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See previous implementation change docs for this section: INTERNAL = /wiki/spaces/OPENAPPLY/pages/692486171and EXTERNAL change request = 2018-18R: New Race & Ethnicity Section Implementation 2018

Table of Contents

Business Need

In cooperation between the AIAN Group and the CCCCO, the current list of American Indian/Alaska Natives (AIAN) tribal affiliations is being expanded in CCCApply to include the full Federal Register of Indian Entities Recognized which contains roughly 800 California state and national tribes.

To accommodate the addition of over 500+ names to our existing list of nearly 400 AIAN options, an enhancement to the user interface with a new “look-up” modal and optional “write-in” field will be made to the AIAN section of the Race & Ethnicity section of the Standard application.

About the AIAN Expansion

The 2024 AIAN tribal affiliation expansion enhancement is limited to the AIAN group; no race group in the Race & Ethnicity section in CCCApply. No other race group is being touched in impacted by this implementation and the impacts to existing data fields and delivery is minimal. , with no changes to existing data fields Existing list of names (pre-expansion) will need some updating/archiving, and the large set of additional entities will need to be added and mapped correctly to existing race/ethnicity data field(s). New UI implementation is needed to allow for easier search and selection of AIAN tribes, and the ability for students impact on the existing race/ethnicity fields is minimal. The expansion adds a large number of AIAN tribes/entities to the existing AIAN race group, as well as a handful of name updates and deprecations. A revision to the user interface was made to allow users to search for and select their preferred AIAN tribes, with the added ability for the user to “write-in” a tribe or nation name that doesn’t appear will be addedin the search results.


At this time, the 2024 AIAN expansion has been implemented in the CCCApply Standard/Noncredit application

. The implementation

only. Plans to update the International Application is scheduled for

the International Application in

a future release.

Change Summary

  • Expand and update the CCCApply list of AIAN tribes in the AIAN race group

  • Enhance the UI user interface in the Race & Ethnicity section to allow user’s to “search and select” up to five AIAN tribesAdd with a search modal, allowing the user to find their preferred AIAN tribe(s)

  • Add a new “write-in” data text field to capture enter a tribe(s) that doesn’t exist appear in the updated expanded AIAN list

Expand and Update the AIAN Tribal List

The American Indian or Alaska Natives (AIAN) group is one of the upper-level race groups listed in the Race & Ethnicity section in CCCApply. Like the other race groups in the application, the American Indian or Alaska Natives (AIAN) group includes a number of sub-group entities - or ethnicities - that displays when the upper-level AIAN group is selected by the applicant. Prior to this expansion, the AIAN group included over 300 individual entities. Following the expansion, the group includes over 570 individual AIAN options.

Updated & Deprecated AIAN Tribes

Part of the expansion implementation included updating some existing AIAN tribal names to match their listing in the federal registry, and deprecating a few tribes that are no longer part of the list. Deprecated tribes will continue to exist in the CCCApply database, but will no longer display in the application. In the 2024 Complete CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicity List, the names that have been updated are color-coded in orange, and the names that have been deprecated, or no longer in use, are color-coded in yellow.

New AIAN Tribes

Every new AIAN tribe added to CCCApply comes directly from the Federal Register of Indian Entities Recognized. Each entity has been assigned a unique code/value for the Race Ethnicity Full data field <race_ethnic_full>, as does every other existing race group ethnicity in CCCApply. The <race_ethnic_full> field is can store up to 800 comma separated values, optionally selected by the applicant in the Race & Ethnicity section. For more information about the Race & Ethnicity data fields, see Data Fields & Data Delivery section below).

2024: Complete CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicities List

The 2024: Complete CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicities Listprovides a complete color-coded list of all new and existing American Indian/Alaska Natives (AIAN)tribes and field values across each of the four race and ethnicity data fields. For more information about the Race & Ethnicity data fields, see Data Fields & Data Delivery section below).


Legend for AIAN List: A mapping legend is included in each of the 2004 Race & Ethnicities lists.

2024: All CCCApply Race & Ethnicities List

The 2024: All CCCApply Race & Ethnicities Listprovides the complete list of every race group and individual ethnicity in the CCCApply Race & Ethnicity section, showing corresponding field values across each of the four race and ethnicity data fields. This spreadsheet will replace the previous table in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary. For more information about the Race & Ethnicity data fields, see Data Fields & Data Delivery section below).

