter the name or city of your high school or homeschool organization. Then make a selection from the list."

    The hs_city ("City" field) is populated from the school lookup table when the user selects a school from the list. If the user clicks “My school is not in the list,”, then the user free-form enters the city in the "City" field.


    Appears if Country is United States, and hs_attendance is 1 = I attended high school or 2 = I was homeschooled in a registered homeschool organization.

    Additional Text:

    Response Options:

    None: populated by High School Finder.

    Hover Help:


    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:



    Data Element:

    education: hs_city

    Last High School Attended: CDS Code

    Data Element:



    High school’s CDS code from High School Finder, or generic code if not from Finder

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 6


    Null if ‘education: hs_name’ is null   

    If State is California: CDS code from High School Finder, else if there is no CDS code in Finder or if the school is entered manually, then 600050

    If Country is not US: 8XXXXX

    If Country is US but State is not California (whether the school is entered manually or found in the school table):

    AL = 600010

    AK = 600020

    AZ = 600030

    NH = 600290

    NJ = 600300

    NM = 600310

    AR = 600040

    CO = 600060

    CT = 600070

    DE = 600080

    DC = 600510

    FL = 600090

    GA = 600100

    HI = 600110

    ID = 600120

    IL = 600130

    IN = 600140

    IA = 600150

    KS = 600160

    KY = 600170

    LA = 600180

    ME = 600190

    MD = 600200

    MA = 600210

    MI = 600220

    MN = 600230

    MS = 600240

    MO = 600250

    MT = 600260

    NE = 600270

    NY = 600320

    NC = 600330

    ND = 600340

    NV = 600280

    OH = 600350

    OK = 600360

    OR = 600370

    PA = 600380

    RI = 600390

    SC = 600400

    SD = 600410

    TN = 600420

    TX = 600430

    UT = 600440

    VT = 600450

    VA = 600460

    WA = 600470

    WV = 600480

    WI = 600490

    WY = 600500

    AS = 600610 CZ = 600770

    VI = 600890

    PR = 600810

    GU = 600650

    Allows Null:





    education table

    Xap Field:


    Last High School Attended: Full CDS Code

    Data Element:



    Full high school CDS code from CDE

    Format, Length:

    Character varying 14


    Null if ‘education: hs_name’ is null   

    If State is California: CDS code from High School Finder, else if there is no CDS code in Finder or if the school is entered manually, then 600050

    If Country is not US: 8XXXXX

    If Country is US but State is not California (whether the school is entered manually or found in the school table):

    AL = 600010

    AK = 600020

    AZ = 600030

    NH = 600290

    NJ = 600300

    NM = 600310

    AR = 600040

    CO = 600060

    CT = 600070

    DE = 600080

    DC = 600510

    FL = 600090

    GA = 600100

    HI = 600110

    ID = 600120

    IL = 600130

    IN = 600140

    IA = 600150

    KS = 600160

    KY = 600170

    LA = 600180

    ME = 600190

    MD = 600200

    MA = 600210

    MI = 600220

    MN = 600230

    MS = 600240

    MO = 600250

    MT = 600260

    NE = 600270

    NY = 600320

    NC = 600330

    ND = 600340

    NV = 600280

    OH = 600350

    OK = 600360

    OR = 600370

    PA = 600380

    RI = 600390

    SC = 600400

    SD = 600410

    TN = 600420

    TX = 600430

    UT = 600440

    VT = 600450

    VA = 600460

    WA = 600470

    WV = 600480

    WI = 600490

    WY = 600500

    AS = 600610 CZ = 600770

    VI = 600890

    PR = 600810

    GU = 600650

    Allows Null:





    Added March 2017; Pulling from the same data source, but this will display and download the full 14-digit High School CDS code.

