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bug fix

<h2> Sub-Task
<li>[<a href='CC-1901'>CC-1901</a>] - QA Testing for CCM-244

<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href='CC-1577'>CC-1577</a>] - &quot;Return to Queue&quot; button returns to Dashboard and not the respective queue.
<li>[<a href='CC-1612'>CC-1612</a>] - Fix conflict in reviewers.blade.php
<li>[<a href='CC-1706'>CC-1706</a>] - college submitter name never updates
<li>[<a href='CC-1707'>CC-1707</a>] - Justification Field not appearing when its required
<li>[<a href='CC-1711https://cccnext.jiraserverSystem JIRAcolumnssummary,type,resolution,descriptionmaximumIssues20jqlQuerykey = CC-1577'>CC-1711</a>] - Reviewer field doesnt populate for credit courses on main courses page
<li>[<a href='CC-1712'>CC-1712</a>] - Results table heading of Status Date on Main Courses and Programs Pages
<li>[<a href='CC-1715'>CC-1715</a>] - Remove Sub Change flag from TOP code changes in programs
<li>[<a href='CC-1719'>CC-1719</a>] - On the New or Edit Course page, there are two Supporting Document headers.
<li>[<a href='CC-1733'>CC-1733</a>] - approval letter template for courses and programs
<li>[<a href='CC-1734'>CC-1734</a>] - Courses Export via Public Courses page not exporting all courses
<li>[<a href='CC-1735'>CC-1735</a>] - JAC Sponsor Phone not accepting any value over 255
<li>[<a href='CC-1738'>CC-1738</a>] - SQL Error in /adminProgramQueueJSON
<li>[<a href='CC-1761'>CC-1761</a>] - Dupes in course program pivot table.
<li>[<a href='CC-1785'>CC-1785</a>] - New course fields for cdcp report don&#39;t populate
<li>[<a href='CC-1900'>CC-1900</a>] - Save Exception Error with Substantial Changes on Review page for Programs

<h2> Story
<li>[<a href='CC-892'>CC-892</a>] - display results (count) options in programs and course main screens
<li>[<a href='CC-1101'>CC-1101</a>] - Display College Name on Program Details Screen
<li>[<a href='CC-1157'>CC-1157</a>] - In &#39;Users&#39; Tab, &quot;Return to User List&quot; or &quot;Save Changes&quot; should bring you back to filtered and sorted results
<li>[<a href='CC-1167'>CC-1167</a>] - Credit Status in Courses Tab&gt; would like to be able to add filter for &quot;all credit courses&quot; or &quot;noncredit= 0&quot;
<li>[<a href='CC-1177'>CC-1177</a>] - Award Column in Reviewer Queue should appear with detailed Award instead of code
<li>[<a href='CC-1178'>CC-1178</a>] - TOP Codes in Reviewer Program Review and Course Review should show numbers and title
<li>[<a href='CC-1338'>CC-1338</a>] - Add Control Number into the Course / Program History
<li>[<a href='CC-1356'>CC-1356</a>] - Request for TOPCode search in public courses report (outside login)
<li>[<a href='CC-1474'>CC-1474</a>] - Dashboard Tab for Reviewers - Move queues to 2 new pages, content/layout of dashboard tab to match other roles
<li>[<a href='CC-1475'>CC-1475</a>] - Courses and Programs Tabs - Update tab label to All Courses and All Programs
<li>[<a href='CC-1504'>CC-1504</a>] - Reviewer Queue - Color Code Proposals in Review that were previously in Revision Status
<li>[<a href='CC-1505'>CC-1505</a>] - Course and Program Proposal Status --&gt; workflow when reviewer selects save and deny
<li>[<a href='CC-1506'>CC-1506</a>] - Review Queues - Add additional column for Review Start
<li>[<a href='CC-1513'>CC-1513</a>] - Course and Program Proposal Status --&gt; submitter workflow when reviewer selects save and deny on a proposal w no CN assigned
<li>[<a href='CC-1570'>CC-1570</a>] - Reviewer Screen - Change Save and Deny button to Send to Revision
<li>[<a href='CC-1573'>CC-1573</a>] - Remove Edit Link from Action Column on Courses Page when Status is Inactive
<li>[<a href='CC-1615'>CC-1615</a>] - CDCP report needed to support funding reports sent to MIS for NC certificates and courses
<li>[<a href='CC-1648'>CC-1648</a>] - Update CB01 data for mission college with spreadsheet attached
<li>[<a href='CC-1656'>CC-1656</a>] - Attributes to add to main users table

<h2> Task
<li>[<a href='CC-1563'>CC-1563</a>] - Accessibility Review for COCI 1.9 Release
<li>[<a href='CC-1624'>CC-1624</a>] - Regression + Smoke Testing on QA for 1.9.0
<li>[<a href='CC-1625'>CC-1625</a>] - Regression + Smoke Testing on Pilot for 1.9.0
<li>[<a href='CC-1626'>CC-1626</a>] - Manual Testing on Production for 1.9.0 Feature Release
<li>[<a href='CC-1647'>CC-1647</a>] - Fix conflict in Workflow.php
<li>[<a href='CC-1718'>CC-1718</a>] - Total Elective Courses Incorrect Admin Submit Validation
<li>[<a href='CC-1737'>CC-1737</a>] - District Unit Test Fails Sometimes

TypeCategoryDescriptionNotesTicket (internal)