User Interface Enhancement for the AIAN List Expansion

To feasibly accommodate the large number of new AIAN tribe options in CCCApply, the existing user interface has been enhanced to allow the applicant to search for their tribe in a new “look-up” modal and select multiple tribes as part of their response. The new look-up modal will display only if the applicant selects the upper-level American Indian/Alaska Natives race group; otherwise the modal is not displayed to the user.

AIAN-Race-Ethnicity-Section-clean.pngSimple User Flow: “Search for your tribe”
  • In the Race/Ethnicity section in CCCApply, if the applicant selects “American Indian or Alaska Native” race group, the new “Search for your tribe” modal appears. The applicant has the option to do nothing or drill-down to find their specific AIAN tribe by entering the full or partial tribe name in the “Search for your tribe” search field.

  • If their tribe is found, they can confirm the results in “Search results” window or not. If the tribe is selected, they click the “Add Selected Tribe(s)” button to save the selected tribe. The applicant can repeat the process if they want to select additional tribes. Alternately, to remove the tribe from the search results window, click the “Remove

    Note: The user interface changes implemented pertain to the AIAN race group only. No changes have been made to the display and functionality of the other upper-level race groups, nor the display of their sub-group ethnicities. Multi-ethnic applicants are still able to select multiple race groups and ethnic subgroups, as needed. Furthermore, any selection in the Race & Ethnicity section remains optional.

    Simple User Flow: “Search for your tribe”

    1. In the Race/Ethnicity section in CCCApply, if the applicant selects “American Indian or Alaska Native” race group, the new “Search for your tribe” modal appears. The applicant has the option to do nothing or drill-down to find their specific AIAN tribe by entering the full or partial tribe name in the “Search for your tribe” search field.

    2. If their tribe is found, they can confirm the results in “Search results” window or not. If the tribe is selected, they click the “Add Selected Tribe(s)” button to clear.

    1. save the selected tribe. The applicant can repeat the process if they want to select additional tribes. Alternately, to remove the tribe from the search results window, click the “Remove Selected Tribe(s)” button to clear.

  • If the applicant cannot locate their tribe using the “Search for your tribe:” process, they have the option to “write-in” a tribe name of their choice.

  • To add a new tribe name, the applicant clicks on the “Can’t find your
    1. After selecting the American Indian or Alaska Native race group,

    a modal appears with
    1. the

    1. Search for your tribe

    search bar.
    AIAN-Search-Modal-withMatch-Unselected2.pngImage Removed
    1. Search and select up to five individual tribes using the Search for your tribe function.

    AIAN-Search-Modal-withMatch-Selected2.pngImage Removed

    Simple User Flow: “Enter your tribe’s name”

    1. modal is displayed. The user can search for a tribe typing in the tribe’s name or related city.

    AIAN-Search-Modal-withMatch-Unselected2.pngImage Added
    1. If your tribe is found it will appear in the Search Results box. Place a checkmark next to the tribe(s) you want to submit, then click the Add Selected Tribe(s) button.

    AIAN-Search-Modal-withMatch-Selected2.pngImage Added

    Simple User Flow: “Enter your other tribe’s name”

    1. If the applicant cannot locate their tribe using the “Search for your tribe” finder, they have the option to “write-in” a tribe name of their choice.

    2. To add a new tribe name, the applicant clicks on the “Can’t find your tribe?” link and enter a tribe name in the empty text field.

    1. Can’t find your tribe? To submit a tribe, enter your tribe’s name in the text input box.


    1. Click Once your tribe name is entered, click the “Add Your Tribe” button to see your tribes in the “Your Selected Tribes” box. Place a checkmark next to each tribe you want to submit, then click “Continue”.



    For more information about the AIAN “write-in” field, see New Other AIAN “Write-In” Data Field section below.

    3. New Other AIAN “Write-In” Field

    For applicants who If a user cannot find their tribe in the new Search for your tribe” list, a new “write-in” field has been added to the CCCApply database. The text input field is a This optional field appears if the applicant clicks on the “Cant find your tribe?” link in the new AIAN search modalnewly expanded AIAN list, they also have the option to identify - or “write-in” - up to five other tribe names and submit them with their application. This new field appears as a text input box if the user clicks on the “Cant find your tribe?” link just below the search modal.

