Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Page PropertiesRequest No.2015-06Target release5.4.0 - March 2016 UpdateApplication
Page Properties
Request No.2015-06
Target release5.4.0 - March 2016 Update
Application(s)Standard App Only
Environment(s)Pilot / Production

CCCApply Data
Dictionary (2016)

Change to
Download File
Change to
Residency Logic



Table of Contents




Problem Statement or Business Need

Proposed Solution

Requirements Summary

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes12    

Change Specifications



For documentation and history purposes, For documentation and history purposes, this section will outline the reasons for this change request.

Petitioned by the CCCCO (MIS) and the John Burton Foundation, citing new state legislation for current and former foster youth (AB12), the CCCApply Steering Committee has approved revisions to the Foster Youth question in the CCCApply standard application, including the Foster Youth Status data field values, data field logic (one or more related Foster Youth data fields), a new Integrity Flag (71), and corresponding changes to the Area B (Stay & Intent) residency logic.  



The Chancellor’s Office (representing the colleges) and JBF feel our current question is too complex because it’s trying to determine the status of three different things simultaneously:

  • Whether a student was ever in foster care in any state

  • Whether the student qualifies for priority registration

  • Whether a student qualifies for an exception to residency status

There are a number of problems with the current question:

  • The language is confusing which leads to incorrect responses.

  • The language does not reflect the current foster care structure since the extension of foster care up to age 20 (for AB669) and up to 25 (AB194) and provides an incorrect explanation of the term ‘emancipated’ as used in the context of child welfare.

  • The residency classification process does not coincide with the actual law in statute.

Proposed Solution


Problem Statements:

Note: These problems were submitted by Debbie Raucher at the John Burton Foundation. Several Steering members disagree with her anectdotal reasoning and research data. However, below are the primary factors contributing to the approved change specifications itemized herein. 

1. The current configuration of the question is complicated and confusing.

This results in some foster youth checking ‘no’ to the foster youth question because they cannot decipher which of the five sub-responses they should choose. When this occurs, these students may miss out on essential benefits available to foster youth that will help them stay in school. In addition, these students are then missing from data collection efforts that are used to inform equity planning and ensure that an adequate level of support is being provided to students with experience in foster care.

Steering Feedback - Steering does not fully agree with this anecdotal theory.  hey have no data to back up this claim - which Steering has requested.  We disagree that the initial question is confusing to the point that the student gives up trying to self-identify. However, we do agree that the question is too complicated overall.

2. The language does not reflect the current foster care structure and provides an incorrect explanation of the term ‘emancipated.’ 

Prior to the extension of foster care in 2012, youth emancipated from the foster care system at the age of 18. In 2012 the availability of foster care was extended until age 20. With this change the language in CCCApply was rendered obsolete, but it has not been updated. 

Steering Feedback - Steering takes issue with this statement as the residency requirements for foster youth are different than the legislature that extends benefits beyond age 18. Our logic changes will reflect what we need and some of our logic will not change. Details will be specified below in the requirement changes.

Debbie Raucher at the John Burton Foundation also stated that in addition, the definition of ‘emancipated’ used in CCCApply is incorrect. In the context of foster care this does not refer to “emancipated minors” but rather is synonymous with the concept of ‘aging out’ on or after one’s 18th birthday.

3. The residency classification language does not coincide with the actual law in statute.

The statute provides that a student who currently resides in California and is 18 years of age or under at the time of enrollment, who is currently a dependent through California’s child welfare system, or aged out after age 18 may be entitled to resident classification until he or she has resided in the state the minimum time necessary to become a resident. This is designed to allow a youth who is a dependent through California’s child welfare system (i.e. California retained jurisdiction over the case) who does not otherwise qualify for residency because the youth was placed out of state, or because the biological parents reside out of state, to attend college as a California resident.

Steering Feedback - Again, Steering doesn't completely agree with this statement and the solution below will include residency logic based on the California residency requirements and MIS reporting. They are less concerned with incorporating any logic or changes for priority registration. The flag 71 is being introduced to identify this determination.

4.  The current Foster Youth Status field is trying to determine California residency in addition to foster youth status.

The current question asks about whether the youth was in foster care ‘in California’ which is an ambiguous question. It will be interpreted by most as whether the youth resided in California as opposed to a jurisdictional determination of which state had responsibility for the case. To determine which state had jurisdiction over a student’s foster care case is complicated and is not realistic to determine through CCCApply. As these students must be flagged for a follow up residency determination regardless of which foster care subcategory they select, it is unnecessary to include this level of detail in the CCCApply question.  

Steering Feedback - Steering agrees with this problem and our solution is designed to simplify the question, responses and logic all around.


Overview - Solution Requirements & Change Specifications

Requirements Summary

The solution to the above issues requires several modifications, including

  • Modifying the option choices in the Foster Youth Status field <foster_youth_status>
  • Updating the hyperlinked Help “pop-up” language
  • “Translating” the answer choices to match the current data field logic 
  • Adding one additional flag option. No new fields are proposed.

Overview of Approved Changes:

The following requirements list all changes that need to be made based on the purpose and problem statements above.

