Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Release Date

Release No.5.5.0
Time6:00PM - 11:00PM PST
TypeMid-Year Release
Maintenance Window
Changes to Download ClientYes
Changes to Residency LogicYes


Release Scope

ApplicationsCCCApply Standard Application
CCCApply International Application
OpenCCC Student Account System
Shibboleth V3 Upgrade 
Changes to Download ClientYes
Changes to Residency LogicYes

Table of Contents




Pre-Release Summary & Pilot Site Information

Per the new CCCApply Communication Policy, colleges will be notified of any planned changes to the OpenCCC and CCCApply student applications 60 days prior to the production release. In addition, a pre-release version of the changes will be rolled to the Pilot environment 30 days prior to the release date.

The Pre-Release Summary below outlines the planned changes that will be available for preview on the Pilot Site beginning August 26, 2016 at 6:00PM PST.

The production release is scheduled for September 29, 2016 at 6:00PM PST.

Pre-Release Notes Summary

Below is a high-level summary of the enhancements that will be released to production on September 29, 2016. These changes will be available to preview in the Pilot environment for 30 days, beginning August 26, 2016 at 6:00PM PST.  Pre-release specifications are hyperlinked in the tables below, and a technical guide will be available on August 26 for implementation support.  

OpenCCC Account

The following enhancements are planned for the OpenCCC Account system. There are no actions required by colleges.

Change Specification / Technical NotesSummaryNew Download Data Fields or Change to the Download FileChange to Logic
Update OpenCCC Shibboleth 2.4.0 to Version 3.1 

CCCTC is upgrading the OpenCCC student gateway IdP (Shibboleth v.2.4.1, to version 3.1) on September 29 as part of the planned mid-year release (5.5). The CCCApply college staff IdP - which provides single sign-on (SSO) capability to the CCCApply Administrator and CCC Report Center, - is also being upgraded to version 3.1.

Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) software announced that Version 2.X has reached end-of-life status on July 31, 2016.

See End of Life for Shibboleth 2 for details.


Enhancement to OpenCCC Account Recovery:Password Reset by Email Link 

In an effort to reduce the number of incoming support requests from students to the OpenCCC Helpdesk for Account Recovery, we are implementing a new 24/7 self-serve option for students to reset their password through a secure URL sent to the user’s email address.





CCCTC Recommends Colleges Upgrade to Shibboleth Version 3.X

Colleges using Shibboleth will need to verify which version they are using and if using version 2.X, should consider upgrading to the latest version. Shibboleth v2.X will become an unsupported version, and while upgrading to v3.1 is not required, it is strongly recommended. See End of Life for Shibboleth 2 for more information on upgrading the Shibboleth version 3 today!

CCCApply Standard Application

The following enhancements have been developed are planned for the CCCApply applications.   

Click on the Change Specification / Technical Notes hyperlinks in the table below to see the detailed changes planned for each item. A "Pilot" version of the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary will accompany the release to Pilot on 8.26.16, and will be published in the Production version of the Data Dictionary on September 29, 2016.


Change Specification / Technical NotesSummaryNew Download Data Fields or Change to the Download FileChange to Logic
New Data Fields to Support Multiple Measures for Assessment Placement


Colleges must "opt-in" to participate.


Click hyperlink in the left column to see detailed specifications for question text, data field specs, validations and conditions for each question.


Default setting: DO NOT DISPLAY this section unless college opts-in. (Common Assessment Pilot colleges may be required to implement as part of the project requirements. Please contact the CCCAssess Program Managers for details).

Conditions: Display "High School Transcript Information" section and questions on the Education page if the high school completion date is within 10 years of the RDD. (hs_comp_date < RDD minus 10 years). 

None of the questions affect residency. For participating colleges, all fields are downloadable and added to the Download Client, application Rules, and appear for reporting in the Report Center.  

Add Missing Step to Area B Residency Logic for Classification of Non-Residents (B0)A Yes. See "Changes to Download Client" below.No
Add Missing Step to Area B Residency Logic for Classification of Non-Residents (B0)

A missing step is being added to the Area B residency logic to correct issues identified regarding California residents who report reported an out-of-state activitiesactivity on the standard application.


This issue was reported by colleges who noticed an increase in the number of students who - for all other intents and purposes - appear to be California residents but they have indicated some activity out-of-state within the past two years, such as paying taxes outside the state or attended a college outside the state.

