2016-31: CEEB Codes Inclusion to CCCApply

2016-31: CEEB Codes Inclusion to CCCApply

Request No.2016-31
Date of Request5.4.11
RequesterCACCRAO Memo
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page

Schools / Colleges

Steering Approval StatusDeclined
Steering Hearing Date06.16.16
Proposed Change to Download FileNo
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNo

Problem / Issue

CACCRAO Issue #8.  CEEB codes inclusion in Open CCC Apply.


Proposed Solution or Response

The schools and colleges that appear in the "School/College Finder" in CCCApply are updated monthly by automated feed from the College Board/ETS and the California Dept of Education. The Tech Center cannot manually update the schools information due to automated override each month when the list is refreshed. Colleges should be advised to go directly to the College Board and CDE sites to request changes or seek school codes. 

Support Services just produced a process whereby colleges can search for CEEB and CDS codes and request changes adn additions directly with the College Board or the CDS.

The links to update CEEB & CDS codes have been added to the CCCTechnology.info site and will be added to the CCCApply Project Site. This information will be communicated to colleges via the Support Site and in the June 2016 CCCApply Newsletter, which will go out via Constant Contact and posted on Project Site.


Discussion with DT 6.09.16: I explained to Diane what CEEB codes are and why and how they work in CCCApply (monthly list feed; manual changes get over-written each month; process being developed for colleges to contact the College Board and CDS directly to make changes to school and college information. Also, URLs are available where a college and go and look up a CDS and CEEB code for any school that is manually entered in School Name text input fields. We need to write this up and post something on Support Site.

Proposed solution:

Support Services just produced a process whereby colleges can search for CEEB and CDS codes and request changes adn additions directly with the College Board or the CDS.

This will be posted on the CCCTechnology.info support site.


CEEB and School Codes

A CEEB code is a standardized ID number that is assigned to a high school, college, or university. CEEB codes are issued by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). These 4- to 6-digit codes are mostly used in college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT. Many universities have opted to use CEEB codes on their applications.

To prevent errors, most applications do not allow manual entry of CEEB codes.

Using the School Code Search

1. To use the tool, click on the ""School Code Search"" or ""Find Your School"" links. 

2. The tool will open in a new window. Enter in the name of the school. 

3. Select the appropriate school name from the list of search results. If you cannot locate your school or you know your school has not been assigned a CEEB code, search for ""Not Listed"", ""Other"", or ""Unknown"" and go to Step 4.

4. Once selected, the code will be inserted into your application. "

Supporting Documentation


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