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TypeCategoryDescriptionNotesTicket InternalTargeted Fix
BugDocumentsLegacy documents appear to be attached but when hyperlink is clicked the user receives a file not found or other error message instead
CCM-115In Progress
DocumentsLegacy documents attached to courses and programs aren't always the most recent version uploaded by the college user
CCM-29In Progress
DocumentsApproval letters need to be generated for proposals initially approved in the new system
DocumentsApproval letters for legacy programs and courses not permanently attached to record and need to be regenerated
BugDocuments/WorkflowWhen add another document button is selected by accident there is no way to undo that action
CCM-111In Progress
StoryWorkflowWhoops ErrorThe units calculations in courses were calculating and returning whoops error messages to users in cases where the user is associated with miltiple colleges and does not have a college selected when entering data into the hours fields. An update was made to the on screen messaging to immediatley flag for the user that a school must be selected for the calculations to compute.CCM-1401.8.5
StoryImage AddedWorkflowWhoops Errorusers were getting a whoops error on submit if the attempted submit is the second or greater attempt made in a single session and the user did not reattach any documents originally attached prior to the first submit. messaging to the user has been added to highlght the need to reattach supporting documents if the first submit did not result in a success message. CCM-1201.8.5
StoryImage AddedWorkflowWhoops Errorsystem timing out when attempting to load legacy documents and presenting the user with a fatal error and a whoops redirect. parameters for documents to laod load have been expanded and updated messaging will be displayed to the user explaining the lag with documents loading/being displatyed, this speficically addresses legacy documents and coursesCCM-171.8.5
BugWorkflowWhoops Errordata picker for the two approval dates in courses and programs was rendering a fatal error on the back end when documents are attached. data picker has been updatrd and tested in chrome and safari and documnets that fail to load are resulting now in a red error message rather than a whoopd redirect. CCM-1141.8.5

BugWorkflowDate formatting errors not displayed to users resulting in whoops error message when creating or editing courses and programs 
CCM-27In Progress
Workflow"make a copy" proposals aren't linking to the original record
CCM-98In Progress
Data DisplayHistory table for a user not auto fitting contents to windowtable updated to auto adjust based on screenCCM-141.8.4
Data DisplayCollege Submitter name doesn't update
CCM-108Not Started
Data DisplaySearching by college submitter dropdown on main courses and programs pages not filtering any results 
CCM-110Not Started
Data Display"Review" missing from the status dropdown on the main courses and main programs pages
CCM-107Not Started