1Revise the Foster Youth status data field < residency: foster_youth_status>  (including conditions, values, response options, validation, and additional question text) to better align with AB12 and MIS. The current question prompt text "Have you ever been incourt-ordered foster care?" does not change (other than capitalization from Foster Care to foster care), but the response/values that appear if the student answers "Yes" to the question, DO change. 
2Revise the current pop-up Help box and linked terms based on the new Foster Youth Status field question responses. Create four new pop-up Help boxes for the underlined terms with new definitions. Each underlined term (hyperlinked) should have it's own pop-up Help box. 
3Revise the other foster youth-related data fields as needed based on the new Foster Youth Status < residency: foster_youth_status> specifications:
Foster Youth Priority <foster_youth_priority>, Foster Youth in California <ca_foster_youth>, and Foster Youth MIS <foster_youth_mis>. 
4Add new Integrity Flag #71 for Foster Youth Priority Registration (AB194) eligibility and add new flag field to DB so it can be added to Rules in the Administrator and Report Center.
 NOTE: The two JIRAs that have been created for the Administrator & Report Center are:  
JIRA Number
JIRA Description
CRTLCENTER-153Add New Integrity Flag 71 Data Field to CCCApply Rules in Administrator
REPORT-61Add New Integrity Flag 71 to CCC Report Center for Reporting
Revise Step
5Revise Step 4 of the Residency Area B logic to identify Foster Youth residency eligibility.  

Development Changes - Technical Requirements


NOTE: All changes that need to be made are indicated via red text.

Requirement 1

Revise the Foster Youth status data field <residency

Change Specifications


1)  Update the Foster Youth Status Question & Data Field Changes <foster_youth_status>


a)  Update the Foster Youth Status data field <residency: foster_youth_status>

on the Residency page with new additional question text and responses/values
  • Align new values to field logic.

  • Foster Youth Status Changes

    specifications with new conditional question with new Additional Text:

    i)  Revise the conditional question and Additonal Question Test" that appears if the applicant says Yes to the Foster Youth Status question, "Have you ever been in court-ordered foster care?"

    ii) Update remaining data field specifications, including removing hover help

    b)  Update the Foster Youth Help Pop-Up Boxes (Hyperlinks)

    c)  Align new Foster Youth Status response options / values to residency ARea B logic.

    Revise the Foster Youth Status  <foster_youth_status> data field as specified below in the table:                


    • Change capitalization for Foster Care
    • Add dash between words court and ordered

    Question Text:

    Change from: Have you ever been in court ordered Foster Care?

    Change to: "Have you ever been in court-ordered foster care?"

    No Change to conditions


    This question will Always appear to applicants

    • Change Additional Text

      The "Additional Text" appears if the user answers "Yes" to the Foster Youth question, "Have you ever been in court-ordered foster care?"

      NOTE: The underlined words shown in the additional text
      changes align to the pop-up Help definitions specified below.

      Please ensure these are underlined with hyperlinks to pop-up Help boxes.

    • Associate Database Values to new text


    Additional Text:

    Change the existing Foster Youth question "Additional Text" from the strike-through text below to the new Additional Text in RED below.

    Please select one of the following:

    Your response will help the college to provide additional resources or benefits and will not affect your admission to college.

    1.       I am currently in Foster Care in California.

    2.       I was previously in Foster Care in California, and aged out or emancipated from the system.

    3.       I am currently in Foster Care in a system outside California.

    4.       I was previously in Foster Care in a system outside California, and aged out or emancipated from the system.

    5.       I was previously in Foster Care, but did not age out or emancipate from the system.

    New Conditional Question Additional Text

    When did you exit foster care?

    • I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).
    • aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday.
    • exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday.
    • I am not sure at what age I exited foster care.

    Database Values

    • Value 1 should be associated to this additional text - "I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18)."
    • Value 2 should be associated to this additional text - "I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday."
    • Value 5 should be associated to this additional text - "I exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday."
    • Value 6 should be associated to this additional text - "I am not sure at what age I exited foster care."
    Change (revise, remove, add) data field values as specified in the Table A below.Field Values

    See Table A below for specific response/value changes.


    :  Changes

    Table A: Changes to Foster Youth Status Responses / Values


    NOTE:  The


    new Foster Youth Status

    Field Values/Response Options"

    <foster_youth_status> field response options / values shown in red below appear onscreen as corresponding RADIAL BUTTONS if the user selects YES to the question, "Have you ever been in court-ordered foster care?"

     Do not include the value number in the response option text (i.e., do not display the "1 =" "2 =


    Table A: Changes to Foster Youth Status Responses / Values

    Current Foster Youth Status Field Response

    What changes

    New Foster Youth Status Field Value/Responses

    0 = No
    If the response to the question,
    “Have you ever been in 
    court-ordered foster care?” is NO


    0 = No
    1 = I am currently in foster care in CaliforniaRevise the language of this response / value to this:

    Revised Value: 1

    New Onscreen Response Option:


    I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18)


    2 = I was previously in foster care in California but aged-out or 
    emancipated or emancipated from the system
    Revise the language of this value/response
    option which appears onscreen.

    Revised Value: 2

    New Onscreen Response Option: 


    aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday. 

    3 = I am currently in a foster care system outside of CaliforniaRemove this response / value /option from onscreen
    ; revise how these now defunct values
    are used in the in existing field and residency algorithm logic. 
    This  This response option will not be displayed; no longer used.

    Value: 3 = I am currently in a foster care system outside of California.

    Remove Response Option: No Longer displays onscreen as a Foster Youth Status response option. 

