Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
    "uuid": "3dfcc03d-e5d4-4d57-9e9b-5c5d2db32f9a",
    "zoneUuid": "3c9000a9-3eb6-41fe-a11b-5a5859020c65",
    "clientId": "64ed69548c9167a6-3987bb83-40204f77-9553bdfc-54d9e4e7d2581947a946f77b",
    "clientSecret": "76e33a67de02e3fa-8e8c4b23-420946cb-ae38aed6-5e4fa59fd4525665a16e73d3"

Configuring an Adaptor


PropertyDescriptionExample Value
classNameTransport implementation class (should be a constant value if using the YOUnite Java SDK).com.younite.adaptor.sdk.transport.amq.AMQConnect
zoneUuidUUID of the zone this adaptor belongs to6ab9380f3c9000a9-d7f23eb6-477c41fe-b93ca11b-3a762e70095e5a5859020c65
adaptorUuidUUID of the adaptorde02e3fa3dfcc03d-d7f2e5d4-477c4d57-aed69e9b-5665a16e73d35c5d2db32f9a
clientIdClientID returned from POST /adaptors used to connect to message broker8c9167a6-bb83-4f77-bdfc-1947a946f77b
clientSecretSecret returned from POST /adaptors used to connect to message brokerde02e3fa-4b23-46cb-aed6-5665a16e73d3
brokerUrlMessage Broker URLnio+ssl://message-broker-uri:61617
oauthServerUrlOAUTH Server to validate adaptor access credentialshttp://oauth-server-uri


Code Block
# Configuration
# Transport implementation class
className: com.younite.adaptor.sdk.transport.amq.AMQConnect

# UUID of the zone this adaptor belongs to
zoneUuid: 6ab9380f-d7f2-477c-b93c-3a762e70095e

# Adaptor UUID
adaptorUuid: de02e3fa3dfcc03d-d7f2e5d4-477c4d57-aed69e9b-5665a16e73d35c5d2db32f9a

# ClientID and Secret to be used by JMS to verify adaptor has valid access to message bus (and API)
clientId: 8c9167a6-bb83-4f77-bdfc-1947a946f77b
clientSecret: de02e3fa-4b23-46cb-aed6-5665a16e73d3

# Message Broker URL
brokerUrl: nio+ssl://

# OAUTH Server to validate adaptor access credentials


PostedAdaptor is successfully POSTed. An API consumer can make this request or it can be done through the YOUnite UI.

The adaptors had a:

  • Successful connection to the YOUnite Datahub via the message bus/broker
  • Subscribed to the appropriate message broker topics
  • Its message broker queue has been created
PauseThe adaptors is running but not accepting adaptor (read/write) requests.

Play Read-Only

The adaptor is accepting read requests only.
PlayThe adaptor is accepting read and write requests.

Start the Adaptor - Connect to the Hub
