Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Request No. 2018-18
Date of RequestApril 26, 2018 
RequesterCCCCO / Craig Hayward 
Application(s)CCCApply Standard / International
Section / Page

Race & Ethnicity / Demographic Information 

Steering Hearing DateTBD 
Proposed Change to Download FileSee Notes 
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A 

Proposed Solution


This is an approved change request coming from the Chancellor's Office to revise, expand, and add conditional formatting to the Race & Ethnicity section

of the Demographic Information page to include a new section and revise the conditional formatting functionality to hide certain sub-categories until a student selects the high level category.  

Note:  If a new category is added to the response options for the Race & Ethnicity download field(s), colleges will be required to implement the changes to absorb the new options and replace their DLC jar file.

General  Requirements

  • Requirements below apply to both the Apply and international applications.
  • Data Dictionary for both Apply and International applications should be updated to reflect new Database values and mappings.
  • No changes to the current DB size limit.

Functional Mock Up for New Design and Functionality

Attached is a functional excel mockup for how this new layout and functionality should be in both the CCCApply and International Application.

View file
nameAncestry proposal 2.43.xlsx

titleNew UI Layout Demo

New Race & Ethnicity Changes - User Interface Demo

Zoom recording 09.14.18:

NEW Layout Screenshots

Requirements for New Design and Functionality

Section 1 Requirements - Hispanic/Latino Section
  • The first section should ask the following question: "Are you Hispanic or Latino?"
  • If user clicks on the checkbox, then the box next to Hispanic or Latino should become automatically checked and the subgroup list expands and becomes visible to display 19 subcategories (race_ethnicity).
  • If user does not click on the checkbox, then the box next to Hispanic or Latino should not systematically expand and the user should not see the 19 subcategories race_ethnicity).
Race Group (race_group)Current Value / MappingNEW Associated Subgroup (race_ethnicity)NotesHispanic or Latino - New DB Value of 10001

100 = New DB Value

titleUnmapped list of Hispanic/Latino countries
  • Argentinean - New DB Value of 101
  • Bolivian - New DB Value of 102
  • Chilean - New DB Value of 103
  • Colombian - New DB Value of 104
  • Costa Rican - New DB Value of 105
  • Cuban - New DB Value of 106
  • Dominican (Dominican Republic) - New DB Value of 107
  • Ecuadorian - New DB Value of 108
  • Guatemalan - New DB Value of 109
  • Honduran - New DB Value of 110
  • Mexican  - New DB Value of 111 (Per Craig Hayward 7.19.18, keep this mapped to existing value 02.)
  • Nicaraguan - New DB Value of 112
  • Panamanian - New DB Value of 113
  • Peruvian - New DB Value of 114
  • Puerto Rican - New DB Value of 115
  • Salvadoran - New DB Value of 116
  • Spanish - New DB Value of 117 
  • Venezuelan - New DB Value of 118
  • Other Hispanic or Latino - New DB Value of 119 (New value approved for this one. per "Latino" ethnicity addition

Hispanic, Latino - (From ‘Are you Hispanic / Latino?’
drop-down menu selection)

Check the box to open the sub-ethnicities

10.12.18: Per Craig Hayward, Brazil is not included on purpose. 

Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano02
  • Mexican  - New DB Value of 111 (Per Craig Hayward 7.19.18, keep this mapped to existing value 02.)
Central American03
  • Costa Rican - New DB Value of 105
  • Guatemalan - New DB Value of 109
  • Honduran - New DB Value of 110
  • Nicaraguan - New DB Value of 112
  • Panamanian - New DB Value of 113
  • Salvadoran - New DB Value of 116
South American04
  • Argentinean - New DB Value of 101
  • Bolivian - New DB Value of 102
  • Chilean - New DB Value of 103
  • Colombian - New DB Value of 104
  • Ecuadorian - New DB Value of 108
  • Peruvian - New DB Value of 114
  • Venezuelan - New DB Value of 118

10.12.18: Per Craig Hayward, Brazil is not included on purpose. 

Hispanic, Other05
  • Cuban - New DB Value of 106
  • Dominican (Dominican Republic) - New DB Value of 107
  • Puerto Rican - New DB Value of 115
  • Spanish - New DB Value of 117
  • Other Hispanic or Latino - New DB Value of 119 (New value approved for this one. per "Latino" ethnicity addition
Section 2 Requirements
  • The following instructions should fall below the Hispanic/Latino Section.
    • Check all of the ethnicity and ancestry groups that you identify with. When you select a major ethnicity group, you will have the option to select more specific ancestry groups. Select all that apply and then click on the button that says "Continue".
  • The system should then show the following ethnic groups with a checkbox next to each group:
    • Asian
    • American Indian or Alaska Native

    • Black or African American
    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    • Middle Eastern or North African
    • White
  • Applicants who select one or more of the Ethnic Groups should then see the subset of more detailed associated subgroups. Multiethnic applicants are able to select as many ethnic groups and ethnic subgroups as needed. When a box is checked an accordion expansion should reveal the associated subgroups. When a box is unchecked, the accordion expansion should roll up to no longer show the subgroups.
  • The following table shows a breakdown of the subgroups tied to each ethnic group, as well as the DB value associated in parenthesis. 
Ethnic Group (race_group)Current Value / MappingNeW Associated Subgroup (race_ethnicity)Notes


200 - - New DB Value of 200Asian: Indian06
  • Afghan - New DB Value of 201
  • Bangladeshi - New DB Value of 202
  • Burmese/Myanmar - New DB Value of 203
  • East Indian (Remove "East" and leave it mapped to original "06")
  • Pakistani - New DB Value of 206
  • Sri Lankan - New DB Value of 207
Note: All responses from this group will map back to the original value for "Asian: Indian" = 06Asian: Chinese07
  • Chinese - (Stays as 07)
Asian: Japanese08
  • Japanese - (Stays as 08)
Asian: Korean09
  • Korean - (Stays as 09)
Asian: Laotian10
  • Laotian -  (Stays as 10)
Asian: Cambodian11
  • Cambodian - (Stays as 11)
Asian: Vietnamese12
  • Vietnamese - (Stays as 12)
Asian: Filipino13
  • Filipino - (Stays as 13)
Asian: Other14
  • Hmong - New DB Value of 204
  • Indonesian - New DB Value of 205
  • Other Asian - (Stays as 14)
  • Taiwanese - New DB Value of 208
  • Thai - New DB Value of 209
American Indian or Alaska Native  300 -- New DB Value of 300

