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Page Properties

Request No.

2017-2018 BOG

Target release

January 2017 or

March 2017




Pilot & Prod


2017-2018 BOG Fee Waiver Specification

Change to Download File


Change to Residency Logic


JIRA Tickets

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

Table of Contents


Problem Statement or Business Need

Per the addition of recent legislation AB 801 (Homeless Youth), changes need to be made to the 2017-2018 BOG Fee Waiver application relative to two different user scenarios: 1) Homeless youth under 25 years of age; and 2) regular student with a residence at any age. Some changes pertain to both user scenarios.

All changes are specified in the Requirements Summary table below. Some changes pertain to all users and some pertain to "homeless youth under 25 years" ONLY. See technical change specifications section for details. 

NOTE: For Homeless Youth < 25 yro, skip logic will be added to expedite the application submission process based on the user response to new "Determined Homeless" question specified in this document. If the user is under 25 and self-identifies as homeless in this question, they will be presented with the Account/Mailing Information page, Certification page, Review Application page and Submission page only.

Proposed Solution

Per the addition of recent legislation AB 801 (Homeless Youth), changes need to be made to the 2017-2018 BOG Fee Waiver application relative to two different user scenarios: 1) Homeless youth under 25 years of age; and 2) regular student with a residence at any age. Some changes pertain to both user scenarios.

All changes are specified in the Requirements Summary table below. Some changes pertain to all users and some pertain to "homeless youth under 25 years" ONLY. See technical change specifications section for d

  • Identify change requirements and create JIRA tickets;
  • Prioritize development work across Sprint 105 for March 2017 release;
  • Groom requirements with team, develop changes, complete business analysis review, and draft Rainforest QA scripts
  • Plan Pilot release and roll prod 

Note: Received change specs on November 4 from CCCCO.  At this point, in order to get these changes in to the March 31 release, seek approval to forego the 30 Day mandatory Pilot preview period. Review with the team on 12.14.16.

Requirements Summary

1Update BASIC BOG Application database information for 2017-2018
2Hide Residency Status questions if Applicant (Any Age) is Determined California Resident
3Display and require new "Determined Homeless" downloadable data field and question Add new "Determined Homeless" question to the Residency section on the Application Year page for Homeless Youth AB 801. (See all data field specs and question text in "Technical Change Specifications" section below.

Implement Skip Logic IF "Determined Homeless" Under 25 = Yes

5Implement Skip Logic IF applicant answers YES to "homeless questions" on the Dependency page
6Update Method B Income Table for 2017-2018 Maximum Income Levels and baseline_income increment
7Make all text changes and variable date field updates throughout application.
8Add new question and text changes to the Review Application PDF and Submitted Application PDF IF it appears on the application based on conditional logic
9Add new BOG Method D Algorithm for Homeless Youth under 25 only (Requires new data field <elig_method_d>
10Add new data field (determined_homeless) to the BOG in the Report Center (see REPORT Jira)
11Revise BOG Eligibility Algorithm for new "Determined Homeless" response
12Update BOG Data Specification (Data Dictionary)

term_code = 2018

2.  Add condition to hide "Pre-Determined AB540 Eligible" and "Pre-Determined Nonresident Tuition Exempt" in the Residency Status section on the Application Year page if the applicant (Any Age) is  pre-determined to be a California resident <determined_residentCA> by the A&R Office. 

Add new conditional logic to the questions in the Residency Status section on Application Year page:

1) IF user responds "NO" to <determined_residentCA>  "Has the Admissions...determined that you are a California resident" THEN no change to existing logic for "determined_AB540_eligible" or "determined_non-res_exempt"

2) IF user responds "Yes" to having been determined a California Resident THEN

  • HIDE (Do Not Display) <determined_AB540_eligible> question. Default to "null"

  • HIDE (Do Not Display) <determined_non-res_exempt> question. Default to Null.
    #Requirements for ALL UsersRequirements for Users UNDER Age 25
    1Update BASIC BOG Application database information for 2017-2018Update BASIC BOG Application database information for 2017-2018

    Hide Residency Status questions if Applicant (Any Age) is Determined California Resident

    Add new conditional logic to the questions in the Residency Status section on Application Year page:

    1) IF user responds "NO" to <determined_residentCA>  "Has the Admissions...determined that you are a California resident" THEN no change to existing logic for "determined_AB540_eligible" or "determined_non-res_exempt"

    2) IF user responds "Yes" to having been determined a California Resident THEN

    1. HIDE (Do Not Display) <determined_AB540_eligible> question. Default to "null"

    2. HIDE (Do Not Display) <determined_non-res_exempt> question. Default to Null.

    Hide Residency Status questions if Applicant (Under 25) Determined California Resident

    Add new conditional logic to the questions in the Residency Status section on Application Year page:

    1) IF user responds "NO" to <determined_residentCA> "Has the Admissions...determined that you are a California resident" THEN no change to existing logic for "determined_AB540_eligible" or "determined_non-res_exempt"

    2) IF user responds "Yes" to having been determined a California Resident THEN

    1. HIDE (Do Not Display) <determined_AB540_eligible> question. Default to "null"

    2. HIDE (Do Not Display) <determined_non-res_exempt> question. Default to Null.

    3. DISPLAY and require <determined_homeless> question (SEE #3 below)

    Hide new "Determined Homeless" data field and question
    DO NOT Display the new "Determined Homeless" question if applicant is 25 or older.
    See next cell for new data field and question specs. 

