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Reference the Bog CC Promise Grant Application (BOG) Data Dictionary for field definitions, located here: Data Dictionaries


For best practice, create two sets of Promise Grant (BOG) download files (e.g., Format Definition XML, Job XML) - one for the Pilot environment and one for the Production environment. Find information on setting up download files and using the Download Client in the Download Client User Guide.

Database field name and — data type (length)


ccc_id — character varying (8) NOT Null

New field – not in XAP

confirmation_number — character varying (25)


status — character (1)


app_lang — character (2)


college_id — character (3)

MIS code of the college being applied to

year_code — bigint

Used internally only - not a downloadable field

term_code — character varying (4)

This field is downloadable and refers to the highest year of the BOG Academic Year

Ex. "term_code" = 2016 for the BOG Academic Year of 2015-2016

This is the same as the Enrollment Term in XAP

year_description — character varying (100)

This is the BOG year description (i.e. Fall 2015 through Summer 2016)

determined_residentca — character (1)


determined_ab540_eligible — character (1)


determined_non_res_exempt — character (1)


determined_homeless - character (1)New April 2017

lastname — character varying (50)


firstname — character varying (50)


middlename — character varying (50)


mainphone — character varying (14)


mainphone_ext — character varying (4)


mainphone_auth_text — boolean


email — character varying (128)


non_us_address — boolean


streetaddress1 — character varying (50)


streetaddress2 — character varying (50)


city — character varying (50)


state — character varying (2)


province — character varying (30)


country — character varying (2)


postalcode — character varying (20)


no_perm_address_homeless - booleanNew April 2017
no_mailing_address_homeless - booleanNew April 2017

ssn — text


student_college_id — character varying (20)


birthdate — date


marital_status — character (1)


reg_dom_partner — character (1)


born_before_23_year — character (1)


married_or_rdp — character (1)


us_veteran — character (1)


dependents — character (1)


parents_deceased — character (1)


emancipated_minor — character (1)


legal_guardianship — character (1)


homeless_youth_school — character (1)


homeless_youth_hud — character (1)


homeless_youth_other — character (1)


dependent_on_parent_taxes — character (1)


living_with_parents — character (1)


dependency_status — character (1)


cert_veteran_affairs — character (1)


cert_national_guard — character (1)


elig_medal_honor — character (1)


elig_sept_11 — character (1)


elig_police_fire — character (1)


tanf_calworks — character (1)


ssi_ssp — character (1)


general_assistance — character (1)


parents_assistance — character (1)


dep_number_household — integer


ind_number_household — integer


dep_gross_income — integer


ind_gross_income — integer


dep_other_income — integer


ind_other_income — integer


dep_total_income — integer


ind_total_income — integer


elig_method_a — boolean


elig_method_b — boolean


elig_method_d - boolean

elig_bogfw — character (1)


confirmation_parent_guardian — boolean


parent_guardian_name — character varying (60)


ack_fin_aid — boolean DEFAULT false


confirmation_applicant — boolean DEFAULT false


last_page — character varying (25)


ssn_last4 — character (4)


tstmp_submit — timestamp with time zone

Submission date and time

tstmp_create — timestamp with time zone


tstmp_update — timestamp with time zone


tstmp_download — timestamp with time zone