The error in step 1 of Area B logic was automatically tagging these students as "Non-residents" but was not fixing that classification in steps 2 or 3 when the logic identifies that the student has lived in CA for 2 years. This fix will ensure that these students are correctly re-classified as “B2 - possible residents” in the final calculation (steps 12 & 13).

A new integrity flag data field is being added:


NOTE: The residency logic will still flag this student and alert colleges without the college downloading the new integrity flag.

Changes were made to the Area B residency logic. See Changes to Residency Logic in the Change Specification.

Yes. See "New Data Fields & Changes to the Download Client" section below.

Area B. See "Changes to Logic" section bellow. 
Revised High School/College Finder WidgetsThe High School Finder (and College Finder) advanced search widgets which appear on the Education page of the Standard and International Applications were revised to comply with 508/WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility requirements for supported OS/Browser/Screen Readers. The technical changes will allow students using screen readers and/or other assistive technologies to look up high schools and colleges without difficulty.  N/AN/A

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Bug Fixes

The following bugs are being fixed in bug fixes are planned for this release. No action is required by the colleges.

If you have any questions or would like more information about any of these bug fixes, please post a request in the in the CCCApply category page.



Restricted Users from Creating or Duplicating Domains & Data Sources in the Report CenterReport Center
Error page if the tstmp_submit timestamp is null for submitted apps.CCCApply
Fixed issues with the Visa/Alien Registration Number Issue & Expiration DatesCCCApply
Typos on State/College Employee question when applicant is a dependent minorCCCApply
Fix Client-Side Validation: Main Phone Number cannot be empty if Second Phone is EnteredCCCApply
Education tab client side validation appears without clicking on the Continue buttonCCCApply
Missing Client-side Validation on Education Page: No college attended when college count is not emptyCCCApply
Question mark typo found on Privacy Policy pageCCCApply
Skip navigation link not displayed in SafariCCCApply
Enhanced focus indicator to button elements and form inputsCCCApply
Replaced ASCII art with semantic markup and CSSCCCApply
Text Alternative added to Notification messagesCCCApply
Corrected the format for all date fields for Rules and Rule Messages and fixed the response display if the field is empty - Every Date Field



Technical Requirements: When using a date field variable in Rules messages, the date should be formatted for Apply and BOG as follows: month-dd-yyyy; and for International, it should be formatted mmm-dd-yyyy.

  • Add code into the system that will format the dates in "month-dd-yyyy" for Apply and BOG. For International, it should be formatted mmm-dd-yyyy instead of printing out the raw java timestamp value for OpenCCC, Apply, BOGFW, and International.
  • If a college creates a rule that includes a "date" field, but the value of the field is empty per the response (or lack of response) by the student, the value that should appear in the email message should be "N/A" or "Null" instead of code garble.

URL encode campaign tracking code values

Technical Requirements: The campaign tracking code utilizes cookies to actually pass the campaign tracking values. Due to that, we have to make sure that the campaign tracking values can be safely stored in a cookie. To accomplish that, we need to make sure to URL encode the value before we store it in the cookie and then URL decode it before reading the cookie value in the app. This change has been applied to Apply, BOG and International.
Users with no First Name are Seeing Null in their Account Creation EmailsOpenCCC Account

Added Missing Security Question to Dropdown List:

Technical Requirements: Make the question, "What is the nickname of your youngest sibling?", available as a Security Question in Account Creation, and Account Recovery.
OpenCCC Account
Corrected the Foster Youth Status question text on Review Application page to match the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary V.2016.1CCCApply
Corrected typos on the Review Application page and View Submitted Application pagesCCCApply
Fixed error submitting International Application when Term description too longInternational 
Fixed Typo in Hover Help for the Year Field When Date Taken or Completed Displays on Proficiency Test/QualificationInternational 
Removed the "SEVIS ID number" validation from being displayed when Sevis Information box is uncheckedInternational 
Added character limit (50) to Colleges Attended: Major field in International Application. Data field: <col1_major>; Length: 50; Format: ASCII Alphanumeric text inputInternational 
Corrected a typo (removed extra space) for International addresses in the Review Account/Mailing pageInternational 
Fixed issue with the USPS Checkbox Remaining when User changes addressInternational 
Removed "foster_youths" field from Administrator Rules. This field is not in use. Replaced with Foster Youth Status in 2013CCCApply
New Degree Types AA-T and AS-T were not displaying in the Majors Summary View in the AdministratorCCCApply
When the "parent/guardian is a veteran" option is selected, bad hover-help text for discharge date was replacedCCCApply
Prevented Preferred Names field from clearing when 'Cancel' link clicked on Edit Personal Information pageOpenCCC Account
Hover help no longer appears for links on account logged out success pageOpenCCC Account
Users with no First Name are no longer seeing Null in their Account Creation EmailsOpenCCC Account

