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Development Summary

Release date:  03-27-2015



Standard Application

New Data Fields
Bug Fixes
Residency & Validation Logic
Education Page

Steering Change Requests





Standard Application

New Data Fields

Two new optional data fields have been added to the Apply (standard), BOG, and International applications for download. Both of these new fields were the result of change requests that were submitted to the CCCApply Steering Committee and approved for development. Colleges can choose to include these fields in their download files; the addition of these fields will not affect your existing download file by following the links to the technical release notes and instructions.  The download client transfer jar file will also need to be updated.

IP Address Capture Field

 The OpenCCCApply Standard, BOG Fee Waiver, and International applications have updated web services that capture the applicant's IP address and store it in the CCC Tech Center database. The ip_address field is available for download. The data dictionaries (application (Standard and International) and bogfw_application tables) and Download client have been updated to include the new ip_address (hidden) field.  (Steering approved change request CR 2014-56)

 Application table & CCCDB:
submitted_applications table: ip_address field
bogfw_application table: ip_address field
submitted_intl_application table: ip_address field



Enrollment Campaign Tracking Field (Steering approved change request 2014-52) (OPENAPPLY-2109)

The OpenCCCApply Standard, BOG Fee Waiver, and International applications have been updated to capture up to three different campaign URL key/value pairs via: campaign1=x, campaign2=y, and campaign3=z (where x, y, and z are set to the name of your specific campaign). 

For example, when you provide an application URL link that includes the campaign value such as this one:   

The "x" value is stored in the CCC Tech Center database and is available for download. The data dictionaries (application (Standard and International) and bogfw_application tables) and Download client have been updated to include the new campaign1, campaign2, and campaign3 (hidden) fields. (Steering approved change request 2014-52)


Re-Direct URL

 A new configurable redirect URL feature is now available that, upon student submission of the OpenCCCApply Standard application, opens a new browser tab to the specified URL. The new redirect URL feature allows colleges to:

    • Provide a seamless student applicant experience within the college context
    • Capture the student applicant's encrypted CCCID, which can then be decrypted for download into the SIS



Setting Up the URL Re-direct as a Supplemental Question

The redirect URL feature is configured by implementing a supplemental question (in the Administrator) using a new EncryptedText XML attribute. The supplemental question is not displayed, but captures and encrypts the student's CCCID, which can then be decrypted after you run an OpenCCCApply Download for your SIS (where the format definitions XML file is configured to capture the new supplemental question field).

The OpenCCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary has been updated to include the new redirect_url field in the School table. Please contact the CCC Tech Center for assistance in implementing the redirect feature.



Bugs & Fixes


Session Timeout & Screen Readers


OpenCCCApply My Applications Page: When you click the Resume button to resume a previously-started Standard application, focus is returned to the application page where you left off instead of the Introduction page. 

Application Timeout Return Link

Single-sign on and application time-out functionality have been updated so that when your Standard application session times out, clicking the Return link directs you to the OpenCCC Account Log-In page instead of the Logout Success page.


OpenCCC Account Security Question Bug Fix

 A bug was fixed to allow applicants to enter a phone number with punctuation without error in the security question, "What was your childhood phone number including area code?"


titleCollege Support Services

Need to Submit A Bug?

If you identify a bug in the OpenCCC Account or any of the OpenCCCApply admissions applications, we now have a designated OpenCCCApply College Support email and issue tracking system. In an effort to manage issues effectively, we are moving away from using the OpenCCCApply Users Listserv for reporting bugs and issues. For fastest response, please use the support email to inform us of issues and we'll respond within one business day, Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm PST.

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Residency & Validation Logic


Fix Error Validation for Date Stay Began in California Field

Colleges are reporting that the question/field for "When did your stay begin in California" has error checking that is preventing students from applying for late-starting courses on their campus.  The solution was to fix the third validation on field <residency:ca_stay_began)> to check the date entered against the <CURRENT DATE> instead of the <RDD>. 
Solution: Replace the final field error validation (residency:ca_stay_began) to check date entered against the <CURRENT DATE> instead of the <RDD>. 


Fix Validation for Visa Type "Other" in Visa Types Table - Logic Bug Fix

The eligibility status for Visa type "Other" was changed from No to Yes in the Visa Types (Table F), which will set Class A2 and flag 51 in Step 6 of the Area A residency logic. Flag 51 will alert Admissions that the applicant's Visa Type may or may not establish residency and that futher proof, beyond self-reported data, is required. 

From Visa Types Table (Table F)  

Db ValueVisa





May or may not be allowed to establish residency. Requires documentation
(proof beyond self-reported data).

From Area A Residency Logic: Step 6


Does the student have a visa that
allows residency to be established?

visa_type has YES in 'Residency?’
column of Table F.

