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Configuring the ELK This section covers configuring the Elastic stack for logging and dashboards.

For development, we use a the combined ELK Elastic stack image which that contains Elastic, Logstash, and KIbana Kibana in one image.

The default docker-compose.yml file contains most of the required configuration, with the exception of some configuration required for the elastic portion and the kibana portionElastic and Kibana portions

Elastic-specific configuration is in the elasticsearch.yml file. In the dev environment, this is done via  /open-mdm/docker/elk/elasticsearch.yml, currently .

Currently the changes to the file from the defaults are:

  • action.auto_create_index: -mdm-* This is added to disallow the creation if of indices on the fly, forcing mdm's logging system to create the index definition with the appropriate mappings. This may change if  templates templates are used for the mappings, depending on how we choose to handle changes when future versions roll out.


  • elasticsearch.url: http://elk:9200 This is added to force kibana Kibana to go back through the oauth OAuth proxy for hits to elasticElastic, instead of the default of localhost. Elk is the The name of the oauth OAuth proxy in front is from of the "elk-backend, which is " (the actual combined ELK image.Elastic stack image) is "elk."