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Pilot Meeting Information

This meeting will be held online via Zoom.

titleMeeting Information

Date:   Monday, March 4, 2019

Time:  3:00PM - 4:30PM


Topic: CCCApply Non-Credit Application Pilot Project - March 4 Meeting

Location: ONLINE

Zoom Meeting URL:

Phone:  Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 677 051 3851


3:00 PM


3:05 PM

Roll Call.  Confirm Participants Information

3:10 PM

Review Pilot Project Plan 

See more information below
3:20 PMDEMO:  CCCApply Non-Credit App WorkflowSee more information below
3:40 PM

Review Non-Credit UAT Implementation Checklist 

See more information below
3:55 PM

Discussion:  Issues & Concerns with AB 3101 Residency Exemption for Non-Credit

See more information below
4:10 PM

Review Proposed Feature Enhancements: 

  1. Major / Major Category:  MVP (Credit vs. Non-Credit)
  2. Supplemental Questions:  MVP  (Credit vs Non-Credit)
  3. Needs & Interests Page
See more information below
TBDSURVEY - Gather Questions for Non-Credit App SurveyLeahy / Donohue
4:30 PMSchedule Recurring (bi-weekly) Meetings
4:35 PM

Close Meeting

Roll Call

CCCApply Non-Credit Pilot Member Roster


Non-Credit Application Pilot Members
A&R Contact

College / District
IT Contact

Paulette Linoplino@chabotcollege.eduXChabot College

Monika Liu


City College of SF

Quyen Lu

Francine Luong

XCity College of SFSheila Pontanares

MaryLou Leyba

XCity College of SFWonda Wong

City College of SFChien Lin


Coastline College

Kyle Mack


Coastline CollegeTim Rigneytimr@cccd.eduX
Anna SalazarSalazaal@elac.eduXEast LA College

Anthony Cervantes

Foothill College

Chien Shih
Foothill College

Jerrick Woo


Linda Koyamakoyamalinda@fhda.eduX

Mahmood Hasan


Jyoti Gavaligavalijyoti@fhda.eduX
Kristy Lislelislekristy@fhda.eduXFoothill College

Tina King, Ed.D.tking@noce.eduX

North Orange CCD (SCE)

Morgan Beckmbeck@noce.eduX
Triseinge Ortiztortiz@noce.eduXNorth Orange CCD (SCE)

Shontel Coronascorona@noce.eduXNorth Orange CCD (SCE)

Jason Makabali

XNorth Orange CCD (SCE)

Thea Quigley

Thea.Quigley@rccd.eduXRiverside CCDAli Salinasali.salinas@rcc.eduX
Paula Barrera

XRiverside CCD

Esau Tovar, Ph.D.


Santa Monica College

Dione Cartercarter_dione@smc.eduXSanta Monica College

Luis Jaureguijauregui_luis@smc.eduXSanta Monica College

Mitch Leahymleahy@santarosa.eduXSanta Rosa Jr. College

Sierra College

Gerlie Jeltemagjeltema@socccd.eduXSouth Orange CCD

Cerritos College

Michelle Pena

Bakersfield College

CCC Chancellor's Office

Michael Quiaoit

XCCC Chancellor's Office

Patty Donohue

XCCC Technology CenterMerrie Wales

Jennifer Coleman


Amanda Mason

CCC Technology CenterKasey Crosby



This Meeting's Recording:   <  Zoom meeting recording goes here  >

Project Overview 

  • Pilot Overview 

  • Project Timeline & Schedule

  • Pilot Objectives

  • Success Criteria

    • Survey

  • Iterative Releases


#DescriptionTypeSLIDES /  PPTLink or File
1Non-Credit Application - General DemoZoom RecordingCCCApply Non-Credit Workflow Path
2Non-Credit Application - Implementation TasksZoom RecordingNon-Credit Application - Pilot UAT Slides

UAT Checklist

Review Non-Credit UAT Implementation Checklist 


Issues & Concerns with AB 3101 Residency Exemption for Non-Credit

    1. What is their official residency status?
    2. Are colleges supposed to automatically classify them as a non-resident?
    3. What tuition fees should they be charged?
    4. Non-resident or resident fees if taking credit courses at the same time or transitioning to credit courses?
    5. If we are not determining residency classification, how does this impact apportionment?
    6. Are non-credit, non-residents not included in apportionment?

Discussion: "Must Have" Features & Requirements

What are the MVP "must have" changes required for June 2019, and Beyond

Identify List of "Must Have" Changes

  1. Major / Major Category:  MVP (Credit vs. Non-Credit)
  2. Supplemental Questions:  MVP  (Credit vs Non-Credit)
  3. Noncredit App Introduction Page: MVP 

Field / FeatureCurrent ImplementationCurrent LimitationsNeed & Proposed Change*

Implement a Noncredit Intro Page

  • The same Welcome page is used by the Standard and the Noncredit application paths.


