Versions Compared


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Product Owner/Manager

Product Overview


Adoption & Implementation

Contract Requirements

CCC Data Lake (part of the CCC Data platform)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • Stores data gathered from systemwide resources, including:

    • CCCApply Suite

    • MyPath

    • Multiple Measures

    • COCI

    • C-ID

    • Canvas

    • MIS

    • Launchboard

    • NOVA

  • VPN (already in place between CCCCO and CCCTC)

Data Lake is not available to CCC’s.

  • Approved CCCCO staff may be provided access (as requested of Mark Cohen, and approved by Barney Gomez)

  • Implementation: Intervision manages access

  • NA

CCC Data Warehouse (part of the CCC Data platform)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • Makes select data from the Data Lake available in a structured database, with CCC Data 2.1, includes:

    • CCCApply Suite

    • MyPath

    • Multiple Measures

    • COCI

    • Canvas

  • N/A

Data The DW is accessed through either (i) DW Direct Connect or (ii) DW Report Server

  • NA

Data Warehouse Direct Connection (part of the CCC Data platform)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • Provides access to available data sources in the Data Warehouse

  • Direct (ODBC/JDBC) connection enables colleges to connect their preferred BI tool or queries through SQL workbench

  • Sign-up (CCC’s): ES

  • Opport.: ES Team

  • Implementation: ES ICE team supports direct access (OBDC/JDBC) connection setup and testing working with Intervision

  • Approved Signup (CCCCO) CCCCO staff may be provided access (, as requested of Mark Cohen , and then approved by Barney Gomez); after which access is configured by Intervision leveraging the existing VPN

  • Signed IPA

  • ES authenticates CCC individual access with IR lead

Data Warehouse Report Server (part of the CCC Data platform)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • Provides access to available data sources in the Data Warehouse

  • Direct (ODBC/JDBC) connection enables colleges to connect their preferred BI tool or queries through SQL workbench

  • Authorized IRPE Users are vetted and must be approved by college or district Vice President or other authority

  • User account setup and access requires end-user implementation of compliant authentication software to facilitate multi-factor authentication (MFA) login requirements.

  • Sign-up (CCC’s): ES CRM / IPM

  • Opport.: ES Team

  • Implementation: ES ICE team supports user account setup and basic training

  • Approved Signup (CCCCO) CCCCO staff may be provided access (, as requested of Mark Cohen , and approved by Barney Gomez); after which ES ICE configures account access.

  • Signed IPA

  • ES authenticates CCC individual CCC access with IR lead

Multiple Measures Placement Service (MMPS)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • Facilitates collection of High School transcript data and delivery of AB-705 compliant placement recommendation (Self Reported data from CCCApply, verified data from CCGI, CDE or CALPASS)

  • SuperGlue

  • CCCApply 

  • College Adapter v2.5.5 or later

  • CCCMyPath (future)

  • .csv .csv file push to colleges:  Dev

  • Sign-up: CCCTC CRM Team

  • Opport.: CCCTC CRM Team

  • Implementation: Enabling Services

  • VP of Student Services with collaboration with VP of Instruction

CCC SuperGlue 

(formerly “Project Glue”)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • Provides a secure, robust framework for data exchange between CCCTC products and colleges

  • Software component installed locally behind a college’s firewall to facilitate data exchange between CCCTC projects and college’s Student Information Systems (SIS)

  • Enables disparate SISs to communicate in a standardized way through a cloud service

  • Master Data Management (YOUnite)

    • Provides a single point of reference for what systems are considered “systems of record” for specified data elements and data exchange interactions. Keeps college data synced with CCCTC centralized applications

    • Facilitates data exchange between colleges and Chancellor’s Office

  • SSO Proxy supplied CCCID as required by product

  • Sign-up: A prerequisite of a primary product, or may be adopted and  implemented as a preparatory measure.

  • Opport.: CCCTC Sales Team, CRM’s

  • Add on Feature Sales: Sales/CRM’s/ES

  • Implementation: Enabling Services

  • Signed IPA Addendum C

Master Data Management (MDM)

John Sills / Mark Cohen


  • Sales: Sales/CRM’s/ES

  • Implementation: Enabling Services

  • Signed IPA Addendum C

Master Data Management (MDM)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

MDM provides a configurable data management system which will includes a user-facing MDM tool that gives colleges the ability to secure and control data flow both into and out of their college "zone."

While there is MDM functionality within SuperGlue, and is used to facilitate the movement of data from CCCApply and MyPath; a broader adoption of MDM functionality is currently on hold pending CCCCO prioritization.

  • SuperGlue



Other CCCTC Products


Product Owner/Manager

Product Overview


Adoption & Implementation

Contract Requirements

Unlimited SSL Certificates

Amir Kahn

  • Available for no charge as part of InCommon Membership

  • None

  • Sign-up: CCCTC Sales Team

  • Opport.: CCCTC Sales Team

  • Implementation: Jeff Holden (shifting to Enabling Servicesin May 2018)

  • Signed MOU for InCommon membership


(Shibboleth, Ethos, Portal Guard)John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • Not a CCCTC product, but necessary to provide IdP (ID’s) within CCCTC Products

  • Security Assertion Markup Language is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between an identity provider and a service provider

  • Allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner.

