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Page Properties
Request No.2014-66
Target releaseDecember 2016
Application(s)Standard App Only
Steering ApprovalIN-PROGRESS
Steering Hearing Date6.12.16

Change to Download FileNO
Change to Residency LogicNO

Table of Contents


Problem Statement or Business Need

For several years the issue of providing an "offline" admission application option for special populations, including noncredit students, has been proposed to the CCCApply Steering Committee. 

In 2014, Steering addressed this issue by forming a sub-committee to work with the CCCCO to determine which questions/data fields are "required" for noncredit students, and which questions on the current online CCCApply application can be removed, if any?  Working with Elias Regalado, CCCCO, at the time, it was determined that very few questions could be removed from the current version of CCCApply and continue to be in compliance with 1) questions that help determine residency classification for all students; 2) questions that are "required" per federal laws and regulations; and 3) questions that are required by California state legislature, education code of regulations, and MIS reporting requirements. In sum, per Elias' analysis, the only questions on the current application that could be removed are the "Needs & Interests" questions, and those are critical for providing valuable data to colleges and the Chancellor's Office in order to provide support and services to students and special populations. Therefore, the sub-committee concluded that the proposal of creating a separate CCCApply admission application for noncredit students would not be feasible and non-compliant to state, federal and systemwide rules and regulations. The proposal was declined.

In 2016, CACCRAO again approached CCCApply with concerns that the online application was not appropriate for noncredit, ESL, adult education and other special populations and once again called for a new, separate application be created (in essence, a "short application" that contains only the questions relevant to these special groups). Though the CCCApply Steering Committee responded with the recommendation from the CCCCO in 2014, CACCRAO submitted a formal "memo" to CCCApply (05.04.16) calling for improvement and removal of barriers to CCCApply by way of a new, short-form application for noncredit applications.

Proposed Solution

  • Work with the CCCCO to get a formal, legal, opinion or advisory published mandating the use of CCCApply for all students, including noncredit, for the purpose of determining residency;
  • Create a "White Paper" via sub-committee, presenting the issue, solution, and outlining the state, federal, and MIS requirements that are "required" and appear currently in CCCApply
  • Create a paper-based version of the current CCCApply applicaton for noncredit and/or students with challenged computer skills
  • Translate the paper-based version to Spanish ASAP
  • Translate the paper-based version to other languages
  • Create a set of references for the back of the application to provide explanation and more information to support the requirements within the application

Requirements Summary

Changes to Data Download File

Changes to Logic
#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes

Change Specifications


Create paper-based version of the existing CCCApply standard application"As a noncredit student with limited access to computer, I need a paper version of the CCCApply standard application that can be completed with pen/pencil and submitted directly to the Admissions Office at the college I am applying to."HIGH

2Add a "References" section to the back of the application for explanation and to provide more information about requirements"As a student completing the paper-application, I need a place to refer to - within the application - that provides the equivalent of hover help/support tips to help me complete the application with required information."HIGH
3Translate the paper-based CCCApply standard application to Spanish-language.""As a predominately Spanish-speaking/reading student, I need a Spanish-language version of the CCCApply standard paper-application in order to better understand the "required" questions and responses."HIGH
4Get CCCCO approval of the paper-based application and formal mandate that all colleges must use the paper application in order to maintain compliance with state, federal, and MIS reporting requirements"As a college admissions officer, I need the CCCCO to mandate the use of the CCCApply standard paper application as the official paper application to be used, with cited references outlining requirements."HIGH
5Ensure that all colleges have access to the CCCApply standard paper application in order to download and print copies for their use."As a college admissions officer, I need to be able to access and download the CCCCO approved CCCApply standard paper application at any time in order to print and provide to students who request a paper application."HIGH

Supporting Documentation 

Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) to be referenced in support of this change request. 

DescriptionFile or Link