Database &

New Data Fields & Changes to the Download Client



All the The following data fields have been added to the databases and the Download Client; therefore, if your college would like to download these fields from the CCCApply, International, and/or BOG applications by updating your Format Definition XML files (specific to each application).

SummaryData FieldsStaff ToolApplicationAdd Enroll Term Description & Major Description Fields to Staff Tools & Download Client<enroll_term_description>
<enroll_major_description> Administrator Rules
Report Center
Download Client  International ONLYAdd Critical Data Fields to Staff Tools & Download Client<term_start_date>
<term_end_date> Administrator Rules
Report Center
Download Client CCCApply
International Add Integrity Flag 30 Data Field to Staff Tools & Download Client<integrity_fg_30>Administrator Rules
Report Center
Download Client CCCApply ONLYAdd Multiple Measures Data Fields to Staff Tools & Download Client <grade_point_average>
<highest_math_course_passed_grade> Administrator Rules
Report Center
Download Client CCCApply ONLYAdd Account Data Fields to Staff Tools & Download Client<ssn_no>
<no_firstname>  Administrator Rules
Report Center
Download Client CCCApply
BOG Restrict Term ID and Term Descriptions to Read Only in Administrator Administrator TermsCCCApply

Accessibility Fixes

One of the objectives of this release is to fix a series of accessibility issues in the CCCApply applications which were identified in a third-party accessibility review conducted in February 2016. Issues that can be fixed in the current version of CCCApply will be fixed; however, issues that require significant re-writes to the application code or user interface are being deferred to the next version of CCCApply (3.0). Development for V.3.0 is slated to begin in Fall 2017.

The issues below were determined to be feasible or mandatory fixes for V.2.0 (current version of CCCApply).

DescriptionApplicationUpdate High School & College Finder in Apply & IA - Education Tab
(See summary of requirements above) CCCApply & International Applications ONLYSkip navigation link not displayed in SafariCCCApply, BOG, InternationalSkip Navigation links and browser focusCCCApply, BOG, InternationalEnhance focus indicator to button elements and form inputsCCCApply, BOG, InternationalReplace ASCII art with semantic markup and CSSCCCApply, BOG, InternationalNotification messages do not provide text alternativeCCCApply, BOG, International

OpenCCCApply PILOT Site 

Pilot Applications

Remember to include your college's MIS code to the end of each application URL


PILOT ApplicationNEW PILOT Application URL

PILOT CCCApply Standard Application URL
*Replace the XXX with your college MIS code.

PILOT BOG Application URL
*Replace the XXX with your college MIS code.

PILOT International Application URL

*Replace the XXX with your college MIS code. 


Pilot Download Servers URL Attributes
Include the following URL attributes in your PILOT Job XML files. For more information, refer to the Download Client User Guide.



PILOT CCCApply Standard Application BOG Application International Application 


OpenCCC Account Recovery: Password Reset by Email Link

In an effort to reduce the number of incoming support calls to the CCC Help Desk for OpenCCC account recovery, we are implementing a new 24/7 self-serve option for students to reset their password through a secure URL sent to the user’s email address.


Problem: To access CCCApply, or any secure CCC application, students must first have an OpenCCC account. If the student is new to OpenCCC, they are prompted to create a new account. If the student already has an OpenCCC account (CCCID), they must either Sign-In, or go through the Recover Account process.  Currently, to recover a forgotten password, the only option is to answer the security questions created during account creation.

Solution: With this new option, students can click on a secure URL link in an email which will take them directly to the Reset Password page, bypassing the security questions.  The URL must be used within 24 hours of the request.


New Data Fields to Support Multiple Measures (SB1456)

In support of state legislation AB743, which calls for an systemwide assessment system be developed to include multiple measures for placement, and SB1456, which calls for the gathering of multiple measures data, the Common Assessment Initiative (CAI) has requested a series of data field questions be added to the CCCApply Standard Application in order to collect self-reported, high school transcript information for assessment placement purposes for the CCCAssess program. Seven (7) new questions and downloadable data fields will be added to the Education page of the Standard Application only.


Collecting transcript data at the time of the application for admission facilitates a solution to a very difficult task of obtaining good data otherwise. We believe we can streamline and limit the questions to just those students who need placement. The CCCAssess pilot program includes 59 California Community Colleges who will begin testing the new common assessment platform on September 20, 2016.  

Adoption and implementation of these questions is 100% OPTIONAL. If your college would like to "Opt-In" to participate, please contact John Hadad, Product Manager, CCCAssess,

Testing in Pilot Environment: Colleges that choose to implement these questions can preview the UI (user interface) and test the download client changes in the Pilot environment for 30 days prior to the September 20, 2016 release. Colleges must "opt-in" in order to participate. Please contact Patty Donohue, Product Manager,, or John Hadad, CAI Product Manager,



Changes to the Download Client


The following fields have been added to the Download Client. To add them to your download file, update your Download Format XML files, as indicated.

The data fields included in the Multiple Measures for Assessment Placement - the “opt-in implementation” - are being added to the Download Client, as well as and the Report Center.  All new fields are optional and do not have to be added to your download file; however, if you want to collect this dataAll fields will also be available in the Report Center.  Data Fields for Assessment Placement



Data Field



Grade Point Average


(varchar 5)

Optional Education page implementation

HIghest English Course Taken



Optional Education page implementation

Highest English Course Taken Grade


(varchar 2)

Optional Education page implementation

Highest Math Course Taken



Optional Education page implementation

Highest Math Course Taken Grade


(varchar 2)

Optional Education page implementation

Highest Math Course Passed



Optional Education page implementation

Highest Math Course Passed Grade

highest_math_course_ passed_grade

(varchar 2)

Optional Education page implementation

Integrity Flag 30



CCCApply Only > Residency: Integrity Flags

Enrollment Term Description



International Application

Major Description



International Application

Term Start Date



CCCApply & International Applications

Term End Date


 CCCApply & International Applications

No First Name



Account: All Applications

No Middle Name



Account: All Applications




Account: All Applications


. To add them to your download file, update your Download Format XML files, as indicated.

The data fields included in the Multiple Measures for Assessment Placement - the “opt-in implementation” - are being added to the Download Client, as well as and the Report Center.  All new fields are optional and do not have to be added to your download file; however, if you want to collect this dataAll fields will also be available in the Report Center.  Data Fields for Assessment Placement



Data Field


Report Center?Administrator Rules?Application(s)


Grade Point Average


(varchar 5)

Opt-inOpt-inOpt-inCCCApply Only

Multiple Measures - Opt In Only

HIghest English Course Taken



Opt-inOpt-inOpt-inCCCApply Only

Multiple Measures - Opt In Only

Highest English Course Taken Grade


(varchar 2)

Opt-inOpt-inOpt-inCCCApply Only

Multiple Measures - Opt In Only

Highest Math Course Taken



Opt-inOpt-inOpt-inCCCApply Only

Multiple Measures - Opt In Only

Highest Math Course Taken Grade


(varchar 2)

Opt-inOpt-inOpt-inCCCApply Only

Multiple Measures - Opt In Only

Highest Math Course Passed



Opt-inOpt-inOpt-inCCCApply Only

Multiple Measures - Opt In Only

Highest Math Course Passed Grade

highest_math_course_ passed_grade

(varchar 2)

Opt-inOpt-inOpt-inCCCApply Only

Multiple Measures - Opt In Only

Integrity Flag 30



YesYesYesCCCApply Only


Enrollment Term Description



YesYesYesInternational Only

International Application

Enrollment Major Description



YesYesYesInternational Only

International Application

Term Start Date



CCCApply & International Applications

Term End Date


CCCApply & International Applications

No First Name




Account: All Applications

No Middle Name




Account: All Applications





Account: All Applications




Accessibility Fixes

One of the objectives of this release is to fix a series of accessibility issues in the CCCApply applications which were identified in a third-party accessibility review conducted in February 2016. Issues that can be fixed in the current version of CCCApply will be fixed; however, issues that require significant re-writes to the application code or user interface are being deferred to the next version of CCCApply (3.0). Development for V.3.0 is slated to begin in Fall 2017.

