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FAQs provide implementation and troubleshooting support for the new CCCApply Ed Goal/Majors Filter supporting AB 928.

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“Why is the checkmark disappearing from the Enable Transfer Major Filter box when I navigate away from the page?”

A: Following therelease of the new CCCApply Ed Goal/Majors filter, a handful of colleges reported that the checkmark placed in the Enable Transfer Major Filter checkbox was not staying checked when they navigated away from the Majors screen and then returned to the page. While the development team is troubleshooting a solution to this issue, we have confirmed that our Support team is able to successfully enable/disable the filter in-house for the colleges, even though the checkmark continues to disappear on the college’s local side.

That said, for colleges that are ready to implement the filter, we recommend the following steps until further notice:

  1. Send an email request with your college or district name to CCCTC Staff Support to “enable” your Production filter.

  2. A support representative will enable or disable the filter on your behalf and confirm the filter is enabled. Please be patient. This process could take 24-48 hours.

  3. Once confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email indicating that the filter has been enabled successfully and ready for you to test in your Production CCCApply application.

  4. Note: If you still don’t see the checkmark check mark in the Enable Transfer Major Filter box, feel free to let us know, but then DO NOT CHECK THE BOX AGAIN. 

If this problem persists
  1. Please check your CCCApply application to confirm that your majors are filtering as expected when you select the "Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” option from the Education Goal menu.
    The filter should work as expected once we enable the filter for you even if you continue to not see the check mark in the Administrator.

If your majors do not filter as expected after receiving your confirmation email, please contact CCCTC Staff Support (at for assistance.


“Does the Ed Goal/Majors Filter work with our Terms set for “Both” our Standard & Noncredit applications?”

A: Yes! The previously reported issue regarding open Terms that have an “application type” set to “Both” (Standard & Noncredit) applications has been resolved in the production release. The Ed Goal/Majors filter functionality should work correctly with all Terms table settings.


“We have our majors configured and the filter is enabled. Why are our majors not sorting as we expected in the application?”

We’ve reviewed and configured our majors with award types and enabled the Filter checkbox in the Administrator. Why are the majors not sorting as expected in the CCCApply application?

A: With the filter enabled and the Education Goal option to “Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” selected, your majors with the following award types (AA_degree, AS_degree, AA_T, and AS_T) will appear in the Intended Major or Program of Study drop down, alphabetically by the Major Description value. Below are examples of how the same college’s majors should appear when the trigger Ed Goal option is selected versus when one of the other Ed Goal options is selected.

Normal Display Behavior of Majors

Majors and programs are listed alphabetically by Major Description regardless of the award type value set. This is the normal and expected behavior for how majors are shown listed in the application when the Ed Goal/Majors filter is NOT enabled.

It is also the expected display behavior when the filter is enabled and the applicant selects any Education Goal option other than “Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” (which is the only option that triggers the filter) in the Education Goal question.


Display Behavior of Majors With Filter Enabled

Majors and programs that have any one of the following award type values (AA_degree, AS_degree, AA_T, and AS_T) will be listed alphabetically by Major Description in the Intended Major or Program of Study drop down only IF the applicant selects the option to“Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” from the Education Goal question.

The filter combines all of the majors with these four award types and lists them alphabetically by Major Description; which means associate degrees and associate degrees for transfer may be mixed together and displayed alphabetically when the filter is triggered.


Note: Both screenshots include test data configured for a test college application.


“How do we confirm that our majors are configured & displaying correctly?”

There are a few things you can test to ensure you have your majors (and terms) configured correctly for the Ed Goal/Majors filter and displaying correctly in the CCCApply application:

  • Ensure there is an Award Type value set for all open majors. The majors that display when the filter is enabled and the trigger Ed Goal option is selected will include: AA_degree, AA_T, AS_degree, AS_T (not necessarily sorted in that order, see above for expected behavior).

  • Ensure the Enable Transfer Major Filter checkbox is checked (enabled) and remains visible after 24-48 hours.

  • Ensure the user is selecting the option to “Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” from the Education Goal question. This is the only Ed Goal option that triggers the filter when the filter is enabled.

  • To confirm that the applicant is seeing the correct list of majors when the filter is enabled:

    • Export your configured Majors CSV file and open the file in a spreadsheet program such as MS Excel.

    • Sort the sheet ascending A-Z by the <awardType>column, which will bring the all the associate degrees and associate degrees for transfer to the top of the list.

    • Select and Copy all the major rows that contain one of these specified award types: AA_degree, AA_T, AS_degree, AS_T - and Paste the group into a separate worksheet.

    • Sort the subset group by the <description> column, ascending A-Z.

    • This is the exact listing, in this order, that should display to your applicant (without categories implemented OR in the All Majors category) when the filter is enabled and the trigger Ed Goal option is selected.

If you are not seeing your majors list display as expected after testing using the recommendations above, please contact CCCTC Staff Support ( for assistance.


Please see the CCCApply Administrator User Guidewhen configuring your majors and programs for the Ed Goal/Majors Filter.


“Why are some of our categories not showing up in the Major Category drop down?”

A: Implementing major categories in the CCCApply Standard application is optional and is not a requirement for the Ed Goal/Majors filter implementation. If your college has implemented major categories, only the categories that have at least one of the majors with one of the specified award types* associated with them will appear in the Major Category drop down list when the filter is enabled.

To ensure every relevant category is included when the filter is enabled:

  • Ensure all Associate Degrees and Associate Degrees for Transfer majors have the right award type value

  • Ensure every Associate Degree- programs associated with it. associated with one of the following award types* are associated with at least one category.

Reminder: Major Categories do not display in the Noncredit Application.


For more information on major categories, see Configuring Major Categories in the CCCApply Administrator User Guide for details.

Read more about configuring your CCCApply applications in the CCCApply Administrator:


“We just added a new major in the CCCApply Administrator. Why is it not showing up immediately in the application?”

A: Expect a certain amount of lag time between the configurations made in the CCCApply Administrator and the functionality in the CCCApply Applications. Typical lag time can range between 15 mins and 48 hours, depending on the specific configuration.

If your problem persists, please contact CCCTC Staff Support ( for assistance.


For more information, see CCCApply Administrator User Guide for details.


“While testing the filter in the Pilot Environment, why can’t I select a term in the Term Applying For drop down menu?”

A: Most likely there is no open Term configured in your Pilot Administrator. Just like in the production system, your Pilot Administrator must be set up with at least the minimum configuration requirements in order for your Pilot Application to behave properly. The minimum configuration requirements are:

  • At least one open Term must be available

  • At least one open Major must be available

All other configurations are optional. Please see more information about setting up your Pilot Environment for your CCCApply applications.


For more information, see CCCApply Administrator User Guide for details.