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Request No.2017-12
Date of Request10.28.16
State Legislature 


Possibly BOG

Section / Page


Steering Hearing Date11.01.16
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD

Table of Contents

Problem / Issue

The California legislature recently (9.21.16) chartered bill AB 801 which requires CCCs to identify for the purposes of Priority Registration - homeless students (very similar to Foster Youth) under age 25 who have been identified as such by a certified homeless shelter or state/county organization.

This may require a change to the residency logic
This may require a change to the data downloads (new data field)

Does it only pertain to priority registration? 

AB 801, Bloom. Postsecondary education: Success for Homeless Youth in Higher Education Act.
(1) Existing law, the Donahoe Higher Education Act, sets forth the missions and functions of the segments of postsecondary education in this state. Among other things, the act requires the California State University and each community college district, and requests the University of California, with respect to each campus in their respective jurisdictions that administers a priority enrollment system, to grant priority in that system for registration for enrollment to foster youth, as defined, or former foster youth, until the repeal of this provision on January 1, 2017.
This bill would enact the Success for Homeless Youth in Higher Education Act. The bill would delete the repeal date of, and thereby extend indefinitely, the above-referenced priority requirement, with respect to the California State University and community college districts, and the request for the granting of priority, with respect to the University of California. The bill would extend that priority requirement, and that request, to include homeless youth until January 1, 2020. To the extent that this provision would impose new duties on community college districts, it would constitute a state-mandated local program.

Proposed Solution

Discuss with Steering 11.01.16


Supporting Documentation