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Version 2.1.2 - Last update: January 21, 2022


This user guide is intended for authorized CCC college and district staff users of the CCC MyPath student onboarding portal.


College administrators and students both log in to their college/district portal via single sign on (SSO). Only the college administrator and its students (to whom it gives access via IdP authentication credentials) can access the college/district portal page. The required login credentials and authentication are explained in more detail in Authenticating With College IdP

Multi-Tenancy Features

Each college/district portal is contained by the larger CCC MyPath portal. Administrative access to each portal is restricted to the collegeportal administrator for that college. From a software application point of view, the CCC MyPath portal is one application that serves every college/district. In technical terms, each college or district portal is called a "tenant" of the CCC MyPathportal. As such, the larger portal supports what is referred to as "multi-tenancy." 


Your "role" in the Portal is determined by your Identity Service Provider (IdP). Each college /district portal's administrator will define those roles as part of setting up their IdP. When first integrating with the CCC MyPath portal, your college/district will most likely include an IdP role for the college portal administrator and students. Later, your college/district may want to add one or more college staff IdP roles.  See Authenticating with College IdP.


Basic Portal User Experience


  • Log into the portal. A header bar displays that includes the CCC MyPath logo next to a search bar.

  • Enter a search term in the Search bar and click the Search icon retrieve search results. An auto-suggest feature displays common search options beneath the search window as you type. See Searching the Portal for details.

  • Click the CCC MyPath logo in the upper left corner from anywhere in the portal to return focus to the home screen.

  • Scroll down the page to see more items. 


  1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab -> Tenant Portal Administration panel -> Manage This Skin link to open the College Skin configuration screen.

  2. To update your college portal's background image, click the Upload Image link next to the Tenant Background Image URL field to open the Attachments dialog box. 

  3. Enter the optional file name and source information in the Filename and Source fields, if desired.

    Image RemovedImage Added

  4. Click Select File to open your operating system's file browser, and navigate to and select the image file you want to use as your college portal's background. The selected file name displays beneath the Select File button (collegeBackground.png in the example image above). Suggested image size is 350px high and a minimum of 1170px wide.

  5. Click Upload to upload the image. The Attachments dialog box closes automatically once the file uploads successfully.

  6. Click Save to save all your changes, close the Manage This Skin screen, and return to the Tenant Admin tab with your new background image displayed.

    Image RemovedImage Added

Note: Due to caching, it make take up to 15 minutes for changes to header and background colors to be seen by students. 


The collegeportal administrator manages the content of their college's portal by creating portlets using a variety of built-in portlet tools. The portlets you can create include:

  • Static content portlets

  • App Launchers

  • Surveys (with smart forms)

  • Advisor cards (with notifications)


The college portal administrator manages content by creating specific portlets and then adding or removing them for specified user groups, applying portlet expiration dates, etc. The steps to do all of this are included within the instructions for creating each of the different portlets currently available, including:


Portlet Basics

Anything that you create or configure to display inside your college portal is considered a portlet. A portlet is basically a "container" for the thing you are creating or configuring to display.


  1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab-> Portal Administration panel-> Manage portlets link to display the Portlet Registry screen.

  2. When you click the Edit link for a portlet the Edit Portlet screen will be displayed.

  3. Scroll down to the Lifecycle Management section and click the Option radio button that corresponds to the portlet state of Created, Approved, Published, Expired or Maintenance as needed. 

  4. If you want to set an optional expiration date for the portlet (only available when Approved or Published is selected), scroll down to the Automatic Expiration (optional) section and click in the Setting field to display a pop-up calendar where you can choose an expiration date. 

  5. After selecting the expiration date, drop-down list will be displayed so you can select the time (hour, minutes, and period of the day (AM or PM)) the portlet will expire. 

[ add all the screen shots in this section as needed ]

Note: When the selected date and time are reached, the portlet will no longer display in the Portal and its state will automatically revert to the Option of Expired.


Adding Static Content & Registering Portlets


Note: The life cycle of the portlet can be modified as defined in the Portlet Lifecyclesection.

18. Click Save and Configure to save your content portlet and display the Edit Portlet Configuration content Editor screen. 