    Last High School Attended: CEEB Code

    Data Element:



    High school’s CEEB code from High School Finder, if available

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 7


    CEEB code or null

    Allows Null:






    education table

    Xap Field:

    High sch 1 enrolled - ceeb

    Revision Log:


    Number of Colleges Attended

    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to Number of Colleges Attended question

    Format, Length:



    0  = None

    1  = 1

    2  = 2

    3  = 3

    4  = 4

    5  = 5 or more

    Allows Null:






    education table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    Specify the number of colleges you have attended including those you are currently attending.

    [radio button] None        [radio button] 1        [radio button] 2        [radio button] 3        [radio button] 4        [radio button] 5 or more



    Additional Text:

    If ‘5 or more’ is selected: Instructions TBD

    Response Options:

    As shown in Question Text.

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    Required response; else error message, “You must select the number of colleges/universities you have attended.”

    Must not be ‘None’ if Enrollment Status is ‘Transfer student from another college’ or

    ‘Returning student to this college after absent for a main term’; else error message, “Your Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended do not agree. Please correct one or the other.”

    Must not be ‘None’ if Higher Education Level is ‘Received an associate degree’ or ‘Received a bachelor’s degree or higher’; else error message, “Your Higher Education Level cannot indicate a college degree if the number of colleges/universities you have attended is None.

    Please correct one or the other.”

    Must be ‘None’ if Enrollment Status is ‘First-time student in college (after leaving high school)’ or ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’; else error message, “Your Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.

    [checkbox] I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.” This edit will never get activated because the same edit related to college data present will get triggered first. It is the same confirmation/error message.


    This question replaces the “more than 4 colleges” checkbox in Xap CCCApply. It allows CCCApply to display the exact number of Colleges Attended question blocks needed and to require that all are filled in.

    Information about colleges attended is sorted as follows:

    The number of College/University question sets that will appear depends on the response to Number of Colleges Attended.

    If the Number of Colleges Attended is ‘5ormore’, we probably want to insert instructional text after the Number of Colleges Attended question. This text would tell the user which colleges to list: most recent; most significant; anything as long as the highest degree is included. To minimize redundancy, this document provides tables for the College/University 1 question set only. For College/University 2, College/University 3, and College/University 4,everything is the same as for College/University1 except:

    •     Wherever it occurs in the tables, “College/University 1” will be replaced by “College/ University 2”, “College/University 3”, or “College/University 4” as appropriate.

    • The question set for College/University 2 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5 or more’.
    • The question set for College/University 3 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5 or more’.
    • The question set for College/University 4 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘4’ or ‘5 or more’.

    Sorting Colleges Attended:

    When there are two or more colleges, they can be listed in any order by the applicant. However, in the database they will be sorted and saved in order of attendance, with College/University 1 the most recently attended. The primary sorting date will be Attendance Ended; the secondary sorting date will be Attendance Began. If two or more colleges have the same Attendance Ended date and the same Attendance Began date, it doesn’t matter which comes before the other in the sorting.

    Note:  In the Xap system, once the Education page has been completed, the schools are resorted on the Education page to match the database sorting. It does not matter whether CCCApply does this. However, if CCCApply does resort the Colleges Attended list, to prevent confusing situations for the user, the sorting should not occur until the page is completed (i.e., sorting should not occur when the page is saved but not completed).

    Data Element:


    that is otherwise necessary at the time of application.

    CCCApply Proposed Solution

    Questions to be Removed

    DescriptionPage/SectionQuestion / Data Field(s)Remove or ReviseChange RequirementsLegal ImplicationsProposed Solution & Release Timeline

    College Education Level


    College education level as of <RDD>


    & REVISE

    Remove the question for users based on their Enrollment Status.

    Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status <enroll_status> question which will hide this question (and all other conditionally displayed college questions) for all First Time in College users.  

    Remove (hide) question if user's enrollment status is: 
    "1 = First time in college after leaving high school"


    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

    Colleges/Universities Attended


    Number of Colleges/Universities Attended


    & REVISE

    Remove the question for users based on their Enrollment Status.

    Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status <enroll_status> question which will hide this question (and all other conditionally displayed college questions) for all First Time in College users.  