    Display and require new "Determined Homeless" downloadable data field and question Add new "Determined Homeless" question to the Residency section on the Application Year page for Homeless Youth AB 801. (See all data field specs and question text in "Technical Change Specifications" section below.

    Data Element Name: determined_homeless
    Format: Yes/No
    Length: 1 
    Onscreen Text:

    Add new field to all downloadable systems: Download Client, Report Center.


    Don't Implement Skip Logic if No "Determined Homeless" Question Required
    No skip logic for students over 25 - <determined_homeless> will not appear and we will not have a response - so N/A.

    Implement Skip Logic IF "Determined Homeless" Under 25 = Yes

    IF homeless user answers "Yes" to new "determined homeless" question add new skip logic: display the Account/Mailing Information page but hide all non-required pages (Dependency, Special Eligibilities, Method B Eligibilities) and skip user to the Certification page.

    Display Account/Mailing Information page > required and must Continue, but...
    Hide Dependency page
    Hide Special Eligibilities page
    Hide Other Eligibilities page
    Display and require Certification page
    Display and require Review Application page
    Display and require Submission page


    Implement Skip Logic IF applicant answers YES to "homeless questions" on the Dependency page

    IF applicant is under 25 years old and answers No to "Determined Homeless" question in Residency Status section, but answers Yes to one or more of the homeless questions in the Dependency section, THEN skip all non-required pages but display & require Certification page, display/require modified Review App, and display/require submission page

    questions 8, 9, and 10, THEN, skip questions and pages following the Yes response and display and require Certification page;
    display and require Review Application page and Submission page  

    6Update Method B Income Table for 2017-2018 Maximum Income Levels and baseline_income increment(Homeless Youth Under 25 will not see Method A or B Income Table"
    7Make all text changes and variable date field updates throughout application.Make all text changes and variable date field updates throughout application.
    Make text changes to the Certification PageMake text changes to the Certification Page
    8Add new question and text changes to the Review Application PDF and Submitted Application PDF IF it appears on the application based on conditional logic
    Example: User is under 25 but is NOT homeless. They will see the question and their response on the Review Application page.
    Modify the Review Application page and Submitted Application PDF based on the questions that are answered and Page/sections that are displayed.

    (New "BOG Method D Logic" does NOT apply to users 25 or older)

    No eligibility for applicants who are 25 or older.

    Add new BOG Method D Algorithm for Homeless Youth under 25 only (Requires new data field <elig_method_d>

    Add new Eligible Method D Algorithm for Homeless Youth under 25 only

    Add new eligibility logic for Homeless Youth. Create new data field for "elig_method_d"

    IF <determined_homeless> = yes, then set flag <elig_method_d" - True, otherwise, False

    10Add new data field (determined_homeless) to the BOG in the Report Center (see REPORT Jira)Add new data field (determined_homeless) to the BOG in the Report Center (see REPORT Jira)
    11Revise BOG Eligibility Algorithm for new "Determined Homeless" responseRevise BOG Eligibility Algorithm for new "Determined Homeless" response
    12Update Specs (Revise 2016-2017 BOG Specification document with new 2017-2018 changes and release PILOT version for testing)Update Specs (Revise 2016-2017 BOG Specification document with new 2017-2018 changes and release PILOT version for testing)

    Technical Change Specifications

      AnchorBOG_2017-2018_DB_changesBOG_2017-2018_DB_changesUpdate BASIC BOG Application database information for 2017-2018:
  • year_code (generated with insert)
  • year_start = 2017
  • year_description_1 = Fall 2017 through Summer 2018
  • year_description_2 = Summer 2017 through Spring 2018
  • method_b_largest_household_size = 8
  • method_b_income_increment = $6,240 No change from last year
  • method_b_income_baseline = $17,820.00** NOTE, use other logic
  • begin_date = 2017-01-01
  • end_date = 2018-06-30
  • 5

    Implement Skip Logic IF applicant answers YES to "homeless questions" on the Dependency page

    IF applicant is under 25 years old and answers No to "Determined Homeless" question in Residency Status section, but answers Yes to one or more of the homeless questions in the Dependency section, THEN skip all non-required pages but display & require Certification page, display/require modified Review App, and display/require submission page

    questions 8, 9, and 10, THEN, skip questions and pages following the Yes response and display and require Certification page;
    display and require Review Application page and Submission page  

    6Update Method B Income Table for 2017-2018 Maximum Income Levels and baseline_income increment(Homeless Youth Under 25 will not see Method A or B Income Table"
    7Make all text changes and variable date field updates throughout application.Make all text changes and variable date field updates throughout application.

