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Releases included on this page

1.8.9 6/8/2018

1.8.8 5/23/2018

1.8.7 5/16/2018

1.8.6 4/27/2018


COCI Maintainence Releases

TypeCategoryDescriptionNotesTicket InternalTargeted FixBugImage RemovedMISBugImage RemovedDocumentsLegacy documents appear to be attached but when hyperlink is clicked the user receives a file not found or other error message insteadCCM-115In Progress
BugImage Removed
DocumentsLegacy documents attached to courses and programs aren't always the most recent version uploaded by the college userCCM-29In Progress
BugImage Removed
DocumentsApproval letters need to be generated for proposals initially approved in the new systemCCM-20Paused
BugImage Removed
DocumentsApproval letters for legacy programs and courses not permanently attached to record and need to be regeneratedCCM-22BugImage RemovedDocumentsAttachments randomly removed when making a substantial change to a course CCM-59BugImage RemovedWorkflowDuplicate record check not occuring on programs initiated from a sub change or make a copy selectionCCM-109Not StartedBugImage RemovedWorkflowDate formatting errors not displayed to users resulting in whoops error message when creating or editing courses and programs CCM-27In Progress
StoryImage Removed
Workflow"make a copy" proposals aren't linking to the original recordCCM-98Not StartedBugImage RemovedWorkflowDupe check for programs is being skipped during submitCCM-124StoryImage RemovedData DisplayModify reviewer permissions for main courses and main programs pagesCCM-160StoryImage RemovedData DisplayReviewer field needs to be populated for all proposal types CCM-182
StoryImage Removed
Data DisplayCollege Submitter name doesn't updatethe user that originaslly created the course or program record was always attached to that record even when other college submitters associated to the college subsequently made edits to the record. the criteria for the college submitter populating has been updated to reflect the last college submitter or college that made changes to the record. CCM-108Not Started
StoryImage Removed
Data Display"Review" missing from the status dropdown on the main courses and main programs pagesCCM-107Not StartedCCM-114update made to expand database search for legacy documents when the user selects "view" on the edit or detail pages. if the system still cant locate the document after the expanded search, better on screen messaging should help explain the next steps to take to view the document requested115



Database updated to pull and display dates in a format compliant with the field validation when the proposal starts as a result of the make a copy function. 

TypeCategoryDescriptionNotesTicket (internal)Release
MISMIS and COCI Interaction not processing Course and Program files

fix corrects CCN assignment, new PCNs being reflected in Datamart and sending the program course file from COCI to MIS. backend processes were also optimized for overall improvement.




MISControl Number found in datamart but not assigned to Course in COCIwe updated the way we process control numbers sent back from MIS to improve the pace and rate of successful CCN assignment in COCI. CCM-591.8.7

MISHistory tracking for MIS errors and Course StatusA new section was added to the course history page that specifically shows the MIS history. Every time we send a course to MIS and an error message is returned, this table will populate with the error code and the date received. these tables are populated with error data going back to the launch of the new COCI so all MIS errors are displayed since go live, even if your course is active today. CCM-1301.8.8

MISApproved courses not assigned a ccn after 24 hoursthe updated processing put in place with CCM-59 has resolved this issue; Approved courses that dont have a CCN after a business day cycle will have its associated error message noted in the MIS Tab and can be unlocked for correction. CCM-1891.8.8
BugMIS/Control NumbersPCNs generated in COCI not displaying in DatamartMIS updated collection point for nightly file; PCNs now showing in Datmart as expectedCCM-1031.8.3

