SuperGlue API: Terminology & Data Element Descriptions
Find more information about the Fraud Data API schema, data elements, and GraphQL terms described below in the CCCTC API sandbox.
Fraud Data API Objects & Data Fields
Name | API Type | Scalar Type |
| Description |
FraudReport | Object |
| Fraud Report for a student and/or application |
appId | Field | Int | FraudReport | Application ID that triggered this fraud report. |
cccId | Field | String | FraudReport | Student ID this report belongs to. |
RecipientMisCode | Field | String | FraudReport | The college that the report impacts. |
ReportedByMisCode | Field | String | FraudReport | The college that submitted the report. |
submitTimestamp | Field | String | FraudReport | Timestamp of when report was created or updated last. |
fraudType | Field | FraudReportType | FraudReport | Stage of fraud, reported by the college. |
FraudReportType | Field | ENUM |
| ENUM values for the state of fraud reported by the college: APPLICATION, ENROLLMENT, FINANCIAL. |
federalAid | Field | Float | FraudReport | Reported by college: Total amount of Federal aid funds disbursed to associated individual identified to be fraudulent. |
ccgiAid | Field | Float | FraudReport | Reported by college: Total amount of Cal Grant funds disbursed to associated individual identified to be fraudulent. |
localAid | Field | Float | FraudReport | Reported by college: Total amount of Local aid funds disbursed to associated individual identified to be fraudulent. |
otherAid | Field | Float | FraudReport | Reported by college: Total amount of Other State or Local aid funds disbursed to associated individual identified to be fraudulent |
FraudReportQuery | Object |
| Query used for Fraud Reports. |
withAppId | Query | appId Int! | FraudReportQuery | Returns a fraud report for an application (App ID). |
withCCCID | Query | cccId string! | FraudReportQuery | Returns a list of fraud reports for a given student ID (CCCID). |
withRecipientMisCode | Query | misCode string | FraudReportQuery | Returns a list of fraud reports for a given MIS code (recipientMisCode). |
FraudReportSubmit | Mutation |
| A mutation query used to submit fraud report data for a college Application. |
FraudReportSubmitPayload | Object |
| FraudReportSubmit | The payload response for the FraudReportSubmit mutation that includes three fields: appId, cccId, and fraudType |
FraudReportSubmitInput | InputObject |
| FraudReportSubmit | The 8-field input object used with the FraudReportSubmit mutation to submit fraud report data for a college Application. |
FraudReportRescind | Mutation |
| A mutation query used to rescind (aka unsubmit) an already-submitted fraud report data for a college Application. |
FraudReportRescindPayload | Object |
| FraudReportRescind | The payload response for the FraudReportRescind mutation that includes two fields: appId, and/or cccId |
FraudReportRescindInput | InputObject |
| FraudReportRescind | The 3-field input object used with the FraudReportRescind mutation to rescind fraud report data. |
Definitions of Terms
Term | Description |
Fraud Data API | An API that supports bi-directional communication and sharing of application data between colleges in the system that have been identified as fraudulent. Used for fraud reporting. |
Fraud Report | Summary report of an identified instance of fraud. |
Fraud Type | Identified categories of fraud acts: Application, Financial, Enrollment. |
Application Fraud | The act of creating an OpenCCC account, submitting an application via CCCApply, and completing the application process with the college locally without the intent to attend college for educational purposes. |
Enrollment Fraud | The act of registering for classes without the intent to legitimately attend. Follows admissions application fraud and can only occur once a college has accepted the admissions application and enabled access to registration. |
Financial Aid Fraud | The act of attempting to collect financial aid to which the applicant is not legally entitled. Follows admissions application fraud and enrollment fraud. Can occur only once a college has allowed the student to register for classes, and once relevant external agencies have accepted students' financial aid application and colleges have begun the process of disbursing local, state, and/or federal financial aid. |
SuperGlue | SuperGlue is the integrations framework for products of the California Community Colleges and combines several technologies - application integration, service orchestration, api management, data integration and others. These technologies mostly leverage existing open source technology or cloud services from AWS with the addition of ERP/SIS integration supporting the three major Student Information Systems in use by colleges in the California Community College system. |
Staging Table | A dedicated database table established to store or hold a data set that receives incoming data. |
GraphQL API | GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. GraphQL provides the power to ask for exactly the data needed and nothing more, making it easier to evolve APIs over time and enables powerful developer tools. GraphQL queries always return predictable results. Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable because they control the data they get, not the server. (For more information, see this primer on GraphQL). |