Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


PUT, PATCH and Change Versions

All mutable resources contain a changeVersion that is used as a semaphore to control concurrent access. For example, if an API consumer wants to PUT or PATCH a resource they must use the following sequence:

  1. GET the resource to be PUT or PATCHed
  2. Assemble the request body for the PUT or PATCH including the changeVersion returned in the GET response body above
  3. Make the PUT or PATCH request

If the changeVersion has been changed by another consumer since the GET request (#1 above), a 409 will be returned and the consumer will need to repeat the sequence again.



Notification Event Types

The following is list of event types that a subscriber can be notified of on a per zone (topic) basis.  Each time an event is triggered it publishes a new notification of a given event type  .  

EventEvent TypeDefault ScopeAdditional Payload
A zone is createdZONE_POSTALLnone
A zone is updated (including moved)ZONE_PUTALLnone
A zone is deletedZONE_DELETEALLnone
A zone's thumbnail image is updated (TBD)ZONE_THUMBNAIL_PUTALLTBD

A data domain is created or a new version of

of the data domain has been created


A data domain has been created

A data domain has been deletedDOMAIN_DELETEALLTBD
An MDR has been created for a given data domain (TBD)DOMAIN_NAME_DATA_POSTALLTBD
An MDR has been updated in a given data domain (TBD)DOMAIN_NAME_DATA_PUTALLTBD
An MDR has been deleted in a give data domain (TBD)DOMAIN_NAME_DATA_DELETEALLTBD

Notification Event Response Body

The notification's JMS header includes the following:

descriptionA full description of the event - i.e. a full concatenation of the information described below for easy displaying.
changeVersionThe resources change version.
createdDateThe date the resource was created.
NameThe resource name
message-idThe JMS message ID.
dateCreatedUnix timestamp of when the event notification was sent


Zone uuid of target resource
eventTypeOne of the above described "Notification Event Types"
originatorNameThe name of the zone that generated the event.

The UUID of the zone that generated the event.

timestampThe time the notification was created.
actionsSome PUT & PATCH commands provide multiple actions and this list contains a description of what actions were performed.
optionalOther key/values that are appropriate for the notification type

Requesting Notification Log

A client can make a request to get the log history for all notifications sent to their zone.  The user provides their zone and a from and to date.

Message Broker
