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Update:  10/2/15 meeting was cancelled due to technical difficulties. Update narratives have been added to each sub-heading below for review by IA Steering Committee.  

Next meeting:  TBD - Doodle Poll sent 10/2/15. 

Welcome & Roll Call


Member Name



Member Name


Butte-Glenn CCD

Rachel Wood


Los Angeles CCD

Olivia Alvarado


Cerritos CCD

Norma Rodriguez


Miracosta CCD

Jane Sparks


Chabot-Las Positas CCD

Dolly Balangitao


Mt. San Jacinto CCD

Jackie Alvarado-Padilla


Contra Costa CCD

Gloria Zarabozo


Peralta CCD

Thomas Torres-Gil


Contra Costa CCD

Susie Hansen


Santa Barbara CCD

Rosemary Santillan
Carola Smith (sitting in)


Contra Costa CCD

Diane Ahlborn


San Francisco CCD

Marylou Leyba


El Camino CCD

Lindsey Ludwig


San Mateo CCD

Diane Arguijo


Fullerton CCD

Pilar Ellis


San Mateo CCD

Henry Villareal



Wayne Branker


South Orange CCD

Christina Delgado



Mika Miller


South Orange CCD

Maria Lopez


Kern CCD

Michelle Pena


West Hills CCD

Daniel Tamayo


CCC Technology Center

Patty Donohue






Review August Steering Meeting Minutes

The review of the August meeting was postponed due to cancelled meetingIn August, the IA Steering members met for an introduction to the International Application development and release plan timeline. Committee general guidelines and objectives were reviewed, including the requirements set by the CCCApply Steering Committee - asking for final say on all specified development requirements (technical and functional) that require development funds to be allocated.  



Road Map Review


  • Road Map Update 
    10/2:  Changes to the road map are highlighted in blue below. 
  • Mandatory Accessibility Review Update

    10/2:  In June 2015, OpenCCC (student account system) and the CCCApply standard application were audited by the State of California 508 Accessibility Commission.  The requirement was to address all issues identified within the audit and undergo an outside accessibility review by December. Addressing the issues in the audit, as well as ensuring that the BOG and International Applications also meet or exceed accessibility compliance, has been the primary focus of the CCC Technology Center since notified about the audit earlier this year. Developing an accessible application for students with disabilities has been our highest priority and we know that the payoff will be worth the delays. Unfortunately the accessibility review has been delayed - awaiting the contracts to be approved by the CCCCO.  

    Due to the delay of the contract, the vendor has had to push us back on their schedule. Assuming we get the contracts executed within the next few weeks, the earliest the vendor can begin the review is November 4 - starting with OpenCCC and CCCApply Standard application.  The International application will be reviewed after Apply - which means our planned release in mid-October to colleges will be delayed until the International review is completed and we PASS.  

  • Release Update:  Full Regression Testing > Release to Pilot Site - October 16

    10/2:  When we found out about the delay of the accessibility review, we added another sprint to our development cycle. Sprint 86 (September 24 - October 13) will serve as a full regression test to ensure that all the accessibility development we've done, and all new International development work completed, is fully tested before release.  

    Though we will not be able to release the International application to students until the accessibility review is completed, and we PASS across the board, we will still release the application to the Pilot environment (test site) on October 16.  This will happen even if by some miracle we are able to get reviewed sooner, and even if we DON'T PASS.  We will stick to our Plan B - release to Pilot for colleges to test and begin setting up their downloads/imports in preparation for eventual release to students.

    Release to students is still dependent on PASS of accessibility review. 
  • IA Steering Colleges may begin testing application in Pilot site - October 19

    The International Application will be released to the Pilot site on Friday, October 16 starting at 5:00PM (it will take a few hours). Steering will receive a follow-up announcement containing the access information and Administrator user accounts will be set up for Steering members.  However, placeholder terms, majors and English proficiency tests will be included so that the application can be tested immediately. 
  • All College announcement - Release Update
  • Implementation Project Begins - November 


Oct 9 - Steering Sprint Preview (TBD)  Cancelled due to conflict on Accessibility review date

Oct 16 - IA Data Dictionary and Implementation Documentation (IT Project docs) released to IA Steering colleges

Oct 16 - Plan A)  Release to Pilot & Production;  Plan B)  Release to PILOT  Update: Cannot release the International Application to students until the Accessibility Review is complete and it has PASSED.