    Make text changes to the Certification PageMake text changes to the Certification Page
    8Add new question and text changes to the Review Application PDF and Submitted Application PDF IF it appears on the application based on conditional logic
    Example: User is under 25 but is NOT homeless. They will see the question and their response on the Review Application page.
    Modify the Review Application page and Submitted Application PDF based on the questions that are answered and Page/sections that are displayed.

    (New "BOG Method D Logic" does NOT apply to users 25 or older)

    No eligibility for applicants who are 25 or older.

    Add new BOG Method D Algorithm for Homeless Youth under 25 only (Requires new data field <elig_method_d>

    Add new Eligible Method D Algorithm for Homeless Youth under 25 only

    Add new eligibility logic for Homeless Youth. Create new data field for "elig_method_d"

    IF <determined_homeless> = yes, then set flag <elig_method_d" - True, otherwise, False

    10Add new data field (determined_homeless) to the BOG in the Report Center (see REPORT Jira)Add new data field (determined_homeless) to the BOG in the Report Center (see REPORT Jira)
    11Revise BOG Eligibility Algorithm for new "Determined Homeless" responseRevise BOG Eligibility Algorithm for new "Determined Homeless" response
    12Update Specs (Revise 2016-2017 BOG Specification document with new 2017-2018 changes and release PILOT version for testing)Update Specs (Revise 2016-2017 BOG Specification document with new 2017-2018 changes and release PILOT version for testing)

    Technical Change Specifications

      Update BASIC BOG Application database information for 2017-2018:

      1. year_code (generated with insert)
      2. year_start = 2017
      3. year_description_1 = Fall 2017 through Summer 2018
      4. year_description_2 = Summer 2017 through Spring 2018
      5. method_b_largest_household_size = 8
      6. method_b_income_increment = $6,240 No change from last year
      7. method_b_income_baseline = $17,820.00** NOTE, use other logic
      8. begin_date = 2017-01-01
      9. end_date = 2018-06-30
      10. term_code = 2018

    2.  Add display condition to two data fields in the Residency Status section of the Application year page:

    • "Pre-Determined AB540 Eligible" and 
    • "Pre-Determined Nonresident Tuition Exempt" 

    IF the applicant (Any Age) is  pre-determined to be a California resident <determined_residentCA> by the A&R Office. 

    Update Data FieldsExisting Data Field SpecificationsChange Specifications

    Required user response; else error message, "You must select Yes or
    No to specify whether or not you have been previously determined to be
    AB540 eligible"
    If determined_residentCA = 1 AND determined_AB540_eligible = 1 ;
    error message, "You must select No if the Admissions or Registrar's
    Office determined that you are a California resident."

    New Condition: Only display question IF "Has the Admissions determined that you are a California resident" is "NO" <determined_residentCA> = 2 (No), otherwise do not display.

    Required user response IF <determined_residentCA> = 2; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you have been previously determined to be AB540 eligible."

    If determined_residentCA = 1 AND determined_AB540_eligible = 1, error message, "You must select No if the Admissions or Registrar's Office determined that you are a California resident."

    Required user response; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you have been previously determined to be eligible for non-resident tuition exemption due to immigration status" [Spanish: "?"]
    If determined_residentCA = 1 AND determined_non-res_exempt = 1 ;
    error message, "You must select No if the Admissions or Registrar's
    Office determined that you are a California resident." [Spanish: "?"]

    New Condition: Only display question IF "Has the Admissions determined that you are a California resident" is "NO" <determined_residentCA> = 2 (No), otherwise do not display.

    Required user response IF <determined_residentCA> = 2; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you have been previously determined to be eligible for non-resident tuition exemption due to immigration status" [Spanish: "?"]
    If determined_residentCA = 1 AND determined_non-res_exempt = 1 ; error message, "You must select No if the Admissions or Registrar's Office determined that you are a California resident." [Spanish: "?"]

    23. Add new question and downloadable data field, "Determined Homeless" to the Residency Status section on the Application Year page for Homeless Youth AB 801.


    ONLY if user is 24 years of age or younger, otherwise DO NOT DISPLAY.

    Data Field Namedetermined_homeless
    Data NamePre-Determined
    to be Homeless by Financial Aid Office
    Homeless Youth Under 25
    DescriptionWhether applicant under age 25 has been determined homeless by the
    Financial Aid Office within the past 24 months.
    TypeYes / No Radial - with Clear Selection
    Format / LengthVarChar 1
    Always display
    Only display if user is 24 years or younger (Do not display if user is 25 yrs or older)
    Error Validation

    Required user response if (<current_date minus 25 years < birthdate); else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not the Financial Aid Office has verified that you have been without a residence in the last 24 months. If

    you have been homeless, check “Yes” and contact the Financial Aid Office to present verification.

    you have been homeless, check “Yes” and contact the Financial Aid Office.