19. Enter and format the content you want to display in the portlet. If you are familiar with HTML, CSS, or Javascript, you may edit the portlet's code by clicking the Source button. To embed a video in your new content portlet, see:

Note: CKEditor won't always keep code entered into it from Source exact, so having a local copy is important. 


22. To add your new content portlet to a tab, see: Adding Content to a Tab

Embed a Video into a Content Portlet 


  1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab -> Portal Administration panel -> Manage Public Documents link to display the Public Document List Admin screen. 


2. Click the Choose File button to navigate and select a document from your local computer. 


3. Click the Upload button to add the document to the list of documents available to be attached to content portlets. 


Note: Once a document has been uploaded, the Portlet Name drop-down list and Document to Assigned drop-down list will be displayed in the Attach Document to Portlet section.


7. To attach another document to the content portlet, select a different document from the Document to Assigned drop-down list, and click on the Set button. 


Removing a document from a Content Portlet


4. Within the Attached Documents sections, click the delete link of the corresponding document to be remove from the content portlet.


5. To remove additional documents from the content portlet, click the delete links of the corresponding documents you want to detach. 


Note: If the document is attached to a content portlets, all associated to the document must be removed before it can be deleted. A list of portlets assigned to the document is displayed. 


3. If a content portlet or multiple portlets are attached to the file you are trying to delete, click the trash icon for each content portlet attached to the document. 


4. Click the Delete Document button. [ screen shot ]


Note: If the document is attached to an advisor card task, all associated tasks to the document must be removed before it can be deleted. 


3. Select the App Launcher radio button and click the Continue button to display the Summary Information and Controls field groups. [ screen shot ]


4. Edit the value in the Portlet Title field. This is the public name for the portlet. It is the text used in navigational menus and searches. [ screen shot ]


Note: As you type the Portlet Title, the Portlet Name and Portlet Functional Name fields auto-populate with the same name. The Portlet Functional Name repeats the title as a lower-case, hyphenated version of the portlet title.


Note: Steps 7-10 are optional steps for editing the principals associated with the portlet.


The default principals and their permissions are:


Note: The Add to Selection button toggles to display as Remove from Selection after you click it to select that group. The selected group displays in the Your Selections field on the right after you select it.


9. Click Save when done to save your changes and return to the Register New Portlet screen.


12. Under the Principals and Categories section again, click the Edit Categories button to display the Select Categories screen.


13. Click the Add to Selection button for each of the categories in which you want the App Launcher to be available.


16. Scroll down to the Display Settings field group, click the Chrome Style drop-down list and select no-chrome[ screen shot ]


17. Scroll down to the Lifecycle Management field group and select the Published radio button.

Note: The life cycle of the portlet can be modified as defined in the Portlet Lifecycle section.

18. Click Save and Configure to save your App Launcher portlet and display the Edit Portlet Configuration screen. [ screen shot ]


19. In the Edit Portlet Configuration screen, provide the following values:


Note: URLs can be set for App Launcher to pick up information about the user. Customized URLs going through the proxy can send the college's MIS Code as a parameter to an application. This can be done by appending ?cccMisCode=${user['cccMisCode']?:'000'} to the end of the URL.


See the California Virtual Campus example below for more information: 


21. Click the Manage DLM Fragments link to open the Fragment Administration screen.


22. To add your new App Launcher portlet to a tab, see Adding Content to a Tab.



You can add surveys to the student portal to gather information from your student population. When you create and publish a survey it appears in the Student Portal below the Advisor Cards.


Note: The Title, Description, and Unique Name fields display with red outlines and are required. When all three fields are populated and a question is added, the Save Changes button is activated.


Image Added

2. Enter values in the Name field to create the name for your Survey.


4. Click the Add Question button to add a new, blank question under the Survey Questions section.


5. Click the Save Changes button. 6. Click the Open icon to display the Survey Administration Question field group and enter information for the question and its answer.


10. Once you've registered your survey portlet you must use Manage DLM Fragments to make it available to students. See Adding Content to a Tab on page 67.

a. Click the drop-down list and select the college group (i.e. Your college Students) and click Go. Manage DLM Fragments link to display the Fragment Administration options.

b. Follow the instructions for Adding Content to a Tab in the link below to add the survey portlet to the student layout. See the following next topics:


Advisor Cards

Advisor Cards are tasks that display to students in the college portal beneath the background image. Once a student has completed a task, a green circle with a check will display next to the task, indicating that they finished the task. Each task has a duration and as the tasks on a card are completed, a green status bar shows current state of completion. 


