2016-10-27 Meeting notes

Meeting to review API development for the CCGI implementation. 




  • The purpose of this meeting was to:

    1. Outline purpose of a data integration between CaliforniaColleges.edu and CCCApply
    2. Introduce the development teams at SI and Unicon
    3. Define high-level process for data transfer
    4. Define timeline for development, testing, rollout
    5. Define next steps

Discussion items





Review Development Plan

Ben / Patty

The purpose of this integration is to allow students to click a link within CaliforniaColleges.edu that will take them to the appropriate community college application page in CCCApply.

  1. If/when the student completes an application to the college, CCCApply will notify CaliforniaColleges.edu of the following:

    1.  CCCID

    2.  College applied to

    3.   Date of application submittal

  2. In response, if CaliforniaColleges.edu has the verified SSID#, it will respond with that number

  3. Future phases may include course data or other useful fields.

Identify Tasks and Deliverables

Josh / Satish

  1. When a student clicks on the ‘Apply’ link in CaliforniaColleges.edu, a token will be generated and stored by CCCApply. Unicon will define the token generation and authentication parameters and/or API key. The token will be stored for up to a year (as the student may complete the application at a much later date). Once the application is completed, CCCApply will send the fields (in 1a above) along with the token and authentication parameters and/or API key (to be defined by Service Infinity). Next, CaliforniaColleges.edu will respond with the SSID# if it is available.

  2. In order to have this high-priority functionality ready for the March release, the code must be completed by 1/28 for code freeze. Per Unicon, development should start late November. This is the same timeline as the SSID from CDE. In March, the code can be deployed, but the listener at CCCApply can be turned on in May (once CaliforniaColleges.edu redesign is up). Testing can begin in March.

Propose Timeline


  1. In order to have this high-priority functionality ready for the March release, the code must be completed by 1/28 for code freeze. Per Unicon, development should start late November. This is the same timeline as the SSID from CDE. In March, the code can be deployed, but the listener at CCCApply can be turned on in May (once CaliforniaColleges.edu redesign is up). Testing can begin in March.

Action Items


Next steps:

  1. Unicon to define token generation and authentication parameters and/or API key (due when?) 

  2. ServiceInfinity to define authentication parameters and/or API key (by mid-November) 

  3. Development to begin late November.

**See revised timeline action items below - revised 11/18/16

Action items

  • Josh Helmer (Deactivated)    Unicon to define token generation and authentication parameters and/or API key (due when?)  Early December (revised 11/18 to Friday, December  9)
  • ServiceInfinity to define authentication parameters and/or API key (by mid-November) Early December (revised 11/18 to Friday, December 9)

  • Stephen English (Unlicensed)  Development to begin late November. (Revised 11/18 to Early December)