Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Type Summary Description SnapshotTicket

Improved consistency with action links between All Courses and All Programs page. The All Courses and All Programs pages had to different Action links for working with inactive proposals. The link text on the All Programs page has been updated from "Reactivate" to "Send to Draft" and is now consistent with both the link text on the All Courses page and with the workflow steps itself. 


Review added to Proposal Status dropdown. 

College Submitters can now see and search for Programs in Review status from the Search Criteria on the All Programs page. Review has been added to the proposal status dropdown.




Proposal create date updated to reflect date from MIS Master Program file.

Programs imported from the legacy system were given a Proposal Create Date of 6/27/2017 or 6/29/2017. This was the date these proposals were imported and thus "created" in COCI. This field is intended to reflect the date the program was actually locally created. 

MIS provided a copy of the Master Program file from June 2017 that contained all legacy programs and the either the date the program was initially sent from COCI to MIS or the date MIS first reflected a PCN assigned. 

This information was used to update the Proposal Create Date field in COCI 

Document Audit action link added to main programs page for users to modify associated documents without having to update other sections of the program proposal.

This new feature allows College Submitters to remove documents erroneously associated to the program proposal when legacy data as was imported and/or remove documents that are no longer current. 

The previous version required College Submitters to complete this effort on the Manage page, which was challenging at best since removing documents from Active Programs required the program to be resubmitted to the CCCCO for review. 

Using the document Audit link, users can improve the data integrity of the program proposal without the additional review. 

Legacy Programs with "lost" or "hidden:" documents restored to the parent record.Many duplicate records were created when programs were initially imported from the legacy system. These were subsequently collapsed under a single parent record. Documents that were associated with a version of the program that was collapsed appeared to the user as having disappeared. An update was run to recover these documents - to the extent possible - and they were pulled up top the parent record and are now visible on the Manage, Review and Detail pages.

Document Audit page presents all associated documents and checkbox to Remove. 

All documents associated to the Program Proposal ID and Program Control Number are listed in the Documents table. 

The table is organized into two columns - the left displaying the document type and hte right displaying the document as an active link and hte date the document was uploaded/updated.

Submitters can click the Remove checkbox after verifying the document should no longer be connected to the program and are taken to a confirmation screen before the changes are finalized. 

Not all documents can be removed from this page.

Programs with control numbers assigned must include a Program Narrative and Approval Letter. If there are multiple versions of these documents, the Submitter will be able to remove all but the most recent version. If there is only a single narrative, and the Submitter wants to provide a more current version of the narrative, the Submitter will need to go into edit mode and replace the existing narrative on the manage page. 

Document Audits have a confirmation screen review all changes before finalizing.  Submitters view a simplified list of documents identified to remove. Selecting "Confirm" will dissociate the documents checked and clicking "Return to Document Audit" will take the user back to the audit page to continue making changes. 

New stylesheet applied  to Manage Programs page. 

Major page layout changes are included in this release. Increased ease of use was the major design consideration for this upgrade.

Program proposal information is displayed on three pages in COCI:

  1. The Manage page where Submitters create and edit programs.
  2. The Detail page where users can view the contents of a program proposal.
  3. The Review page where the CCCCO Reviewer completes his/her review of the program.

With this release, program proposals are organized the same regardless of which page you are on. Program proposals are organized into 6 sections:

  • Proposal Attributes
  • Program Summary
  • Program Details
  • Units and Hours
  • Associated Courses
  • Comments 

Key Changes:

  • Improved field level messaging is intended to better display/communicate why fields may be empty or incomplete. 
  • Supporting documents are uploaded and displayed in the section of the program the document applies to rather than in a single documents table.
  • Document types have been greatly simplified.
  • Optional fields are visually flagged for the user. 
  • Comments function added for Submitters to communicate with Reviewers or Support staff , as needed. 

Image AddedConditionally rendered and required fields implemented for Programs

The previous version presented the Submitters with the superset of fields are program related. Submitters would need to cross reference the PCAH and previously entered programs to ensure the correct fields were being completed. 

Conditionally rendered and required fields have been implemented with this version. 

The Program Award and Program Goal fields drive much of the conditionally rendered fields. The CCCTC partnered with the CCCCO to create the master conditional display outline. You can find a copy of that outline here.

Updates to Program Detail Page

Change PCN Field Label to Program Control Number (SP04)



Updates to the Manage Program Page 

Order of field in Units and Hours Section is illogical

front end conditional display for all Program award types

CCCCO Reviewer Name Display on View, Manage, Review Pages for Programs after submission number has been assigned

FRONTEND: Program Manage - C-ID Status

Programs Manage page display logic for draft comments

Catalog field isnt responsive to quantity of text entered




CC-2009, 2010, 2011




courses in approved status not appearing on add courses table

backend field migrations and net new fields for programs

conditional validations for all program award types


History Page for Programs

Documents uploaded need to be tagged in the history

Approval Letters need to be stored in History