NOTE:  All the new American Indian / Alaskan Native responses will map back to original DB value "16"

  • Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation - New DB Value of 301
  • Alturas Indian Rancheria - New DB Value of 302
  • Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians - New DB Value of 303
  • Aztec or Mixtec - New DB Value of 304
  • Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria - New DB Value of 305
  • Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California - New DB Value of 306
  • Big Lagoon Rancheria - New DB Value of 307
  • Big Pine Band Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley - New DB Value of 308
  • Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians of California - New DB Value of 309
  • Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria - New DB Value of 310
  • Bishop Pauite Tribe (previously listed as Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the Bishop Community of the Bishop Colony) - New DB Value of 311
  • Blue Lake Rancheria - New DB Value of 312
  • Bridgeport Indian Colony - New DB Value of 313
  • Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California - New DB Value of 314
  • Cabazon Band of  Mission Indians - New DB Value of 315
  • Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community of the Colusa Rancheria - New DB Value of 316
  • Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians of the Cahuilla Reservation - New DB Value of 317
  • Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria - New DB Value of 318
  • California Valley Miwok Tribe - New DB Value of 319
  • Campo Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation - New DB Value of 320
  • Capitan Grande Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of California:Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Barona Reservation; Viejas (Baron Long) Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Viejas Reservation - New DB Value of 321
  • Cedarville Rancheria - New DB Value of 322
  • Chemehuevi Indian Tribe of the Chemehuevi Reservation - New DB Value of 323
  • Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria - New DB Value of 324
  • Cherokee - New DB Value of 325
  • Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California - New DB Value of 326
  • Chippewa - New DB Value of 327
  • Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of 328
  • Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians of California - New DB Value of 329
  • Colorado River Indian Tribes of the Colorado River Indian Reservation (Arizona and California) - New DB Value of 330
  • Cortina Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians of California - New DB Value of 331
  • Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of 332
  • Death Valley Timbi-Sha Shoshone Tribe - New DB Value of 333
  • Dry Creek Rancheria of Pomo Indians - New DB Value of 334
  • Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria - New DB Value of 335
  • Elk Valley Rancheria - New DB Value of 336
  • Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California - New DB Value of 337
  • Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians - New DB Value of 338
  • Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria - New DB Value of 339
  • Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation of California - New DB Value of 340
  • Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of the Fort Independence Reservation - New DB Value of 341
  • Fort Mojave Indian Tribe (Arizona, California and Nevada) - New DB Value of 342
  • Greenville Rancheria - New DB Value of 343
  • Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians of California - New DB Value of 344
  • Guidiville Rancheria of California - New DB Value of 345
  • Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake - New DB Value of 346
  • Hoopa Valley Tribe - New DB Value of 347
  • Hopland Band of Pomo Indians - New DB Value of 348
  • Inaja Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation - New DB Value of 349
  • Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California - New DB Value of 350
  • Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians - New DB Value of 351
  • Jamul Indian Village of California - New DB Value of 352
  • Karuk Tribe  - New DB Value of 353
  • Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewart’s Point Rancheria - New DB Value of 354
  • Koi Nation of Northern California - New DB Value of 355
  • La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians  - New DB Value of 356
  • La Posta Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian Reservation - New DB Value of 357
  • Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribe - New DB Value of 358
  • Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla & Cupeno Indians  - New DB Value of 359
  • Lytton Rancheria of California - New DB Value of 360
  • Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Rancheria - New DB Value of 361
  • Manzanita Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Manzanita Reservation - New DB Value of 362
  • Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria - New DB Value of 363
  • Mesa Grande Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation - New DB Value of 364
  • Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of 365
  • Mooretown

    in both CCCApply and the International Application. See Change Request 2018-18: Expand Race & Ethnicity Section with New Categories

    Table of Contents

    Current Problem and Business Need

    There is a business need to expand the categories of race and ethnicity that are collected via CCCApply and in the International application. The current Student Equity Plan (SEP) guidelines do not include all ethnic groups that are relevant for distinct and diverse local communities served by the 114 colleges. For example, State Center College has a sizable Hmong population in its service area. However, their ability to conduct research, identify equity gaps, and direct resources in ways that will effectively close those gaps has been impeded because “Hmong” is not an ethnicity category that is collected on the standard application. We need to expand the ethnicity group data collected via the standard CCC application (CCCApply) and make that data available via the statewide MIS. 

    Per Craig Hayward, Bakersfield College, on April 26, 2018:
    This is a proposal for expanding the categories of ethnicity that are collected via CCCApply. The idea is to add one additional high-level category (Middle Eastern/North African) which would roll up into "White" for federal IPEDS reporting (as it currently does). The other groups would only be made visible is someone selected a high level group like "Asian"; then they would see all of the possible sub-categories for Asian.  Work on this proposal has been ongoing with various stakeholder groups around the state for the past year or so.

    Supporting Documentation

    Ethnicity/Ancestry Expansion Proposal

    View file
    nameEthnicity-Ancestry Expansion Proposal Digest-Draft v 1.4.docx

    Additional Info: SSSP Memo Excerpt

    Excerpts from Student Success and Support Program re Student Equity SEC. 6. Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 78220) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 48 of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code, to read:

    titleClick here to read Article 1.5. Student Equity Plans 78220....

    Article 1.5. Student Equity Plans 78220.

    (a) As a condition for receiving Student Success and Support Program funding, and in order to ensure equal educational opportunities and to promote student success for all students, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or economic circumstances, the governing board of each community college district shall maintain a student equity plan that includes all of the following for each community college in the community college district:

    (1) Campus-based research as to the extent of student equity by gender and for each of the following categories of students:

    (A) Current or former foster youth.