    For colleges, this new data field has been added to the CCCApply submitted application database and delivered via Glue for Apply to your staging table or SIS.

    Dictionary Name: Other AIAN Name
    Data Element: <race_aian_other_description>
    Format/Type: Text, varying character 1024
    Notes: Conditional display; Optional response; Allows Null; Stores up to five tribe names, comma separated;


    See more data field information details in the Data Fields & Data Delivery section below.

    CHANGES TO THE UI & User Flow

    1. Updated & Expanded AIAN Tribes:

      1. A series of updates/changes have been made to the existing American Indian/Alaska Natives (AIAN) race group section the Demographic Info page. These changes are to accommodate the very large list of additional AIAN ethnicities (tribal affiliations) being added to the American Indian/Alaskan Native race group ONLY. See breakdown of changes to existing tribes here:

      2. Several hundred additional AIAN tribes have been added to the AIAN Race Group in CCCApply. These align to the Federal Register of Recognized Indian Entities. Each AIAN tribe added has been assigned a unique <race_ethnic_full> code/value, which will be added to the existing <race_ethnic_full> field values. The <race_ethnic_full> field length and format have not changed; however, the number of values stored will be limited to 5 codes - a restriction added and validated in the system.

    2. New UI Design:

      1. If student selects the race group = American Indian / Alaska Natives <race_group = 16> then a

      2. New searchable modal and display functionality is being implemented in the AIAN Race Group section of the Race/Ethnicity section of the Demographic Info page ONLY. These changes are to accommodate the very large list of additional AIAN ethnicities (tribal affiliations) being added to the American Indian/Alaskan Native race group ONLY.

      3. IF/when applicant selects the American Indian/Alaskan Native (AIAN) race group checkbox, a new search and select modal appears allowing students to find and select all AIAN names (listed alphabetically by default) and a Search field, allowing the student to find a tribe by typing in the name (similar to the way the High School Finder works today).

      4. Each AIAN tribe name selected in the Search & Find box will then appear in a second Search Results box.

      5. The applicant can select up to 5 tribes using the Search & Find feature.

      6. If the applicant cannot find one or more of their tribes in the existing AIAN list, the student can opt to “write-in” up to 5 additional tribe names (not found within the existing list).

    No Change to Display of other Race Sub-Groups (Ethnicities): Applicants who select one or more of the Race Groups should then see the subset of more detailed associated subgroups. Multiethnic applicants are able to select as many ethnic groups and ethnic subgroups as needed. When a box is checked an accordion expansion should reveal the associated subgroups. When a box is unchecked, the accordion expansion should roll up to no longer show the subgroups
      1. have been added to the existing <race_ethnic_full> field values.

      2. The <race_ethnic_full> field length and format have not changed; however, the number of values stored will be limited to 5 codes - a restriction added and validated in the system.

    1. New UI Design:

      1. If student selects the race group = American Indian / Alaska Natives <race_group = 16> then a

      2. New searchable modal and display functionality is being implemented in the AIAN Race Group section of the Race/Ethnicity section of the Demographic Info page ONLY. These changes are to accommodate the very large list of additional AIAN ethnicities (tribal affiliations) being added to the American Indian/Alaskan Native race group ONLY.

      3. IF/when applicant selects the American Indian/Alaskan Native (AIAN) race group checkbox, a new search and select modal appears allowing students to find and select all AIAN names (listed alphabetically by default) and a Search field, allowing the student to find a tribe by typing in the name (similar to the way the High School Finder works today).

      4. Each AIAN tribe name selected in the Search & Find box will then appear in a second Search Results box.

      5. The applicant can select up to 5 tribes using the Search & Find feature.

      6. If the applicant cannot find one or more of their tribes in the existing AIAN list, the student can opt to “write-in” up to 5 additional tribe names (not found within the existing list).

    • Existing Data Field Changes: No changes are being made to the following Race/Ethnicity data fields shown below.

      • <hispanic> No changes are being made to the Hispanic field.

      • <race_group> No changes are being made to the Race Group data field; all values and formats will not change.

      • <race_ethnic> No changes are being made to the Race Ethnic field in this release. Existing YN values and formats have not changed.