    IF user answers "Yes" to new "determined homeless" question add new skip logic: display the Account/Mailing Information page but hide all non-required pages (Dependency, Special Eligibilities, Method B Eligibilities) and skip user to the Certification page.

    Display Account/Mailing Information page > required and must Continue, but...
    Hide Dependency page
    Hide Special Eligibilities page
    Hide Other Eligibilities page
    Display and require Certification page
    Display and require Review Application page
    Display and require Submission page

    NotesNew question added to the 2017-2018 BOG paper application to identify if applicant has been verified as homeless within the past 24 months by the Financial Aid office.
    Onscreen Text"Has the Financial Aid Office verified that you have been without a residence in the last 24 months (homeless)? f you have been homeless but not verified, check “Yes” and contact the college Financial Aid Office."
    PlacementAdd to the Residency Section on the Application Year page; should sit below the two conditional questions (last position, fourth question, in the residency section).
    Add to Download ClientYES, BOG download

    New Homeless Question added to the Residency


    section on


    New Homeless Question added to the Residency section on Application Year page
    Image Removed
     Top Application Year page

    ; should sit below the two conditional questions (last position, fourth question, in the residency section).Add to Download ClientYES, BOG download

    Image Added



    4) Implement Skip Logic IF "Determined Homeless" = Yes <determined_homeless>

    IF homeless user answers "Yes" to new "determined homeless" question add new skip logic: display the Account/Mailing Information page but hide all non-required pages (Dependency, Special Eligibilities, Method B Eligibilities) and skip user to the Certification page.

    Display Account/Mailing Information page > required and must Continue, but...
    Hide Dependency page
    Hide Special Eligibilities page
    Hide Other Eligibilities page
    Display and require Certification page
    Display and require Review Application page
    Display and require Submission page

    Don't Implement Skip Logic if "Determined Homeless" = NO
    No skip logic for students over 25 - <determined_homeless> will not appear and we will not have a response - so N/A.

    3.  Update Method B Income Table

    1. Use the following 2017-2018 Maximum Income Levels 
    2. Use older logic for no consistent baseline_income increment (ask Tyler)
    3. Ensure this table is used for the 2017-2018 Application only.

    Method B Income Table

    2017-2018 Family Size

    Base Year Income

















    Each Additional Family Member



    4. Make all text changes and variable date field updates, throughout the application (specified in tables below)

      1. Table A itemizes most of the text changes, validation, and logic changes -page by page or section.
      2. Table B outlines the changes to the Certification page (change all text)

    **NOTE: Many 2015 dates DO NOT change this year. Federal ruling that 2015 Income Tax returns would be used for 2017-2018.

    •  Patty to create separate stories for each and an Epic 2017-2018 BOG to track burndown:
    1. Check all dates throughout as specified in Table A.
    2. Make all text changes as specified in Table A. 
    3. Make text changes to the Certification page (Table B)
    4. Update the Method B Income Table logic
    5. Update the Basic BOG App information 
    6. Add new Determined Homeless data question
    7. Add to Review App page
    8. Update BOG Data Dictionary
    9. Add to Administrator Rules & Report Center (Admin Team)
      NOTE: Patty to check logic for references of the <begin_date> because it MAY change to October.  Need to confirm this with Tim Bonnel, CCCCO.

    Table A: Text & Date Changes

    SectionData ElementTypeChange to Online TextChange to Date VariableError ValidationLogic Change
    Residency SectionAdd SKIP LOGIC to the two questions directly below NEW


    Add skip logic to the Residency section for the following fields:

    IF student answers YES to <determined_resident> THEN DO NOT DISPLAY 1) Pre-determined to be AB540 Eligible; and 2) Pre-determined to be Exempt from Non-Resident Fees.

    These fields would be rolled up and skipped (default Null)  

    Residency Section

    New Data Field:

    Question displays at bottom of Residency Status section on the Application Year page. Should be fourth in line of yes / no radial button questions.


    Add new question

    "Has the Financial Aid Office verified that you have been without a residence in the last 24 months (homeless)? If you have been homeless, check “Yes” and contact the Financial Aid Office. to present verification."

    Yes / No / Clear Selection radial

    Condition: Always displays

    Input Rules:

    Required user response; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not the Financial Aid Office has verified that you have been without a residence in the last 24 months. If you have been homeless, check “Yes” and contact the Financial Aid Office. to present verification.

    Dependency Statusborn_before_23_year

    Ensure logic is updated for:


    This question does not appear on the application but the data is derived and downloaded via "born_before_23_year>

    Were you born before January 1, 1994?  

    Ensure logic is up-to-dated to look at birthdate

    Update Date Fields

    Do you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018or other dependents who live with you (other than your children or spouse/RDP) who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2018?


    NOTE - TYLER - Please confirm this client side validation is correct and doesn't need to be changed:

    "Required user response; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you have dependents living with you." 

    dates are between July 1, <yyyy> and <end_date>




    Update dates

    At any time on or after July 1, 2016, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?