November 4 - 24 - Accessibility Review on the International Application scheduled (TBD)

Oct 17 - Sprint 87 begins TBD- IA development work resumes for March 2016 Update

Feb 21 - Development ends - Prep for March Annual Update

Mar 15 TBD - 2016-2017 CCCApply Annual Update (Apply, BOG, IA) 


Roadmap Planner


Development Sprint Map

Breakdown of development work by sprint. Development work is completed in three week "sprints".

Pre-release development schedule: During the pre-release development process, all development will be reviewed internally.
Post-release development schedule: At the end of each post-release development sprint, the work will be reviewed and approved by stakeholders ( Steering Committee & sub-committee, eventually stakeholders will be all colleges using the International Application.)

Updated 10/12/15

Roadmap Planner


Sprint 85

  • Begin testing Apply & Account Accessibility requirements
  • Begin IA
  • Best case scenario: Finish Apply & Account TPG accessibility Review; begin IA TPG review

Sprint 86

  • 9/24 - 10/13: Full Regression Test Sprint

Sprint 87

  • 10/14 - 11/3: Accessibility Review (TBD)


High Priority Issues

    1. Gender Field & AB620
    2. English Proficiency Test Requirements
    3. Certificates in Degree Types
    4. SSN Re-design
      1. Approved by the CCCApply Steering Committee 
        1. New conditional checkbox question and downloadable data field (ssn_exception) to identify if the student who selects "ssn_no" is an international student or not. 
        2. If student selects "True - I am an international student and I do not have a Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number." then the "SSN Encouragement" checkbox does not appear to students.
      2. Currently at top of the back-log for development.
        1. Dependent on TPG accessibility review completion
        2. Dependent on bugs completion

  1. Phone Number Formats

Supplemental Questions, Rules & Flags

Work-around Solution to Undeveloped Requirements

  • Call for sub-group to work on supplemental questions
  • Call for sub-group to work on Rules examples


Data Dictionary & Form Specification

Action Item: Need Revision Review

CONFIDENTIAL (CCCApply & IA Steering Committees ONLY)

View file
nameInternational Application Specifications-DRAFT.doc

This document is an In-Progress Draft. This is not the final document; however, see the Change Log to see all changes made since the April 2015 International Application demo. 



Schedule Next Meeting

  • Application Review
  • Change Requests Pending:



Action Items:

  1. Set up access to the application for steering members
  2. Set up user accounts for each on Pilot
  3. Ensure there are a few test Terms and Majors open for test applications
  4. Send Olivia (everyone) the data fields and instructions on starting their data field mapping to SIS project.
  5. Set up demo for those steering members who haven't used the Administrator before - set up English Proficiency
  6. Write up all development changes made since the April 2015 International Demo
  7. Write up all pending change requests for prioritization
  8. Write up general requirements for review (phone number formats, etc.)
  9. Share a copy of the International App Data Dictionary to Steering.
  10. NEW change request - Remove the Race/Ethnicity questions from the IA application. Gloria said she would take the lead and find out who mandates this field for International population. Take back to Steering committee for approval.



Additional Requirements


  1. Evaluate accuracy of labels for labels like African-American or Mexican-American.  Issues of race ethnicity, Nationality, etc.  Probably a steering body issue.  Also controlled by IPEDS standards.
  2. Do we need the AB 620 questions on the personal info page?
  3. Ask first generation questions.  What are these?
  4. Ask for the student’s primary language.  completed 
  5. For transfer students allow input of the major. completed 

Additional Requirements


  1. Are there other English proficiency tests we want to include such as IELTS?  What are they?
  2. May need to edit/reduce the dropdown list for secondary/high school list options.  If just F1, may not need all of the options. (Complete). 

Additional Requirements


  1. There was a request is to have an agents dropdown list.  This would be difficult if not impossible to administer since it would vary from college to college.  Decided to use just input fields.