    (B) Students with disabilities.

    (C) Low-income students.

    (D) Veterans.

    (E) Students in the following ethnic and racial categories, as they are defined by the United States Census Bureau for the 2010 Census for reporting purposes:

    (i) American Indian or Alaska Native.

    (ii) Asian.

    (iii) Black or African American.

    (iv) Hispanic or Latino.

    (v) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.

    (vi) White.

    (vii) Some other race.

    (viii) More than one race.

    Current Race/Ethnicity Design and Functionality

    CCCApply and the International application collects ethnicity information by first asking applicants if they are Hispanic or Latino. Respondents who select “Yes” then see an expanded set of more specific options to choose from. From there, applicants are asked what their race is and they are given limited high level categories to choose from.

    CCCApply Application Today

    Image Added

    International Application Today

    Image Added

    Current Database Values

    Hispanic/Latino (hispanic_latino): 
    Race Group (race_group):

    01: Hispanic, Latino - (From ‘Are you Hispanic / Latino?’
    drop-down menu selection)

    02: Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano
    03: Central American
    04: South American
    05: Hispanic: Other

    Race Ethnicity (race_ethnicity): 
    06: Asian: Indian
    07: Asian: Chinese
    08: Asian: Japanese
    09: Asian: Korean
    10: Asian: Laotian
    11: Asian: Cambodian
    12: Asian: Vietnamese
    13: Asian: Filipino
    14: Asian: Other
    15: Black or African American
    16: American Indian / Alaskan Native
    17: Pacific Islander: Guamanian
    18: Pacific Islander: Hawaiian
    19: Pacific Islander: Samoan
    20: Pacific Islander: Other
    21: White

    Proposed Solution

    Update the Race & Ethnicity section of the Demographic Information page to include a new section and revise the conditional formatting functionality to hide certain sub-categories until a student selects the high level category.  

    Note:  If a new category is added to the response options for the Race & Ethnicity download field(s), colleges will be required to implement the changes to absorb the new options and replace their DLC jar file.

    General  Requirements

    • Requirements below apply to both the Apply and international applications.
    • Data Dictionary for both Apply and International applications should be updated to reflect new Database values and mappings.
    • No changes to the current DB size limit.

    Functional Mock Up for New Design and Functionality

    Attached is a functional excel mockup for how this new layout and functionality should be in both the CCCApply and International Application.

    View file
    nameAncestry proposal 2.43.xlsx

    titleNew UI Layout Demo

    New Race & Ethnicity Changes - User Interface Demo

    Zoom recording 09.14.18:

    NEW Layout Screenshots

    New Hispanic Question & Race Groups Collapsed

    Image Added

    New Hispanic Question & Race Groups - Auto-populated

    Image Added

    New Hispanic Question Expanded

    Image Added

    New Groups Expanded

    Image Added

    More Groups Expanded

    Image Added

    Requirements for New Design and Functionality

    Section 1 Requirements - Hispanic/Latino Section

    • The first section should ask the following question: "Are you Hispanic or Latino?"
    • If user clicks on the checkbox, then the box next to Hispanic or Latino should become automatically checked and the subgroup list expands and becomes visible to display 19 subcategories (race_ethnicity).
    • If user does not click on the checkbox, then the box next to Hispanic or Latino should not systematically expand and the user should not see the 19 subcategories race_ethnicity).
    Race Group (race_group)Current Value / MappingNEW Associated Subgroup (race_ethnicity)Notes
    Hispanic or Latino - New DB Value of 10001

    100 = New DB Value

    titleUnmapped list of Hispanic/Latino countries
    • Argentinean - New DB Value of 101
    • Bolivian - New DB Value of 102
    • Chilean - New DB Value of 103
    • Colombian - New DB Value of 104
    • Costa Rican - New DB Value of 105
    • Cuban - New DB Value of 106
    • Dominican (Dominican Republic) - New DB Value of 107
    • Ecuadorian - New DB Value of 108
    • Guatemalan - New DB Value of 109
    • Honduran - New DB Value of 110
    • Mexican  - New DB Value of 111 (Per Craig Hayward 7.19.18, keep this mapped to existing value 02.)
    • Nicaraguan - New DB Value of 112
    • Panamanian - New DB Value of 113
    • Peruvian - New DB Value of 114
    • Puerto Rican - New DB Value of 115
    • Salvadoran - New DB Value of 116
    • Spanish - New DB Value of 117 
    • Venezuelan - New DB Value of 118
    • Other Hispanic or Latino - New DB Value of 119 (New value approved for this one. per "Latino" ethnicity addition

    Hispanic, Latino - (From ‘Are you Hispanic / Latino?’
    drop-down menu selection)

    Check the box to open the sub-ethnicities

    10.12.18: Per Craig Hayward, Brazil is not included on purpose. 

    Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano02
    • Mexican  - New DB Value of 111 (Per Craig Hayward 7.19.18, keep this mapped to existing value 02.)

    Central American03
    • Costa Rican - New DB Value of 105
    • Guatemalan - New DB Value of 109
    • Honduran - New DB Value of 110
    • Nicaraguan - New DB Value of 112
    • Panamanian - New DB Value of 113
    • Salvadoran - New DB Value of 116

    South American04
    • Argentinean - New DB Value of 101
    • Bolivian - New DB Value of 102
    • Chilean - New DB Value of 103
    • Colombian - New DB Value of 104
    • Ecuadorian - New DB Value of 108
    • Peruvian - New DB Value of 114
    • Venezuelan - New DB Value of 118

    10.12.18: Per Craig Hayward, Brazil is not included on purpose. 