    YesRequired user response; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not, at any time on or after July 1, 2016, your high school or school district homeless liaison determined that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless."Logic should be <July 1 of begin_date> through <end_date>




    Update dates

    At any time on or after July 1, 2016, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?

    YesRequired user response; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not, at any time on or after July 1, 2016, the director of an emergency shelter program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determined that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless."




    Update dates

    At any time on or after July 1, 2016, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? 

    YesRequired user response; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not, at any time on or after July 1, 2016, the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determined that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless."




    Update dates

    If your parent(s) or his/her RDP filed a 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return, were you claimed on their 2015 tax return as an exemption by either or both of your parents?

    NORequired user response when included on application; else error message, "You must select Yes, No, or Did Not File to specify whether or not you were claimed as an exemption."

    Change response options to:

    Blank/null  [internal default]

    2 - Parent(s) did not file

    1 - Yes

    0 - No




    Update text

    Do you live with one or both of your parent(s) and/or his/her RDP? {drop-down menu}

    Required user response when included on application; else error message, "You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you live with one or both of your parents, and/or his/her RDP."

    Method B



    Update dates

    How many persons are in your parent(s)' household? (Include yourself, your parent(s), and anyone who lives with your parent(s) and receives more than 50% of their support from your parents, now and through June 30, 2018. {textbox}

    Continue to use <end date>


    Update dates

    How many persons are in your household? (Include yourself, your spouse, and anyone who lives with you and receives more than 50% of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2018 {textbox}

    Continue to use <end date>


    Tax year and text/date = 2015

    a. Adjusted Gross Income (If 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return was filed, enter the amount from Form 1040, Line 37; Form 1040A, Line 21; or Form 1040EZ, Line 4.) $ {textbox}.00

    <tax year> 2015


    Tax year and text/date = 2015

    a. Adjusted Gross Income (If 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return was filed, enter the amount from Form 1040, Line 37; 1040A, Line 21; 1040EZ, Line 4).  $ {textbox}.00

    Change <tax year> and use 2015
    Method B Enrollment FeeLABELS

    Tax year and text/date = 2015

    All labels in the "Method B Enrollment Fee
    "2015 Income Information"

    Keep all labels referring to "2015"


    Tax year and text/date = 2015

    b. All Other Income (Include ALL money received in 2015 that is not included in line (a) above (such as Disability, child support, military living allowance, Workman’s Compensation, untaxed pensions.)

    Keep onscreen label reference "2015"


    Tax year and text/date = 2015

    b. All Other Income (Include ALL money received in 2015 that is not included in line (a) above (such as Disability, child support, military living allowance, Workman’s Compensation, untaxed pensions.)

    Keep onscreen label reference "2015"


    Total income for 2015 (Sum of a. + b.): $ {textbox}.00

    Keep onscreen label reference "2015"


    Total income for 2015 (Sum of a. + b.): $ {textbox}.00

    Keep onscreen label reference "2015"

    Method B (Enrollment Fee Waiver text box below the Total Income field)

    Enrollment Fee Waiver message Text box under Method B Calculation Table

    Make changes to existing text block with the new sentence and edit the hyperlink indicated in blue in the message text

    Update text & replace hyperlink

    The Financial Aid Office will review your income and let you know if you qualify for an ENROLLMENT FEE WAIVER under Method B. Submit application and documentation to the financial aid office.

    If you do not qualify using Method A or Method B, you should file a FAFSA (for U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens) or the California Dream Application (for undocumented AB 540 students). The FAFSA is available at and the Dream Application is available at Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

    Create a sub-task for this text and hyperlink change

    Replace all text on the Certification Page with the changes outlined in Table B below.

    Replace all text on the Certification Page with the changes outlined in Table B below.

    Separate sub-task
    Review Application & Submitted App PDFsAdd new question and response to the Review Application / Submitted Application PDF
    Add new "determined_homeless" question and response to Review Application page & Submitted App PDF
    Separate sub-task


    Table B:  Text Changes to Certification Page

    Existing 2016-2017 Online BOG TextChanges Shown in Blue below:

    Parent/Guardian Certification Statement

    Applications for dependent students must be signed by the parent or legal guardian as well as the applicant. Please have your parent or guardian sign below:

    I, , am the parent or legal guardian of <firstname+lastname>.

    I hereby swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of this information, which may include a copy of my and my spouse's 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return. I also realize that any false statement or failure to give proof when asked may be cause for the denial, reduction, withdrawal, and/or repayment of a fee waiver. I authorize release of information regarding this application between the college, the college district, and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges.

    Your information is protected by secure transmission and by the provisions of our privacy policy.

    Applicant Certification Statement

    I hereby swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of this information, which may include a copy of my, my spouse's, and/or my parents' 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return. I also realize that any false statement or failure to give proof when asked may be cause for the denial, reduction, withdrawal, and/or repayment of my waiver. I authorize release of information regarding this application between the college, the college district, and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges.

