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Meeting Date:


Data Warehouse Advisory Group

Zoom Recording:

Zoom recording link


Brian Murphy, Bridget Herin, Craig Hayward, Crystal Hernandez, Denise Inciong, Dulce Delgadillo, Dustin Tamashiro, Jenni Allen, Jon Fanucchi, Manos Stefanakos, Mark Cohen, Valerie Lundy-Wagner, Z Reisz





Adoption update

As of today, there are:

  • 99 100 colleges with access to the Data Warehouse Report Server,

  • 26 24 districts with Direct (ODBC/JDBC) access to the Data Warehouse (either live, or being configured)

  • 10 CVC/OEI colleges with access to the CVC/OEI enrollment report in the DW Report Server.


An update on the recent CCC Data 2.1.0 release and adoption of DW direct connectCanvas data

CCC Data 2.1.0 will be released to pilot on April 23rdMay 21st, with the pilot commencing on April 26.  Friday, May 21st or Monday, May 24th.

5 colleges or districts have signed up to pilot test their Canvas data. Each college will be testing it using the direct connection to confirm that the data appears to complete and no issues found.

If all goes well we will be pushing it live a few weeks later, with access in early June. At this point we can begin setting up canvas data for all colleges.

The company that makes Canvas is preparing a product overhaul, Canvas 2, which is currently in beta with several colleges. Once released it will affect our data pipelines. It should result in a net positive as the data structure will make learning outcomes data more useful.

This release includes access to COCI data in the DW Report Server and DW Direct Connection, and supports the addition of Canvas data to the Data Warehouse to be made available through a direct connection to the data warehouse.  

Due to additional work to bring Canvas data to the DW Report Server and Researcher feedback, Canvas data will not be made available through the DW Report Server at this time. Feedback from Researchers using the Data Warehouse supported this approach, as their priority is in connecting their BI tools to Canvas data through the use of a direct connection. 

The CCC Data team is exploring (i) when to schedule adding Canvas data to the DW Report Server, (ii) whether we could utilize the Canvas report API to bring learning outcomes data to the DW through the Canvas learning outcomes report, and (iii) the impact on Instructures move to Canvas 2 and intended depreciation of the existing Canvas product. 

The team is currently preparing the CCC Data 2.2 release, scheduled to go to pilot in June. This release will include:

  • Jaspersoft 7.x upgrade

  • SSO support for the DW Report Server

  • The addition of the following data sources:

    • MyPath

    • C-ID

    • MIS (select tables, pending CCCCO authorization)

    • Launchboard, to include SCFF data (select tables, pending CCCCO authorization)

    • NOVA (select tables, pending CCCCO authorization)


Discussion on a proposed survey for feedback on how colleges are accessing and using CCC Data Warehouse resources

Review draft survey of Researchers with the goal for this survey to:

  • Better understand how data in the Data Warehouse is being used 

  • Identify any issues, or limitations with the data in the CCC Data Warehouse

  • Collect feedback on potential enhancements

Question: Valerie Lundy-Wagner: Do you anticipate sharing this survey with the Research team at the CCCCO; I'd be happy to confer with the RP Group on some of this - seems like something very much in their wheelhouse and part of the unit's purpose.

Valerie Lundy-Wagner and several members of the advisory group suggested changing the open text response for “how is this dataset being used” to a series of checkmarks, aligning the question with a number of equity initiatives.  It was suggested that this list also include an “other” field as open text.  

A number of participants voiced that it may be too early for such a survey as they have not yet begun to work extensively with the data available in the CCC Data Warehouse; with Craig Hayward saying that it probably would get more attention as the spring semester winds down and summer starts up. 

Feedback was provided to reword the question that currently reads ”Do you have access at your college/district, or with professional organizations, to support you in utilizing the datasets within the Data Warehouse?” to be more direct and better clarify the intent of the question. 


Discussion: Connecting & Reconciling ID’s between Data Warehouse data sources

As we add more data sources, we would like to better understand how data between these datasets are connected and reconciled.

A suggestion was made to create a unique entity ID, stating that it would be helpful to do this and that there may be a risk of data in the Data Warehouse being dismissed if it can not be connected properly. 

Manos Stefanakos referenced a crosswalk of identifiers, Mark and Manos to continue conversation offline to discuss how this data may be provided in relation to the data dictionaries for the data sources available in the Data Warehouse.


Discussion: Feedback on the tools, or additional infrastructure, the CCC Data would benefit from in support of research/analysis of available datasets

A suggestion was made that the Data Warehouse could support regional data sharing.

Comment/Question: Valerie Lundy-Wagner: I think the regional data sharing issues comes up frequently. Is there a barrier to doing this that the DW solves?

Denice Inciong stated that they believe that having everyone accessing the same place would be beneficial as they currently send individual files to each other. 

Valerie Lundy-Wagner asked whether the issue is that they don't feel each others colleges data is collected and/or packaged similarly or accurately; and stated that she would learn more as she hears from the field and can ask Alyssa and Darla about this. 

Mark Cohen stated that the Data Warehouse does not support data sharing, though this is something that may be supported if made a priority with data governance in place to support data sharing. 

This topic had been raised before and a decision made at the time to discuss this at a later date. 

Craig Hayward asked whether additional infrastructure may potentially allow for more flexible usage & integration of the statewide DW with local DWs?