    Hispanic, Other05
    • Cuban - New DB Value of 106
    • Dominican (Dominican Republic) - New DB Value of 107
    • Puerto Rican - New DB Value of 115
    • Spanish - New DB Value of 117
    • Other Hispanic or Latino - New DB Value of 119 (New value approved for this one. per "Latino" ethnicity addition

    Section 2 Requirements

    • The following instructions should fall below the Hispanic/Latino Section.
      • Check all of the ethnicity and ancestry groups that you identify with. When you select a major ethnicity group, you will have the option to select more specific ancestry groups. Select all that apply and then click on the button that says "Continue".
    • The system should then show the following ethnic groups with a checkbox next to each group:
      • Asian
      • American Indian or Alaska Native

      • Black or African American
      • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
      • Middle Eastern or North African
      • White
    • Applicants who select one or more of the Ethnic Groups should then see the subset of more detailed associated subgroups. Multiethnic applicants are able to select as many ethnic groups and ethnic subgroups as needed. When a box is checked an accordion expansion should reveal the associated subgroups. When a box is unchecked, the accordion expansion should roll up to no longer show the subgroups.
    • The following table shows a breakdown of the subgroups tied to each ethnic group, as well as the DB value associated in parenthesis. 
    500 - 500600 - - 600700 - 700
  • Assyrian, Syriac or Chaldean - New DB Value of 701
  • Egyptian -  702Iranian or Persian -  703Iraqi -  704Israeli -  705Jordanian   706Lebanese   707Moroccan -  708Palestinian   709Syrian -  710Turkish   711Other Middle Eastern -  712Other North African -  713800 - - 800Armenian -  801Australian -  802Basque -  803British Isles (UK or Ireland) -  804Canadian -  805European  -  806Russian -  807Ukrainian  808Other White   809  
    Ethnic Group (race_group)Current Value / MappingNeW Associated Subgroup (race_ethnicity)Notes


    200 - - New DB Value of 200
    Asian: Indian06
    • Afghan - New DB Value of 201
    • Bangladeshi - New DB Value of 202
    • Burmese/Myanmar - New DB Value of 203
    • East Indian (Remove "East" and leave it mapped to original "06")
    • Pakistani - New DB Value of 206
    • Sri Lankan - New DB Value of 207
    Note: All responses from this group will map back to the original value for "Asian: Indian" = 06
    Asian: Chinese07
    • Chinese - (Stays as 07)

    Asian: Japanese08
    • Japanese - (Stays as 08)

    Asian: Korean09
    • Korean - (Stays as 09)

    Asian: Laotian10
    • Laotian -  (Stays as 10)

    Asian: Cambodian11
    • Cambodian - (Stays as 11)

    Asian: Vietnamese12
    • Vietnamese - (Stays as 12)

    Asian: Filipino13
    • Filipino - (Stays as 13)

    Asian: Other14
    • Hmong - New DB Value of 204
    • Indonesian - New DB Value of 205
    • Other Asian - (Stays as 14)
    • Taiwanese - New DB Value of 208
    • Thai - New DB Value of 209

    American Indian or Alaska Native  
    300 -- New DB Value of 300

    NOTE:  All the new American Indian / Alaskan Native responses will map back to original DB value "16"

    • Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation - New DB Value of 301
    • Alturas Indian Rancheria - New DB Value of 302
    • Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians - New DB Value of 303
    • Aztec or Mixtec - New DB Value of 304
    • Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria - New DB Value of 305
    • Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California - New DB Value of 366Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians 306
    • Big Lagoon Rancheria - New DB Value of 367Navajo 307
    • Big Pine Band Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley - New DB Value of 368308
    • Northfork Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians of California - New DB Value of 369309
    • Pala Big Valley Band of Luiseño Mission Pomo Indians of the Pala Reservation Big Valley Rancheria - New DB Value of 370Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians of California 310
    • Bishop Pauite Tribe (previously listed as Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the Bishop Community of the Bishop Colony) - New DB Value of 371Pauma Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima Reservation 311
    • Blue Lake Rancheria - New DB Value of 372Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation 312
    • Bridgeport Indian Colony - New DB Value of 373313
    • Picayune Buena Vista Rancheria of Chukchansi Me-Wuk Indians of California - New DB Value of 374Pinoleville Pomo Nation (formerly the Pinoleville Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California)314
    • Cabazon Band of  Mission Indians - New DB Value of 375Pit River Tribe (includes XL Ranch, Big Bend, Likely, Lookout, Montgomery Creek and Roaring Creek Rancherias)315
    • Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community of the Colusa Rancheria - New DB Value of 376Potter Valley Tribe (formerly the Potter Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California) 316
    • Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians of the Cahuilla Reservation - New DB Value of 377317
    • Quartz Valley Cahto Indian Community Tribe of the Quartz Valley Reservation of California Laytonville Rancheria - New DB Value of 378Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation (Arizona and California) 318
    • California Valley Miwok Tribe - New DB Value of 379Ramona Band of Cahuilla 319
    • Campo Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation - New DB Value of 380
    • Redding Rancheria - New DB Value of 381
    • Redwood Valley or Little River Band of Pomo Indians of the Redwood Valley Rancheria California - New DB Value of 382
    • Resighini Rancheria - New DB Value of 383
    • Rincon Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of the Rincon 320
    • Capitan Grande Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of California:Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Barona Reservation; Viejas (Baron Long) Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Viejas Reservation - New DB Value of 384321
    • Robinson Cedarville Rancheria - New DB Value of 385322Round
    • Valley Indian Tribes, Round Valley Reservation Chemehuevi Indian Tribe of the Chemehuevi Reservation - New DB Value of 386San Manual Band of Serrano Mission Indians of the San Maual Reservation 323
    • Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria - New DB Value of 324
    • Cherokee - New DB Value of 387San Pasqual Band of Diegueño Mission 325
    • Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California - New DB Value of 388Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria 326
    • Chippewa - New DB Value of 389Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians (formerly the Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of the Santa Rosa Reservation)327
    • Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of 328
    • Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians of California - New DB Value of 390Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation 329
    • Colorado River Indian Tribes of the Colorado River Indian Reservation (Arizona and California) - New DB Value of 391Lipay Nation of Santa Ysabel (Previously listed as the Santa Ysabel Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Santa Ysabel Reservation) 330
    • Cortina Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians of California - New DB Value of 392331
    • Scotts Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of 393Sheep Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians 332
    • Death Valley Timbi-Sha Shoshone Tribe - New DB Value of 394 333
    • Sherwood Valley Dry Creek Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California Indians - New DB Value of 395Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Shingle Springs Rancheria (Verona Tract) - 334
    • Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria - New DB Value of 396335
    • Sioux Elk Valley Rancheria - New DB Value of 397Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians 336
    • Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California - New DB Value of 398Susanville Indian Rancheria 337
    • Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians - New DB Value of 399Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation (formerly the Sycuan Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California) 338
    • Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria - New DB Value of 401Table Mountain Rancheria 339
    • Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation of California - New DB Value of 402340Tejon
    • Indian Tribe Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of the Fort Independence Reservation - New DB Value of 403Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation 341
    • Fort Mojave Indian Tribe (Arizona, California and Nevada) - New DB Value of 404Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians 342
    • Greenville Rancheria - New DB Value of 405343Tule
    • River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians of California - New DB Value of 406Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne 344
    • Guidiville Rancheria of California - New DB Value of 407Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians of California 345
    • Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake - New DB Value of 408United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of California 346
    • Hoopa Valley Tribe - New DB Value of 409347
    • Upper Lake Hopland Band of Pomo Indians - New DB Value of 410Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute 348
    • Inaja Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation - New DB Value of 411Washoe Tribe (Carson Colony, Dresslerville Colony, Woodfords Community, Stewart Community and Washoe Ranches) (California and Nevada) 349
    • Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California - New DB Value of 412Wilton Rancheria 350
    • Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians - New DB Value of 413Wiyot Tribe (formerly the Table Bluff Reservation-Wiyot Tribe) 351
    • Jamul Indian Village of California - New DB Value of 414Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation  352
    • Karuk Tribe  - New DB Value of 415Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation 353
    • Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewart’s Point Rancheria - New DB Value of 416Zapotec 354
    • Koi Nation of Northern California - New DB Value of 417Other American Indian 355
    • La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians  - New DB Value of 418Other Alaska Native 356
    • La Posta Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian Reservation - New DB Value of 419
    NOTE:  All new American Indian / Alaskan Native responses will map back to original DB value "16"Black or African American 
    • 357
    • Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribe - New DB Value of