      • Federal and state financial aid programs are available and may include aid in the form of grants, work study, and/or any available student loans. I am aware that I may apply for assistance for up to the total cost of my education including enrollment fees, books & supplies, transportation, and room and board expense.
      • I may apply for financial assistance if I am enrolled in an eligible program of study (certificate, associate degree, or transfer), and may receive aid if qualified, regardless of whether I am enrolled full-time or part-time.
      • Financial aid program information and application assistance are available in the financial aid office at the college. The application is also available on-line.

    Your information is protected by secure transmission and by the provisions of our privacy policy.

    Parent/Guardian Certification Statement

    Applications for dependent students must be signed by the parent or legal guardian as well as the applicant. Please have your parent or guardian sign below:

    I, , am the parent or legal guardian of <firstname+lastname>.

    I hereby swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of this information, which may include a copy of my and my spouse's 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return. I also realize that any false statement or failure to give proof when asked may be cause for the denial, reduction, withdrawal, and/or repayment of a fee waiver. I authorize release of information regarding this application between the college, the college district, and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges.

    Your information is protected by secure transmission and by the provisions of our privacy policy.

    Applicant Certification Statement

    I hereby swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of this information, which may include a copy of my and my spouse/registered domestic partner and/or my parent's/registered domestic partner’s 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return(s). I also realize that any false statement or failure to give proof when asked may be cause for the denial, reduction, withdrawal, and/or repayment of my waiver. I authorize release of information regarding this application between the college, the college district, and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges.

      • Federal and state financial aid programs are available to help with college costs (including enrollment fees, books & supplies, transportation and room and board expenses). By completing the FAFSA or the California Dream Application, additional financial assistance may be available in the form of Cal Grants, Pell and other grants, work study and other aid.
      • I may apply for and receive financial assistance if I am enrolled, either full time or part time, in an eligible program of study (certificate, associate degree or transfer).
      • Financial aid program information and application assistance is available in the college financial aid office.

    Your information is protected by secure transmission and by the provisions of our privacy policy.


    5. Add new question and response to the Review Application page and Submitted Application PDF.

      1. Add the new question, and the response, to the Review Application page, below "Pre-determined to be Non-resident Tuition" , the fourth question in the Residency Status section from the Application Year page.
        "Has the Financial Aid Office verified that you have been without a residence in the last 24 months (homeless)?
      2. See screenshot below:

    New Homeless Question added to the Review Application page & Submitted Application PDF

    6. Add new data field to the Download Client

    7. BOG Eligibility Flag Changes

    TBD - Patty will confirm with Chancellor's office how the new "Determined Homeless" eligibility affects the overall BOG Eligibility algorithm. ASAP.

    7. Update BOG Specification Data Dictionary and all BOG data field tables (User Guides). -Patty

    Changes to Data Download File

    There  new data field added to the BOG application for 2017-2018:

    • determined_homeless
    • Create new data field for "elig_method_d"

    Changes to Logic

    Add new BOG Method D Algorithm for Homeless Youth under 25 only

    1. Add new eligibility logic Homeless Youth = Yes

    IF <determined_homeless> = yes,

    then flag <elig_method_d" - True, otherwise, False


    Supporting Documentation 

    Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) to be referenced in support of this change request. 

    DescriptionFile or Link

    2017-2018 Approved BOG (CCCCO)

    View file
    nameB4 2017_18 Draft BOGFW Application_Draft hilites and Comments.pdf

    20107-2018 Method B Income Table

    View file

    2017-2018 BOG Specifications

    2017-2018_Online_BOG_Specification_CI.docxCI Version
    Annotated Version (Changes)


    Text from 2016-2017 Online Application

    Application Year Page


    Application Year

    Select the Application Year to have your enrollment fees waived for:Select the application year if more than one is listed. Once saved, the application year cannot be changed.

      Enter your College Student ID (if known):

    Residency Status

      Has the Admissions or Registrar's Office determined that you are a California resident?

      Has the Admissions or Registrar's Office determined that you are eligible for a non-resident tuition exemption as an AB 540 student?

     Yes   No      Has the Admissions or Registrar's Office determined that you are eligible for a non-resident tuition exemption granted as a result of you residing in the United States with a "T" or "U" visa (immigration status under Section 1101(a)(15)(T)(i) or (ii), or Section 1101 (a)(15)(U)(i) or (ii), of Title 8 of the United States Code)?

    Dependency Page (Marital Status & Dependency Status) 


    Marital Status

    The California Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act extends new rights, benefits, responsibilities and obligations to individuals in domestic partnerships registered with the California Secretary of State under Section 297 of the Family Code. If you are in a Registered Domestic Partnership (RDP), or legal same sex marriage, you will be treated as an Independent married student to determine eligibility for this Fee Waiver and will need to provide income and household information for your domestic partner. If you are a dependent student and your parent is in a Registered Domestic Partnership, or legal same sex marriage, you will be treated the same as a student with married parents and income and household information will be required for the parent's domestic partner. (These new provisions apply to state student financial aid only, not to federal student financial aid.)   

