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This UAT Guide is designed specifically to ensure that colleges that intend to implement the new optional Major Category filter in the CCCApply Standard and/or International Applications have implemented and tested the new functionality and are provided a feedback channel for communicating bugs, issues, and support requests for this new functionality.

Colleges are encouraged to utilize the “Major Category Filter Implementation Worksheet” for setting up the Major Category filter.


User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 upgrade is being completed and documented in the “CCCApply Administrator 2.0 help colleges understand the new CCCApply Race & Ethnicity section changes, implemented in December 2018. The following step-by-step guide will help college staff understand why the changes were implemented, and how to make adjustments to their CCCApply download files, or SuperGlue output files, to begin collecting the new race groups and ethnicity data immediately following the 6.3.0 release (December 7, 2018). 



User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Step-by-Step Guide.


Guides help colleges prepare for new features or changes to the CCCApply applications. The new Race & Ethnicity implementation of 2018 includes a significant changes to the user interface, as well as several changes to the existing data fields and one new data field specifically dedicated to collecting the new Ethnicity values added to the Standard & International Applications. 

The objectives for the Race & Ethnicity 2018 user acceptance testing are:

  • Validate the new UI changes implemented to the Race & Ethnicity section on the Demographic Information page in the CCCApply Standard Application;
  • Ensure all questions, radio buttons, and checkboxes are optional for the user; the user should be able to completely bypass (skip over) the entire Race & Ethnicity section;   
  • Validate that the Hispanic/Latino question, "Are you hispanic or latino?" is optional and does not require the user to provide a Yes or No answer.
  • Validate that the Race Group categories immediately following the Hispanic/Latino question are optional and do not require any response.
  • Validate that 
  • Verify that your college’s Admin 1.0 Majors are displaying in alphabetical order in the “Intended Major or Program of Study” menu on the Enrollment page of the CCCApply Standard Application,
    • and that after your major categories have been added display in alphabetical order in the new Major Category menu on the Enrollment page of the CCCApply & International Applications, if applicable;
  • Validate that you’ve exported and archived copies of your college’s legacy majors configurations (pilot and production) for back-up and reference
  • Verify successful implementation of the Major Category filtering mechanism correctly for your CCCApply Standard & International applications;
  • Verify and test functionality for exporting & importing Majors in the new Majors module in the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 system.
    • Tests are to include functional tests, including adding, editing, and archiving required and optional fields;
    • Exporting the Majors to CSV file and correctly configuring additions and edits to the exported file correctly;
    • Importing new or edited Majors using the correct CSV file format to the Majors module in the Administrator;
  • Acknowledge existence of an official feedback channel for reporting bugs and issues found while implementing the Majors Category implementation tasks,  as well as a standard process for working with a support engineer during the UAT, training and support process;
  • Validate ability to access support and training materials from the CCCApply Public Documentation space, including User Guides, Data Dictionaries, technical specifications and support tutorials for the new CCC Administrator core administrator platform, as well as the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 and CCC Report Center.