    Note: The only field being modified is the <race_ethnic_full> field - with 450+ additional AIAN tribal codes/values (see details in section above).

    Data Fields & Data Delivery

    Changes to allowable selections in the AIAN section only affects the number of associated values/codes appear in the <race_ethnic_full> field. No change has been made to that field length or any race/ethnicity field length.

    What’s changing in this release?

    • No Change to Display of other Race Sub-Groups (Ethnicities): Applicants who select one or more of the Race Groups should then see the subset of more detailed associated subgroups. Multiethnic applicants are able to select as many ethnic groups and ethnic subgroups as needed. When a box is checked an accordion expansion should reveal the associated subgroups. When a box is unchecked, the accordion expansion should roll up to no longer show the subgroups.

    • Existing Data Field Changes: No changes are being made to the following Race/Ethnicity data fields shown below.

      • <hispanic> No changes are being made to the Hispanic field.

      • <race_group> No changes are being made to the Race Group data field; all values and formats will not change.

      • <race_ethnic> No changes are being made to the Race Ethnic field in this release. Existing YN values and formats have not changed.

    Race/Ethnicity fields breakdown

    New AIAN Write-In field


    Table Legend

    Race Group Name: This column contains the name of the race group appears onscreen in the Race & Ethnicity section.
    Race Group Field Value: This column shows the value that will continue to download in your Race Group <race_group> field.
    Race Ethnic Field Value: This column shows the new Race Group name (high-level category) and corresponding value that will map in the new Race Ethnicity Full field <race_ethnic_full>.
    Race Ethnicity Full Field Code/Value: This column shows the new ethnicity name (next to a checkbox) in the new layout and the corresponding new value that aligns to it.
    Race Ethnicity Name:

    Race & Ethnicity Data Fields

    Field Name

    Data Element

    Format / Example

    Maximum Expected Width

    2024 Change





    No change to field or values

    Race Group


    No changes, this field was intentionally left unchanged

    Race Ethnicity (Standard/NC)


    "04, 05, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21"

    Race Ethnicity (International)


    (note lack of spaces for Intl)

    Race Ethnicity Full



    Data Element: <hispanic>

    Notes: No changes, this field is a boolean true/false field that continues to work as it does today.

    Example Format: boolean (true/false/null)

    Race Group

    Data Element: <race_group>

    Notes: No changes, this field was intentionally left unchanged

    Example Format: Apply: "04, 05, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21", International:  "04,05,08,09,14,15,17,19,20,21" (note lack of spaces for Intl)

    Maximum Expected Width: 80 characters (unchanged) (20 * 2 character long values + 19 commas + 19 spaces  + 2 surrounding quote marks for CSV delimiting in the output format)

    Race Ethnicity

    Data Element: <race_ethnic> (Apply) /  <race_ethnicity> (International)

    Notes: No changes, this field is intentionally left unchanged (until COMIS changes are specified)


    Maximum Expected Width: 22 characters (unchanged) (22 character long string)

    Race Ethnicity Full

    Data Element: <race_ethnic_full>

    Notes: This field currently stores the CSV separated values for all user selections for both the “upper-level” race group values and all ethnicities values as listed above in the chart.

    Example Format: "100,101,117,118,200,205,08,09,500,15,600,601,17,19,602,700,701,713,800,802,803"

    Maximum Expected Width: 805 characters (201 * 3 character long values + 200 commas + 2 surrounding quote marks for CSV delimiting in the output format)

    Data Delivery

    All existing fields will continue to be delivered to college SIS, staging tables, downstream systems, Report Center, Report Server, via SuperGlue for Apply

    In Progress Applications

    There will be no database value mappings for In Progress applications. If an application is in-progress and a student selected a race/ethnicity and their choice is in the list of obsolete values post the release, we should display a server side validation error message during the pre-submission validation that advises them of the following:

    The Race and/or Ethnicity you have selected is no longer valid. Please go back to the Demographic Information tab and select a new value.

    The user should not be able to submit the Apply or International application unless they have chosen a valid database value(s) for race_ethnic_full. Once the new value is chosen, we will need to store the new value. 

    New Other AIAN “Write-In” Field

    Field Name: <race_aian_other_description>
    Glue Name: <raceAianOtherDescription>