    Are you or your parent in a Registered Domestic Partnership with the California Secretary of State under Section 297 of the Family Code? 

    (Answer "Yes" if you or your parent are separated from a Registered Domestic Partner but have NOT FILED a Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership with the California Secretary of State's Office.)


    Dependency Status

    1. As of today, are you married or in a Registered Domestic Partnership (RDP)?    
      (Answer "Yes" if you are separated but not divorced or have not filed a termination notice to dissolve partnership.)
    2. Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces or currently serving on active duty for purposes other than training?      
    3. Do you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you between 07/01/2016 and 06/30/2017, or other dependents who live with you (other than your children and spouse/RDP) who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through 06/30/2017?     

      Change To:

      3. Do you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018or other dependents who live with you (other than your children or spouse/RDP) who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2018?   

    4. At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care, or were you a dependent or ward of the court?    
    5. Are you or were you an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?   
    6. Are you or were you in legal guardianship as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?   
    7. At any time on or after 01/01/2015, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?   

      7. At any time on or after July 1, 2016, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless   

    8. At any time on or after 01/01/2015, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?    
    9. At any time on or after 01/01/2015, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?     

      Change To:
      9. At any time on or after July 1, 2016, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?
      Developers: Ensure logic remains in place for the following:

      **If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions 1 - 19, you are considered an INDEPENDENT student for enrollment fee waiver purposes and must provide income and household information about yourself (and your spouse or RDP if applicable).  Do not display and don't require the next two questions (9 and 10). 

       **If you answered "No" to all questions 1 - 9, display and required the following questions:


    10. If your parent(s) filed or will file a 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return, were you, or will you be claimed on their tax return as an exemption by either or both of your parents? (Yes, No, Parent(s) won't file = dropdown menu)

      Change Text and update Response Option Text:  
      10. If your parent(s) or his/her RDP filed a 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return, were you claimed on their 2015 tax return as an exemption by either or both of your parents? 
      Update response options to:  Yes - No - Parent(s) did not file

    11. Do you live with one or both of your parent(s)?    

    Special Eligibilities


    Special Classifications

    In answering the following questions, treat a Registered Domestic Partner of your parent also as your parent.

      clear selection  Do you have certification from the California Department of Veterans Affairs that you are eligible for a dependent's fee waiver? 

     Yes   No  clear selection  Do you have certification from the National Guard Adjutant General that you are eligible for a dependent's fee waiver? 

     Yes   No   clear selection  Are you eligible as a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor or as a child of a recipient?

     Yes   No   clear selection  Are you eligible as a dependent of a victim of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack? 

     Yes   No   clear selection  Are you eligible as a dependent of a deceased law enforcement/fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty?

    Eligibility Methods (Method A & B)


    Method A Enrollment Fee

    Are you (the student only) currently receiving monthly cash assistance for yourself or any dependents from: 

     Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) / CalWorks?

     Supplemental Security Income (SSI) / State Supplementary Payment (SSP)?

     General assistance?

    Method B Enrollment Fee

    This information is used to comply with state law pertaining to the award of financial aid. It will not be used to determine who will be admitted to the college.  

    Student and Spouse’s/RDP 2015 INCOME INFORMATION:  
    How many persons are in your household? (Include yourself, your spouse/RDP, and anyone who lives with you and receives more than 50% of their support from you, now and through 06/30/2017.)
    a. Adjusted Gross Income.  
    (If 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return was filed, enter the amount from Form 1040, Line 37; Form 1040A, Line 21; or Form 1040EZ, Line 4.)
    b. All Other Income.(Include ALL money received in 2015 that is not included in line (a) above, such as disability, child support, military living allowance, Workman's Compensation, untaxed pensions.)$.00  
    Total Income for 2015 15,956.00

    titleEnrollment Fee Waiver

    The Financial Aid Office will review your income and let you know if you qualify for an ENROLLMENT FEE WAIVER under Method B. 

    If you do not qualify using Method A or Method B, you should file a FAFSA (for U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens) or the California Dream Application (for undocumented AB 540 students). The FAFSA is available at and the Dream Application is available at Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

    Certification Page


    Parent/Guardian Certification Statement

    Applications for dependent students must be signed by the parent or legal guardian as well as the applicant. Please have your parent or guardian sign below:

    I, , am the parent or legal guardian of Paddy Donohue.

    I hereby swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of this information, which may include a copy of my and my spouse's 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return. I also realize that any false statement or failure to give proof when asked may be cause for the denial, reduction, withdrawal, and/or repayment of a fee waiver. I authorize release of information regarding this application between the college, the college district, and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges.

    Your information is protected by secure transmission and by the provisions of our privacy policy.

    Applicant Certification Statement

    I hereby swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of this information, which may include a copy of my, my spouse's, and/or my parents' 2015 U.S. Income Tax Return. I also realize that any false statement or failure to give proof when asked may be cause for the denial, reduction, withdrawal, and/or repayment of my waiver. I authorize release of information regarding this application between the college, the college district, and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges.