    Remove (hide) question if user's enrollment status is: 
    "1 = First time in college after leaving high school"

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)
    Comfortable with EnglishNeeds & Interests

    "Are you comfortable reading and writing English"



    Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

    Implement ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page. 

    SG20 Student-Literacy-Status

    This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

    NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

    Financial Assistance sectionNeeds & Interests

    "Are you interested in receiving information about money for college?"



    Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

    Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.


    This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

    NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

    Financial Assistance sectionNeeds & Interests

    "Are you receiving TANF/CalWorks, SSI, or General Assistance?"



    Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

    Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.



    This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

    NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

    Athletic InterestNeeds & Interests

    "Are you interested in participating in a sport while attending college?"





    Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

    Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.

    Title IX 

    80% of our colleges are using this question to facilitate their Title IX survey

    This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

    NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

    Programs & ServicesNeeds & Interests

    Summary of values stored in the system ni_id table



    Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

    Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.

    Needed for colleges using MyPath

    This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

    NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

    Out-of-State Activities Residency Questions


    Revise the format of the four "Out-Of-State" questions from four separate Yes/No radio button questions with conditional "Year" field to one question and change the radio buttons to checkboxes and set the default to "No".

    In effect, this removes three questions from the application.

    "As of <RDD minus 2 years>, have you engaged in any of the following activities? Check each activity that applies." 

    •  I paid taxes outside of California
    •  I registered to vote outside of California
    •  I attended a college or university outside of California
    •  I filed for a lawsuit or divorce outside of California

    This set of questions is required to determine residency.

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

    Special Residency SectionResidencyLayout changeREVISE

    Move the Special Residency section down below the "Out of State Activities" section and implement skip logic to hide unless...

    • IF applicant answers YES to the new OOS Activity question, THEN, display the three Special Residency questions shown below, otherwise do not display those questions and implement "Null" value
      • Seasonal Agricultural Worker
      • F/T Public School Employee
      • F/T State University Employee

    NOTE: No change to the Homeless Youth or Foster Youth questions. These would ALWAYS display on screen as currently implemented.

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)
    Special Residency:
    Seasonal Worker

    Have you been employed as a seasonal agricultural worker for at least a total of two months in each of the past two years?



    Remove this question from the application unless user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

    Special Residency:
    Public School Employee

    Are you a full-time credentialed employee of a California public school enrolling in college for purposes of fulfilling credential-related requirements?



    Remove this question from the application user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

    Special Residency:
    State University Employee

    Are you or your spouse a full-time employee of any of the following colleges/universities?



    Remove this question from the application user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

    Enrollment Status

    (Hide College Education & Colleges Attended if first time in College)

    Education page<enroll_status>REVISE

    Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status question to HIDE the College Education & Colleges/Universities Attended sections IF user selects:

    • 1  = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)
    Colleges/Universities AttendedAttendance Dates<attendance_from>
    REMOVERemove the attendance dates in the Colleges/Universities Attended section when user is reporting prior college attendanceTBDTBD
    SSN Encouragement Pop-upEdit Account & Account Mailing<ssn_encouragement>REMOVERemove the SSN Encouragement pop-up box which natters (reminds) students who have not provided their SSN to complete the SSN question. 
    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
    Introduction PageIntroduction Page

    Remove the Introduction page from the application for all users.  

    This eliminates three clicks for every student in the application workflow.

    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
    Review Application PageReview Application Page
    REMOVERemove the Review Application page from being a required page and set of clicks in the application workflow for all users. Move to the Submission page as an optional, collapsed function hidden behind a button.
    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
    Consent to Release Information PageConsent to Release Information
    REMOVERemove the Consent to Release Information page from being a separate page (and set of clicks) in the application workflow for all users. Move to the Submission page.
    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
    Personal Information pageDemographic Information page
    RENAME & MOVERename the Personal Information page to the Demographic Information page and move to the end of the application workflow.  This will decrease the number of students abandoning the application because they will be more invested in completing the process.
    This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)