Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


FieldCurrent DB ValueBOG Data Dictionary ValueNotes


NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('bog_application_app_id_seq'::regclass)

  • Data Type/Format: Bigint Bigint
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields: bigint
  • Length: blank
  • Allows Null: No
  • Value: blank

character varying(8)



  • Format, Length: Character varying(8)
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields: String
  • Length: 8
  • Allows Null: No. This is a system assigned field and is not entered by the user.
  • Value:

The format of the ccc_id is:
Positions 1 - 3: AAA thru ZZZ (Sequentially assigned beginning with AAA)

Positions 4 7: 0001 thru 9999 (Sequentially assigned beginning with 0001 for each value in positions 1-3)

Position 8: For future expansion if all values become exhausted.

Note: In positions 1-3, “I” and “O” are not used to avoid confusion with “0” and “1”.


character varying(25)

  • Data Type/Format: Character
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields: String
  • Length: 25
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: blank
  • Data Type/Format: Character(1)
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: String
  • Length: 1
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value

Blank In progress

I = Initially written to submitted table

D= Downloaded by college

Per page 21 in the notes of the data dictionary:

  • Blank In progress
  • I = Initially written to submitted table
  • D= Downloaded by college
  • Format/Length: bpchar, 2
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: String
  • Length: 2
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value:

    es Spanish

    en English

  • Data Type/Format: Character(3)
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: String
  • Length: 3
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: blank
  • Data Type/Format: Character  Character varying(15)
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: Blank
  • Length: blank
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: blank

year_descriptioncharacter varying(100)
  • Data Type/Format: Character varying(15)
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: String
  • Length: 100
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: blank
  • Data Type/Format: Yes/No 1
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: String
  • Length: 1
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value:

    1 - Yes/Sí [internal default]

    0 - No

  • Data Type/Format: Yes/No 1
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: String
  • Length: 1
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: 

    1 - Yes/Sí [internal default]

    0 No

  • Data Type/Format: determined_non-res_exempt
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 1
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: 

    1 - Yes/Sí [internal default]

    0 No

lastnamecharacter varying(50)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 50

    (Extended character set, allowing hyphens, letters with diacritical marks or accents, etc.)

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: String
  • Length: 50 (current code in OpenCCC is 40; however, new OpenCCC will be coded to 50 so there is no need to update the DD).
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Text string
firstnamecharacter varying(50)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 50

    (Extended character set, allowing hyphens, letters with diacritical marks or accents, etc.)

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 50
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Text string; may be null.
middlenamecharacter varying(50)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 50
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 50
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Text string; may be null
mainphonecharacter varying(14)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 19 (OpenCCC Account) char, 14

    (CCCApply Standard and Promise Grant (BOG) applications) char, 25 (International application) 10 to 14 characters, numeric plus: (nnn) nnn-nnnn

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 14
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Null or text string
mainphone_extcharacter varying(4)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 4
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 4
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Null or numeric string; integer up to 9999
  • Data Type/Format: char, 1 (OpenCCC Account)

    boolean, 1 (CCCApply Standard and International and Promise Grant (BOG) applications)

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: boolean
  • Length: blank
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: 

    1 = Yes (checked)
    0 = No (not checked)

emailcharacter varying(128)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 254

    Note: Field length for Promise Grant (BOG) application is 128, Two fields; each up to 48 characters, alphanumeric plus ‘@’ and ‘.’

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 50
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Text string in valid email address format
  • Data Type/Format: boolean
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: Boolean
  • Length: blank
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: 


streetaddress1character varying(50)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 50

    Two fields (extended character set, allowing hyphens, letters with diacritical marks or accents, etc.)

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 50
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Two text strings; second may be null
streetaddress2character varying(50)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 50

    Two fields (extended character set, allowing hyphens, letters with diacritical marks or accents, etc.)

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 50
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Two text strings; second may be null
citycharacter varying(50)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 50

    (Extended character set, allowing hyphens, letters with diacritical marks or accents, etc.)

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 50
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Text string
statecharacter varying(2)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 2
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 2
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: blank/null or 2-character USPS state code
provincecharacter varying(30)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 30

    Extended character set, allowing hyphens, letters with diacritical marks or accents, etc.

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 30
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Null or text string
countrycharacter varying(2)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 2
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 2
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: ISO 3166 International Standard for country codes Alpha-2 code (officially assigned)
postalcodecharacter varying(20)
  • Data Type/Format: char, 20 numeric-plus: nnnnn-nnnn or nnnnn

      extended character set, allowing hyphens, symbols, letters with diacritical marks or accents, etc.

  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: 20
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Null or nnnnn-nnnn or nnnnn
ssnencrypted SSN
  • Data Type/Format: text, 11 - Data is encrypted
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length: blank
  • Allows Null: blank
  • Value: Null or numeric string with hyphens

Note: the ssn_hash field hasn't been populated since December 2017, it appears. 

  • Data Type/Format: text
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table: string
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
general_assistance character
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
parents_assistance character
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 
cryptokeyid integer
  • Data Type/Format: 
  • Data Type from CC Promise Grant Application Downloadable Fields Table:
  • Length:
  • Allows Null:
  • Value: 