    Note: All of these responses will map back to the original value for Black or AfricanAmerican = 15

    • African American - Stays as 15
    • Subsaharan African: Ethiopian 358
    • Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla & Cupeno Indians  - New DB Value of 501Subsaharan African: Kenyan 359
    • Lytton Rancheria of California - New DB Value of 502Subsaharan African: Nigerian 360
    • Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Rancheria - New DB Value of 503Subsaharan African: Somali 361
    • Manzanita Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Manzanita Reservation - New DB Value of 504Subsaharan African: South African 362
    • Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria - New DB Value of 505Subsaharan African: Other Subsaharan African 363
    • Mesa Grande Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation - New DB Value of 506West Indian: Belizean 364
    • Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of 507West Indian: Haitian -  New 365
    • Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California - New DB Value of 508West Indian: Jamaican 366
    • Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians - New DB Value of 367
    • Navajo - New DB Value of 509West Indian: Other West Indian 368
    • Northfork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California - New DB Value of 510
    Note: All of these responses will map back to the original value for Black or AfricanAmerican = 15Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 
    • 369
    • Pala Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of the Pala Reservation - New DB Value of 370
    • Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians of California - New DB Value of

    Pacific Islander: Guamanian

    • Guamanian or Chamorro - Stays as 17
    Pacific Islander: Hawaiian18
    • Native Hawaiian - Stays as 18
    Pacific Islander: Samoan19
    • Samoan - Stays as 19
    • Tongan - New DB Value of 602
    Pacific Islander: Other20
    • Fijian - New DB Value of 601
    • Other Pacific Islander - Stays as 20
    Middle Eastern or North African
    • 371
    • Pauma Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima Reservation - New DB Value of 372
    • Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation - New DB Value of 373
    • Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians of California - New DB Value of 374
    • Pinoleville Pomo Nation (formerly the Pinoleville Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California) - New DB Value of

    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 21

    • 375
    • Pit River Tribe (includes XL Ranch, Big Bend, Likely, Lookout, Montgomery Creek and Roaring Creek Rancherias) - New DB Value of
    • 376
    • Potter Valley Tribe (formerly the Potter Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California) - New DB Value of
    • 377
    • Quartz Valley Indian Community of the Quartz Valley Reservation of California - New DB Value of
    • 378
    • Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation (Arizona and California) - New DB Value of
    • 379
    • Ramona Band of Cahuilla -
    • New DB Value of
    • 380
    • Redding Rancheria -
    • New DB Value of
    • 381
    • Redwood Valley or Little River Band of Pomo Indians of the Redwood Valley Rancheria California - New DB Value of
    • 382
    • Resighini Rancheria -
    • New DB Value of
    • 383
    • Rincon Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation - New DB Value of
    • 384
    • Robinson Rancheria -
    • New DB Value of
    • 385
    • Round Valley Indian Tribes, Round Valley Reservation - New DB Value of
    • 386
    • San Manual Band of Serrano Mission Indians of the San Maual Reservation - New DB Value of
    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 21White
    • 387
    • San Pasqual Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of California - New DB Value of
    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 2121
    • 388
    • Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria - New DB Value of
    • 389
    • Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians (formerly the Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of the Santa Rosa Reservation) - New DB Value of
    • 390
    • Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation - New DB Value of
    • 391
    • Lipay Nation of Santa Ysabel (Previously listed as the Santa Ysabel Band of Diegueño Mission Indians of the Santa Ysabel Reservation) - New DB Value of
    • 392
    • Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of
    • 393
    • Sheep Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians - New DB Value of
    • 394 
    • Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California - New DB Value of
    • 395
    • Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Shingle Springs Rancheria (Verona Tract) New DB Value of
    • 396
    • Sioux -
    • New DB Value of
    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 21

    In Progress Applications

    There will be no database value mappings for In Progress applications. If an application is in-progress and a student selected a race/ethnicity and their choice is in the list of obsolete values post the release, we should display a server side validation error message during the pre-submission validation that advises them of the following:

    The Race and/or Ethnicity you have selected is no longer valid. Please go back to the Demographic Information tab and select a new value.

