Versions Compared


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  1. Operational - Manage zones, users, groups, roles and permissions. These requests are made using the YOUnite API. The YOUnite UI is an example of an application that consumes the YOUnite API and makes operational and Data Governance requests on behalf of the logged in user but this functionality can be built into the organization's own applications.
  2. Data Stewardship and Governance - Create data domains and manage scope (ACLs). These requests are made using the YOUnite API.
  3. Creating and mapping source entities to YOUnite data records. This can be done with either the YOUnite API. Adaptors also perform the creating and mapping tasks over theYOUnite message bus.
  4. Integrating data and keeping source entities in sync. This is managed by adaptors connected to the YOUnite message bus.
  5. Receiving notifications of data record changes so that applications can initiate their own work flows.
  6. The YOUnite API can also act as an operational data store for retrieving records. This is generally used for systems that are not connected to YOUnite through an adaptor or when the adaptor doesn't support a data domain required by the service.


UI and seeing effective permissions

2. Data Stewardship and Governance

See XYZ for overview of scopes.





3. Creating and


Mapping Source Entities to YOUnite Data Records

Entities in source systems need to be mapped to YOUnite data records that are part of YOUnite data domain.  See Linking YOUnite Data Records to Entities at the Source Systems.

4. Integrating Data and Keeping Source Entities in Sync

Adaptors is a key step in creating a YOUnite MDM ecosystem.  See YOUnite Adaptor Guide for Java Developers.

5. Receiving Data Record Changes


descriptionA full description of the event - i.e. a full concatenation of the information described below for easy displaying.
changeVersionThe resources change version.
createdDateThe date the resource was created.
NameThe resource name
message-idThe JMS message ID.
dateCreatedUnix timestamp of when the event notification was sent


Zone uuid of target resource
eventTypeOne of the above described "Notification Event Types"
originatorNameThe name of the zone that generated the event.

The UUID of the zone that generated the event.

timestampThe time the notification was created.
actionsSome PUT & PATCH commands provide multiple actions and this list contains a description of what actions were performed.
optionalOther key/values that are appropriate for the notification type

6. Getting Data Records

Applications can use YOUnite as an operational data store.

See the /drs endpoint in the YOUnite API

TODO: Update this so the art is consistent and move it to the MB Overview page