Courses still showing on MIS tab after error correctionWe updated the display settings for the MIS tab and now courses that have been corrected and resubmitted will drop off the page so users can more easily (hopefully) track which courses have been addressed and which still need to be corrected. CCM-128`1.8.9
StoryMISProgram issue/create date not rendering in MIS Master program file and/or is rendering a different date than was previously visibleAs part of correcting CCM-103 the master programs file is now being sent to MIS nightly. The first update sent to MIS did not contain issue/create dates for a large percentage of legacy programs as this data was missing in the legacy dataset received. Where MIS had issue/create dates for programs that COCI did not, that date was rendered blank in MIS. Where MIS had a different date than COCI, the date in the COCI file was written over the MIS date. A script was run in COCI to add the issue/create date MIS had for all programs as if July 1 to the proposal create date field in COCI. The next time the nightly file is run and imported, the dates previkously displayed in the MIS master priogram file will again be displayed in datamart and the proposal create date field in COCI will be populated for legacy programsCCM-1341.8.5
BugControl NumbersCourses sitting in approved status with no explanation and no CCNusers will see a new tab labeled "MIS" next time they log in. This tab will be blank unless COCI receives an error message back from MIS when attempting to get a CCN assigned. The NEW MIS TAB will display the name of the course and a link to view the error details. The specific MIS miss-match is recorded and the user is taken to the edit course screen to correct and resubmitCCM-681.8.3
BugControl NumbersCCNs not being assigned and new PCNs not reflected in datamartUpdates applied to the nightly interaction resolved the backlog of CCNs needing to be assignedCCM-511.8.1

DocumentsDocuments fail to upload and no explanation is providedThe file size limitation was increased to support graphic or data rich attachments. CC-19121.8.9
StoryDocumentsNo way to back out accidental "Add Document" clickA new, red "remove document" button was introduced to support cases where either the wrong document was uploaded or if the user accidentally selects the "Add another document" button. This enhancement is intended to reduce the number of validation and error messages displayed at the time of submit, particularly for active courses and programs CCM-1121.8.4

DocumentsProgram Award and Program Goal not listed correctly on Approval LettersProgram goal now mapped to program goal field, same for program award. The display of program award name and the program goal name have been updated as well to reflect the exact same display as in COCI.



1.8.7BugImage Removed

DocumentsSelecting "Add Another Document" is pre-populating title and document type when selected after at least one document is addedsupporting documents behavior updated to have document type and title render blank when user is attempting to add any addtl documents after the first one is addedCCM-133Create tool to generate approval letters on demandSite Admin feature added to generate PDF, official approval letter directly from within edit screens. SA can now generate letters missing from programs or courses and can render letters for legacy versions of the program or course. CC-19141.8.49
BugImage AddedDocumentsDocument fails to attach for no visible reasonwe think this was connected to the file size limitation we had on attachments. CORs or narratives with heavy formatting, graphics, tables and charts tend to be a lot larger than word heavy documents or pdfs. the file size for an individual file upload is now 5MBCCM-192Selecting "Add Another Document" is pre-populating title and document type when selected after at least one document is addedsupporting documents behavior updated to have document type and title render blank when user is attempting to add any addtl documents after the first one is addedCCM-1331.8.94

WorkflowWhoops when trying to view or edit some programsThere are a few ADT programs that are quite large! The size of these programs are so great that it was taking longer than configured for the program to even load enough to display in View mode. We've cleaned up some of the processes with viewing and managing large proposals and also set the timeout threshold to a slightly longer window. CCM-208DocumentsDocument fails to attach for no visible reasonwe think this was connected to the file size limitation we had on attachments. CORs or narratives with heavy formatting, graphics, tables and charts tend to be a lot larger than word heavy documents or pdfs. the file size for an individual file upload is now 5MBCCM-1921.8.9StoryImage Removed

WorkflowSearch parameters added to the review queues not retaining when navigating away from pageCCCCO reviewers can input text into the search text box and navigate into an individual record or to a different page and return to the queue with the original search parameters still appliedWhoops when trying to view or edit some programsThere are a few ADT programs that are quite large! The size of these programs are so great that it was taking longer than configured for the program to even load enough to display in View mode. We've cleaned up some of the processes with viewing and managing large proposals and also set the timeout threshold to a slightly longer windowCCM-332081.8.39