    The user should not be able to submit the Apply or International application unless they have chosen a valid database value(s) for race_group and race_ethnicities. Once the new value is chosen, we will need to store the new value. 


    This is an approved change request coming from the Chancellor's Office to revise, expand, and add conditional formatting to the Race & Ethnicity section in both CCCApply and the International Application. See Change Request 2018-18: Expand Race & Ethnicity Section with New Categories

    Table of Contents

    Current Problem and Business Need

    There is a business need to expand the categories of race and ethnicity that are collected via CCCApply and in the International application. The current Student Equity Plan (SEP) guidelines do not include all ethnic groups that are relevant for distinct and diverse local communities served by the 114 colleges. For example, State Center College has a sizable Hmong population in its service area. However, their ability to conduct research, identify equity gaps, and direct resources in ways that will effectively close those gaps has been impeded because “Hmong” is not an ethnicity category that is collected on the standard application. We need to expand the ethnicity group data collected via the standard CCC application (CCCApply) and make that data available via the statewide MIS. 

    Per Craig Hayward, Bakersfield College, on April 26, 2018:
    This is a proposal for expanding the categories of ethnicity that are collected via CCCApply. The idea is to add one additional high-level category (Middle Eastern/North African) which would roll up into "White" for federal IPEDS reporting (as it currently does). The other groups would only be made visible is someone selected a high level group like "Asian"; then they would see all of the possible sub-categories for Asian.  Work on this proposal has been ongoing with various stakeholder groups around the state for the past year or so.

    Supporting Documentation

    Ethnicity/Ancestry Expansion Proposal

    View file
    nameEthnicity-Ancestry Expansion Proposal Digest-Draft v 1.4.docx

    Additional Info: SSSP Memo Excerpt

    Excerpts from Student Success and Support Program re Student Equity SEC. 6. Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 78220) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 48 of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code, to read:

    titleClick here to read Article 1.5. Student Equity Plans 78220....

    Article 1.5. Student Equity Plans 78220.

    (a) As a condition for receiving Student Success and Support Program funding, and in order to ensure equal educational opportunities and to promote student success for all students, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or economic circumstances, the governing board of each community college district shall maintain a student equity plan that includes all of the following for each community college in the community college district:

    (1) Campus-based research as to the extent of student equity by gender and for each of the following categories of students:

    (A) Current or former foster youth.

    (B) Students with disabilities.

    (C) Low-income students.

    (D) Veterans.

    (E) Students in the following ethnic and racial categories, as they are defined by the United States Census Bureau for the 2010 Census for reporting purposes:

    (i) American Indian or Alaska Native.

    (ii) Asian.

    (iii) Black or African American.

    (iv) Hispanic or Latino.

    (v) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.

    (vi) White.

    (vii) Some other race.

    (viii) More than one race.

    Current Race/Ethnicity Design and Functionality

    CCCApply and the International application collects ethnicity information by first asking applicants if they are Hispanic or Latino. Respondents who select “Yes” then see an expanded set of more specific options to choose from. From there, applicants are asked what their race is and they are given limited high level categories to choose from.

    CCCApply Application Today

    Image Removed

    International Application Today

    Image Removed

    Current Database Values

    Hispanic/Latino (hispanic_latino): 
    Race Group (race_group):

    01: Hispanic, Latino - (From ‘Are you Hispanic / Latino?’
    drop-down menu selection)
    02: Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano
    03: Central American
    04: South American
    05: Hispanic: Other
    Race Ethnicity (race_ethnicity): 
    06: Asian: Indian
    07: Asian: Chinese
    08: Asian: Japanese
    09: Asian: Korean
    10: Asian: Laotian
    11: Asian: Cambodian
    12: Asian: Vietnamese
    13: Asian: Filipino
    14: Asian: Other
    15: Black or African American
    16: American Indian / Alaskan Native
    17: Pacific Islander: Guamanian
    18: Pacific Islander: Hawaiian
    19: Pacific Islander: Samoan
    20: Pacific Islander: Other
    21: White
    • 397
    • Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians - New DB Value of 398
    • Susanville Indian Rancheria - New DB Value of 399
    • Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation (formerly the Sycuan Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California) - New DB Value of 401
    • Table Mountain Rancheria of California - New DB Value of 402
    • Tejon Indian Tribe - New DB Value of 403
    • Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation - New DB Value of 404
    • Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians - New DB Value of 405
    • Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation - New DB Value of 406
    • Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria of California - New DB Value of 407
    • Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians of California - New DB Value of 408
    • United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of California - New DB Value of 409
    • Upper Lake Band of Pomo Indians - New DB Value of 410
    • Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute Reservation - New DB Value of 411
    • Washoe Tribe (Carson Colony, Dresslerville Colony, Woodfords Community, Stewart Community and Washoe Ranches) (California and Nevada) - New DB Value of 412
    • Wilton Rancheria - New DB Value of 413
    • Wiyot Tribe (formerly the Table Bluff Reservation-Wiyot Tribe) - New DB Value of 414
    • Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation  - New DB Value of 415
    • Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation - New DB Value of 416
    • Zapotec - New DB Value of 417
    • Other American Indian - New DB Value of 418
    • Other Alaska Native - New DB Value of 419
    NOTE:  All new American Indian / Alaskan Native responses will map back to original DB value "16"
    Black or African American 
    500 -- New DB Value of 500

    Note: All of these responses will map back to the original value for Black or AfricanAmerican = 15

    • African American - Stays as 15
    • Subsaharan African: Ethiopian - New DB Value of 501
    • Subsaharan African: Kenyan - New DB Value of 502
    • Subsaharan African: Nigerian - New DB Value of 503
    • Subsaharan African: Somali - New DB Value of 504
    • Subsaharan African: South African - New DB Value of 505
    • Subsaharan African: Other Subsaharan African - New DB Value of 506
    • West Indian: Belizean - New DB Value of 507
    • West Indian: Haitian -  New DB Value of 508
    • West Indian: Jamaican - New DB Value of 509
    • West Indian: Other West Indian - New DB Value of 510
    Note: All of these responses will map back to the original value for Black or AfricanAmerican = 15
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 
    600 - - New DB Value of 600

