Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Single comment box

The previous version allowed reviewers to enter a comment against each field on the form.
Image ModifiedNew stylesheet applied to Review Program page. 

Major page layout changes are included in this release. Increased ease of use was the major design consideration for this upgrade. program proposal information is displayed on three pages in COCI:

  1. The Manage page where Submitters create and edit programs.
  2. The Detail page where users can view the contents of a program proposal.
  3. The Review page where the CCCCO Reviewer validates the proposal aligns to the PCAH, Data Element Dictionary rules for coding fields have been met and attachments contain the required information. 

With this release, programs look the same regardless of whether you are on the Manage, Detail or Review pages. All three pages contain the following sections:

  • Proposal Attributes: Essential and quick reference information about the program, as well as contact information for the submitter and reviewer. 
  • Program Summary
  • Program Details
  • Units and Hours
  • Associated Courses

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Image Added

Comments function on Review Program page changed to a single comment box. 

The previous version contained a comment box against each data element on the form. Users reported it was unwieldy to enter, manage and respond to comments displayed by field. With this release, Reviewers can provide all feedback in a single, more dynamic comment field. 

The single comments box also allows for general communication between the Reviewer and the Submitter.



Formatted Reviewers can format comments


  • Users are able to format comments
  • Users can insert an active link in the comment

History and Comments are logged in history with role based access to comments

Comments are now stored in history so the reviewer Reviewer and submitter Submitter are able to see the entire communication thread for the program. 

The comment entered becomes visible to the College Submitter and College Admin when either the "Save and Approve" or "Send to Revision" action buttons are clicked. Comments are not posted on the detail page or visible to users with read only access. 


Image Modified
Updates to

Comments function on Review Course


allow live hyperlinks in comments history

Course Review Page isDraft comment display logic

Image Removed

page changed to a single comment box. 

The previous version contained a comment box against each data element on the form. Users reported it was unwieldy to enter, manage and respond to comments displayed by field. With this release, Reviewers can provide all feedback in a single, more dynamic comment field. 

The single comments box also allows for general communication between the Reviewer and the Submitter.

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Refactor Review Page for Courses - Backend
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Reviewers can format comments. 


  • Users are able to format comments
  • Users can insert an active link in the comment

Image Added

Image AddedComments are logged in history with role based access. 

Comments are now stored in history so the Reviewer and Submitter are able to see the entire communication thread for the program. 

The comment entered becomes visible to the College Submitter and College Admin when either the "Save and Approve" or "Send to Revision" action buttons are clicked. Comments are not posted on the detail page or visible to users with read only access. 


Type Summary Description SnapshotTicket

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Send to Draft Action
Improved consistency with action links between All Courses and All Programs page. The All Courses and All Programs pages had to different Action links for working with inactive proposals. The link text on the All Programs page has been updated from "Reactivate" to "Send to Draft" and is now consistent with both the link text on the All Courses page and with the workflow steps itself. 

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review missing from proposal status dropdown on main program pages for submitter and college admin

Review added to Proposal Status dropdown. 

reviewer cannot see all programs on main  program page

proposal create date for programs pulling migrated date, not date actually created

College Submitters can now see and search for Programs in Review status from the Search Criteria on the All Programs page. Review has been added to the proposal status dropdown.

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Image ModifiedDocument Audit

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Updates to Program Detail Page

Change PCN Field Label to Program Control Number (SP04)

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Image Modified

Updates to the Manage Program Page 

Order of field in Units and Hours Section is illogical

front end conditional display for all Program award types

CCCCO Reviewer Name Display on View, Manage, Review Pages for Programs after submission number has been assigned

FRONTEND: Program Manage - C-ID Status

Programs Manage page display logic for draft comments

Catalog field isnt responsive to quantity of text entered

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CC-2009, 2010, 2011




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courses in approved status not appearing on add courses table

Image Modifiedbackend field migrations and net new fields for programs

Image Modifiedconditional validations for all program award types

Image Modified

History Page for Programs

Documents uploaded need to be tagged in the history

Approval Letters need to be stored in History





Document Audit


review missing from proposal status dropdown on main program pages for submitter and college admin

reviewer cannot see all courses on main course page





front end conditional display for Courses 

Add the word "Contact" to Min/Max NCC Course Hours Fields

Conditional Field Display: Special Characteristics Code Descriptor

Remove "Y-Credit Course" from CB11 drop down when CB04 = Noncredit

Remove "Y-Credit Course" from CB22 drop down when CB04 = Noncredit

Course Manage Page isDraft Comment Display Logic







backend field migrations and net new fields for courses


front end conditional validation for all course types


TOPCode changes within same TOPCode discipline should be a NON-Sub change


Refactor Manage Page for Courses - Backend


History Page for Courses 

Documents uploaded need to be tagged in the history

Approval Letters need to be stored in History


