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Request No.2016-07
RequesterBill Mulrooney, El Camino College,
Members of the CCC Academic Senate Committee; CCC Equity Committee; Members of CCC LGBT community

Approval StatusDeferred for Sub-Committee Review
Release DateDeferred
Application(s)CCCApply Standard Application ONLY


Change to Download FileTBD
Change to Residency LogicTBD

Table of Contents





Background Information on 2013 CCCApply Implementation to Address AB620

SUMMARY: In September 2013, the CCCApply Standard application was updated to comply with AB620. Two new data fields, 'Transgender' and 'Sexual Orientation', were added to the Gender section in the Personal Information page. Disclosure language was added and specifications around how the data would be collected and sent to the Chancellor's Office were stipulated.

Review the 2013 APPROVED change requisition here: 2013-24: AB620 - Inclusion Sexual orientation, Gender identity, and Gender expression questions FINAL-Approved

Problem Statement

Colleges and members of the CCC LGBT community are requesting that the CCCApply application update the AB620 implementation in the Standard Application. They feel the data fields, including the Gender field, do not accurately represent the diverse audience they are trying to reach and suggest revisions to the response values.  In addition, changes are proposed to the layout of the Gender section; the placement of the 'Transgender' and 'Sexual Orientation' fields - the two AB620 fields - may be perceived as a separation between the mainstream idea of what gender is and dss and what they identify gender as.  

The 'Transgender' and 'Sexual Orientation' fields - the two AB620 fields - are currently placed down below the "Gender" field,which they feel some students may feel marginalized  from what they may perceive to be a separation between the mainstream definition of "Gender" and what they identify gender as.  

Proposed Change Specification Summary:

  • Add new response options in the Gender field

  • Add new response options in the Sexual Orientation field

  • Revise layout: Move AB620 language to the top, above all three fields

  • Revise layout: Placement of the Transgender & Sexual Orientation fields


Status of Full Change Request

As of November 18, 2015, change request 2016-07 - the complete change request as initially propposed, has been deferred and assigned to a sub-committee* to meet with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to get more clarity from the State legislature to better understand the vague requirements presented in the 2009 AB620 bill. 

Sub-committee resolved to draft a resolution to call for changes to the MIS Gender data element to better align with changes proposed for CCCApply.  


Resolution has already been drafted.

A sub-set of the full change request was presented to and approved by the CCCApply Steering Committee (see 2015-20: Revise Gender Section & AB620 Layout in CCCApply). The remaining issues that have yet to be presented to the Steering Committee will be captured and presented in this change request (2016-07). 

2015-20 was revised with the requirements for the proposed  layout changes only. No changes to data fields will be implemented in 2015-20.

Challenges / Issues

  1. This proposed solution calls for a significant change to the overall layout of the current Gender/AB620 section.

    1. Should this proposed layout and data field changes appear to minors when it is implemented?  If NO:

      1. Should the gender field response changes appear to minors?

      2. What should the question/layout look like? If it is to have two versions (one for adults and one for minors, the following issues need to be determined:

      3. Should any of the AB620 language appear to minors?  the bullets? the legal info?

  2. Steering needs to determine if any changes need to be made to the collection and storage requirements. (See the existing specifications language below.)

    Data Storage Requirements
    As campus information security policy, processes, and controls are currently lacking and breach of this highly personal information may contribute to the targeting of students for intimidation, harassment, and violence, precautions should be taken.  To protect the privacy and safety of students and to address current security concerns across the system, this data will be encrypted and will only be kept centrally within the OpenCCC secure data center architecture.

  3. Steering needs to determine if any changes need to be made to the Data Reporting Requirements.  See the existing requirements below:

    Data Reporting & Download
    For reporting of outcomes and research purposes, this data will be securely linked to individual student records in the CCCCO MIS database.  Download and direct reporting of data within the CCC Report Center by colleges will be restricted until appropriate security policy, procedures, and controls can be implemented.

Proposed Requirements Summary

1Revise the section label from ‘Gender’ to ‘Gender/Sexual Orientation’
2Modify the Gender data field to include two new response values:  “Non-conforming”, and “Not mentioned above”.
3Modify the Sexual Orientation data field response values from existing values to the following:
Asexual/Demisexual, Bisexual/Pansexual, Gay Male, Lesbian, Straight/Heterosexual, Not mentioned above, Decline to state.
4Modify the layout of the entire Gender/AB620 section so that some of the existing language will appear above the GENDER section header on the Personal Information page, and the bulleted points regarding the AB620 fields appears below the Sexual Orientation field, at the bottom of the section.
5Move the Transgender data menu field adjacent to the Gender data menu (on the same line).
6Move the Sexual Orientation data menu field directly below the Gender field.  
7There are no planned changes to the hyperlink Help Pop-Up text boxes for the definition of terms:  Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Transgender.

Proposed Change Specifications

1)  Modify the Gender data field responses to ADD two new response values:  “Non-conforming”, and “Not mentioned above”.   After the addition, the total response values for the Gender field will be:

2)  Modify the Sexual Orientation data field response values from the current values

The proposed response options/data values should be the following: Asexual/Demisexual, Bisexual/Pansexual, Gay Male, Lesbian, Straight/Heterosexual, Not mentioned above, Decline to state.  After the addition, the total response values for the Sexual Orientation field will be:

MOCK UP Screenshot 1: Proposed data field changes for Gender and Sexual Orientation fields


3)  Modify the layout of the Gender/AB620 section

The proposed modifications include: (A) Add “Sexual Orientation” to the Gender Section label, (B) the existing state regulations language  appears above the data fields, and (C) the bulleted points regarding the AB620 fields appear below the Sexual Orientation field, at the bottom of the section.

(A) Gender/Sexual Orientation   

(B) By California law, the California Community Colleges collect voluntary demographic information regarding the gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression of students.

This information will be used for state and federal reporting purposes. It is optional and voluntary and will not be used for a discriminatory purpose.  "Gender" in this context, means a person’s sex, or a person's gender identity and gender expression

Gender                                       Do you consider yourself transgender?

Please indicate your sexual orientation

(C)  Move the bullets (keep existing language/no change) to below the new placement of the data fields.

4)  Move the Transgender data menu field adjacent to the Gender data menu (on the same line).

 {See Mock-up #2}

5) Move the Sexual Orientation data menu field directly below the Gender field.  

 {See Mock-Up #2}

6) No changes to the Help Pop-Up text boxes for the definition of terms. Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Transgender.  

They will remain linked to the same terms in the same sentences. The language within the Help boxes remains the same.

Sexual Orientation” Sexual orientation describes an enduring pattern of attraction—emotional, romantic, sexual, or some combination of these—to persons of the opposite sex, the same sex, or to both sexes, as well as the genders that accompany them.

Gender Identity” means one’s private sense of being male or female.

"Gender Expression" means a person's gender-related appearance and behavior, whether or not stereotypically associated with the person's assigned sex at birth.

Transgender” is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's assigned sex (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex).

Mock-Up Screenshot 2: Proposed Layout Changes

2016-07: Update to Gender & AB620 Data Fields on Standard Application



Changes to Data Download File

The proposed changes to the "Gender" and "Sexual Orientation" data fields are specified above.  This request is current DEFERRED to a sub-committee.

Changes to Logic

There are no proposed changes to the residency logic in this change request.



Supporting Documentation 

Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) to be referenced in support of this change request. 

DescriptionFile or Link
Approved Change Request

2015-20: Update Gender Section/AB620 Layout in CCCApply for Non-Minors