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  • Weekly scrum meetings = Tues & Fridays 10:00AM
  • Status Update on college proxy integrations

Discussion items


Weekly Proxy Scrums Tues & Fridays 10AM

Patty & Matt, Franz & Rodney

Proxy Integration team meets twice weekly on Tuesdays & Fridays to drill down on active Proxy integrations primarily, but also to discuss any open issue related to the Proxy or SSO. *Geneva is no longer on the Proxy team (left on January 1) and replaced by Rodney Hing.

Scope of Proxy Team Tasks

In addition to the Proxy integration process tasks (See "Steps to Integrate with the CCC SSO Proxy" - the proxy team is also responsible for coordinating the Shibboleth Upgrades for CCC colleges - either by passing them over to Dave Lipari, Unicon, to step in and manage the rest of the steps, or direct the a of colleges that are absolutely "ready" to be integrated with the Proxy

Over the past several weeks, we've seen more acknowledgment and understanding from the colleges overall, which is making our job easier doing all the tedious implementation follow-ups, testing confirmations, file uploads etc. must more efficient.

In addition to the Shibboleth Upgrades, proxy integrations, and working with the colleges on technical checklist items and troubleshooting, we have had to add the APPLY ADMINISTRATOR / REPORT CENTER metadata replacement tasks (for Pilot & Producton). . Notes and action items - as well as attachments like new metadata are attached to the college/districts Main CIP JIRA ticket. See the CCC SSO Proxy Information and Status confluence page for JIRA tickets, links, details, etc.

Thes following colleges were discussed this week - notes and action items are in their main CIP JIRA tickets.

  • Delta College - troubleshooting issues with new IDP. Need to open port 443 to finish integration and testing. Patty working with Edna to confirm Apply Admin update
  • Chaffey - confirmed successful proxy test in Pilot; waiting for final confirmation in prod - then they are ready to pass back to Assess team I guess?) We need to better understand our "definition of done" regarding the completion of proxy integration - and Apply Admin metadata replacements.
  • Antelope Valley College - Franz is still troubleshooting issues with them, but they need to reprioritize this project due to other IT priorities. Sent email asking for deadline to complete proxy integration. This is an example of our communication problems. The college should be have some form of Implementation Timeline and project plan - initiated by the Project Team. (See Communication with colleges for other issues encountered).
  • Los Rios (ready to get started; Matt is setting up Kick-Off meeting)
  • South Orange District (done with proxy metadata configuration changes - they did their own Shib Upgrade, we troubleshooted issues and testing with Proxy; now we are working with them to upload upgraded metadata to Apply Admin & RC (this takes yet more time and coordination not originally scoped when this proxy team was created and budgeted) Sub-tasks have been added to the Proxy JIRA ticket for each college.

We should consider having Monica attend these twicel weeklu

Communication Issues with Colleges

NEED to establish policies around communication, IT integration, and documentation

Patty & Matt

Need to discuss communication policy for SSO Requirements and Proxy Integrations.

There still seems to be confusion by colleges and team as to "why" are we doing this, what's the benefit of the proxy, why are we storing the CCCID, etc. working on a CCC secure web application, should have a project plan with custom timeline / deadlines based on their timing

  1. HIGH PRIORITY NEED: Each college should be given a Project (or PILOT) Implementation Plan & Timeline Agreement which outlines the SSO and proxy integration tasks included in the overall Pilot Project.
    1. TEMPLATE: This should be a template so that all CCC Projects are using the same language, same requirements, same processes and contact info, etc. Should be short and sweet, concise with links to online documentation.
    2. DRAFT: Proxy team should do first DRAFT and have CCC Product Managers turn it around with feedback and specific info on their project timelines. (determine timeline on this).
    3. STORE IN SHARED GOOGLE DRIVE make the template read-only - but accessible for all project teams. Also store each college Plan in a separate shared folder (Patty has started a folder for College IT Profiles. Let's add these to aprocu
    4. PRESENT AT 2/6 PM MEETING (or earlier)

Documentation Needs & TasksPatty & Matt
  • Need to develop more/better high-level documentation / project communication guidelines and best practices for colleges relative to the IT / SSO / Proxy integration tasks
    • Internal SSO / Proxy Overview doc - summary of all documentation in CCC SSO Federation confluence space
      • Checklist: One page requirements doc for "internal Use" - what do the Project Teams for full IT requirements and processes
    • External Project Overview for Admins (District Officers) These should be "At-A-Glance" info sheets to better understand the big picture
    • External Project Doc: Proxy Demo (screenshots, link to recorded demo, and FAQs)
    • requirements & responsibilities of the colleges, and how and why the proxy plays a part in the process. I suggest a set of new docs - including...or incorporating -
  • Need better detailed (requirements) documentation - such as "at-a-glance" lists and
  • Ensure all PMs know scope of Matt's role, how to get in touch with him, etc., and what is required by the college (understanding of the Goal, the process, their responsibilities (SAML-compliant IdP for this project. Doesn't mean they can't have multiple IdPs; pass the CCCID with IdP metadata/store in AD, ensure storing in SIS
  • Project Team should ensure the Proxy team is updated on Project Roadmap and any changes to the timeline and releases. WE get asked questions by the college and we don't know the information.
  • Consider having colleges sign an MOU for the SSO piece of CCC pilot college

 Project Management & Hand-Offs 

Need to have an Implementation PM overseeing the SSO and Proxy - to ensure all aspects of SSO, supported solutions, Readiness Manager (for lack of better word) to ensure colleges know the big picture, as well as project implementation, with the Proxy.
Need for each project to have a project/iimplementation (like Monica) that is narrowing  and checklist on each college currently integrating.