    4 = I was previously in a foster care system outside of California 
    and aged-out or emancipated from the system
    Remove this value/option from onscreen
    revise how these now defunct values
    are used in the in existing field and residency algorithm logic. 
    This  This response option will not be displayed; no longer used.

    Value4 = I was previously in a foster care system outside of California and aged-out or emancipated from the system..

    Remove Response Option: No Longer displays onscreen as a Foster Youth Status response option.

    5 = I was previously in foster care but did NOT age out or 
    emancipate or emancipate from the system
    Revise the language of this value/response option which appears onscreen.

    Revised Value: 5

    New Onscreen Response Option:


    exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday.

      ADD ADD NEW VALUE #6 and add new onscreen response option as shown.

    New Value: 6

    NEW Onscreen Response Option:

    6 = I am not sure at what age I exited foster care.

    Foster Youth Status data field changes continued...

    Changes required here
    Unless otherwise indicated, all references to "foster care" should be in lower case, unless used in a proper name, such as in the pop-up Help box language.

    1) Add the words "court-ordered" to the first error message to read as follows: "Please indicate if you have ever been in court-ordered foster care."
    (Note: but there is no underline/hyperlink in the error message). 

    2) change capitalization of the words "foster care" in the second validation from Title case to lower case (Foster Care becomes "foster care")

    Response Options:

    Requirement 1: Required fields:

    Client Side and Server Side Validation

    For the Yes/No question, if not selected, error message is “Please indicate if you have ever been in court-ordered foster care.”

    Requirement 2: Required fields:

    Client Side and Server Side Validation

    When the Yes/No question = Yes, one of the options must be selected.

    If yes option is selected, error message is “Please select one of the foster care options.”

    Spec Change Only - Remove English Hover Help (if it hasn't been removed already from the specs)

    Hover Help:

    "Please indicate whether or not you have ever been placed in court-ordered Foster Care."

    [Spanish: "Por favor indique, si o no ha estado alguna vez colocado en Cuidado Adoptivo ordenado por el tribunal."]

    Replace all current/existing Pop-Up Help text links and boxes withnew links & boxes - as shown to the right.

    (Remove the current pop-up Help box and replace with four new pop-up Help boxes based on the new terms identified/underlined in the Foster Youth question and conditional response values)


    Pop-Up Help:

    Replace the existing hyperlinked Pop-Up Help text boxes (see strike-through below)with four new Pop-Up Help hyperlink boxes detailed below:


    The “court ordered Foster Care” link renders a help pop-up which reads:

    Court-Ordered Foster Care

    You have been in Foster Care if, by order of a court, you have been placed in a family or group home within a foster care system.

    Foster Care includes, but is not limited to, placement in care under the supervision of the Juvenile Court Delinquency Division. As long as you were placed within the foster care system by order of a court, you were in Foster Care. Having a legal guardian does not necessarily mean that you have been in Foster Care.

    You ‘aged out’ of Foster Care if you were in Foster Care when you turned 18.

    You were emancipated if, while you were in Foster Care and under 18 years old, a court granted your independence as an ‘emancipated minor’.

    New Requirement

    • Add four new hyperlink Pop-Up Help text boxes as detailed below (A - D). Ensure these new terms/sentences are underlined and hyperlinked (where indicated) to individual pop-up Help boxes as defined below. (Note: Use Title case for these terms since they are titles in the pop-up Help box titles):

    NOTE to developer:  Do not use actual URL hyperlinks to the web addresses listed in any of these pop-up boxes. We don't want students to click out of the application at any time. Just list the web address URL in plain text (no link out to website). 


    A)  Court-ordered Foster Care: (This link appears in the foster youth question "Have you ever been in court-ordered foster care?"  )


    You have been in foster care if you were removed from your biological family through an order by a court, which can include placement with foster parents, in a group home, or with relatives/extended family members. If you were living with relatives you must have been placed through the foster care system by an order of the court.


    Foster Care includes, but is not limited to, placement in out-of-home care under the supervision of the Juvenile Probation Department. As long as you were placed within the foster care system by order of a court, you were in foster care. Having a legal guardian does not necessarily mean that you have been in foster care. If you need assistance with determining whether you were in foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602 or

    B)  Aged Out/Emancipated: (This link appears in foster youth status response value = 2)


    You 'aged out/emancipated’ from foster care if you exited foster care on or after your 18th birthday.  If you need assistance with determining when you exited foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602 or


    C)  Exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday  (This link appears in foster youth status response value = 5)


    You ‘exited the foster care system before your 18th birthday‘ if you were returned to the custody of your biological parents, entered a legal guardianship (with relatives or non-relatives) or were legally adopted before your 18th birthday. If you need assistance with determining when you exited foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602 or


    D)  Not Sure  (This link appears in new foster youth status response value = 6)

    If you need assistance with determining when you exited foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602

    No changes required.

    Field Error Check:


    No changes required.

    Page Error Check:


    Update spec documentation to include a Note about this change, as shown in red.


    Question revised in 2016 to better align data values with MIS and AB12.

    Previous question revised in 2013.  See OpenCCCApply Submission Calculations Service  Residency: Area B logic, Step 4.

    AB669 approved in 2009.

    No change

    Data Element:

    residency: foster_youth_status



    Requirement 2

    Add new Integrity Flag #71 for Foster Youth Priority Registration (AB194) eligibility.

    a. Add new Integrity Flag #71 to the current Integrity Flags table.

    b. Update spec with new Flag 71 language. No development effort apply here.