Note: As values are entered into the Link field, search results matching the entered values will be displayed for selection. 


See Custom URLs on how to create customized links.


Note: Once a file has been selected the green Upload button to the right is activated. 


c. Click the Upload button to add the file to the Public Documents portlet.


17. Click the Create button to add the advisor card to the list of Existing Cards. Or, click Clear to delete all the field values you entered. [ screen shot ]


18. Click the green Up or Down arrow to the left of an advisor card to move the corresponding card forward or back one position. [ screen shot ]


19. Place the cursor over the white box with black arrows for an advisor card, then right click and hold down to grab the corresponding card. Drag the card up or down and release the mouse click to drop it in the desired card position. [ screen shot ]


20. Click the Edit button on the far right to edit the content of the adjacent card.


The dashboard view of the Advisor Card portlet is displayed to students when they log into MyPath. Tenant Admins can view the student layout on their College tab. [ screen shot of the home page advisor cards ]


When a student clicks on either the advisor card title or a Link task on a card, they are taken to the focus view. The focus view opens the card in a modal. The advisor card’s title, What (reason for the card), Why (objective of the card), and duration are displayed. [ screen shot ]


Clicking a task title expands the task pane, displaying the description, duration, and link. [ screen shot ]


After a task link is clicked, a yellow check box is displayed, indicating the task is completed and the card’s status bar is updated. [ screen shot ]


Note: Tenant administers can choose to have an advisor card Link task open from the dashboard view. If the Launch from dashboard box is checked for a Link task, it will not take the student to the focus view when they click on the task title.

When a student clicks either a Download task or Upload task link while viewing the dashboard view of the Advisor Card portlet, a modal is opened. [ screen shot ]

Clicking the Download button will download the file to your computer, close the modal, mark the task as complete and update the card’s status bar. [ screen shot ]


Students can upload a file to an advisor card task by either clicking the Choose a file link or drag and drop the file into the modal. [ screen shot ]


After a student uploads a file, they are informed it has been received and will be scanned for viruses. A yellow hourglass is displayed next to the task indicating in progress status. [ screen shot ]


If the downloaded file fails the virus scan, MyPath will notify the student a virus was found and a red hourglass is displayed next to the task indicating file rejected status. [ screen shot ]

If the downloaded file passes the virus scan, MyPath will notify the student the file had been accepted, mark the task as complete and update the card’s status bar. 

[ screen shot ]

Document Delivery Email

When a student uploads a file for an advisor card task and it has passed the virus scan, an email is sent notifying the college of a new document being delivered. The email contains a link to WorkDocs where the college can view and download the document. Admins can specify the email address where these notifications are sent to.


A key concept in DLM is the "fragment." A fragment, in context of the Portal, is a layout element or piece that can be pushed out/merged into the larger end-user layout display. See Fragment Administration Vs. Personal Customization below for more information. 


A fragment, in context of the Portal, is a layout element or piece (i.e. portlet) that can be pushed out/ merged into the larger end-user layout display.

See the next section (Adding Content to a Tab) for more details. 

Adding Content to a Tab


1. From the Tenant Admin tab -> Fragment Administration panel, select a group to which you want to apply the fragment from the drop-down list and click Go to open the DLM fragment administration screen. [ screen shot ]


2. Click the Edit Content tab (on the DLM fragment administration screen) to open the Tab Configuration panel.


1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab -> Portal Administration panel -> Manage portlets link to display the Portlet Registry screen.


Note: The Nav Menu portlet for your specific college should appear within the Portlet Registery and be in CREATED state. Once you move the portlet into PUBLISHED state, it will appear in the header.

2. Click the Edit link for the Nav Menu portlet.


3. Scroll down to the Lifecycle Management field group and select the Published radio button.


Note: The Edit Portlet Configuration page is displayed. See Adding Top Level Links and Adding Dropdown Links for information on configuring your navigation menu link. 


If no menu items are added, the top-level menu can be configured as a link.


9. Click the reset button to cancel your changes and return to the menu’s original state. 


  1. Click on the New Dropdown button to add a dropdown group.

  2. Enter up to 32 characters in the Group Label field.