Courses assigned revision when they shouldnt beAs part of the MIS process update done with CCM-59, we also changed the logic for the status assigned courses when an MIS error is flagged. Courses Revision status for reasons other than CCCCO determination Courses were being assigned "Revision" by the system when the course failed during MIS validation. This status routing was removed; courses will now only be assigned revision status if done so by the CCCCO reviewer does not approve the submission. There is no other use case left in the system that should result in a course going to revision. CCM-47.CC-19081.8.9
StoryImage AddedWorkflowWhoops ErrorAttempting to delete a document was resulting in a whoops error in some conditions.CCM-186Search parameters added to the review queues not retaining when navigating away from pageCCCCO reviewers can input text into the search text box and navigate into an individual record or to a different page and return to the queue with the original search parameters still applied. CCM-331.8.7
BugImage RemovedWorkflowWhoops ErrorWhen text entered exceeds 256 characters in a single field and/or a negative integer is entered by mistake and the user hits submit, a red error message will now display rather than having the user redirected to a whoops messageCCM-1191.8.4
BugImage RemovedWorkflowWhoops Error

Checkboxes selected for the Special Characteristics Code Descriptor field was resulting in a whoops message when the user attempted to save or submit and hitting the back button was resulting in lost data. Users can now select any of these checkboxes and the system will validation notifications as appropriate.



StoryImage RemovedWorkflowWhoops ErrorThe units calculations in courses were calculating and returning whoops error messages to users in cases where the user is associated with miltiple colleges and does not have a college selected when entering data into the hours fields. An update was made to the on screen messaging to immediatley flag for the user that a school must be selected for the calculations to compute.CCM-1401.8.5
StoryImage RemovedWorkflowWhoops Errorusers were getting a whoops error on submit if the attempted submit is the second or greater attempt made in a single session and the user did not reattach any documents originally attached prior to the first submit. messaging to the user has been added to highlght the need to reattach supporting documents if the first submit did not result in a success message. CCM-1201.8.5
StoryImage RemovedWorkflowWhoops Errorsystem timing out when attempting to load legacy documents and presenting the user with a fatal error and a whoops redirect. parameters for documents to load have been expanded and updated messaging will be displayed to the user explaining the lag with documents loading/being displatyed, this speficically addresses legacy documents and coursesCCM-171.8.5
BugImage RemovedWorkflowWhoops Errordata picker for the two approval dates in courses and programs was rendering a fatal error on the back end when documents are attached. data picker has been updatrd and tested in chrome and safari and documnets that fail to load are resulting now in a red error message rather than a whoopd redirect. 3

Courses assigned revision when they shouldnt beAs part of the MIS process update done with CCM-59, we also changed the logic for the status assigned courses when an MIS error is flagged. Courses will now only be assigned revision status if the CCCCO reviewer does not approve the submission. There is no other use case left in the system that should result in a course going to revision. CCM-471.8.9

WorkflowWhoops ErrorAttempting to delete a document was resulting in a whoops error in some conditions.CCM-1861.8.7

WorkflowWhoops ErrorResolved Whoops error on Review Page when Reviewers hit "Save and Approve" and select fields were blankCC-19061.8.9
BugImage AddedWorkflowWhoops ErrorWhen text entered exceeds 256 characters in a single field and/or a negative integer is entered by mistake and the user hits submit, a red error message will now display rather than having the user redirected to a whoops messageCCM-1191.8.4
BugImage AddedWorkflowWhoops Error

Checkboxes selected for the Special Characteristics Code Descriptor field was resulting in a whoops message when the user attempted to save or submit and hitting the back button was resulting in lost data. Users can now select any of these checkboxes and the system will validation notifications as appropriate.