    Applicant is a current or former foster youth and is under the age of 25.  Applicant is possibly eligible for Priority Registration per AB12.

    (foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =6 ) AND (RDD* minus Birthdate < 25 years)

    c.  Development Efforts - Revise Foster Youth Priority <foster_youth_priority> data field logic as follows:

    After the NEW Foster Youth Status field has been set, set Flag 71 if the applicant's foster_youth_status field is =1, OR =2, OR =3, OR =4, OR =6) AND the applicant is UNDER 25 years of age (RDD minus Birthdate < 25 years), then SET NEW



    AFTER the foster_youth_status field has been set, set the value of foster_youth_priority as follows:






    AB194 Eligibility = Yes

    (foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =6 ) AND (RDD* minus Birthdate < 25 years) THEN Set Flag 71


    AB194 Eligibility = No

    (foster_youth_status=0 OR =5) OR (RDD* minus Birthdate ≥ 25 years)

    * RDD = Residency Determination Date: 1 day before term: date_start


    Development Effort - Write applicable unit tests based off of examples listed in Requirement 3 below forfoster_youth_priority.

    Add New DB Fieldintegrity_fg_71 in the submitted application table
    Downloadable FieldYes


    Additional Notes for Development:

      • The purpose of this new integrity flag is to alert Admissions Office staff that the applicant is possibly eligible for Priority Registration based on their Foster Youth Status and their Date of Birth.  

      • The logic that determines this eligibility and triggers the flag 71 is contained within the Foster Youth Priority data field <foster_youth_priority> only.

      • This flag does not affect the residency logic.

      • This flag will have a corresponding database field for downloads <integrity_fg_71>
      • This flag field needs to be added to the Report Center database for reporting (Pilot & Prod) REPORT-61
      • This flag field needs to be added to the Full Application Report and all Application Look-Up Reports in the Report Center (Pilot & Prod) CTRLCENTER-153


    Requirement 3

    Update the other Foster Youth-related data field based on the new Foster Youth Status changes specified in Requirement 1 above. 

    The foster youth data fields that determine foster youth priority registration, MIS, and California residency are based on the Foster Youth Status <foster_youth_status> data field. Specific changes are outlined below.

    1. Foster Youth in California 

    2. Foster Youth Priority
    3. Foster Youth MIS

    1)  Foster Youth in California  (Changes to data field logic appear in RED below.)
    • Data Element: residency: ca_foster_youth
    • Description: Determines if an applicant who may not otherwise qualify as a resident should be flagged (flag 70) as potentially qualifying for CA residency based on foster care status. A “1” value indicates the applicant may be a current foster youth or a youth who was in foster care at age 18 and was under 20 years of age at RDD. A "0" value indicates that the applicant is either over age 19 (20 or over), or has indicated they were never in foster care.
    • Values: The calculation for how to set this field based on the foster_youth_status field. This field is used in the Residency Algorithm.

    AB669 Eligibility = Yes  IF (foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR = 6) AND (RDD* minus Birthdate < 20 years)

    AB669 Eligibility = No IF  (foster_youth_status=0 OR =3 OR =4 OR =5) OR (RDD* minus Birthdate is  to 20 years)


    Example 1: Birthdate on the day of RDD minus 20 yrs

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday (RDD-20yrs) = 1995-01-04

        • If this user clicks the radio button for "1 = I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).", or "2 = I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday," or "6 = I am not sure at what age I exited foster care." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB669.


    Example 2: Birthdate before RDD minus 20 yrs

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday (RDD-20yrs) = 1995-01-02

        • If this user clicks the radio button for "1 = I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).", or "2 = I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday," or "6 = I am not sure at what age I exited foster care." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB669.

    Example 3: Birthdate after RDD minus 20 yrs

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday (RDD-20yrs) = 1995-01-05

        • If this user clicks the radio button for "1 = "I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).", "2 = I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday," or "6 = "I am not sure at what age I exited foster care." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then YES, the user is eligible for AB669.

    Example 4: User Chose No Radio Button

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday = 1999-01-04

        • If this user clicks the No radio button for "Have you ever been in court-ordered foster care?" then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB669.


    Example 5: User chose value 5 "I exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday." 

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday = 1999-01-04

        • If this user clicks the radio button for "5 = I exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB669.

    Example 6: User chose value 6 I am not sure at what age I exited foster care. 

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday = 1999-01-04

    •  If this user clicks the radio button for "6 = I anot sure at what age I exited foster care." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then YES, the user is  eligible for AB669.


    Example 7: Edge Case 1 - User chose disabled foster youth statuses 3 , "I am currently in Foster Care in a system outside California" or 4, I was previously in Foster Care in a system outside California, and aged out or emancipated from the system" prior to code push.

    • Before the changes are pushed to the CI environment, the QA team will need to set up a scenario where a user chose value 3 or 4 and then hit save. After the new code gets pushed to CI, the user will be forced to choose a new available option since values 3 and 4 are no longer available.

    Example 8: Edge Case 2 - User chose disabled foster youth statuses 3 , "I am currently in Foster Care in a system outside California" or 4, I was previously in Foster Care in a system outside California, and aged out or emancipated from the system after they already validated the page.