    Pacific Islander: Guamanian

    • Guamanian or Chamorro - Stays as 17

    Pacific Islander: Hawaiian18
    • Native Hawaiian - Stays as 18

    Pacific Islander: Samoan19
    • Samoan - Stays as 19
    • Tongan - New DB Value of 602

    Pacific Islander: Other20
    • Fijian - New DB Value of 601
    • Other Pacific Islander - Stays as 20

    Middle Eastern or North African
    700 - - New DB Value of 700

    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 21

    • Assyrian, Syriac or Chaldean - New DB Value of 701
    • Egyptian - New DB Value of 702
    • Iranian or Persian - New DB Value of 703
    • Iraqi - New DB Value of 704
    • Israeli - New DB Value of 705
    • Jordanian - New DB Value of 706
    • Lebanese - New DB Value of 707
    • Moroccan - New DB Value of 708
    • Palestinian - New DB Value of 709
    • Syrian - New DB Value of 710
    • Turkish - New DB Value of 711
    • Other Middle Eastern - New DB Value of 712
    • Other North African - New DB Value of 713
    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 21
    800 - - New DB Value of 800
    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 2121
    • Armenian - New DB Value of 801
    • Australian - New DB Value of 802
    • Basque - New DB Value of 803
    • British Isles (UK or Ireland) - New DB Value of 804
    • Canadian - New DB Value of 805
    • European  - New DB Value of 806
    • Russian - New DB Value of 807
    • Ukrainian - New DB Value of 808
    • Other White - New DB Value of 809  
    Note:  All of these new responses will map to the original value for White = 21

    In Progress Applications

    There will be no database value mappings for In Progress applications. If an application is in-progress and a student selected a race/ethnicity and their choice is in the list of obsolete values post the release, we should display a server side validation error message during the pre-submission validation that advises them of the following:

    The Race and/or Ethnicity you have selected is no longer valid. Please go back to the Demographic Information tab and select a new value.

    The user should not be able to submit the Apply or International application unless they have chosen a valid database value(s) for race_group and race_ethnicities. Once the new value is chosen, we will need to store the new value. 

    Release Information To Colleges

    • The system does not store names; maps to numerical values. DB is a text field which has unlimited length. When we store the choice user makes, we save code value - no names are stored. 
    • Colleges will need to absorb the new options and replace their DLC jar file for the categories added to the response options for the Race & Ethnicity download field(s). 
    • No changed are needed to the Download client from Unicon's side. Colleges will need to adjust their format file. If a college is using a fix width columns, they may need to adjust based on a student selecting multiple groups and ethnicities. 

    Backwards Compatibility

    If a user has added Race/Ethnicity data on their in-progress application before this update goes live, then those users will receive a validation message upon attempting to submit that will force them to return to the Demographic Page and update their choices. The end user will not be able to submit their application until they have returned to the Demographic Page and saved their updated data. For the colleges, this means there will be a sharp divide between old and new data, and they should not encounter a time when they can expect to receive both formats. So once this update is deployed, then they can immediately switch to whatever process they put into place to accept the new data into their systems.

    New Data Formats

    From a download client perspective, colleges using a fixed-width output will need to update their format file for the possible output of the new Race Ethnicity selections, and the new usages of the race_group and race_ethnicity fields.

    'race_group' used to store the Hispanic Race Group choices, but it would store them in a comma delimited format with the values, such as "02, 03, 04". 'race_ethnicity' stored the chosen values of both the Hispanic and the original Race Ethnicity in a block of values such as "XNNNNNYYYYNN..." with each character denoting the individual checked or unchecked answer in series.

    Now, race_group is being re-purposed to store the value of the "super groups" such as Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native  etc., and race_ethnicity is storing the values for the "sub groups" of these choices. Colleges will need to be aware of these new uses and adjust how they process this data into the final destination for these submitted applications.

    If a college is using a delimited output for their format file, then they should not need to change their format file. While there will be a greater number of values the user can choose, since it is a delimited output it will simply print the values out as it always has between the chosen delimiter.

    If the college is using a fixed width output, they will need to adjust their format file to compensate for the new number of values that can possibly be output.

    race_group has up to 8 values a user can choose, and is output as "100, 200, 300...(etc.)". The colleges will need to adjust their fixed width output to accept 36 characters for the race_group field (8 values * 3 characters per value + 6 commas + 6 spaces = 36 characters)

    race_ethnicity has up to 194 values the user can choose, and is output as "101, 102, 103, 201, 202, 306...(etc.)". 

    The colleges will need to adjust their fixed width output to accept 966 characters for the race_ethnicity field (194 values * 3 characters each + 192 commas + 192 spaces = 966 characters)

    Articulating Changes by Section

    SectionFieldNew ImplementationOriginal Backend ImplementationWhat Colleges Need to Do
    Hispanic / Latino Questionhispanic_latino

    Same question language displayed

    Changed format from Y/N radio button to a boolean checkbox

    Yes / No radio buttons

    Boolean Y/N or T/F
    (Note - corresponds to (01)

    From ‘Are you Hispanic / Latino?’ drop-down menu selection:

    This is the original logic:  ‘Y’ if ‘Yes’; ‘N’ if ‘No’; otherwise ‘X’

    Race Grouprace_group

    Pertains only to Hispanic / Latino

    Varying length 

    Storing actual value

    In-progress side, race_group would only save the 02, 03, 04, 05

    Submitted side, race_group stored ALL  values (hispanic and non-hispanic choices)

    Race / Ethnicityrace_ethnic


    Duplicate use of values

    Storing the YNX block (YNNNNYN)

    Race / Ethnicity Fullrace_ethnic_full

    Values that weren't a clear a one-to-one map, we had to change

    The only option to keeping the columns the same would be to have implemented ALL 190+ race ethnicities and groups with the same formatting as the screwed up logic as before (combined use of YN 

    Jira NumberStoryDescription Jira LegacyserverSystem JIRAserverIda79f1fc5-1ea0-3960-95ec-ad67852870f1keyOPENAPPLY-4800

    Below are the OLD/existing Race & Ethnicity field values/specifications (before 6.3.0)



    Data Element:



    Combination of all responses to Ethnicity and Race questions

    Format, Length:

    bpchar, 21


    See Table

    Allows Null:





    Correlates to MIS SB29.