Prioritization of colleges is the responsibility of each Project Team and should ensure the Proxy team are kept up-to-date and participate in keeping Pilot colleges and priority colleges at the top of the list and moving forward with Shib Upgrades (when needed), Proxy Integration and testing; specific application configurations and integration (Canvas, CE, Assess, MyPath); and each new proxy integration is also

Required Proxy Product Development -Franz

Per Franz, the EPI/MyPath project team called a meeting this week to discuss questions & concerns regarding the "Proxy Sign-In Screen for Unauthenticated Users" (see screen shot below). This page was developed outside of Patty's knowledge so she doesn't have requirements. - The workflow is: students are hitting MyPath directly (CCCCO workflow) and when "Signing In" they encounter this screen with drop down menu showing only those colleges that have integrated with the Proxy. This is confusing to the team and ultimately to end users.

  1. UI upgrade work needed on the SSP Proxy Sign-In page ( Page/screen that appears to "unauthenticated students" hitting MyPath from any browser. Change request may be coming in from this team. Franz said that Joe Johnson may be contacting Patty to discuss the changes needed (for all projects/students). Development resources: Per Franz, Chris Hanson (sp?) is pegged to do development on the proxy product. 
  2. CCCID Transfer Mechanisms: Report Center Transfer process (EPPN to CCCID mapping - Status on both projects - dependent on March Apply release
  3. Custom Transfer Script; Upload proxy-created CCCIDs to College/District Active Directory. Once the Report Center Transfer process is complete (March release) Matt is writing a script to help colleges upload "proxy-created CCCIDs" to their Active Directory.
    Ask Matt if he is estimating this development work required and reporting to Lou?  

Questions from Steve Klein re: the Proxy, SSO, etc.Steve KleinSteve sent out an email to Lou, Tim and Patty (dated 1/23/17) with a series of questions about Shibboleth upgrades and proxy integration process. These questions have been asked and answered many times in the past, but Steve is just catching up with the whole process

Discussion during PM meeting on Tuesday 1/24ParkerOnly a few people showed to this week's PM meeting, but Patty put "Issues around CCCID transfer process" on the agenda, as well as general discussion about Support and integration implementation workflow for priority colleges moving forward with the proxy. These issues were posed to Lou, Tim and Patty by Steve Klien

SSO Sync Meeting - Friday 1:30PMJon Fanucci
  • Meeting called by Jon F to discuss Proxy integration workflow issues (sound familiar? This was definitely the theme of the week) and specific questions for Patty relative to the EPI, Starfish, and MyPath projects. Attendees at this meeting: Patty, Mike Caruso, Michael Rajkumar, Jon Fanucci, Monica Z., and maybe more.
Lots of questions lately about the process, prioritization, workflow, communication to colleges 

SSO CCCID Discussion Meeting with OEI Team

Friday 1/27 3:30PM

Patty & Matt; John Sills, Steve Klein & MonicaPatty, Matt and John Sills chatted earlier this week to discuss the issues the OEI team is encountering for ensuring the colleges store the CCCIDs in theirStudent Information System (SIS).Though colleges have agreed vis MOU to store the CCCID when they implemented Apply, the MOU didn't specify they had to store it in AD or SIS, so many colleges weren't storing it in functional way. was around getting the proxy-created

Need to discuss communication policy for SSO Requirements and Proxy Integrations

  1. HIGH PRIORITY NEED: Each college should be given a Project (or PILOT) Implementation Plan & Timeline Agreement which outlines the SSO and proxy integration tasks included in the overall Pilot Project.
    1. TEMPLATE: This should be a template so that all CCC Projects are using the same language, same requirements, same processes and contact info, etc. Should be short and sweet, concise with links to online documentation.
    2. DRAFT: Proxy team should do first DRAFT and Colleges/or Park submit to Product Managers for feedback and revisions. (determine timeline on this). Patty & Matt include section for Application or Pilot-specific information and requriiements [can work with Product Managers to develop a standard template shell and each PM can customize it for their projects or pilot needs) - developed by the CCC Project Team - outlining the project implementation requirements (including the technical requirements for SSO and proxy).
  2. The project plan should include information or links to information relative to the Application or PILOT project and what are System Requirements, deadlines, etc. including high level > details about the CCC SSO initiative, requirements around compliance for IdP solution (SAML) and
  3. Add this to the 1/31 Product Manager's Meeting agenda -
  4. These should be Google doc or sheet - stored in Shared Google drive - relative to the college
  5. There still seems to be confusion by colleges and team as to "why" are we doing this, what's the benefit of the proxy, why are we storing the CCCID, etc. working on a CCC secure web application, should have a project plan with custom timeline / deadlines based on their timing

Action items

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