  • None

  • Sign-up: College 

  • Opport.: N/A (college is responsible)

  • Implementation: College 

    • (Unicon for Shibboleth) 

  1. N/A

SSO Proxy 

(“Authentication”)John Sills / Mark Cohen

  • California Community Colleges Single Sign-on Federation (SSO)

  • “Authentication” is the process of verifying a student or staff member at a college using the SSO Proxy 

  • Provides users single sign-on convenience and privacy protection

  • Online Service Providers control access to their protected resources.

  • All CCCTC Products that require Authentication must be configured and connected via SSO Proxy (ex: Canvas, Apply, Starfish, MyPath, Library, etc)

  • District level IdP for staff and student accounts (ie. Shibboleth)

  • Sign-up:  A prerequisite of a primary product, or may be adopted and  implemented as a preparatory measure.

  • Opport.: CRM

  • Implementation: Enabling Services

InCommon Federation

Amir Kahn

  • Provides a trust fabric for higher education, their vendors, and partners to facilitate single sign-on from local campus accounts.

  • Chancellor’s Office and the CCCTC have put together an agreement for InCommon membership for all California community colleges to be paid centrally

  • SSO Proxy 

  • Sign-up: CCCTC Sales Team

  • Opport.: CCCTC Sales Team

  • Implementation: Jeff Holden (shifting to Enabling Servicesin May 2018)

  • Signed IPA

  • MOU for InCommon membership



Product Owner/Manager

Product Overview


Adoption & Implementation

Contract Requirements


(CCMS - Common Course Management System)

Amy Beadle

  • Course Management System

  • provides integration of OEI resources:

    • OEI Course Design Rubric

    • QUEST online learner readiness

    • Professional development options 

    • Canvas courses and student enrollments can be automatically synced with college SIS via Project Glue Canvas-SIS Integration

  • Configuration for student and staff authentication via SSO Proxy

  • SSO Proxy (ES to track feature-set integration)

  • (SuperGlue compatible-Jul18)

  • Sign-up:Instructure

  • Opport.: CRMs

  • Implementation: Instructure, via Enabling Services

  • Signed IPA

eTranscript California

Mark Cohen

  • Supports the requesting and delivery of electronic transcripts across all of California’s postsecondary systems

None (leverages XAP managed functionality)

  • Sign-up: Sean O’Reilly at XAP

  • Opport.: CRMs

  • Implementation: XAP

(Contract with XAP)


(Corporation for Educational Network Initiatives in California)

Mike Tuccillo

  • Connecting the colleges to CalREN through a CENIC managed 10Gbps fiber optic network connection.  

  • Each college qualifies for a 10Gbps fiber primary router/circuit and 10Gbps fiber secondary router/circuit.

  • Each approved college center qualifies for a 1Gbps fiber primary router/circuit and 1Gbps fiber secondary router/circuit, where available, in order to provide for network diversity targeting for maximum connectivity uptime.

  • These upgrades are expected to be in place by 2020, and provide sufficient capacity for at least 10 years

  • None

  • Sign-up: Mike Tuccillo

  • Opport.: N/A

  • Implementation: Mike Tuccillo

CENIC Mini-Grant

Mike Tuccillo

  • $50,000 mini-grant to assist with CENIC circuit related expenses

  1. a CCCCO provided CENIC 10 gigabit circuit

  • Sign-up: Mike Tuccillo

  • Opport.: CRM’s

  • Implementation: Business Office

  • College CTO must complete “Connectivity Grant” web form.

Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Inventory


Rachel Stamm

  • Serves as the central database for all California Community Colleges course information

    • Allows colleges to submit new (or notably changed) courses and programs for approval.

    • Uses unique Course Control Numbers to identify and track course information

  • None

  • Sign-up:  N/A

  • Opport.: CCCTC Sales Team

  • Implementation: N/A All colleges implemented; accounts added and managed by CCCTC Support. 


(formerly Course Exchange)

John Sills / Mark Cohen

Steve Klein, Director

John Hadad, CVC-OEI PM

  • Allows student to access courses offered at other participating colleges

  • Students enroll via a streamlined registration process

  1. Project Glue

  2. SSO Proxy 

  • Sign-up:Foothill-De Anza

  • Opport.: CCCTC Sales Team

  • Implementation: Enabling Services

  • Signed IPA Addendum G

  • Course Exchange  questionnaire

Course Identification System


Rachel Stamm

  • Enables “descriptor-based articulation”

  • Each C-ID number identifies a specific lower-division, transferable course commonly articulated between the CCCs and UC and CSU

  • All colleges implemented; accounts added and managed by CCCTC Support.

  • None

  • Sign-up:  N/A

  • Opport.: N/A

  • Implementation: N/A

Library Services Platform (Ex Libris)

Amy Beadle

  • A single cloud-based library services platform [LSP] developed by Ex Libris for managing library operations.

  • 110 California Community College libraries will participate via 85 college or district level deployed instances. 

  • Replaces various legacy Integrated Library Systems (ILS) currently in use.

  • SSO Proxy

  • Sign-up: Amy Beadle / ExLibris

  • Opport.: none

  • Implementation: ExLibris