    • Before the changes are pushed to the CI environment, the QA team will need to set up another scenario where a user starts an Apply application, fills out the Residency page and selected either option 3 or 4 for the Have you ever been in Court Ordered Foster Care?  The user will need to navigate through the application until they reach the review page. The user will then need to Log out. After the new code gets pushed to CI, the user will need to resume the application. The user should start on the review page (be sure to NOT go back to the page where you select that foster youth status) and then submit the application.  The expected results is the system will store the original chosen 3 or 4 value AND would make them ineligible for AB669 Eligibility = No and flag 70 is not set in the DB.


    2) Foster Youth Priority  (Changes to values & logic appear in RED below.)

    • Data Element: foster_youth_priority
    • Description: Calculated result for AB194 (priority registration) eligibility. Eligibility is defined as being a current foster youth or former foster youth who was in foster care as of the applicant’s 18th birthday and under age 25.
    • Values: AFTER the foster_youth_status field has been set, set the value of foster_youth_priority as follows:

    AB194 Eligibility = No  IF (foster_youth_status=0 OR =5) OR (RDD* minus Birthdate ≥ 25 years)

    AB194 Eligibility = Yes  IF (foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =6 ) AND (RDD* minus Birthdate < 25 years) THEN Set Flag 71

    Example 1 Birthdate on the day of RDD minus 25 yrs

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday (RDD-25yrs) = 1990-01-04

    • If this user clicks the radio button for "I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).", I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday," or "I am not sure at what age I exited foster care." then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB194.


    Example 2: Birthdate before RDD minus 25 yrs
    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday (RDD-25yrs) = 1990-01-02

    • If a user clicks the radio button for "I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).", I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday," or "I am not sure at what age I exited foster care." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB194.


    Example 3: Birthdate after RDD minus 25 yrs
    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday (RDD-25yrs) = 1990-01-05

    • If a user clicks the radio button for "I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).", I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday," or "I am not sure at what age I exited foster care." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then YES, the user is eligible for AB194 and the system needs to set Flag 71 in the DB.


    Example 4: User Chose No Radio Button

    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday (RDD-25yrs) = 1990-01-04

    • If this user clicks on the No radio button for Have you ever been in court ordered Foster Care? then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB194.


    Example 5: User chose value 5 "I exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday."
    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday = 1999-01-04

    • If this user clicks the radio button for value 5 "I exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday." then NO, the user is NOT eligible for AB194.

    Example 6: User chose value 6 I am not sure at what age I exited foster care.
    RDD = 2015-01-04
    Birthday = 1999-01-04

    • If this user clicks the radio button for value 6 " I am not sure at what age I exited foster care." and RDD is 1/4/2015 then YES, the user is eligible for AB194 and the system needs to set Flag 71 in the DB.


    Example 7: Edge Case 1 - User who is less than 25 chose disabled foster youth statuses 3 , "I am currently in Foster Care in a system outside California" or 4, I was previously in Foster Care in a system outside California, and aged out or emancipated from the system prior to code push.

    • Before the changes are pushed to the CI environment, the QA team will need to set up a scenario where a user chose value 3 or 4 and then hit save. After the new code gets pushed to CI, the user will be forced to choose a new available option since values 3 and 4 are no longer available.

    Example 8: Edge Case 2 - User who is less than 25 chose disabled foster youth statuses 3 , "I am currently in Foster Care in a system outside California" or 4, I was previously in Foster Care in a system outside California, and aged out or emancipated from the system after they already validated the page.

    • Before the changes are pushed to the CI environment, the QA team will need to set up another scenario where a user starts an Apply application, fills out the Residency page and selected either option 3 or 4 for the Have you ever been in Court Ordered Foster Care?  The user will need to navigate through the application until they reach the review page. The user will then need to Log out. After the new code gets pushed to CI, the user will need to resume the application. The user should start on the review page (be sure to NOT go back to the page where you select that foster youth status) and then submit the application.  The expected results is the system will store the original chosen 3 or 4 value AND that their AB194 Eligibility = Yes and flag 71 should be set in the DB.



    3) Foster Youth MIS  (Changes to values & logic appear in RED below.)

    • Data Element: foster_youth_mis
    • Description: Derived field based on foster_youth_status. Any foster youth option THAT IS NOT  = 0,  sets the value to “yes.” (In other words, foster youth status = 1, =2, =3, =4, =5, =6 , equals YES).  NOTE:  Even though = 3 and =4 are no longer used, we can keep them in the logic for assurance that in case the values should appear, they will be considered eligible.)

    • Values: AFTER the foster_youth_status field has been set, set the value of foster_youth_mis as follows:

    1 MIS SG03 = 1 foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =5 OR =6 

    0 MIS SG03 = 0 foster_youth_status=0

    Example 1 - User chose 0, so foster_youth_mis is set to false in the DB

    Example 2 - User chose either 1,2,5,6, so foster_youth_mis is set to true in the DB

    Example 3 - Edge case 1: User chose disabled foster youth statuses 3 , "I am currently in Foster Care in a system outside California" or 4, I was previously in Foster Care in a system outside California, and aged out or emancipated from the system prior to code push, 

    • Before the changes are pushed to the CI environment, the QA team will need to set up a scenario where a user chose value 3 or 4 and then hit save. After the new code gets pushed to CI, the foster_youth_mis would be set to true in the DB.

    Example 4 - Edge Case 2 - User chose disabled foster youth statuses 3 , "I am currently in Foster Care in a system outside California" or 4, I was previously in Foster Care in a system outside California, and aged out or emancipated from the system after they already validated the page. 