      • Federal and state financial aid programs are available and may include aid in the form of grants, work study, and/or any available student loans. I am aware that I may apply for assistance for up to the total cost of my education including enrollment fees, books & supplies, transportation, and room and board expense.
      • I may apply for financial assistance if I am enrolled in an eligible program of study (certificate, associate degree, or transfer), and may receive aid if qualified, regardless of whether I am enrolled full-time or part-time.
      • Financial aid program information and application assistance are available in the financial aid office at the college. The application is also available on-line.

    Your information is protected by secure transmission and by the provisions of our privacy policy.


    From 2017-2018 Paper App Text


    State and federal laws protect an individual’s right to privacy regarding information pertaining to oneself. The California Information Practices Act of 1977 requires the following information be provided to financial aid applicants who are asked to supply information about themselves. The principal purpose for requesting information on this form is to determine your eligibility for financial aid. The Chancellor’s Office policy and the policy of the community college to which you are applying for aid authorize maintenance of this information. Failure to provide such information will delay and may even prevent your receipt of financial assistance. This form’s information may be transmitted to other state agencies and the federal government if required by law. Individuals have the right of access to records established from information furnished on this form as it pertains to them.

    The officials responsible for maintaining the information contained on this form are the financial aid administrators at the institutions to which you are applying for financial aid. The SSN may be used to verify your identity under record keeping systems established prior to January 1, 1975. If your college requires you to provide an SSN and you have questions, you should ask the financial aid officer at your college for further information. The Chancellor’s Office and the California community colleges, in compliance with federal and state laws, do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, domestic partnership or any other legally protected basis. Inquiries regarding these policies may be directed to the financial aid office of the college to which you are applying.

    Notes & Background Information

    Emails from Bryan Dickerson and Tim Bonnel (CCCCO)


    <Bryan D. September 28, 2016 >>


    I cannot have the Fee waiver application completed today. Last week, AB 801 was signed into law and will require some input from the field before a fee waiver application can be finalized.  I am sorry I did could not provide you with this information earlier as analysis on the final AB 801 wording had not taken place.

    We did decide on another issue that involved how to resolve the conflict that would have occurred between using the 2015 year income data that will be collected on the 2017-18 FAFSA with the 2016 income data that would be collected on the 2017-18 BOG Fee Waiver application.  Since we cannot change the FAFSA, the BOGFW application will also use 2015 income data.

    The chaptering of AB 801 on September 21 added a new fee waiver eligibility category for homeless youth.  This new category presents difficulties because the wording of the BOGFW application must be vetted with college Financial Aid Offices as well as Admission and Records offices. Specifically, we need to know how will a student would indicate on the application that they are homeless and then, to which college office should they be referred to present documentation of their homeless status?  Getting this wrong would create turmoil at the colleges.

    We are consulting with financial aid offices on AB 801, but sufficient consultation may take a few weeks.

    Have you received any input from Admissions offices?  To appropriately advise homeless students, we need instructions on which college office the students should work with.  This affects how the application wording will read.

    We should have a call with you on this.  Can I set up a call with you and also include people on this end to get their input?

    The change that has to get on to the BOG Fee Waiver application is one that inquires on a student’s homeless status.  Homeless students under age 25 will be eligible to receive a BOG Fee Waiver.

    We did decide on another issue that involved how to resolve the conflict that would have occurred between using the 2015 year income data that will be collected on the 2017-18 FAFSA with the 2016 income data that would be collected on the 2017-18 BOG Fee Waiver application.  Since we cannot change the FAFSA, the BOGFW application will also use 2015 income data.

    The chaptering of AB 801 on September 21 added a new fee waiver eligibility category for homeless youth.  This new category presents difficulties because the wording of the BOGFW application must be vetted with college Financial Aid Offices as well as Admission and Records offices. Specifically, we need to know how will a student would indicate on the application that they are homeless and then, to which college office should they be referred to present documentation of their homeless status?  Getting this wrong would create turmoil at the colleges.

    We are consulting with financial aid offices on AB 801, but sufficient consultation may take a few weeks.

    Have you received any input from Admissions offices?  To appropriately advise homeless students, we need instructions on which college office the students should work with.  This affects how the application wording will read.

    << October 31 - Bryan D. >>


    Attached is the 2017-18 Board of Governors Fee Waiver Application.  We consider this as final.

    A few more things:

    1. Tim Bonnel is available to join your meeting if you can provide him with a timeframe of +/- 20 to 30 minutes of when he would need to participate.

    2. A student’s homeless status must by verified to receive the fee waiver.  The campus financial aid office is one of the parties that can collect homeless status verification documents from the student.  Verification criteria for homeless students is consistent with the standards used in the McKinney-Vento Act.  This standard is also used for federal financial aid.

    3. Another difference on the BOG Fee waiver application is that for 2017-18 eligibility determinations the student and parent’s 2015 year income will be required.  This is a change implemented to bring the application in line with the change in income base year to be used from now on for federal financial aid.