The issues below were determined to be feasible or mandatory fixes for V.2.0 (current version of CCCApply).

Update High School & College Finder in Apply & IA - Education Tab
(See summary of requirements above) 
CCCApply & International Applications ONLY
Skip navigation link not displayed in SafariCCCApply, BOG, International
Skip Navigation links and browser focusCCCApply, BOG, International
Enhance focus indicator to button elements and form inputsCCCApply, BOG, International
Replace ASCII art with semantic markup and CSSCCCApply, BOG, International
Notification messages do not provide text alternativeCCCApply, BOG, International

OpenCCCApply PILOT Site 

Pilot Applications

Remember to include your college's MIS code to the end of each application URL


PILOT ApplicationNEW PILOT Application URL

PILOT CCCApply Standard Application URL

*Replace the XXX with your college MIS code.

PILOT BOG Application URL

*Replace the XXX with your college MIS code.

PILOT International Application URL

*Replace the XXX with your college MIS code. 


Pilot Download Servers URL Attributes

Include the following URL attributes in your PILOT Job XML files. For more information, refer to the Download Client User Guide.



PILOT CCCApply Standard Application
PILOT BOG Application
PILOT International Application 


In an effort to reduce the number of incoming support calls to the CCC Help Desk for OpenCCC account recovery, we are implementing a new 24/7 self-serve option for students to reset their password through a secure URL sent to the user’s email address.


Problem: To access CCCApply, or any secure CCC application, students must first have an OpenCCC account. If the student is new to OpenCCC, they are prompted to create a new account. If the student already has an OpenCCC account (CCCID), they must either Sign-In, or go through the Recover Account process.  Currently, to recover a forgotten password, the only option is to answer the security questions created during account creation.

Solution: With this new option, students can click on a secure URL link in an email which will take them directly to the Reset Password page, bypassing the security questions.  The URL must be used within 24 hours of the request.


New Data Fields to Support Multiple Measures (SB1456)

In support of state legislation AB743, which calls for an systemwide assessment system be developed to include multiple measures for placement, and SB1456, which calls for the gathering of multiple measures data, the Common Assessment Initiative (CAI) has requested a series of data field questions be added to the CCCApply Standard Application in order to collect self-reported, high school transcript information for assessment placement purposes for the CCCAssess program. Seven (7) new questions and downloadable data fields will be added to the Education page of the Standard Application only.


Collecting transcript data at the time of the application for admission facilitates a solution to a very difficult task of obtaining good data otherwise. We believe we can streamline and limit the questions to just those students who need placement. The CCCAssess pilot program includes 59 California Community Colleges who will begin testing the new common assessment platform on September 20, 2016.  

Adoption and implementation of these questions is 100% OPTIONAL. If your college would like to "Opt-In" to participate, please contact John Hadad, Product Manager, CCCAssess,

Testing in Pilot Environment: Colleges that choose to implement these questions can preview the UI (user interface) and test the download client changes in the Pilot environment for 30 days prior to the September 20, 2016 release. Colleges must "opt-in" in order to participate. Please contact Patty Donohue, Product Manager,, or John Hadad, CAI Product Manager,



Changes to Residency Logic

Update Area B Residency Logic for “Possible” Residents (B2)

The Area B residency logic is being updated to fix a problem with non-resident and “possible” residents being incorrectly classified as “residents” in certain use cases, including the California resident who has also answered “yes” to one of the four “out-of-state” indicators on the residency page in the standard application.  The correction will change the “IF NO” column of Step 1 from “B0 and go to step 2” to “Set B2 and go to step 2”. We will also add a new integrity flag (30) to alert Admissions that the user has an “out-of-state” indicator (such as they paid taxes outside of California within the past two years).  This change will ensure that these applicants end up as “B2 = Possible Resident. Proof required” or “B0 = Nonresident. Does not meet residency criteria” when they reach the final classification (Step 13).  

What action does the college need to take?

There is no required action on the part of the college. However, you may want to review any rules created to ensure this change will not adversely affect any processes previously set up by your college. This change does not affect any data field calculations.