    • The user will need to navigate through the application until they reach the review page. The user will then need to Log out. After the new code gets pushed to CI, the user will need to resume the application. The user should start on the review page (be sure to NOT go back to the page where you select that foster youth status) and then submit the application.  The expected results is foster_youth_mis would be set to true in the DB.

    Requirement 4

    Revise Step 4 of the Residency Area B logic to determine Foster Youth residency eligibility. 

    a) Spec Change Only - no development efforts here - Revise the "Evaluation Statement" in Step 4 of Area B logic from "Is the applicant a current or former Foster Youth, under age 20, and now residing in California?"  TO "Is the applicant a current or former Foster Youth,under age 20, and now residing in California?  

    b) Revise the "Data Element & Logic" action FROM "ca_foster_youth = Yes"   TO   "foster_youth_status is NOT = 0 AND RDD* minusBirthdate < 20 years"

    c) No change to the IF YES  and IF NO statements. 

    NOTE to Developers:  If the student has a Foster Youth Status that is NOT "=0" and they are under 20 (19 years or younger) - they should be classified as CLASS B2 and set FLAG 70.  This is what the existing logic prescribes.  The only changes to Area B are:  1)We are extending the eligibility age from 19 or younger  to 20 years old or younger; and 2) the logic is now based on the Foster Youth Status field plus the applicant's DOB, instead of the <ca_foster_youth> field only. This is outlined in the Area B table below. Per 1/25/2016 meeting with Debbie Raucher, John Burton Foundation, the age for AB669 (residency) is 19 years or younger / UNDER 20 (NOT 21) for all residency DOB calculations. All the rest of the changes (changes to the Foster Youth status values) is CORRECT.

    The first three steps of the Area B logic do not change. 

    If the logic takes the student to Step 4 - the revisions described above will either classify the student as B2/Flag 70, or they will be classified as B0 and the logic will end there.


    d) Report Center and Administrator Work - Ensure this new Integrity Flag 71 data field <integrity_fg_71> is added to the Database so the Administrator can pull it in to the available fields for Rules, and it's added to the Report Center for ad hoc reporting.  (Patty created JIRAs to add this flag to the Administrator for Rules CRTLCENTER-153  and Report Center REPORT-61  for the report additions).

    e) Spec Change Only/No Development Work - Update the Integrity Flags Table in the Submission Calculation Service specifications for Flag 70, which is set if the applicant meets the criteria for Step 4 of the Area B residency logic.  Revise the flag language to update the age from "under 20 years of age" to "under 21 years of age"; and Replace flag logic notation from "ca_foster_youth = 1" TO "See Residency Area B Logic" 


    Applicant is a current or former Foster Youth in California and under 20 years of age

    ca_foster_youth = 1

    See Residency Area B Logic



    Table B. Outline of Area B (Stay and Intent) Criteria in Residency Algorithm


    Evaluation Statement

    Data Elements & Logic

    if Yes

    if No


    Do out-of-state indicators support intent?

    ca_outside_tax = 0 AND ca_outside_voted = 0 
    AND ca_outside_college = 0 AND ca_outside_lawsuit = 0

    Go to step 2

    Class B0

    (go to step 2)


    Has the applicant lived in California for two years prior to RDD?

    ca_res_2_years = 1

    Go to step 5

    Go to step 3


    Has the applicant been resident in CA for over a year prior to RDD?

    ca_date_current  ≠ null AND ca_date_current 
    RDD minus 1 year

    Class B2

    (flag 59);

    go to step 5

    Go to step 4


    Is the applicant a current or former Foster Youth, 
    under AGE 20, and now residing in California?

    ca_foster_youth = Yes

    foster_youth_status is NOT = 0 AND 
    RDD* minus Birthdate < 20 years

    Testing Examples:

    NOTE: Applicant must be 19 or under (under 20 years of age) 
    to be eligible for B2 status & Flag 70

    Example 1 - foster_youth_status is not 0 and user is under 20 on RDD, then yes.


    Example 2 - foster_youth_status is not 0 and user is 20 on RDD, then no.


    Example 3 - foster_youth_status is not 0 and user is 20 or over on RDD, then no.


    Example 4 - foster_youth_status is 0, then no.

    NOTE: Developer to write unit tests for all scenarios.


    Class B2;

    go to step 5

    (flag 70)

    Class B0;



    Has the applicant completed HS outside CA in last 2 yrs?

    education: hs_state’ ≠ CA AND 
    education: hs_comp_date ≥ RDD minus 2 years

    Class B2

    (flag 61);

    go to step 6

    Go to step 6


    Is the applicant in military with non-CA home of record?

    military_status = 2 AND 
    military_home_state ≠ CA OR military_legal_residence ≠ CA )

    Class B2

    flag 62);

    go to step 7

    Go to step 7


    Is the applicant under the care and control of a guardian, 
    under 19 and unmarried?

    ‘over19OrMarried’ = 0 AND 
    ‘guardianOrParentRelation’ = G

    Class B2

    (flag 58);

    go to step 8

    Go to step 8


    Is the applicant’s current address outside ofCalifornia?

    ‘Mailing address – state’ ≠ CA

    Class B2

    (flag 01);

    go to step 9

    Go to step 9


    Is the applicant’s permanent address outside ofCalifornia?

