SuperGlue release 3.7.0 supports the data changes coming in CCCApply 6.7.0. Colleges using the SuperGlue College Adapter to stream CCCApply data or multiple measures student placements directly to their student information system (SIS) will need to upgrade to SuperGlue 3.7.0. The SuperGlue 3.7.0 College Adapter will be in production as of April 17, 2020.

What are the data field changes coming in CCCApply 6.9.0/Student Success Suite 1.0?

There are multiple new student data fields included in the Student Success Suite 1.0/CCCApply 6.9.0 Release (fall 2021) that require action from colleges receiving their CCCApply data directly via SuperGlue. All of these data field changes relate to the new student account system (OpenCCC 2.0) questions students answer when creating their accounts.


Glue for Apply Field Name

Download Client Field Name


Application / Section

NEW Data Field

What do colleges using Glue have to do?

With the addition of the new student account fields being implemented in the Student Success Suite 1.0 release, colleges receiving CCCApply data directly from SuperGlue will need to perform the steps outlined below

  1. Collaborate with the CCCTC Enabling Service team ( to add new columns for the new data in the Apply SIS staging table.

Apply Staging Table Names:

MMPS Staging Table Names:

2. Contact the CCCTC Enabling Services team ( to schedule the installation of the SuperGlue 4.1.0 college adapter version that supports Studnet Success 1.0/CCCApply 6.9.0.  

3. College IT staff may need to update any college-specific processing required to move the new data from the staging tables into SIS core tables/forms

When do colleges using SuperGlue need to make these required changes?

The SuperGlue College Adapter has been released into Production in advance of the SSS 1.0/CCCApply 6.9.0 release so that colleges can install the version 4.1.0 adapter ahead of the SSS/CCCApply fall release. With the new adapter version in place, colleges will immediately receive the new student account fields once SSS 1.0/CCCApply 6.9.0 is in production.

Need more information about SuperGlue or these specific upgrade instructions? Contact the Enabling Services team at