Class A2
set flag 51

Class A0
set flag 48
if visaType = B, 
B1, or B2


Fixed Bugs in Residency Area B Logic - Out of State & Foster Youth 



Do out-of-state indicators support intent?

ca_outside_tax = 0 AND
ca_outside_voted = 0 AND
ca_outside_college = 0 AND
ca_outside_lawsuit = 0

Go to step 2

Class B0
(go to step 2)


Has the applicant lived in California for two
years prior to RDD?

ca_res_2_years = 1

Go to step 5

Go to step 3


Has the applicant been resident in CA for
over a year prior to RDD?

ca_date_current  ≠ null AND
ca_date_current < RDD minus 1 year

Class B2
(flag 59)
go to step 5

Go to step 4


Is the applicant a current or former Foster
Youth, under age 20, and now residing in California?

ca_foster_youth = Yes

Class B2
go to step 5
(flag 70)

Class B0




Education Page


Per MIS SB11, students age 22 or older are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Therefore, remove the response option, "1 = Will be enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" from the response options displayed in the College Enrollment Status <enroll_status> field. (Steering approved change request 2014-06B.)

Two solution requirements

    • If applicant is 22 years or older (birthdate against RDD) do not display the response option for "Y = enrolling in college and high school at the same time" fromCollege Enroll Status field (entry_level) options.
    • If applicant is 22 years or older (birthdate against RDD) do not display value: "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" from theHigh School Ed Level field (hs_edu_level).

Enforce Validation for Responses to Special Admits (SB15)

If applicant selects the option, "Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" in the College Enrollment Status field, the sysem will display the equivalent response option in the High School Ed Level field, "1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time."  The error validation will remain consistent; ensuring both fields match for Special Admits. (Steering approved change request 2014-06C.)




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OpenCCC Account


Per federal privacy laws (COPPA) it is unlawful for persons under the age of 13 to create an online account and submit/provide personal information online. Though CCCApply prevents applicants under age 13 to create an account, the existing error message that is present is unclear, ambiguous, and according to one college "opens the door for dishonesty by the applicant to get past the question and continue on".   The language of the error message should be revised for clarity and should cite federal privacy legislation.

Solution: Revised the error message language that appears in Account Creation if theapplicantthe applicant's birthdate is 13 years or less than 13 years before the term <RDD>. If birthdate If the birthdate entered is <RDD> minus 13 years > Birthdate, THEN display error message: "We found some problems with the information you submitted: Federal privacy laws restrict applicants age 13 or younger from creating an online account and applying to college using an online application. Please contact the college Admissions & Records office for assistance."


New accessibility policies and processes have been implemented to ensure all new and existing development meets 508 compliance standards from design to regression, testing scripts to release. In addition we've committed to doing a complete Accessibility review 

  • Accessibility Requirements are applicable to the following OpenCCCApply applications:
  • Create Account
  • Apply
  • BOG
  • International

508 Compliance Audit

The CCCTC is undergoing a 508 Compliance audit by the State of California. As part of the audit process we will receive a gap analysis for WCAG 2.0 AA which is an accessibility standard commonly we are aiming to meet this year. Any deficiencies outlined from the audit will be addressed in a prioritized order.


Session Timeout Pop-Up: The session timeout message that displays after a certain period of inactivity for the Account Creation, OpenCCCApply Standard, and BOG Fee Waiver questions has been refactored to work correctly with the following screen reader/OS:web browser combinations:

JAWS/Windows: IE 11, Firefox, and Chrome
VoiceOver/OS X: Safari, Firefox, and Chrome 




CCCTC Accessibility Expert

This needs to be re-written tonight! As part of our commitment to achieving a higher standard across all applications, the CCCTC has brought an accessibility expert on board to ensure that applications and programs meet or exceed 508 Accessibility requirements, as well as review the design and development of all application to rise to a higher standard of accessibility software design moving forward. All existing development is being reviewed (add more here.)




Systems Infrastructure


New services are available to support colleges live on the OpenCCCApply applications. For issues with application bugs, access to staff tools, and other implementation issues, we have added a full-time support technician and have expanded our Xerox Support Help Desk to serve colleges calling in to support their students. 

NEW College Support Email
To provide a second level of technical support we have created a designated email to respond to issues and incidents, such as bugs, access issues, and other technical problems. Response to incoming requests for support will be answered within one business day, Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm PST.

CCCApply College Support Email: 



New Get Satisfaction Site - 24/7 Online Support Community for California Community Colleges

Similar to the student support community,, a second online self-help community is being implmented for colleges and staff. The site will be pre-populated with official support and technical FAQs designed to answer commonly asked questions, as well as allow college staff to submit a bug, search for answers to commonly asked application questions, and even support other colleges with information they've learned using a forum style comments and posts.

Stay tuned for an update on - coming soon!




uPortal Development
