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The purpose of this online resource is to provide CCC faculty and staff with a quick start, “how to” primer for using the new online community platform tool behind

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Welcome is the one-stop shop for fast and efficient online support and communication for systemwide technology applications and initiatives developed by the CCC Technology Center.


On the Register page, complete the registration form to setup your account.

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  1. Email: Enter your email address.

  2. Username: Enter a username of your choice.

  3. Password: Enter a password of your choice.

  4. Confirm Password: Enter your password again.

  5. Security Check: Check the box “I'm not a robot” and wait for the green reCAPTCHA confirmation checkmark to proceed.

  6. Terms of Service: Check the “I agree to the terms of service” checkbox.

  7. Remember Me: Check the “Remember me on this computer” checkbox to ensure your user credentials are stored for this site (optional).

  8. Click to “Sign Up” button to complete the registration process.


Following Categories - Users can receive an email notification each time a new discussion is posted to a category that they have “followed” in the Notification Preferences section of their Profile.


Discussions are questions, comments, or messages posted to one or more Categories.




“Posting” or commenting on a discussion is the primary way users interact with our community. There is a range of discussion types to suit your needs.

At the bottom of each discussion, you will encounter a text field:


Users type their comments here and submit them by hitting the “Post Comment” button. That comment will immediately appear at the bottom of the discussion, adding it to the conversation.

Creating A New Discussion

To create a new discussion, click on the New Discussion button in the right side bar of any category.


Here’s what you will encounter on the New Discussion page:


  1. The user starts a new discussion by selecting the category in which the new discussion should be posted.

  2. The discussion title is required and what will appear at the top of your post once it’s been submitted. It will also identify the discussion on the category index.

  3. The text editor field is where the user will enter the main body of their post.

  4. The user has options to assist in formatting the text, inserting emojis and images, and attaching files.

  5. Once the user has finished creating their post, clicking the Post Discussion button will immediately publish it. Clicking Save Draft will store the post under “My Drafts” in your user’s profile menu. Cancel will return the user back to the category previously viewed.

Types of Discussions

Certain addons in Vanilla expand the types of discussions users can make in a community. When one of those addons is enabled, clicking the down-arrow on the “New Discussion” button will reveal several options:


Polls can be enabled from your dashboard on any plan level. When creating a poll, the user is presented with a few new options:


With this form, the user can input the different answers for their poll. They can also choose to make a poll anonymous, which prevents others from knowing how specific users voted. Once the poll has been submitted, other members are allowed to vote once.

The Ask A Question option is for users looking to get a specific information. The screen for posting a question looks identical to the New Discussion screen. When a question is asked, the bottom of each subsequent comment will have an option to mark it as an answer.

Selecting “Yes” marks the post as an answer within that discussion and pins it to the top, right under the initial question. You can read more about our Questions and Answers plugin, here.

The New Idea option is for communities with Ideation enabled. Ideas are discussions that can have various statuses and be voted on. They are limited to specific categories within a community. You can read more about Ideation, here.

Bookmarking A Discussion

Adding a Post