Add a Noncredit Intro page (landing page) that appears when the user enters the application using the Noncredit URL. 

Add a new landing page for the Noncredit application workflow, with the following language:

Noncredit Application to College

Before applying to college you must first have an OpenCCC account.

The OpenCCC single sign-in account allows you to access the online services of the California Community Colleges.

OpenCCC is a service of the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office. The information in your account is kept private and secure.

Student User Story

"As a student enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses I need to see the label, "Noncredit Application", on the welcome page (landing page) to minimize confusion about which application I am applying with to college."  

Implement Ability to Specify which Majors Appear in Noncredit Application

Field: Intended Major / Program of Study

  • Required field 
  • Colleges configure custom Majors/Programs in the Administrator
  • College Majors/Programs are the same across Standard & Non-Credit
  • Currently there is no way to implement separate Majors menu/fields in the Standard & the Non-Credit;
  • All Majors/Programs will appear in both apps

Need to display different Majors in the Noncredit Application 

The Noncredit application needs to display only the Majors/Programs of Study that are identified for noncredit applicants. 

Need to be able to differentiate between credit Majors and Noncredit majors in the Majors field

But still need to be able to display all majors

  • Implement a tag/toggle in the "Add/Edit Major" modal that identifies if  a Major/Program should appear in the Standard App, the Non-Credit App, or Both apps.  otherwise it will NOT appear.
  • Implement logic that will only display the Majors that have the Non-Credit tag in the NC App. (NOTE: This means that these Majors/Programs would also appear in the Standard, but would ONLY appear in the Non-Credit app)
College User Story

"As a college admissions staff, I need the ability to identify/flag which Majors/Programs of Study should appear in the Intended Major/Program of Study field menu in the Standard application and/or the Noncredit application (either or both) so that noncredit students only see the programs that pertain to noncredit students."

Student User Story"As a student enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses I should not have to select a Major Category and should only see Majors/Programs of Study that are specific to noncredit courses/programs in the Intended Major/Program of Study menu on the Enrollment page for the college I am enrolling in."

Remove the Major Category Filter in the Noncredit App

  • Optional field / filter
  • Colleges add custom categories in the Administrator and tag Majors with them
  • Category filter menu Only appears in the Applications if one or more Categories exist
  • Currently there is no way to implement separate Category feature in the Standard & the Non-Credit;
  • All Categories will appear in both apps
  • Disable the Major Category filter in the Non-Credit App
  • Basically, the "Non-Credit tag" toggle would serve as the filter in the Administrator.  
  • Only the Majors/Programs with the NC tag will display in the "Majors/Programs" menu in the Non-Credit app.

Student User Story

"As a student enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses I should not have to select a major category in addition to a Major/Program of Study because the Noncredit application itself is a category."

Different Supplemental Questions in the Noncredit Application

  • Optional; Supplemental Questions are not required to be used

  • Colleges configure supplemental questions in an XML file and upload in the Administrator

  • Colleges must configure the questions using XML code 

  • Only one page of Supplemental Questions can be active and displayed at any one time

  • There's no way to schedule when Supp Questions display; the display specs are set in the Administrator and it's either Active or Inactive

  • Currently there's no way to separate or differentiate Supp Questions page for the Standard vs. Non-Credit applications; If one page is uploaded and enabled, it will appear for both applications by default;

Colleges need the ability to ask different supplemental questions of their Noncredit students.  

  1. Best case scenario: College needs the ability to specify which application each question appears in (Standard, Noncredit or both)

  2. Next best scenario: Colleges want the ability to display the same page of supplemental questions in both applications or not. 

  3. At the very least: Colleges would rather have supplemental questions turned OFF in their Noncredit application if they can't have either of the other two scenarios. 

Best Case - College User Story

"As a college admissions staff, I need the ability to ask different supplemental questions in the Noncredit Application than we are asking in the Standard Application, (including some that are the same in both) in order to customize the user experience and collect specific responses from each student type with has different needs and requirements."

 Student User Story"As a student enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses, I should only have to answer supplemental questions that pertains to noncredit experience."