    ‘Permanent address – state’ ≠ CA

    Class B2

    (flag 02);

    go to step 10

    Go to step 10


    Is the applicant under 19 as of RDD with last high school out-of-state?

    RDD minus 19 years > personal_info: birthdate 
    AND education: hs_state ≠ CA

    Class B2

    (flag 03);

    go to step 11

    Go to step 11


    Was the applicant enrolled in an out-of-state college 
    with a ‘To Date’ within the year previous to the term start date.

    In any row of colleges_attended table:  If state ≠ CA 
    AND to_date is greater than the term start date minus 1 year.

    Class B2

    (flag 04);

    go to step 12

    Go to step 12


    Has Class B2 been set?


    Class B2

    Class B1


    Spec Changes Update Data Specs - Summary

    1. Foster Youth Status 
      1. Change capitalization in onscreen question text (change Foster Care to foster care)
      2. Revise Additional Text
      3. Revise/Remove-Retire/Add new data values/response options
      4. Replace existing Pop-Up Help Text boxes with four new Pop-Up Help Text boxes

    2. California Foster Youth
      1. Revise data spec heading - remove note about question being obsolete
      2. Edit the New Combined DD - strike-through all specs related to the Form Specification (see below)
      3. Keep the specs related to the data element and logic within the data field only (no strike-through)
      4. Revise field logic using the new Foster Youth Status values/response options
    3. Foster Youth Priority
      1. Revise field logic using the new Foster Youth Status values/response options
      2. Add logic for setting Integrity Flag 71 within field
    4. Foster Youth MIS
      1. Revise field logic using new Foster Youth Status values/response options
    5. Integrity Flags Table (Flag 70)
      1. Update Integrity Flag 70 language and logic reference in the Integrity Flags Table 
    6. Integrity Flags Table (Flag 71 - NEW)
      1. Add new Integrity Flag 71 to Integrity Flags Table
      2. Add new integrity flag 71 data field to the Download Client User Guide (it's a downloadable field and used in reporting)
    7. Area B Logic (Step 4)
      1. Update Step 4 of the Residency Table B (Area B Logic) and corresponding Flowchart (if necessary) 

    Update Data Specs & Other Documentation - Details

    (Most of this is duplicate of what's already specified above; however, per Amanda and Patty meeting 12/29/15, a summary and detailed data spec updates will be added to these Change Request Requirements confluence pages, such as this. A good reference is the Gender Change Requirement confluence spec for how we'll be doing this in the future.)

    1. Foster Youth Status data field <foster_youth_status>
      1. See detailed specifications in Requirement #1 above.  Each detail in the specification is itemized and changes are shown inRED.
      2. The spec below was taken from the combined Data Dictionary spec that is being worked on and prepped for release with March 2016 Update.

        Table 145: Foster Youth Status
        Data Element: residency: foster_youth_status
        Description: Indicates the Foster Youth status of the applicant based on their screen input.
        Format, Length: char 1
        Values: (See details in Requirement #1 above).  The new values are as follows:

    0 = No

    1 = I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18)

    2 = I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday.

    3 = No Longer appears onscreen - this field is now obsolete (but will remain in the spec for archival reference).

    4 = No Longer appears onscreen - this field is now obsolete (but will remain in the spec for archival reference).

    5 = I exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday.

    6 = I am not sure at what age I exited foster care.

    Allows Null: No
    Default: None
    Xap Field: fosterYouthStatus
    Revision Log: ~~
    Question Text: Have you ever been in court ordered foster care? (See additional text below)
    Conditions: Always
    Additional Text: If the applicant selects Yes to "Have you ever been in court-ordered foster care?" the conditional additional text appears with the response options:

    When did you exit foster care?

      • I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18)
      • aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday.
      • exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday.
      • I am not sure at what age I exited foster care.

    Response Options: (See Requirement #1 above). 

      • I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18)
      • aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday.
      • exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday.
      • I am not sure at what age I exited foster care.

    Required fields: For the Yes/No question, if not selected, error message is “Please indicate if you have ever been in foster care.” When the Yes/No question = Yes, one of the options must be selected. If no option is selected, error message is “Please select one of the foster care options.”
    Hover Help"Please indicate whether or not you have ever been placed in court- ordered Foster Care." [Spanish: "Por favor indique, si o no ha estado alguna vez colocado en Cuidado Adoptivo ordenado por el tribunal."]
    Pop-Up Help:  
    (NOTES:  See Requirement #2 above for the new Pop-Up Help text boxes. Each of the four new help boxes are individually hyperlinked and each has it's own Pop-Up Help box (they are no longer combined into one Help box).  Ensure that the hyperlinks (underlined terms) are underlined in the spec. Some of the hyperlinks appear in the Response Options to the Foster Youth Status conditional question. 