StoryImage AddedWorkflowWhoops ErrorThe units calculations in courses were calculating and returning whoops error messages to users in cases where the user is associated with miltiple colleges and does not have a college selected when entering data into the hours fields. An update was made to the on screen messaging to immediatley flag for the user that a school must be selected for the calculations to compute.CCM-1401.8.5
StoryImage ModifiedWorkflowWhoops Errorusers were getting a whoops error on submit if the attempted submit is the second or greater attempt made in a single session and the user did not reattach any documents originally attached prior to the first submit. messaging to the user has been added to highlght the need to reattach supporting documents if the first submit did not result in a success messageCCM-1201.8.5
StoryWorkflowHitting the enter/return key when editing a course or program submits the course or program The keyboard shortcut has been updated to result only in an attempted submit when the user has tabbed to the submit button. Hitting enter/return in any other field wont drive proposal behavior with this change.CCM-142Whoops Errorsystem timing out when attempting to load legacy documents and presenting the user with a fatal error and a whoops redirect. parameters for documents to load have been expanded and updated messaging will be displayed to the user explaining the lag with documents loading/being displatyed, this speficically addresses legacy documents and coursesCCM-171.8.5
BugImage ModifiedWorkflowNumeric values triggering error message with units & hours fields and with RSI hours0.00 and 0 are now acceptable values in units and hours fields; field parameters have been further updated to only allow numeric values



BugImage RemovedWorkflowNet Annual Labor Demand field is flagging as required incorrectly.this field now only triggers as required in a program submission where the user has selected C as the program goal. CCM-301.8.3
BugImage RemovedWorkflowCourses completely locked when approvedsiteadmins can now move an approved course into other statuses to unlock it if there are data corrections that need to be made and/or if a reviewer error pushed the course to approved accidentally. this is only available to siteadmins; college users should reach out to the CCCCO or support if they require an approved course moved back to submitted. CCM-751.8.3
StoryImage RemovedWorkflowDeactivating course/program requiring a validation checkusers can now render an active program or course inactive without the validation check. this is intended to support deactivating legacy courses or programs that may contain missing or incomplete data since the migration. CCM-341.8.2
BugImage RemovedWorkflowMake a copy feature not transferring supporting documents for courses or programs make a copy now transfers supporting documents when used for either a course or a program proposal, if used for a program proposal, the course report migrates as well. CCM-411.8.2
BugImage RemovedData DisplayInactive TOP codes not visible in TOP Code field of Courses and ProgramsLegacy proposals that contained TOP Codes  listed as deleted in the TOP Code manual now have there deleted TOP Code value displayed. The user will be required to update the TOP code field upon first edit, and this will trigger a substantial change as designed. CCM-581.8.2
StoryImage RemovedData DisplayMake a copy changing date format for District Governing Board Approval Date and COR Effective DateCCM-1691.8.6
StoryImage RemovedData DisplayProposal history not always capturing and displaying previous field values as actual values selectedhistory table now displays the previous and new values as text rather than a system code representing the selection made. CCM-1551.8.6
BugImage Removed
Data DisplayCollege Submitter name not displaying in review queuesname of submitter that created the proposal displays to the reviewer


BugImage Removed
Data DisplayComments box not expanding for revision proposals users can now scroll within the comments boxes to see the full range of feedback provided by the CCCCO. comments are due for a full overhaul in late spring 2018.


BugImage RemovedData DisplayInactive TOP codes not displaying on TOP Code admin pageSystem Admins of COCI can see both active and inactive TIOP Codes on the manage TOP Codes page. CCM-611.8.2
StoryImage RemovedReportsMonthly Submissions and Approvals report by college New CCCCO report will run monthly; course and program submissions and approvals for courses and programs by college. CC-1431.8.5
StoryImage RemovedUsersWhoops Errorsession timeout increased to reduce the likelihood of a user being logged out of the system in the middle of course or program submissionCCM-1211.8.4
BugImage RemovedData DisplaySearch by college submitter not updating results on main Program and Course pagesUsers can now select the a specific college submitter from the drop down on the main pages and have the results adjust to the proposals entered by that user. Only college submitters associated with the college(s) the user is associated with will display in the drop down. CCM-1101.8.5

COCI Open Issues Log

Whoops Errordata picker for the two approval dates in courses and programs was rendering a fatal error on the back end when documents are attached. data picker has been updatrd and tested in chrome and safari and documnets that fail to load are resulting now in a red error message rather than a whoopd redirect. CCM-1141.8.5
StoryImage AddedWorkflowWhoops Errorupdate made to expand database search for legacy documents when the user selects "view" on the edit or detail pages. if the system still cant locate the document after the expanded search, better on screen messaging should help explain the next steps to take to view the document requested. 



StoryImage AddedWorkflowHitting the enter/return key when editing a course or program submits the course or program The keyboard shortcut has been updated to result only in an attempted submit when the user has tabbed to the submit button. Hitting enter/return in any other field wont drive proposal behavior with this change.CCM-1421.8.5
BugImage AddedWorkflowNumeric values triggering error message with units & hours fields and with RSI hours0.00 and 0 are now acceptable values in units and hours fields; field parameters have been further updated to only allow numeric values



BugImage AddedWorkflowNet Annual Labor Demand field is flagging as required incorrectly.this field now only triggers as required in a program submission where the user has selected C as the program goal. CCM-301.8.3
StoryImage AddedWorkflowTransfer not accepted as a word in a program title.  Updated validation to allow "Transfer" in the title when the award is "Certificate of Achievement 18-27 units" with the program goal of "Transfer (All ADTs and Certificates of Achievement for CSU GE Breadth and IGETC)"CC-19221.8.9
BugImage AddedWorkflowCourses completely locked when approvedsiteadmins can now move an approved course into other statuses to unlock it if there are data corrections that need to be made and/or if a reviewer error pushed the course to approved accidentally. this is only available to siteadmins; college users should reach out to the CCCCO or support if they require an approved course moved back to submitted. CCM-751.8.3
StoryImage AddedWorkflowDeactivating course/program requiring a validation checkusers can now render an active program or course inactive without the validation check. this is intended to support deactivating legacy courses or programs that may contain missing or incomplete data since the migration. CCM-341.8.2
BugImage AddedWorkflowMake a copy feature not transferring supporting documents for courses or programs make a copy now transfers supporting documents when used for either a course or a program proposal, if used for a program proposal, the course report migrates as well. CCM-411.8.2
BugImage AddedData DisplayInactive TOP codes not visible in TOP Code field of Courses and ProgramsLegacy proposals that contained TOP Codes  listed as deleted in the TOP Code manual now have there deleted TOP Code value displayed. The user will be required to update the TOP code field upon first edit, and this will trigger a substantial change as designed. CCM-581.8.2
StoryImage AddedData DisplayMake a copy changing date format for District Governing Board Approval Date and COR Effective Date

Database updated to pull and display dates in a format compliant with the field validation when the proposal starts as a result of the make a copy function. 

StoryImage AddedData DisplayProposal history not always capturing and displaying previous field values as actual values selectedhistory table now displays the previous and new values as text rather than a system code representing the selection made. CCM-1551.8.6
BugImage Added
Data DisplayCollege Submitter name not displaying in review queuesname of submitter that created the proposal displays to the reviewer


BugImage Added
Data DisplayComments box not expanding for revision proposals users can now scroll within the comments boxes to see the full range of feedback provided by the CCCCO. comments are due for a full overhaul in late spring 2018.


BugImage AddedData DisplayInactive TOP codes not displaying on TOP Code admin pageSystem Admins of COCI can see both active and inactive TIOP Codes on the manage TOP Codes page. CCM-611.8.2
StoryImage AddedReportsMonthly Submissions and Approvals report by college New CCCCO report will run monthly; course and program submissions and approvals for courses and programs by college. CC-1431.8.5
StoryImage AddedUsersWhoops Errorsession timeout increased to reduce the likelihood of a user being logged out of the system in the middle of course or program submissionCCM-1211.8.4
BugImage AddedData DisplaySearch by college submitter not updating results on main Program and Course pagesUsers can now select the a specific college submitter from the drop down on the main pages and have the results adjust to the proposals entered by that user. Only college submitters associated with the college(s) the user is associated with will display in the drop down. CCM-1101.8.5

COCI Open Issues Log

TypeCategoryDescriptionNotesTicket InternalTargeted Fix
StoryImage Added
Workflow"make a copy" proposals aren't linking to the original record
CCM-98Not Started
BugImage AddedWorkflowDupe check for programs is being skipped during submit