Participants agreed that a survey is warranted

  1. What questions do we ask?

  2. Who is our target audience?

  3. How do we reach them?

QuestionTypeAudienceExpected Outcome

Next Actions 

#DescriptionNotesAssigned to Start DateDeadline DateStatus

Send the list of concerns to the committee for feedback;

Sent to committee: 3/05

March 22

Once the committee has responded with any additional concerns, send to the CO for response

Flesh out the three "must have" requirements and submit to the development team for an IT development estimateGoal:  Dev team to groom and estimate changes this week (Mar 7) PattyDraft up Jira tickets and groom for development estimateMarch 11

Setup Recurring Meetings for Friday mornings?

Start with the next Meeting:  March 22 

Schedule next meeting for March 22Patty3/05/19

Q&A from the Meeting Chat

Below are the comments and questions from the 3/04 meeting Chat.  Answers are provided in BLUE below.

16:02:28 From Dione & Luis : Patty, Non-Credit needs to be spelled without a hyphen: Noncredit

Noted.  All official text and nomenclature will reference the proper spelling above:  Noncredit.  However, many of the internal documents that have already been published online (product information and implementation docs - if I change the document titles, I could break the links.  Hopefully we can live with those misspelled documents (smile)

15:34:01 From Paulette Lino : how do I access the list of colleges with (Pilot Noncredit) URLs?

15:40:29 From Kyle Mack : CCCApply Non-Credit Application URLs

15:33:16 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : I agree. I'd like some verbiage that indicates it's a non-credit application.
15:39:12 From fong_fai : Agreed, especially in the case where a student had to apply twice during a term, once to the non-credit and then switch to a credit student. The landing page will clarify the application for the student.
16:27:34 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : Separate landing page would be very helpful.
16:28:10 From Monika Liu : I agree to have a separate landing page for Noncredit
16:29:41 From Morgan : = Noncredit
16:30:13 From Mitch Leahy :
16:32:39 From fong_fai : I think we need to say "Noncredit Program Application"

15:58:27 From Morgan : I agree with Gerlie and Dione as if you are in the noncredit app it helps differentiate and removes confusion for the student. Those that have aspirations for credit still have to fill out a credit app anyway for residency and you can collect it there.
15:39:35 From Gerlie Jeltema : If a student made the mistake of applying via Non-Credit app because it was not clearly identified, does it prevent them from doing some things a regular student can do?

15:38:39 From Gerlie Jeltema : Is there a limitation as to what Non-Credit students can do versus regular students at most institutions that require that a student know in advance that they are entering a strictly Non-Credit application?
15:39:52 From Mitch Leahy : that depends on how your SIS is configured
15:40:13 From Mitch Leahy : You need to make sure that a non-credit doesn't enroll in credit if they complete a non-credit app. Otherwise... you will have an audit problem.
15:41:17 From Gerlie Jeltema : That's what I mean - from a policy perspective, if there are downstream impacts for how a student applied to the institution, then it should be clear which application the student is using.

15:51:12 From fong_fai : Do you plan to add condition criteria for each of the supplemental questions. It would be great if you can, so we can control who sees the questions even on the regular app?

15:51:54 From Morgan : Does Spanish (translation) work now?

15:52:09 From fong_fai : Would the download residency status be just blank?
15:53:34 From fong_fai : I see that that the residency status would be "N"

15:53:22 From Morgan : Can we edit the needs and interest to fit our student population and reduce the confusion on our most vulnerable population?

15:56:28 From Kyle Mack : Not having the option to use a different set of majors on the standard and non-credit apps will be a deal breaker for Coast Community Colleges.

15:59:22 From fong_fai : Should we add non-credit status field and integrity flag 81 for the production roll out coming in a couple of weeks?

15:59:23 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : Can non-credit be added as a major award_type? This would prevent the colleges from having to implement the major categories, and perhaps it would open up options to filter what's displayed in the major dropdown menu.

16:10:13 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : Patty, is this presentation/set of slides available online?

16:11:18 From Gerlie Jeltema to Patty Donohue (Privately) : When a student applies using Non-Credit first, they can apply using the Credit app for the same term is what I heard. What happens if they apply for the Credit app first?

16:16:57 From Michael Quiaoit to Patty Donohue (Privately) : CO is fine with clarifying any questions, please send them to me and Elena Alcala, so Natalie Wagner can include the answers in the Residency Overview document.

16:18:41 From Dione & Luis : When does the noncredit app go live?
16:20:27 From Merrie Wales : Dione, In Pilot the Non-Credit app is available now

16:21:09 From Shontel Corona : I noticed North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) is missing from the CCCApply Non-Credit Application URLs list. Fullerton and Cypress college are listed, but not NOCE 863

16:35:44 From fong_fai : Could we use the concept of area and apply to the noncredit program and the program becomes the different noncredit program

16:44:50 From Anna Salazar - EAST : In my opinion a survey should be sent out