    Court-ordered Foster Care: You have been in foster care if you were removed from your biological family through an order by a court, which can include placement with foster parents, in a group home, or with relatives/extended family members. If you were living with relatives you must have been placed through the foster care system by an order of the court. Foster Care includes, but is not limited to, placement in out-of-home care under the supervision of the Juvenile Probation Department. As long as you were placed within the foster care system by order of a court, you were in foster care. Having a legal guardian does not necessarily mean that you have been in foster care. If you need assistance with determining whether you were in foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602 or

    Aged Out/Emancipated You 'aged out/emancipated’ from foster care if you exited foster care on or after your 18th birthday.  If you need assistance with determining when you exited foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602 or

    Exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday: You ‘exited the foster care system before your 18th birthday‘ if you were returned to the custody of your biological parents, entered a legal guardianship (with relatives or non-relatives) or were legally adopted before your 18th birthday. If you need assistance with determining when you exited foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602 or

    Not Sure: If you need assistance with determining when you exited foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman’s office at (877) 846-1602 or

    Field Error Check: None
    Page Error Check: None
    Notes: Question revised in 2016. See CCCApply Data Dictionary Submission Calculations Service Residency: Area B logic, Step 4. AB669 approved in 2009.
    Data Element: residency: foster_youth_status

     Foster Youth Priority
    Data Element: residency: foster_youth_priority
    Description: Calculated result for AB194 eligibility.
    Format, Length: boolean, 1
    Values: AFTER the foster_youth_status field has been set, set the value of foster_youth_priority as follows: 
    Value: 1 Meaning: AB194 Eligibility = Yes    Logic: (foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4) AND (RDD* minus Birthdate < 25 years) 
    Value: 0 Meaning: AB194 Eligibility = No      Logic: (foster_youth_status =0 OR =5) OR (RDD* minus Birthdate not < 25 years) 
    * RDD = Residency Determination Date: 1 day before term: date_start

    Allows Null: No
    Default: None
    Usage: Calculated result for AB194 eligibility.
    Xap Field: fosterYouthPriority
    Revision Log: 1/29/16

    Foster Youth MIS
    Data Element: residency: foster_youth_mis
    Description: Derived field based on foster_youth_status.
    Format, Length: boolean, 1
    Values: AFTER the foster_youth_status field has been set, set the value of foster_youth_mis as follows: 
    Value: 1 Meaning: MIS SG03 = 1 Logic: foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR =3 OR =4 OR =5 
    Value: 0 Meaning: MIS SG03 = 0 Logic: foster_youth_status=0

    Allows Null: Yes
    Default: None
    Usage: Derived field based on Foster Youth Stauts.
    Notes: In OpenCCCApply, this field is case sensitive (lower) = foster_youth_mis
    Xap Field: fosterYouthMIS
    Revision Log: Revised 1/29/16

    2. California Foster Youth


    1. Revise data spec heading to: Foster Youth in California  (Question ONLY is obsolete). Note: Remove "Data field is used in Residency Algorithm)
    2. Revise field logic using the new Foster Youth Status values/response options
    3. Revise Description TO: Whether applicant is a current or former Foster Youth in California and under 20 years of age at RDD.
    4. Remove this description entirely:  Description: Determines if an applicant who may not otherwise qualify as a resident should be flagged (flag 70) as potentially qualifying for CA residency based on foster care status. A “1” value indicates the applicant may be a current foster youth or a youth who was in foster care at age 18 and was under 20 years of age at RDD. A "0" value indicates that the applicant is either over age 20 or does not .
    5. Update the field values as shown below: 
      • Values: The calculation for how to set this field based on the foster_youth_status field. (Remove this note:  This field is used in the Residency Algorithm.)

      1 =  AB669 Eligibility = Yes   (foster_youth_status=1 OR =2 OR = 6) AND (RDD* minus Birthdate < 20 years)

      0 =  AB669 Eligibility = No   (foster_youth_status=0 OR =3 OR =4 OR =5OR (RDD* minus Birthdate is  to 20 years)

      Data Element: residency: ca_foster_youth
      Format, Length: boolean, 1
      Allows Null: Yes
      Default: None
      Usage: To align with the updated requirements for AB12, this field was removed from the residency logic (Area B) and replaced with new logic (see Residency Area B Logic).  The field will still populate based on the logic detailed under Values. 
      Notes: This question became obsolete and was removed from the application based on new requirements for AB 194 and MIS SG03. The db field is still being populated but is no longer used in the residency algorithm. 
      Xap Field: under20FosterYouthCA
      Revision Log: ~~
      Question Text: Are you now, or have you ever been, a dependent or ward of the state through California's child welfare system?
      Conditions: Appears only if Date of Birth is after <RDD> minus us 20 years.
      Additional Text: None
      Response Options:
      Hover Help: Click Yes if you are now, or have ever been, in foster care or a ward of the court under the authority of the California child welfare system. Otherwise, click No.
      Pop-Up Help: None
      Field Error Check: None
      Page Error Check: Required selection; else error message, “You must indicate whet her or not you are now, or have ever been, a dependent or ward of the state through California's child welf are system.”

         3. Foster Youth Priority



    • Revise field logic using the new Foster Youth Status values/response options
    • Add logic for setting Integrity Flag 71 within field

         4. Foster Youth MIS


    • Revise field logic using new Foster Youth Status values/response options

         5. Integrity Flags Table (Flag 70)

    • Update Integrity Flag 70 language and logic reference in the Integrity Flags Table 

         6. Integrity Flags Table (Flag 71 - NEW)

    • Add new Integrity Flag 71 to Integrity Flags Table
    • Add new integrity flag 71 data field to the Download Client User Guide (it's a downloadable field and used in reporting)


         7. Area B Logic (Step 4)

    • Update Step 4 of the Residency Table B (Area B Logic) and corresponding Flowchart (if necessary) 



    Changes to Data Download File

    Changes to Logic



    Supporting Documentation 

    Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) to be referenced in support of this change request. 

    DescriptionFile or Link