    Ethnicity is used primarily by agencies affiliated with state reporting and evaluation of educational programs.

    This set of questions/data was based on specifications by the U.S. Dept. of Education in effect for all applicants beginning with the Summer 2009 term.


    Ethnicity is sensitive information, protected by federal law and the Office of Civil Rights. Any change to the text, prompt, access, or transmission of this data item must be approved by the Legal Counsel of the CCC Chancellor’s Office and the Office of Civil Rights.

    This information may not be provided to staff in the capacity of making a decision to admit an applicant until after the applicant is admitted—that is, uniformly enabled to register for classes.

    The basic two-question format, the Hispanic ethnicity and race categories, and certain other aspects such as not requiring responses are IPEDS requirements. The race subcategories such as 'Asian: Chinese' and 'Pacific Islander: Hawaiian' are defined by MIS at the Chancellor's Office (data element SB29).

    personal_info table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:






    Hispanic, Latino

    From ‘Are you Hispanic / Latino?’ drop-down menu selection:

    ‘Y’ if ‘Yes’; ‘N’ if ‘No’; otherwise ‘X’


    Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Central American

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    South American

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Hispanic Other

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Indian

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Chinese

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Japanese

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Korean

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Laotian

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Cambodian

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Vietnamese

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’



    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Asian Other

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Black or African American

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    American Indian / Alaskan Native

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Pacific Islander Guamanian

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Pacific Islander Hawaiian

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Pacific Islander Samoan

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Pacific Islander Other

    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’



    ‘Y’ if box is checked; otherwise ‘N’


    Data Element:



    Applicant’s response to ‘Are you Hispanic or Latino?’

    Format, Length:

    boolean, 1


    1 = True/Yes, 0 = False/No

    Allows Null:





    This element and ‘race_group’ are used to derive ‘race_ethnic’, which is used for MIS reporting.


    Ethnicity is sensitive information, protected by federal law and the Office of Civil Rights. Any change to the text, prompt, access, or transmission of this data item must be approved by the Legal Counsel of the CCC Chancellor’s Office and the Office of Civil Rights.

    This information may not be provided to staff in the capacity of making a decision to admit an applicant until after the applicant is admitted—that is, uniformly enabled to register for classes.

    personal_info table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    Are you Hispanic or Latino?

    Yes [radio button, clearable]        No [radio button, clearable]



    Additional Text:

    Per U.S. Department of Education guidelines, colleges are required to collect this racial and ethnic data.

    Hispanic - A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

    Response Options:

    Yes No

    (no response)

    Pop-Up Help:


    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    None; optional response per IPEDS and CCCCO.


    Ethnicity is sensitive information, protected by federal law and the Office of Civil Rights. Any change to the text, prompt, access, or transmission of this data item must be approved by the Legal Counsel of the CCC Chancellor’s Office and the Office of Civil Rights.

    This information may not be provided to staff in the capacity of making a decision to admit an applicant until after the applicant is admitted—that is, uniformly enabled to register for classes.

    Data Element:

    personal_info: hispanic

    Also used for part of personal_info: race_ethnic, which correlates to MIS SB29.

    Race Group

    Data Element:



    Combination of all responses to Ethnicity and Race questions except ‘Are you Hispanic or


    Format, Length:

    varchar, 78

    Database currently has ‘text, 2147483647’


    String of codes indicating all checkboxes that are checked, delimited by comma and space between each code. Codes are:

    02  = Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano

    03  = Central American

    04  = South American

    05  = Hispanic Other

    06  = Asian Indian

    07  = Asian Chinese

    08  = Asian Japanese

    09  = Asian Korean

    10  = Asian Laotian

    11  = Asian Cambodian

    Allows Null:





    This element and ‘hispanic’ are used to derive ‘race_ethnic’, which is used for MIS reporting.


    Ethnicity is sensitive information, protected by federal law and the Office of Civil Rights. Any change to the text, prompt, access, or transmission of this data item must be approved by the Legal Counsel of the CCC Chancellor’s Office and the Office of Civil Rights.

    This information may not be provided to staff in the capacity of making a decision to admit an applicant until after the applicant is admitted—that is, uniformly enabled to register for classes.

    The basic two-question format, the Hispanic ethnicity and race categories, and certain other aspects such as not requiring responses are IPEDS requirements. The race subcategories such as 'Asian: Chinese' and 'Pacific Islander: Hawaiian' are defined by MIS at the Chancellor's Office (data element SB29).

    personal_info table

    Xap Field:


    Revision Log:


    Question Text:

    What is your race? Check one or more:

    [checkbox] Asian: Indian [checkbox] Asian: Chinese [checkbox] Asian: Japanese [checkbox] Asian: Korean [checkbox] Asian: Laotian [checkbox] Asian: Cambodian [checkbox] Asian: Vietnamese [checkbox] Asian: Filipino [checkbox] Asian: Other

    [checkbox] Black or African American [checkbox] American Indian / Alaskan Native

    [checkbox] Pacific Islander: Guamanian [checkbox] Pacific Islander: Hawaiian [checkbox]

    Pacific Islander: Samoan [checkbox] Pacific Islander: Other [checkbox]  White



    Additional Text:

    Asian -- A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent.

    Black or African American -- A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

    American Indian / Alaskan Native -- A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.

    Pacific Islander -- A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

    White -- A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

    Response Options:

    Any combination of checkboxes can be checked, from none to all.

    Pop-Up Help:

    Field Error Check:


    Page Error Check:

    None; optional response per IPEDS and CCCCO.


    See note for Hispanic/Latino (previous table).

    Data Element:

    personal_info:  race_group

    Also used for part of personal_info: race_ethnic, which correlates to MIS SB29