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Page Properties
Request No.2015-15
Requester:Arleen Elseroad, Irvine Valley College
Target releaseDecember 4, 2015
Application(s)Standard Application only
Environment(s)Pilot / Production

CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary

Change to Download FileNo
Change to Residency LogicYes



Table of Contents




Problem Statement

A change was Steering approved a reversal to a change made in the 2015 Annual Update that allowed students to declare a High School Education Level status of "Graduated High School or XYZ" and enter a high school completion date after the RDD and current date (date of application) if they were applying as high school seniors and were applying for a term that started before the their true high school or equivalent completion date. This was allowed for convenience to the colleges and the students; however, per the CCCCO, this was actually not legal and not acceptable from a legal perspective.

Proposed Solution


Requirements Summary

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes12    

Change Specifications



Changes to Data Download File

Changes to Logic



removed special field logic validation for students applying to terms that begin in May or June (of the RDDYear). Colleges have requested reinstatement of the RDD validation for the HS Completion Date, College Enrollment, and HS Education Level fields that will allow high school seniors, applying for a summer term or early fall term, that begins a few days (to a few weeks) before their actual high school completion (or equivalent) date, to identify as hs graduates, or equivalent, for the purposes of their Enrollment Status, HS Education Level status, and HS Completion Date status.  

Proposed Solution

The CCCApply Steering Committee approved the reinstatement of specific RDD validation for terms that start in May or June of the RDDYear. The purpose of the special validation is to prevent High School seniors - applying to a Summer or early-starting Fall term with a start date a few days to a few weeks before the applicants HS Completion date - from being classifed as a Special K12 Admit for their College Enrollment Status and High School Education Level status. This validation logic was removed from the application in March 2015, but has been reinstated. 

Requirements Summary


RDD Validation applies only to the Standard Application.


Ensure the HS Completion Date field <hs_comp_date> has the following logic. client side, and server side validation is in place: "Date must be before "July 1, RDDYear' if RDDmonth is May or June> ; else error message "Your High School Completion Date cannot be after 06/30/<year of RDD>. Please correct the completion date and/or your High School Education Level.”

3Change label logic so that if a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the College Enrollment Status and the High School Education labels have "as of 7/1/<RDD year>" listed.

Change Specifications

Fix HS Completion Date Field RDD Logic 

Ensure the HS Completion Date field <hs_comp_date> has the following logic. client side, and server side validation is in place:

A) "Date must be before "July 1, RDDYear' if RDDmonth is May or June> ; else error message "Your High School Completion Date cannot be after 06/30/<year of RDD>. Please correct the completion date and/or your High School Education Level.”

B) Validation must apply only to the Standard application.

Change Prompt Text for Enrollment Status & HS Education Level Status Fields

A) College Enrollment Status: Change label logic so that if a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the College Enrollment Status label displays "as of 7/1/<RDD year>".

B) HS Ed Level Status: Change label logic so that if a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the HS Education Level Status label displays "as of 7/1/<RDD year>".


Changes to Field Logic

Field logic for HS Completion Date field has been modified to use "RDD = July 1, RDDYear" if the term being applied to begins in May or June of the RDDYear.  


Use Cases for Testing

Validation message would *NOT* be triggered in the following scenario:
* Term = May 10, 2015 to July 8, 2015
* RDD = May 9,2015
* hs_comp_date field = May 28, 2015

Validation message *WILL" be triggered in the following scenario:
* Term = July 10, 2015 to August 24, 2015
* RDD = July 9, 2015
* hs_comp_date field =July 16, 2015

Changes to Data Download File

No changes were made to the download file or the residency logic as a result of this RDD validation fix to the HS Completion Date field <hs_comp_date>. 

Supporting Documentation 

Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) to be referenced in support of this change request. 

DescriptionFile or LinkType
Data DictionaryCCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2016.1Click on hyperlink to download PDF