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Table of Contents

Career Coach EZ lift is the process created and administered by Enabling Services.


The workbook has a worksheet listing academic programs/certificates-the ‘Programs’ tab. This list must be reviewed by the school for accuracy. They make any additions, deletions, and modifications to the program list.

School reviews their academic programs, making additions, deletions, changes


Once done, they return the updated workbook to Enabling Services.

Enabling Services creates EZ Lift workbook

Enabling Services then creates a new ‘EZ Lift’ workbook, with a worksheet for each academic program/certificate (screenshot below).


Sub AddSheets()
'Updateby Extendoffice
Dim xRg As Excel.Range
Dim wSh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wBk As Excel.Workbook
Set wSh = ActiveSheet
Set wBk = ActiveWorkbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each xRg In wSh.Range("A1:A7")
With wBk
.Sheets.Add after:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Name = xRg.Value
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
Debug.Print xRg.Value & " already used as a sheet name"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End With
Next xRg
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Freeze the top row (View tab, Freeze Panes, Freeze top row).


Searching for programs, and jobs associated with them:

We created an extensive workbook located here. We search for an academic program, and identify all the occupation codes/titles associated with that program, leveraging the work already accomplished in other endeavors.

Once the occupation codes/titles have been identified for an academic program, we add the relevant information to the EZ lift workbook and program worksheet for that particular program.

More on searching Academic Programs and occupations associated with them:

Sometimes you have to ‘think outside the box’. What’s a similar name for a program?


Paramedic might be Emergency Medical Services, EMT, Public Health, Firefighter.

Liberal Arts and General Studies are also worth reviewing; they often have various ‘flavors’.


Because there is a vast difference in an Associate degree versus a Certificate, use your judgement in identifying possible occupations to be associated with the academic program.

Enabling Services finds Occupation Codes/Occupation Titles aligning with academic programs


We created an extensive workbook located here. We search for an academic program, and identify all the occupation codes/titles associated with that program.Next, look through , leveraging the work already accomplished in other endeavors.

Once the occupation codes/titles have been identified for an academic program, we add the relevant information to the EZ lift workbook and program worksheet for that particular program.

Here is a glimpse of the extensive list of academic programs and associated occupations we’ve utilized in the past:


Here is an example of the initial list of programs/jobs, with many duplicates:


Formatting worksheets

Highlight just columns C, D, E, F. Use the Data tab to SORT. Sort by Occupation Title.


Once this exercise has been completed for each Academic Program, worksheet by worksheet, we’ll be ready to send it to the school for review.


School review process:

 Academic Academic Deans are responsible for all the academic programs in their discipline. A discipline is a broad academic ‘school of thought’.

 For For instance, the ‘Business’ discipline might have academic programs in Accounting, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship, etc.

 The The Business dean is responsible for all academic programs that fall in this discipline. S/he might work with Department Chairs, Faculty, and Career Center professionals to review the occupations we’ve associated with a particular academic program.

 Enabling Enabling Services suggests that Deans be given each worksheet that falls into their discipline/area of influence.

Deans will then review each worksheet, and determine if the occupations we paired with the academic program(s) are appropriate. If they feel an occupation listed should not show in Career Coach, they can just color the row red, or use the ‘strikethrough’ tool:



The workbook has received from school:; now we need to add occupation codes/titles to the Lightcast occupation mappings page.

Adding the program(s)/credential(s), and occupation codes/titles to Occupation Mappings.

Once the workbook has been received from the school, the next step is to add all the academic programs with their (approved) paired occupation codes/titles to the Lightcast workbook.

This is the workbook we sent to the school and they returned – with their updated list of academic programs (with additions in blue, changes in green, and deletions in red).

 We’ll We’ll be concentrating on the Occupation Mappings sheet:


We need to make sure we include the new, changed, and deleted programs on the Occupation Mappings sheet. **Note** There is no worksheet for deleted programs in the ‘EZ Lift workbook’.


Where a program name might have changed, the Program name/Credential cells are green, but the Occupation Codes/Occupation Titles are blue (to be sure that Lightcast adds all school approved Occupation info to that particular academic program).

 Here’s Here’s a glimpse of a workbook we already sent to Lightcast/EMSI:
